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Benedikt Bergmann, Scott Durow
Managing Power Platform solutions manually can be challenging and time-consuming, as is application lifecycle management (ALM), which encompasses governance, development, and maintenance. This book provides comprehensive coverage of ALM, addressing planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Drawing on his extensive experience as a Power Platform consultant and Microsoft MVP, Benedikt Bergmann simplifies complex topics, making them accessible and easy to grasp.From planning and designing applications to deploying and maintaining them, this book provides step-by-step instructions, best practices, and real-world examples to effectively manage the entire application lifecycle. You’ll gain insights into optimizing Power Platform's toolbox, including Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Pages, and Power Virtual Agents, for seamless collaboration, agile development, and rapid application delivery. You’ll also implement best practices for version control, code management, and collaboration using the Microsoft Power Platform.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage the entire application lifecycle, accelerate development cycles, and deliver exceptional solutions with the Microsoft Power Platform.
With the increasing interest in game development, it's essential to design and implement a UI that reflects the game settings and shows the right information to the player. The Unity system is used to create complex and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces in order to give a professional look and feel to a game. Although the new Unity UI system is powerful and quite easy to use, by integrating it with C# scripts, it's possible to realize the potential of this system and bring an impressive UI to games.This guide is an invaluable collection of recipes if you are planning to use Unity to develop a game. Starting with the basic concepts of the UI components, we’ll take you all the way through to creating complex interfaces by including animations and dynamics elements.Based on real-world problems, these recipes will start by showing you how to make common UI elements such as counters and healthbars. You will then get a walkthrough of how to manage time using timers, and will learn how to format them. You will move on to decorating and animating the UI elements to vivify them and give them a professional touch. Furthermore, you will be guided into the 3D UI world and into HUD scripting. Finally, you will discover how to implement complex minimaps in the interface.
Themes in PrestaShop are unique and powerful tools to brand your store for a particular corporate image. Using custom themes you can control the look and functionality of your web store, thereby making your site extremely flexible. Although it might sound like an easy task to build a theme, it is quite challenging to create a custom theme that fits your business needs.This book's prime focus is guiding the readers without much technical know-how, thus enabling them to create a new theme that fulfills the needs of their PrestaShop store. By understanding practical ways to develop your theme for PrestaShop speedily, you can invest more time on developing attractive and unique raw materials. It will simplify the challenging task of creating a unique, new PrestaShop theme through easy-to-follow, practical steps.This book shows how to develop professional themes for your PrestaShop store using some simple steps. The book starts by exploring the various ways of changing the looks (including modules) of your PrestaShop store. It shows you how certain back office administration adjustments can affect the appearance and theme of your store. It then takes you through understanding the code modification of a default theme that results in a new look for your existing theme. The book also covers understanding the PrestaShop architecture and essential syntaxes that control the look of a PrestaShop store. You will also learn about the files that hold the key to themes.By the end of this book, you will have grasped the knowledge to make advanced changes by tweaking the right CSS and module files in order to achieve highly specific outcomes.
JIRA Development Cookbook. Third Edition - Third Edition
JIRA provides issue and project tracking for software development teams to improve code quality and the speed of development. With the new version of JIRA, you can create your own JIRA plugins and customize the look and feel of your JIRA UI easier than ever.JIRA Development Cookbook , Third Edition, is a one-stop resource to master extensions and customizations in JIRA. This book starts with recipes about simplifying the plugin development process followed by recipes dedicated to the plugin framework. Then, you will move on to writing custom field plugins to create new field types or custom searchers. You will also learn how to program and customize workflows to transform JIRA into a user-friendly system. With so much data spanning different projects, issues, and so on, we will cover how to work on reports and gadgets to get customized data according to our needs. At the end of the book, you will learn how to customize JIRA by adding new tabs, menus, and web items; communicate with JIRA via the REST APIs; and work with the JIRA database.
Sireesha Pulipati, Nicholas Kelly
Presenting data visually makes it easier for organizations and individuals to interpret and analyze information. Looker Studio is an easy-to-use, collaborative tool that enables you to transform your data into engaging visualizations. This allows you to build and share dashboards that help monitor key performance indicators, identify patterns, and generate insights to ultimately drive decisions and actions.Data Storytelling with Looker Studio begins by laying out the foundational design principles and guidelines that are essential to creating accurate, effective, and compelling data visualizations. Next, you’ll delve into features and capabilities of Looker Studio – from basic to advanced – and explore their application with examples. The subsequent chapters walk you through building dashboards with a structured three-stage process called the 3D approach using real-world examples that’ll help you understand the various design and implementation considerations. This approach involves determining the objectives and needs of the dashboard, designing its key components and layout, and developing each element of the dashboard.By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of the storytelling approach and be able to create data stories of your own using Looker Studio.
