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Big Data
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Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
This second edition book covers the new and exciting features of Microsoft Office 2021 for desktop and web apps, helping you broaden the skills from the previous edition. Using real-world experiences, this book will guide you through practical examples that set off your thought process to boost productivity.To build new skills in each application, the book ensures that you gain a thorough understanding of new functions, such as PivotTables, Dashboards, and data manipulation methods in Excel.You’ll explore PowerPoint tools such as Presenter Coach, Presenter View, the record tool, and setting reading order to mention a few. You’ll also manipulate slide elements using Auto Fix, draw features, insert video captions, explore playback options, and rehearse presentations using the body language Presenter Coach feature. The book demystifies the Transform feature and shows you how to dictate directly in Word. You’ll even be able to work with Styles by refining the layout and multiple tables of contents. Finally, you’ll focus on making the best use of Outlook enhancements and working remotely using Teams.By the end of this book, you’ll have understood the features of each app inside out and enhanced your existing skills using new techniques to make your professional life more efficient.
Dan Wellman, jQuery Foundation
Master animation in jQuery to produce slick and attractive interfaces that respond to your visitors' interactionsjQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML, and is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. Using the features offered by jQuery, developers are able to create dynamic web pages. This book will act as a resource for you to create animation and advanced special effects in your web applications, by following the easy-to-understand steps mentioned in it.jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques: Beginners Guide will allow you to master animation in jQuery to produce slick and attractive interfaces that respond to your visitors' interactions. You will learn everything you need to know about creating engaging and effective web page animations using jQuery. The book uses many examples and explains how to create animations using an easy, step-by-step, beginners guide approach.This book will provide you with...This book provides various examples that gradually build up the reader’s knowledge and practical experience in using the jQuery API to create stunning animations. The book starts off by explaining how animations make your user interface interactive and attractive. It explains the various methods used to make the element being animated appear or disappear. It provides a set of steps to create simple animations and show fading animations.You can later learn how to make complex animations by chaining different effects together as well as how to halt a currently running application. You will find out how to slide your animation elements and learn to create custom animations that can be complex and specialized.You will find out how to obtain and set up the jQuery UI— the official user interface library for jQuery. The book will tell you how to animate a page's background image, and will teach you how to make images scroll in a certain direction and at a certain speed depending on the movement of the mouse pointer
Ionic is the preferred choice for JavaScript developers to develop real-time hybrid applications. This book will get you started with Ionic 3.9 and help you create Angular 5 components that interact with templates. You will work with Ionic components and find out how to share data efficiently between them. You'll discover how to make the best use of the REST API to handle back-end services and then move on to animating your application to make it look pretty. You then learn to add in a local push notification in order to test the app. Then you'll work with Cordova to support native functionalities on both iOS and Android. From there, you'll get to grips with using the default themes for each platform and customizing your own. We then take you through the advanced Ionic features like lazy loading, deep linking, localizing ionic apps etc. Finally, you'll see how best to deploy your app to different platforms. This book will solve all your Ionic-related issues through dedicated recipes that will help you get the best out of Ionic.
Learning Pixelmator. Enhance your photos effectively and unleash the artist inside, with Pixelmator
Today, everybody has a digital camera, but how do you turn your pictures into masterpieces? With Pixelmator, you will be able to edit your photos like a pro and get that artistic, professional feel to your images.Learning Pixelmator will teach you how to use Pixelmator to turn your everyday snapshots into works of art. With an example-based approach, you will learn how to use each tool effectively to create, edit, or enhance your photos. It is for everyone that wants to get started with Pixelmator. Learning Pixelmator guide's you through a series of real-world tutorials to artistically edit your photos from start to finish. Starting with simple corrections, you will move onto advanced image editing techniques like creating a tilt-shift look from a photo, performing skin retouching on a portraits, and colorizing your images for an artistic tone. Covering topics such as using layers to create multi-image layouts and how to use text and shapes to embellish your images. With Learning Pixelmator you will learn everything you need to know to create works of art from your everyday photos. With the skills you will learn from this book the sky will be no limit with your digital photography!
Anirudh Kala, Anshul Bhatnagar, Sarthak Sarbahi
Databricks is an industry-leading, cloud-based platform for data analytics, data science, and data engineering supporting thousands of organizations across the world in their data journey. It is a fast, easy, and collaborative Apache Spark-based big data analytics platform for data science and data engineering in the cloud.In Optimizing Databricks Workloads, you will get started with a brief introduction to Azure Databricks and quickly begin to understand the important optimization techniques. The book covers how to select the optimal Spark cluster configuration for running big data processing and workloads in Databricks, some very useful optimization techniques for Spark DataFrames, best practices for optimizing Delta Lake, and techniques to optimize Spark jobs through Spark core. It contains an opportunity to learn about some of the real-world scenarios where optimizing workloads in Databricks has helped organizations increase performance and save costs across various domains.By the end of this book, you will be prepared with the necessary toolkit to speed up your Spark jobs and process your data more efficiently.
