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Colin Domoney, Chris Wysopal, Isabelle Mauny
Along with the exponential growth of API adoption comes a rise in security concerns about their implementation and inherent vulnerabilities. For those seeking comprehensive insights into building, deploying, and managing APIs as the first line of cyber defense, this book offers invaluable guidance. Written by a seasoned DevSecOps expert, Defending APIs addresses the imperative task of API security with innovative approaches and techniques designed to combat API-specific safety challenges.The initial chapters are dedicated to API building blocks, hacking APIs by exploiting vulnerabilities, and case studies of recent breaches, while the subsequent sections of the book focus on building the skills necessary for securing APIs in real-world scenarios.Guided by clear step-by-step instructions, you’ll explore offensive techniques for testing vulnerabilities, attacking, and exploiting APIs. Transitioning to defensive techniques, the book equips you with effective methods to guard against common attacks. There are plenty of case studies peppered throughout the book to help you apply the techniques you’re learning in practice, complemented by in-depth insights and a wealth of best practices for building better APIs from the ground up.By the end of this book, you’ll have the expertise to develop secure APIs and test them against various cyber threats targeting APIs.
Ernesto Pellegrino, Manuel André Bottiglieri, Gavin Crump, Luisa Cypriano Pieper, ...
Business intelligence software has rapidly spread its roots in the AEC industry during the last few years. This has happened due to the presence of rich digital data in BIM models whose datasets can be gathered, organized, and visualized through software such as Autodesk Dynamo BIM and Power BI.Managing and Visualizing Your BIM Data helps you understand and implement computer science fundamentals to better absorb the process of creating Dynamo scripts and visualizing the collected data on powerful dashboards. This book provides a hands-on approach and associated methodologies that will have you productive and up and running in no time. After understanding the theoretical aspects of computer science and related topics, you will focus on Autodesk Dynamo to develop scripts to manage data. Later, the book demonstrates four case studies from AEC experts across the world. In this section, you’ll learn how to get started with Autodesk Dynamo to gather data from a Revit model and create a simple C# plugin for Revit to stream data on Power BI directly. As you progress, you’ll explore how to create dynamic Power BI dashboards using Revit floor plans and make a Power BI dashboard to track model issues.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to develop a script to gather a model’s data and visualize datasets in Power BI easily.
Vinita Choudhary, Pallika Majmudar, Munwar Shariff, Amita Bhandari, ...
Alfresco 3.0 has generated a lot of curiosity with its new content management features. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with the security, dashboards, and configuration features of Alfresco 3.Alfresco 3 includes Alfresco Surf, a new N-Tier Architecture, which delivers scalability and accommodates more users on existing hardware resources. This new release also includes a draft implementation of the CMIS specification, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Protocol support. The new multi-tenancy features enable Alfresco ECM to be configured as a single-instance multi-tenant environment.This well-crafted and easy-to-use book is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management in your business using Alfresco 3. It covers the enhanced document management, a new web-based collaborative application called Alfresco Share, and various integration options with external applications.Alfresco 3 offers true Enterprise Content Management (ECM) by providing an open source alternative to Microsoft SharePoint, Documentum, and Interwoven. It is the most popular Java-based CMS with over 1.5 million downloads, 50,000 live sites, 74,000 community members, and with more than 150 application extensions in forge. This book guides you through creating smart, collaborative content repositories and shows how to use Alfresco 3 to create more elegant document sharing, better collaborative working, and reliable automated workflow processes.The book also explains how administrators can set up Alfresco 3 for multiple business units as a single-instance multi-tenant environment. Business users can leverage Alfresco Share, a new built-in web-based collaborative content management application bundled with Alfresco repository. It simplifies capturing, sharing, and retrieval of information across virtual teams.This book shows you how to unleash the power of Alfresco 3 to create collaborative working systems in your enterprise
Flash with Drupal. Build dynamic, content-rich Flash CS3 and CS4 applications for Drupal 6
Travis Tidwell, Dries Buytaert
Due to its power and expandability, Drupal has become one of the most popular open source content management systems. At the same time, Flash has been adopted for its ability to create beautiful and dynamic web applications. By combining these technologies, you can create Flash applications that are both visually stunning and rich in content.This book is an in depth discussion and tutorial on how to integrate Flash applications with Drupal CMS. It will describe the best techniques and practices for integrating Flash technology with the power and flexibility of Drupal by building real-life Flash applications.Within this book, you will learn how to build Flash applications that show text from within Drupal and also present images, music, and video within a single Flash application. You will also be able to take advantage of the expandable fields and content filtering provided from the CCK and Views modules to add flexibility and power to your Flash applications. Finally, you will learn how to add your own custom functionality to Drupal and then utilize that from within your Flash applications leaving you with a world of possibilities.This book starts out with a simple introduction to Flash and Drupal technology where you will create a simple Flash application and then embed that within Drupal. From there, each subsequent chapter builds on the previous chapters tackling a new and challenging task.For each new task, you will take a step-by-step approach to building a real-life application that utilizes the feature introduced within that chapter. You will also explore alternative design approaches that will eliminate the current design challenges that developers face when building Flash-driven Drupal sites; and all this while staying true to the Object Oriented Principles that govern the foundation of the ActionScript 3 language. By the end of this book, you will be able to apply all the lessons learned from this book to any other use case you may encounter.
