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The Awakening and Selected Short Stories

Kate Chopin

Awakening is one of the greatest works in American literature. Brilliant beauty Edna Pontellier, together with her husband and two wonderful kids, spend the summer in the resort town of Grand Isle. Ednas unexpected meeting with Robert, a charming young man, suddenly changes the calm and measured life of a woman. Awakening was recognized only many years later.


The Collected Short Stories. MultiBook

David Wright OBrien

The Collected Short Stories is a collection of short adventure stories from pioneering American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright OBrien (19181944). A nephew of Farnsworth Wright, editor of Weird Tales, OBrien was 22 years old when his first story Truth Is a Plague! appeared in the February 1940 issue of Amazing Stories. There were about forty stories and novels under his own name plus others under various pseudonyms, including John York Cabot, Bruce Dennis, Duncan Farnsworth, Richard Vardon and others. Some of OBriens work was space opera or other routine adventure, but many of his stories betray a strain of humor, not unlike Henry Kuttners at that time. OBrien was a sharp and creative writer who liked stories of madcap invention as well as adventure.


The Coming Race

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The Coming Race (1870) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton is an early science fiction novel. It offers a fascinating vision of a shadowy underworld populated by strange and beautiful creatures who closely resemble the angels described in Christian lore. These beings, known as Vril-ya, live underground, but are intending to leave their subterranean existence and conquer the world...


Моя жизнь (Moje życie). Рассказ провинциала

Антон Павлович Чехов, Anton Pawłowicz Czechow

В центре повествования жизнь молодого человека Мисаила Полознева. Он потомственный дворянин и ему не пристало добывать себе копейку физическим трудом. Но в какой-то момент он решается жить сообразно велениям собственной души, что значит не просиживать день в конторе и зазря протирать штаны. В свои уже 25 лет он обивал и в телеграфистах, и в вольноопределяющихся, и в фармацевтах... В конце концов он начинает работать простым маляром. Только реальный труд поможет ему стать счастливым. Что интересно, ни гнев, ни просьбы отца-архитектора, ни умаления сестры Клеопатры не могут изменить его решения. Среди жителей маленького городка, в котором правят кумовство и взяточничество, такое событие не может остаться незамеченным 2013 общество отворачивается от героя. И невозможно предугадать, чем обернется выбор Мисаила. Преодолением нравственного кризиса, билетом в новую жизнь? Или добровольной изоляцией, регрессом, окончательным падением?


A Personal Record

Joseph Conrad

A Personal Record is the story of the design and manuscript of Caprice Olmeyer, Conrads first novel, as well as the story of his dream about the sea, and the story of his cousin who ate a dog, and the story of a beloved dog presented to his son, but above all, the story of the novel The Olmeyer Caprice, and the strange prototype of the hero of this novel, and a few more words about the man who was the first reader of this novel. At the same time, A Personal Record is not a classic autobiography, the book sometimes resembles a game of association, and it is impossible to predict where the author will bring another memory, another association and the story it generated.


Tajemnicza wyspa

Juliusz Verne

Juliusz Verne (18281905) francuski pisarz, dramaturg i działacz społeczny, jest powszechnie uważany za jednego z protoplastów fantastyki naukowej. Tajemnicza wyspa opowiada o przygodach piątki uciekinierów, którzy docierają na zaginioną w czasie wyspę będącą domem tajemniczego kapitana Nemo. Niezwykle szczegółowe i spektakularne opisy krajobrazów wyspy, jej flory i fauny, na równi z geniuszem inżynieryjnym i technologicznym bohaterów zachwycają kolejne pokolenia czytelników.


Z pamiętnika masażysty (Tom I). Z pamiętnika masażysty. Nic, co ludzkie, nie jest mi (już) obce

Agnieszka Dydycz

Z pamiętnika masażysty - nic, co ludzkie nie jest mi już obce to dziennik codzienny fizjoterapeuty Marcina, który choć ma stopień doktora i tak nazywany jest przez pacjentów masażystą. Względnie panem Marcinkiem Marcin ma lat 35, lubi siebie oraz swoją pracę i bardzo kocha synka, Jerzyka, lat 5, którego wychowuje na zmianę ze swoją eks. Pacjenci nieustająco testują jego cierpliwość, ale on im wybacza i wszystkim pomaga. No chyba, że ktoś nie pozwala sobie pomóc Marcin ma grono oryginalnych przyjaciół, w tym znanego i nieco chimerycznego pisarza, zdolnego dentystę i ordynatora-kolekcjonera. Związki z kobietami różnie mu wychodzą i choć nie zawsze rozumie, dlaczego, Marcin nigdy się nie poddaje. Szuka, próbuje, a nawet uczy się na błędach, tych własnych i tych cudzych. A swoje obserwacje zapisuje i komentuje. Dla potomnych, jak twierdzi oficjalnie, a nieoficjalnie dla własnego dobrego samopoczucia. A w pamiętniku jak w życiu Czasem jest śmiesznie, a nawet bardzo śmiesznie, bywa też trudno i smutno, ale potem znowu jest wesoło. Jeśli masz ochotę oderwać się na chwilę od rzeczywistości, poczytać o prawdziwym życiu i zaśmiać się w głos ta książka jest dla Ciebie!


