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Web development
Aidas Bendoraitis, Jake Kronika
Django is a web framework for perfectionists with deadlines, designed to help you build manageable medium and large web projects in a short time span. This fourth edition of the Django Web Development Cookbook is updated with Django 3's latest features to guide you effectively through the development process.This Django book starts by helping you create a virtual environment and project structure for building Python web apps. You'll learn how to build models, views, forms, and templates for your web apps and then integrate JavaScript in your Django apps to add more features. As you advance, you'll create responsive multilingual websites, ready to be shared on social networks. The book will take you through uploading and processing images, rendering data in HTML5, PDF, and Excel, using and creating APIs, and navigating different data types in Django. You'll become well-versed in security best practices and caching techniques to enhance your website's security and speed. This edition not only helps you work with the PostgreSQL database but also the MySQL database. You'll also discover advanced recipes for using Django with Docker and Ansible in development, staging, and production environments.By the end of this book, you will have become proficient in using Django's powerful features and will be equipped to create robust websites.
A cluster is a type of parallel/distributed processing system which consists of a collection of interconnected stand-alone computers cooperatively working together. Using Raspberry Pi computers, you can build a two-node parallel computing cluster which enhances performance and availability.This practical, example-oriented guide will teach you how to set up the hardware and operating systems of multiple Raspberry Pi computers to create your own cluster. It will then navigate you through how to install the necessary software to write your own programs such as Hadoop and MPICH before moving on to cover topics such as MapReduce. Throughout this book, you will explore the technology with the help of practical examples and tutorials to help you learn quickly and efficiently.Starting from a pile of hardware, with this book, you will be guided through exciting tutorials that will help you turn your hardware into your own super-computing cluster. You'll start out by learning how to set up your Raspberry Pi cluster's hardware. Following this, you will be taken through how to install the operating system, and you will also be given a taste of what parallel computing is about. With your Raspberry Pi cluster successfully set up, you will then install software such as MPI and Hadoop. Having reviewed some examples and written some programs that explore these two technologies, you will then wrap up with some fun ancillary projects. Finally, you will be provided with useful links to help take your projects to the next step.
Donovan Brown, Joshua Garverick, Omar Dean McIver
This book will guide you through various hands-on practical examples for implementing event-driven microservices architecture using C# 11 and .NET 7. It has been divided into three distinct sections, each focusing on different aspects of this implementation.The first section will cover the new features of .NET 7 that will make developing applications using EDA patterns easier, the sample application that will be used throughout the book, and how the core tenets of domain-driven design (DDD) are implemented in .NET 7.The second section will review the various components of a local environment setup, the containerization of code, testing, deployment, and the observability of microservices using an EDA approach.The third section will guide you through the need for scalability and service resilience within the application, along with implementation details related to elastic and autoscale components. You’ll also cover how proper telemetry helps to automatically drive scaling events. In addition, the topic of observability is revisited using examples of service discovery and microservice inventories.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to identify and catalog domains, events, and bounded contexts to be used for the design and development of a resilient microservices architecture.
Want to build and deploy microservices, but don’t know where to start? Welcome to Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.This edition features the most recent versions of Spring, Java, Kubernetes, and Istio, demonstrating faster and simpler handling of Spring Boot, local Kubernetes clusters, and Istio installation. The expanded scope includes native compilation of Spring-based microservices, support for Mac and Windows with WSL2, and an introduction to Helm 3 for packaging and deployment. A revamped security chapter now follows the OAuth 2.1 specification and makes use of the newly launched Spring Authorization Server from the Spring team.You’ll start with a set of simple cooperating microservices, then add persistence and resilience, make your microservices reactive, and document their APIs using OpenAPI.Next, you’ll learn how fundamental design patterns are applied to add important functionality, such as service discovery with Netflix Eureka and edge servers with Spring Cloud Gateway. You’ll deploy your microservices using Kubernetes and adopt Istio, then explore centralized log management using the Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) stack, and then monitor microservices using Prometheus and Grafana.By the end of this book, you'll be building scalable and robust microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Instant OSGi Starter. The essential guide to modular development with OSGi
Johan Edstrom, Johan Edstorm, Jamie Goodyear
OSGi is a tried and true modularity standard for Java. It has in recent years gained a lot of traction and tooling; becoming frequently used in Enterprise containers and distributed software systems. Instant OSGi Starter is where you should start before beginning your first OSGi based project. You'll be exposed to the core concepts, gain practical experience with the most important features, and learn about the basic tenets of modular code practices. This book begins with the fundamental tools needed for building modular applications, top features with basic tenets of modular core practices and provides useful insights into resources and the community.As this book progresses you will be able to get started programming in OSGi whilst looking at the default three layer design so the application will be architected towards modularity and simplicity.Through exploring several tools and technologies and browsing the communities you will be able to work towards modular programming in OSGi.