Brainshark's audio annotation system is a power presentation tool that allows you to convert your boring, outdated slideshows into engaging and powerful audio presentations. Alongside its mobile functionality and customer feedback capabilities, it provides an easy-to-use interface for anyone from account executives to sales directors.Instant Brainshark will quickly get you started with creating online presentations and web presentations following best practices. The book covers the basics of BrainShark and explores a variety of best practices in both Internet marketing and presentation design to help you build effective and powerful presentations.Instant Brainshark will start you off with the basic functionality of BrainShark in order to introduce you to the best practices involved in presentation design. Then, it will guide you through a series of important and useful recipes that will show you how to reach customers via various marketing channels.You will learn how to find customers through social media networks, whether they be on a desktop computer or mobile device, as well as how to get feedback from your valued customers. You will also dig into BrainShark's audio annotation system and learn how to get the most out of it by following the recommended guidelines. Lastly, the book will guide you through a recipe on how to upload your BrainShark audio presentations as videos on YouTube, furthering the exposure of your presentations.Using Instant Brainshark, you will learn everything you need to know, from starting your first presentation and applying audio annotations to sharing it across multiple social media websites and retrieving customer feedback.
Angular Cookbook. Over 80 actionable recipes every Angular developer should know - Second Edition
Angular has long been the framework of choice for web development projects of various scales, offering much-needed stability and a rich tooling ecosystem for building production-ready web and mobile apps. This recipe-based guide to Angular will help you build up your Angular expertise with a wide range of recipes across key tasks in web development and show you how to build high-performance apps.In this second edition, the recipes have been updated, added, and improved based on developer feedback and new challenges. The first few chapters will show you how to utilize core Angular concepts such as components, directives, and services to get you ready for building frontend web apps. You’ll then develop web components with Angular and go on to learn about advanced concepts such as dynamic components loading and state management with NgRx for achieving real-time performance.Later chapters will focus on recipes for effectively testing your Angular apps to make them fail-safe, before progressing to techniques for optimizing your app’s performance. Finally, you’ll create Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with Angular to provide an intuitive experience for users.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create full-fledged, professional-looking Angular apps and have the skills you need for frontend development.
BMC Control-M 7: A Journey from Traditional Batch Scheduling to Workload Automation
Control-M is one of the most widely used enterprise class batch workload automation platform. With a strong knowledge of Control-M, you will be able to use the tool to meet ever growing batch needs. There has been no book that can guide you to implement and manage this powerful tool successfully... until now. With this book you will quickly master Control-M and be able to call yourself a Control-M specialist!BMC Control-M 7: A Journey from Traditional Batch Scheduling to Workload Automation will lead you into the world of Control-M and guide you to implement and maintain a Control-M environment successfully. By mastering this workload automation tool, you will see new opportunities opening up before you.With this book you will be able to take away and put into practice knowledge from every aspect of Control-M ñ implementation, administration, design and management of Control-M job flows, and more importantly how to move into workload automation and let batch processing utilize the cloud.You will start off with batch processing and workload automation, and then get an understanding of how Control-M meets these needs. Then we will look more in depth at the technical details of Control-M, and finally look at how to work with it to meet critical business needs. Throughout the book, you will learn important concepts and features, as well as learn from the Author's experience, accumulated over many years. By the end of the book you will be set up to work efficiently with this tool and also understand how to utilize the latest features of Control-M.