Going Some

Rex Beach

Four cowboys leaned over the barbed-wire fence that marked the dividing line between the Centipede Ranch and their own, gazing mournfully into a summer night that only distant southwestern countries know. The great yellow stars hung thick and low, so low that it seemed as if an outstretched hand might rip them off, and the silent air swept over the thousands of open miles of land lying fresh and fragrant under the velvety darkness.


The Flaming Jewel

Robert W. Chambers

Its an action-packed story set deep in an American forest shortly after World War I. There are international jewel thieves, rum dealers, gruesome deaths, a couple of sweet romances, betrayal, hidden identities, and multiple plot twists.


4 Best Victorian Novels. MultiBook

Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Bronte wrote Shirley in difficult days for her: at this time her brother Branwell and two sisters, Emily and Ann, died of tuberculosis. Another novel about Jane Eyre, who was raised in a shelter. But it did not break the girl, but only tempered her character. Jane receives an excellent education and tries to achieve everything in life herself. Having installed herself as a housekeeper in the family of the rich and mysterious Mr. Rochester, Jane not only finds her I, but also experiences the strongest feeling possible. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, The Professor.


The Planter of Malata

Joseph Conrad

This is both mystery and romance; the latter creates one of the recurring difficulties in Conrad: it preserves the Victorian histrionic element, which sometimes may seem a little attractive. But overall, it is well read and much less burdensome than some of his novels.


The Woman from Outside

Hulbert Footner, Hulbert Footner

A woman goes on a secret errand into the far Northwest. Before it is accomplished the usual characters come into the story Indians, mounted police, and the villain. Written by Hulbert Footner who was an Edmonton journalist and travelled the northwest before it was settled. Published in 1921, it is a fascinating eye-witness view of the times and attitudes of northern trappers and traders, including the colonial view of Native Peoples.


Дядюшкин сон (Sen wujaszka). Из мордасовских летописей

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

В центре внимания хитрая особа Марья Александровна Москалева, мечтающая удачно выдать замуж дочь Зину, первую красавицу небольшого городка Мордасово. А тут и жених подворачивается, очень выгодный жених, того и гляди помрёт на днях, и богатство баснословное пропадёт. И в голове Марьи Николаевны зреет гениальный и коварный план. Повесть Федора Михайловича Достоевского (182120131881), написанная в Семипалатинске в 1859, оказалась первым произведением, с которым он 201eявился публике201d после десятилетнего перерыва, вызванного арестом и пребыванием в тюрьме и на каторге. Впервые опубликована в журнале 201eРусское слово201d.


Arsene Lupin. 12 Novels and Short Story Collections. MultiBook

Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created by French writer Maurice Leblanc. Arsene Lupin is a literary descendant of Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrails fictional character Rocambole. Like him, he is often a force for good, while operating on the wrong side of the law. Those whom Lupin defeats are worse villains than he is. The book includes the following works: The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar; Arsene Lupin Versus Herlock Sholmes; The Hollow Needle; 813; The Crystal Stopper; The Confessions of Arsene Lupin; The Woman of Mystery; The Golden Triangle; The Secret of Sarek; The Teeth of The Tiger; The Eight Strokes of The Clock; Arsene Lupin. Based on Play by Maurice Leblanc and Francis De Croisset.


The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories

Mark Twain

The town of Gedliberg boasted of the purity of its morals and virtuous humility. But once the city fathers had the opportunity to pass a test for these qualities. Some eccentric bequeathed a huge amount of money to his benefactor from Gedliberg, whose name does not remember. It remains only to go and impersonate the heir...


A Bid for Fortune. Or, Dr Nikolas Vendetta

Guy Boothby

Guy Boothby, an Australian writer, became famous thanks to his famous character the mysterious Dr. Nicolas, who has truly terrible power over people, and a clever con man hiding under the guise of gentlemen. The author deliberately introduces us into the story through a generally outsider who accidentally gets involved in the ups and downs of this story. And the riddle here is not who the criminal is, but what he needs from his victim.