The Windows Azure platform is Microsoft's Platform-as-a-Service environment for hosting services and data in the cloud. It provides developers with on-demand computing, storage, and service connectivity capabilities that facilitate the hosting of highly scalable services in Windows Azure datacenters across the globe.This practical cookbook will show you advanced development techniques for building highly scalable cloud-based services using the Windows Azure platform. It contains over 80 practical, task-based, and immediately usable recipes covering a wide range of advanced development techniques for building highly scalable services to solve particular problems/scenarios when developing these services on the Windows Azure platform.Packed with reusable, real-world recipes, the book starts by explaining the various access control mechanisms used in the Windows Azure platform. Next you will see the advanced features of Windows Azure Blob storage, Windows Azure Table storage, and Windows Azure Queues. The book then dives deep into topics such as developing Windows Azure hosted services, using Windows Azure Diagnostics, managing hosted services with the Service Management API, using SQL Azure and the Windows Azure AppFabric Service Bus. You will see how to use several of the latest features such as VM roles, Windows Azure Connect, startup tasks, and the Windows Azure AppFabric Caching Service.
Podman for DevOps. Containerization reimagined with Podman and its companion tools
Alessandro Arrichiello, Gianni Salinetti, Brent J. Baude
As containers have become the new de facto standard for packaging applications and their dependencies, understanding how to implement, build, and manage them is now an essential skill for developers, system administrators, and SRE/operations teams. Podman and its companion tools Buildah and Skopeo make a great toolset to boost the development, execution, and management of containerized applications.Starting with the basic concepts of containerization and its underlying technology, this book will help you get your first container up and running with Podman. You'll explore the complete toolkit and go over the development of new containers, their lifecycle management, troubleshooting, and security aspects. Together with Podman, the book illustrates Buildah and Skopeo to complete the tools ecosystem and cover the complete workflow for building, releasing, and managing optimized container images. Podman for DevOps provides a comprehensive view of the full-stack container technology and its relationship with the operating system foundations, along with crucial topics such as networking, monitoring, and integration with systemd, docker-compose, and Kubernetes.By the end of this DevOps book, you'll have developed the skills needed to build and package your applications inside containers as well as to deploy, manage, and integrate them with system services.
Tired of resumes getting lost in the pile? This book is your roadmap to building an in-demand AWS portfolio that grabs attention and gets you hired.This comprehensive guide unlocks AWS’s full potential through eight real-world projects designed for developers of all levels. Inside, you'll find invaluable guidance for crafting stunning websites with S3, CloudFront, and Route53. You’ll build robust and scalable applications, such as recipe-sharing platforms, using DynamoDB and Elastic Load Balancing. For streamlined efficiency, the book will teach you how to develop serverless architectures with AWS Lambda and Cognito. Gradually, you’ll infuse your projects with artificial intelligence by creating a photo analyzer powered by Amazon Rekognition. You’ll also automate complex workflows for seamless content translation using Translate, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild. Later, you’ll construct intelligent virtual assistants with Amazon Lex and Bedrock to answer web development queries. The book will also show you how to visualize your data with insightful dashboards built using Athena, Glue, and QuickSight.By the end of this book, you’ll have a portfolio of AWS projects to showcase your cloud skills, making you stand out in today’s competitive job market.
Information Theory. A Tutorial Introduction to the Principles and Applications of Information Theory
This book offers a comprehensive journey through the fascinating world of information theory, beginning with the fundamental question: what is information? Early chapters introduce key concepts like entropy, binary representation, and data compression, providing a clear and accessible foundation. Readers explore Shannon's source coding theorem and practical tools like Huffman coding to understand how information is quantified and optimized.Building on these basics, the book delves into advanced topics such as the noisy channel coding theorem, mutual information, and error correction techniques. It examines entropy in continuous systems, channel capacity, and rate-distortion theory, making complex ideas accessible through real-world examples. Connections between information and thermodynamics are also explored, including Maxwell’s Demon, the Landauer Limit, and the second law of thermodynamics.The final chapters tie information theory to biology and artificial intelligence, investigating its role in evolution, the human genome, and brain computation. With practical examples throughout, this book balances theoretical depth with hands-on learning, making it an essential resource for mastering information theory. A basic mathematical foundation will be beneficial but is not required to engage with the material.