Zeeshan Chawdhary, Zeeshan Chawdhary
iBooks is a great tool for book lovers. This book is a guide for using iBooks for reading, managing, and creating books – everything that an avid reader (and the writer within you) would need.Instant Apple iBooks How-to is a practical guide that takes you on a reading and writing journey with iBooks for your iPad. Begin with getting familiar with iBooks and proceed to write your first interactive book with iBooks Author!This book begins with downloading the iBooks app from the iTunes store and adding books and PDF collections to it via iBookstore. The book then goes on to explain other technologies in the iBooks app and concludes by showing you how to write your own book with iBooks Author.Not only will you learn how to read and manage books effectively, but you will also learn how those books can be created with iBooks Author. You will also understand how iBooks Author templates can help you lay out a book easily; some third party templates are also available.You will learn everything to maximize your reading and writing experience for the iBooks platform.
FL Studio Cookbook. The lofi, retrowave, and horror music chef's guide to FL Studio music production
Whether it's overcoming creative blocks, troubleshooting technical issues, or refining your workflow, every budding producer faces challenges. The FL Studio Cookbook is here to provide practical solutions to common problems, empowering you to navigate any obstacle with ease by exploring one of the most renowned, industry-standard DAWs.The recipe-based approach of this book means that you’ll unlock the secrets of crafting captivating melodies and learn the art of composition with practical, step-by-step instructions, discovering how to construct melodies that evoke emotion and leave a lasting impression. From chord progressions to counterpoint, you’ll get actionable insights to help you compose music that resonates with your audience. You’ll also master the intricacies of mixing and mastering, by familiarizing yourself with the entire process from balancing levels and sculpting sounds to applying effects. You’ll also explore the endless possibilities of sculpting sound from scratch, whether you're crafting custom synths, designing unique textures, or layering effects to create otherworldly sounds.By the end of this book, you'll have acquired the skills to confidently craft professional-quality lofi, retrowave, and horror music tracks, gaining the expertise to express your musical vision and take your music production to new heights.
The super-fast evolution of the JDK between versions 12 and 21 has made the learning curve of modern Java steeper, and increased the time needed to learn it. This book will make your learning journey quicker and increase your willingness to try Java’s new features by explaining the correct practices and decisions related to complexity, performance, readability, and more.Java Coding Problems takes you through Java’s latest features but doesn’t always advocate the use of new solutions — instead, it focuses on revealing the trade-offs involved in deciding what the best solution is for a certain problem.There are more than two hundred brand new and carefully selected problems in this second edition, chosen to highlight and cover the core everyday challenges of a Java programmer.Apart from providing a comprehensive compendium of problem solutions based on real-world examples, this book will also give you the confidence to answer questions relating to matching particular streams and methods to various problems.By the end of this book you will have gained a strong understanding of Java’s new features and have the confidence to develop and choose the right solutions to your problems.
With Wijmo you will always be one step ahead of regular UI developers. Wijmo doesn't require a re-invention of the wheel; it is written with JQuery, so it supports regular JQuery and even native Javascript. You can initialize any widget you want to use for your project and customize its functionality and styling. With Wijmo, the possibilities are limitless!!Instant Wijmo Widgets How-to is perfect for aspiring and experienced UI developers. It describes basic techniques of initializing and deploying various UI widgets that serve a specific purpose. It is an ideal book for aspiring and experienced UI developers. It describes basic techniques for initializing and deploying various UI widgets that serve a specific purpose.Instant Wijmo Widgets How-to is structured to take you from easy to seemingly difficult topics. This implies that some widgets are easier to initialize than others. However the overall deployment of a widget is basic and straightforward, without the complexities encountered in various JQuery plugins. Every topic discussed in this book is interesting, engaging, and exciting.There is no strict direction from one chapter to the next.. Most chapters are independent of each other. This creates the flexibility to delve into just what you need to resolve a particular task.Instant Wijmo Widgets How-to serves as an important inventory for a UI developer, equipping the reader with skills to solve most UI related issues.