Learning Ansible 2. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition
Ansible is an open source automation platform that assists organizations with tasks such as configuration management, application deployment, orchestration, and task automation. With Ansible, even complex tasks can be handled easier than before. In this book, you will learn about the fundamentals and practical aspects of Ansible 2 by diving deeply into topics such as installation (Linux, BSD, and Windows Support), playbooks, modules, various testing strategies, provisioning, deployment, and orchestration. In this book, you will get accustomed with the new features of Ansible 2 such as cleaner architecture, task blocks, playbook parsing, new execution strategy plugins, and modules. You will also learn how to integrate Ansible with cloud platforms such as AWS. The book ends with the enterprise versions of Ansible, Ansible Tower and Ansible Galaxy, where you will learn to interact Ansible with different OSes to speed up your work to previously unseen levelsBy the end of the book, you’ll able to leverage the Ansible parameters to create expeditious tasks for your organization by implementing the Ansible 2 techniques and paradigms.
Yogesh Prajapati, Vishal Ranapariya
This book will provide a useful hands-on guide to Hibernate to accomplish the development of a real-time Hibernate application.We will start with the basics of Hibernate, which include setting up Hibernate – the pre-requisites and multiple ways of configuring Hibernate using Java. We will then dive deep into the fundamentals of Hibernate such as SessionFactory, session, criteria, working with objects and criteria. This will help a developer have a better understanding of how Hibernate works and what needs to be done to run a Hibernate application. Moving on, we will learn how to work with annotations, associations and collections. In the final chapters, we will see explore querying, advanced Hibernate concepts and integration with other frameworks.
Lamis Chebbi, Aristeidis Bampakos
RxJS is a powerful reactive extension for JavaScript, specializing in asynchronous and event-driven programming, but you don’t find many books on using RxJS in Angular applications. Written by an industry expert with over a decade of experience, this book helps you navigate reactive patterns, efficient data management, and the streamlined implementation of common features with minimal code.This second edition aligns with the latest version of Angular, introducing new reactive patterns based on Angular Signals, which play a pivotal role in enabling fine-grained reactivity within Angular and enhancing change detection and user interface rendering. Throughout the book, you’ll construct a complete application that incorporates the latest Angular features, such as standalone components, new built-in control flow, deferrable views, and more. You’ll also focus on cultivating skills to handle data reactively, thus improving the application's overall quality, user experience, and developer productivity. The book covers best practices for testing asynchronous streams and optimizing app performance.By the end of this RxJS and Angular book, you’ll not only be able to develop Angular applications by implementing reactive patterns, but also grasp all the best practices, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of RxJS within the Angular framework.
Building large-scale applications in production can be overwhelming with the amount of tooling choices and lack of cohesive resources. To address these challenges, this hands-on guide covers best practices and web application development examples to help you build enterprise-ready applications with React in no time.Throughout the book, you’ll work through a real-life practical example that demonstrates all the concepts covered. You’ll learn to build modern frontend applications—built from scratch and ready for production. Starting with an overview of the React ecosystem, the book will guide you in identifying the tools available to solve complex development challenges. You’ll then advance to building APIs, components, and pages to form a complete frontend app. The book will also share best practices for testing, securing, and packaging your app in a structured way before finally deploying your app with scalability in mind.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to efficiently build production-ready applications by following industry practices and expert tips.
Oracle Hyperion Interactive Reporting is one of the many products in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management software suite, an industry-leading business intelligence software package. The primary focus of the Interactive Reporting product is to provide strong relational querying and data analysis capabilities. It also provides the capability to disseminate information throughout an enterprise. There is a very steep learning curve for most users of this tool.This book examines the power of the Interactive Reporting Web Client software, focusing on the key features of each section of the product. The author's experience in developing and supporting Interactive Reporting users is very well documented in this book. The goal is to educate you on every useful feature of the product, enabling you to gather information from various sources and process it to produce meaningful results that help you to spot problems and analyze trends necessary for business decisions.The book starts with a quick introduction to the product interface and the EPM Workspace, with explanation of importing and provisioning. It then takes you through each section from building a query and data model to building graphical displays of the data in a logical sequence. The report sections and interactive dashboards are also discussed at length. The book also covers advanced features of the product and provides you with the information necessary to build the foundation for creating complex queries and computations using the product.