Until recently, writing applications using JavaScript and HTML was difficult, because developers had to make the user interface by themselves; however, this started changing with the introduction of JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, jQuery UI, and KnockoutJS. An extension of jQuery UI, Wijmo adds features and widgets on top of jQuery UI and makes it easier to add user interface widgets to HTML documents.Building UIs with Wijmo gives you a tour of what Wijmo offers at a glance. With code recipes and well-explained examples, you will be able to use Wijmo in no time. The book gives details on options not explained in the documentation and helps you avoid those that don't work. The examples only feature the necessary code, with recommendations and best practices.This book introduces Wijmo, grouping widgets by their common application area or usage. It walks the user through the features of the dialog widget with examples as an introduction to the library. Then, widgets for forms, images, tootips, and other topics are explored.Features only available in the Wijmo dialog widget compared to the jQuery UI widget are thoroughly explained with examples. Common form components such as checkboxes, dropdowns, and inputs have Wijmo counterparts which keep the theme consistent and add functionalities. When Wijmo is used with Knockout, the UI automatically refreshes when the data changes. This book takes it further with WebSockets for two way communication between the server and client. With Building UIs with Wijmo, you will learn all the common web development components in Wijmo. You will get started using Wijmo in no time.
SAS is one of the leading enterprise tools in the world today when it comes to data management and analysis. It enables the fast and easy processing of data and helps you gain valuable business insights for effective decision-making. This book will serve as a comprehensive guide that will prepare you for the SAS certification exam.After a quick overview of the SAS architecture and components, the book will take you through the different approaches to importing and reading data from different sources using SAS. You will then cover SAS Base and 4GL, understanding data management and analysis, along with exploring SAS functions for data manipulation and transformation. Next, you'll discover SQL procedures and get up to speed on creating and validating queries. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn all about data visualization, right from creating bar charts and sample geographic maps through to assigning patterns and formats. In addition to this, the book will focus on macro programming and its advanced aspects.By the end of this book, you will be well versed in SAS programming and have the skills you need to easily handle and manage your data-related problems in SAS.
Unveil the extraordinary capabilities of the groundbreaking AI model, DALL-E 3, as it transforms text prompts into accurate images. This book addresses the challenge of creating meaningful images by writing prompts, guiding you step by step through creating stunning visual art regardless of your skill level.Prepare to delve deep into the inner workings of DALL-E 3's architecture and training process. With clear explanations, practical tutorials, and real-world examples that can be easily applied, you’ll unlock secrets to creating awe-inspiring AI-generated art, from fine art prints to digital designs. This book provides comprehensive insights into various lens options, camera angles, lighting techniques, and art movements, helping you integrate AI capabilities with your artistic skills. You’ll also learn to create NFTs that can be monetized and gain invaluable insights into designing compelling covers, all within the ethical boundaries of AI-generated art. And with the invaluable prompt cheat sheet by your side, you’ll hone your skills in formulating captivating prompts for diverse purposes.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to produce generative AI art at a rapid pace and relatively low cost and push the boundaries of imagination with DALL-E 3.
Christian Cote, Matija Lah, Madina Saitakhmetova
ETL is one of the most common and tedious procedures for moving and processing data from one database to another. With the help of this book, you will be able to speed up the process by designing effective ETL solutions using the Azure services available for handling and transforming any data to suit your requirements.With this cookbook, you’ll become well versed in all the features of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to perform data migration and ETL tasks that integrate with Azure. You’ll learn how to transform data in Azure and understand how legacy systems perform ETL on-premises using SSIS. Later chapters will get you up to speed with connecting and retrieving data from SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters, and even show you how to extend and customize the SSIS toolbox using custom-developed tasks and transforms. This ETL book also contains practical recipes for moving and transforming data with Azure services, such as Data Factory and Azure Databricks, and lets you explore various options for migrating SSIS packages to Azure. Toward the end, you’ll find out how to profile data in the cloud and automate service creation with Business Intelligence Markup Language (BIML).By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to create and automate ETL solutions on-premises as well as in Azure.