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Wilkie Collins

A young aristocrat falls in love with a shopkeepers daughter and is forced to hide his marriage to her from his relatives because of the existing class inequality. The hero of the novel is subjected to countless trials, which lead some of the characters to a tragic end.



Robert W. Chambers

This fantasy novel would make a wonderful addition to any bookshelf and is highly recommended for fans and collectors of seminal works. A fantastic satire about the Art Nouveau poet and his eight daughters, who grew up in the countryside and in nature.


Poezje. Wybór

Józef Baka

Józef Baka był późnobarokowym poetą, jezuitą i misjonarzem. Pisał poezje, kazania, panegiryki i hagiografie. Stosował charakterystyczny barokowy styl wzniosły, ekspresyjny, pełen przesady i wyrafinowanych środków. Wraz ze zmieniającym się stosunkiem do sztuki barokowej w ogóle zmieniała się także recepcja twórczości Baki od opinii głoszących grafomaństwo, do podkreślania metafizycznego charakteru jego poezji. Obecnie uważany jest za jednego z najwybitniejszych poetów Rzeczypospolitej czasów saskich.


The Slayer of Souls

Robert W. Chambers

This is a story of political intrigue in which brave US government agents team up with a squad of young ladies with psychic powers to fight the Bolsheviks. This conspiracy was set up to overthrow the Western world.


Chapters from My Autobiography

Mark Twain

Mark Twain bequeathed to publish his autobiography without cuts only a hundred years after his death, and she first saw the light in 2010. Now, finally, many readers can meet this amazingly witty book. Twains autobiography is very unusual: amusing episodes alternate with sad ones, sparkling jokes give way to serious reasoning and the large-scale personality of the writer, who has presented the world with many masterpieces, appears before us in all its versatility.


Napoleon the Little

Victor Hugo

This book gives a lot of interesting info about Napoleon the little. In this pamphlet, Hugo exposes the usurper, who declared himself emperor. The great writer stigmatizes the Napoleonic government of the Second Empire for despotism and terror, for the destruction of the last democratic freedoms. Hugo is outraged by the venality of the clergy, who recognized the crook.


Polski kodeks honorowy

Władysław Boziewicz

Polski kodeks honorowy, zwany również kodeksem Boziewicza, to zbiór zasad postępowania honorowego, między innymi podczas odbywania pojedynków. W dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym był to podstawowy, acz nieoficjalny dokument regulujący te zasady. W publikacji Władysław Boziewicz oparł się na włoskim kodeksie Gelliego, jak również na niemieckich kodeksach honorowych Kühlbachera, Barbassettiego oraz Bolgara.



Jane Austen

Persuasion est un roman plutôt petit de Jane Austen. Lhistoire raconte lhistoire de la femme et, des les premieres pages, il est assez difficile de comprendre laquelle des héroines se trouvera au centre de lintrigue. Ann Elliot avait une apparence attrayante et un esprit subtil. Elle aurait pu etre heureuse en épousant le lieutenant Frederick Wentworth, avec qui elle avait un sentiment profond et fort, mais son pere était contre. Plus tard, tout le monde regrettera cette décision.


Młody Orzeł

James Fenimore Cooper

Młody orzeł to powieść dla dzieci opowiadająca o losach znanych bohaterów książek Jamesa F. Coopera: Zwierzobójcy, zwanego też Sokolim Okiem, Nataniela Bumpo, Czyngaszguka. Porusza ona temat konfliktu rdzennych Amerykanów z kolonistami, próbującymi podbić nowe tereny, roszcząc sobie prawo do ziem tubylców. James Fenimore Cooper był amerykańskim pisarzem pierwszej połowy XIX wieku. Jego historyczne romanse przedstawiające pogranicze i życie rdzennych Amerykanów od XVII do XIX wieku stworzyły unikalną formę literatury amerykańskiej.


Rustlers of Beacon Creek

Max Brand

Another great tale by Frederick Schiller Faust who was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand! The Kid was a lawmans worst nightmare. A fearsome gun-for-hire, he was a legend written in blood and carved in the tombstones of the men he killed. But this time he was facing an old enemy from his twisted past a man who had survived his bullet and lived for vengeance. This story filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Brand is a masterful story teller, slowly revealing his main characters unique idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses that make them both human and admirable.


The Good Soldier

Ford Madox Hueffer

The Good Soldier (1915) by Ford Madox Ford is a modernist classic, an intricately worked novel. It tells the stories of two outwardly happy couples who meet at a health spa in Germany just before the start of the First World War, and whose loveless, adultery-ridden relationships are strained and gradually disintegrate, with tragic consequences. The story is narrated by the character John Dowell, half of one of the couples whose dissolving relationships form the subject of the novel.


Shadows on the Rock

Willa Cather

This is a historical fiction book depicting the French colonization of Canada and life in Quebec in the late 1600s. Euclid Auclair is a father and a widower. The little daughter took over the running of their home after the death of her beloved mother two years ago. She is twelve. Euclid and his family, wife and daughter, had come to Quebec eight years earlier, hired by the Governor General to be his physician.




Fedon należy do Dialogów Platońskich utworów stanowiących próbę zdefiniowania kluczowych pojęć filozoficznych. W Fedonie przebywającego w więzieniu Sokratesa odwiedzają przyjaciele i uczniowie, z którymi filozof dyskutuje o sprawach śmierci. W swoistej mowie pożegnalnej do uczniów filozof wyraża pogląd, jakoby śmierć stanowiła rozdzielenie duszy i ciała, i podkreśla, że to sprawami duszy powinien zajmować się filozof. Ustami Sokratesa wyraża też Platon przekonanie o nieśmiertelności duszy i przedstawia na to dowody. Dialog kończy się opisem śmierci Sokratesa.


The Iron Trail

Rex Beach

Beach is at his best as an action adventure writer. You can feel the chill of the northwest glaciers and shudder at the threats of nature and unscrupulous people. Along with the man vs. nature plot, theres a tender romance off the beaten path.


Lucky Larribee

Max Brand

First published in 1932, Lucky Larribee is another great read by Max Brand. Alfred Larribee likes drinking, not working. He likes gambling, too. Maybe thats what drives him to risk his easy-going life for Sky Blue, the horse of a lifetime. When he first goes after this wild and magnificent animal, he knows about the back shooters. But no one tells him about the Indians... they play for keeps. How safe is this bet? Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brands remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest western authors of all time. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was.


No Name

Wilkie Collins

A tragic incident leaves a girl from an aristocratic family without the right not only to an inheritance, but even to a family name. But the talented and energetic beauty is not going to surrender to the will of fate she will throw all her ingenuity and desperate audacity into the cause of restoring justice. True, for this you have to give up a lot...