With the latest updates and revised study material, this second edition of the Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide provides an excellent starting point for your CISA certification preparation. The book strengthens your grip on the core concepts through a three-step approach. First, it presents the fundamentals with easy-to-understand theoretical explanations. Next, it provides a list of key aspects that are crucial from the CISA exam perspective, ensuring you focus on important pointers for the exam. Finally, the book makes you an expert in specific topics by engaging you with self-assessment questions designed to align with the exam format, challenging you to apply your knowledge and sharpen your understanding.Moreover, the book comes with lifetime access to supplementary resources on an online platform, including CISA flashcards, practice questions, and valuable exam tips. With unlimited access to the website, you’ll have the flexibility to practice as many times as you desire, maximizing your exam readiness.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the proficiency to successfully obtain the CISA certification and significantly upgrade your auditing career.
This book features all the information you need to get started with administrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online. It contains detailed information about the admin portal and cloud migration process, all based on real usage experience.The book starts by covering the data migration process for developers, which will show you how to organize the data without code. You’ll also learn how the admin portal can be useful if you want to export a database copy, restore a backup, and set up telemetry to get detailed information about the call stack and operation statuses. As you progress, you’ll learn how to check your Business Central SaaS environment details, create new and different types of environments, and notifications, and keep your cloud data within limits. Later, you’ll explore how to set up cloud migration from an on-premise environment to SaaS, run the migration, upgrade data, and fix problems if something goes wrong.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create new production and sandbox environments, restore them from backups, analyze environment telemetry, and confidently migrate your data to the cloud.
Romain Ottonelli Dabadie, Dave Callan
Mastering Visual Studio, one of the fastest and most comprehensive integrated development environments (IDEs), is crucial for building efficient, scalable, and modern apps. Written by a seasoned technical expert in .NET with over a decade of experience, Mastering Visual Studio 2022 helps you leverage the full capabilities of this powerful IDE.Packed with step-by-step guidance and self-assessment tools, this book adopts a practical approach to helping you advance your Visual Studio expertise. You’ll explore complex topics such as debugging, testing, extension development, and CI/CD, and gain practical insights to enhance your skills. The book covers advanced coding analysis and refactoring techniques that will help improve code quality and maintainability. You’ll also get to grips with Visual Studio’s capabilities for multi-platform development; integrating machine learning models; and cloud development with Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. You’ll master Git workflows, conflict resolution, and DevOps practices with GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps, ensuring seamless team collaboration and efficient deployment pipelines.By the end of this book, you’ll have become proficient in Visual Studio 2022, as well as being able to craft your own customized experience and confidently create robust, high-quality applications.
Do you want to take your information and note organization to a new level? This book will show you how to use Microsoft’s organizational app, OneNote, to store endless amounts of information in a productive and organized way, including solutions for creating your notes and then sharing them easily with your team or department.You’ll be guided through everything you need to set up a notebook and customize it to suit you or your team. The book will show you how to navigate through OneNote and search for virtually anything, as well as save time with all the shortcuts. You’ll discover that inserting information into your notebooks goes far beyond text, images, and videos, and also includes emails, links to documents, and clippings from the web. But it doesn’t stop there. Integration with other Microsoft products is key for making your experience successful, and this book demonstrates how to use OneNote with Microsoft Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams. Beyond instructions and essential topics, this book also provides you with the motivation you need to make OneNote a habit as well as real-life examples of notebooks you can use.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to use OneNote for everything and from every device. Even if you start a notebook on your laptop and continue it on your phone, you’ll find working with the app seamless.
Bojan Kolosnjaji, Huang Xiao, Peng Xu, Apostolis Zarras
Artificial intelligence offers data analytics methods that enable us to efficiently recognize patterns in large-scale data. These methods can be applied to various cybersecurity problems, from authentication and the detection of various types of cyberattacks in computer networks to the analysis of malicious executables.Written by a machine learning expert, this book introduces you to the data analytics environment in cybersecurity and shows you where AI methods will fit in your cybersecurity projects. The chapters share an in-depth explanation of the AI methods along with tools that can be used to apply these methods, as well as design and implement AI solutions. You’ll also examine various cybersecurity scenarios where AI methods are applicable, including exercises and code examples that’ll help you effectively apply AI to work on cybersecurity challenges. The book also discusses common pitfalls from real-world applications of AI in cybersecurity issues and teaches you how to tackle them.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to not only recognize where AI methods can be applied, but also design and execute efficient solutions using AI methods.