David John Parker, David Parker
Microsoft Visio is a diagramming program using vector graphics, which ultimately allows business professionals to explore and communicate complex information more effectively. Through various visual representations, Visio enables complicated data to be presented in a clear, communicative, and data-connected way. Therefore, productivity is increased by utilizing the wide variety of diagrams that can convey information at a glance, as data can be understood and acted upon quickly. This book enables business developers to unleash the full potential of Diagram Validation that Visio 2010 Premium Edition has to offer.This focused tutorial will enable you to get to grips with Diagram Validation in Visio 2010 Premium Edition to the fullest extent, enabling powerful automatic diagram verification based on custom logic and assuring correct and compliant diagrams. You will learn how to create and publish Rules, and use the ShapeSheet to write formulae. There is a special focus on extending and enhancing the capabilities of Visio 2010 diagram validation, and on features that are not found in the out-of-the-box product, like installing and using a new Rules Tools add-in, complete with source code, reviewing the new diagramming rules in flowchart and BPMN templates, and creating your own enhanced Data Flow Model Diagram template, complete with Validation Rules.The book begins by covering the basic functions of Visio 2010, and then dives deep into showing you how to formulate your own Validation Rules and understand the Visio Object Model. ShapeSheet functions are explored in detail, as are creating Validation Rule Sets and Rules, and visualizing issues, with practical demonstrations along the way. Other content includes building a Rules Tools add-in using C#, creating test and filter expressions, and publishing Validation Rules for others to use. Finally, the book considers the creation and implementation of a new RuleSet for Data Flow Model Diagrams with a worked example.By following the practical and immediately deployable examples found in the book, you will successfully learn both how to use the features of Microsoft Visio 2010, and how to extend the functionality provided in the box.
ColdFusion 9 Developer Tutorial. Create robust professional web applications with ColdFusion
Adobe ColdFusion is an application server, renowned for rapid development of dynamic websites, with a straightforward language (CFML), powerful methods for packaging and reusing your code, and AJAX support that will get developers deep into powerful web applications quickly. However, developing rich and robust web applications can be a real challenge as it involves multiple processes.With this practical guide, you will learn how to build professional ColdFusion applications. Packed with example code, and written in a friendly, easy-to-read style, this book is just what you need if you are serious about ColdFusion.This book will give you clear, concise, and practical guidance to take you from the basics of ColdFusion 9 to the skills that will make you a ColdFusion developer to be reckoned with. It also covers the new features of ColdFusion 9 like ORM Database Interaction and CF Builder.ColdFusion expert John Farrar will teach you the basics of ColdFusion programming, application architecture, and object reuse, before showing you a range of topics including AJAX library integration, RESTful Web Services, PDF creation and manipulation, and dynamically generated presentation files that will make you the toast of your ColdFusion developer town.This book digs deep with the basics, with real-world examples of the how and whys, to get more done faster with ColdFusion 9.
Metasploit Revealed: Secrets of the Expert Pentester. Build your defense against complex attacks
Metasploit is a popular penetration testing framework that has one of the largest exploit databases around. This book will show you exactly how to prepare yourself against the attacks you will face every day by simulating real-world possibilities.This learning path will begin by introducing you to Metasploit and its functionalities. You will learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. You will also get your hands on various tools and components and get hands-on experience with carrying out client-side attacks. In the next part of this learning path, you’ll develop the ability to perform testing on various services such as SCADA, databases, IoT, mobile, tablets, and many more services. After this training, we jump into real-world sophisticated scenarios where performing penetration tests are a challenge. With real-life case studies, we take you on a journey through client-side attacks using Metasploit and various scripts built on the Metasploit framework. The final instalment of your learning journey will be covered through a bootcamp approach. You will be able to bring together the learning together and speed up and integrate Metasploit with leading industry tools for penetration testing. You’ll finish by working on challenges based on user’s preparation and work towards solving the challenge. The course provides you with highly practical content explaining Metasploit from the following Packt books:1. Metasploit for Beginners 2. Mastering Metasploit, Second Edition3. Metasploit Bootcamp