Laravel 5.x Cookbook. Click here to enter text
Laravel is a prominent member of a new generation of web frameworks. It is one of the most popular PHP frameworks and is also free and an open source. Laravel 5 is a substantial upgrade with a lot of new toys, at the same time retaining the features that made Laravel wildly successful. It comes with plenty of architectural as well as design-based changes.The book is a blend of numerous recipes that will give you all the necessary tips you need to build an application. It starts with basic installation and configuration tasks and will get you up-and-running in no time. You will learn to create and customize your PHP app and tweak and re-design your existing apps for better performance. You will learn to implement practical recipes to utilize Laravel’s modular structure, the latest method injection, route caching, and interfacing techniques to create responsive modern-day PHP apps that stand on their own against other apps. Efficient testing and deploying techniques will make you more confident with your Laravel skills as you move ahead with this book.Towards the end of the book, you will understand a number of add-ons and new features essential to finalize your application to make it ready for subscriptions. You will be empowered to get your application out to the world.
While you can use any automation software to simplify task automation, scaling automation to suit your growing business needs becomes difficult using only a command-line tool. Ansible Automation Platform standardizes how automation is deployed, initiated, delegated, and audited, and this comprehensive guide shows you how you can simplify and scale its management.The book starts by taking you through the ways to get Ansible Automation Platform installed, their pros and cons, and the initial configuration. You’ll learn about each object in the platform, how it interacts with other objects, as well as best practices for defining and managing objects to save time. You’ll see how to maintain the created pieces with infrastructure as code. As you advance, you’ll monitor workflows with CI/CD playbooks and understand how Ansible Automation Platform integrates with many other services such as GitLab and GitHub.By the end of this book, you’ll have worked through real-world examples to make the most of the platform while learning how to manipulate, manage, and deploy any playbook to Ansible Automation Platform.
Inkscape is a free Open Source program that allows you to create vibrant vector graphics in all manner of shapes and sizes. From creating designs for the web or for print, to creating your own personal logo or interfaces, Inkscape gives you the power to shape what people will see when it comes to your personal projects.If you are new to Inkscape this book is the perfect companion for getting you off to a flying start. No previous experience with Inkscape is required as you will be guided through downloading Inkscape and installing it on your system.The amount of things that you can do with Inkscape is overwhelming so this quick start guide will show you how to create your very first vector graphic. The resources in this book will help you to become familiar with the Inkscape community, which is a valuable part of any Open Source project. Finally, you will see how to use seven key features of Inkscape ñusing paths and layers, combining shapes, creating and editing text tools, importing and embedding images, and a list of keyboard shortcuts for text styling - which will give you the knowledge to perform simple tasks and set off on your own.
Nick Ramirez, Rob Mensching, Nicholas Ramirez
WiX is an open source project and a toolset that builds Windows installation packages from XML source code. WiX, which is used internally by Microsoft and by many companies around the World, simplifies many of the installation tasks that used to be shrouded in mystery. The tool set provides a command-line environment that you can integrate into your old-style build processes or you can use the newer technology from inside integrated development environments to build your setup packages. You'll find that you understand your installer better, can create it in less time, and save money in the process. No one really wants to devote a lifetime to understanding how to create a hassle-free installer for any software.This hands-on guide takes the mystery out of Windows Installer by showing how simple XML elements can be leveraged to create a sophisticated install package. By relying on Microsoft standards, you'll be able to use features like Property elements to customize your application's entry in Add/Remove Programs, the Shortcut element to create Start menu shortcuts, and other specialized elements for building upgrade and patch support and more.This book will show you the fundamental ingredients needed to build a professional-grade installer using Windows Installer XML. The initial chapters will introduce you to the set of required elements necessary to build a simple installer. We'll then explore those basic elements in more detail and see how best to use them in the real world.In the ensuing chapters, you'll move on to learn about adding conditions that alter what the user can install, then how to add actions to the install sequence and how to author a user interface. We'll move on to advanced topics such as editing data in the Windows Registry, installing a Windows service, and building your project from the command line. Finally, you'll learn to localize your package for different languages and detect older versions during upgrades. Each chapter uses to-the-point examples to illustrate the best way to use the language.
Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, Nabil Siddiqui, Timothy Oleson, Mark Fussell
Microservices have been widely adopted for designing distributed enterprise apps that are flexible, robust, and fine-grained into services that are independent of each other. There has been a paradigm shift where organizations are now either building new apps on microservices or transforming existing monolithic apps into microservices-based architecture.This book explores the importance of anti-patterns and the need to address flaws in them with alternative practices and patterns. You'll identify common mistakes caused by a lack of understanding when implementing microservices and cover topics such as organizational readiness to adopt microservices, domain-driven design, and resiliency and scalability of microservices. The book further demonstrates the anti-patterns involved in re-platforming brownfield apps and designing distributed data architecture. You’ll also focus on how to avoid communication and deployment pitfalls and understand cross-cutting concerns such as logging, monitoring, and security. Finally, you’ll explore testing pitfalls and establish a framework to address isolation, autonomy, and standardization.By the end of this book, you'll have understood critical mistakes to avoid while building microservices and the right practices to adopt early in the product life cycle to ensure the success of a microservices initiative.
Mike Oryszak, Michael C Oryszak
SharePoint is an incredibly powerful platform that can support a wide variety of business scenarios. In many cases it needs to be configured or extended in order to deliver fully featured business solutions.While some books merely talk about the capabilities of SharePoint in general and leave you to figure out how they apply to your situation, this book takes a different approach. Each chapter provides easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions along with screenshots to help build exciting SharePoint business solutions that extend the platform. By the end of this book the reader will be a SharePoint developer to be reckoned with.This book will dive into a diverse set of real-world scenarios to deliver sample business solutions that can serve as the foundation for your own solutions. This book draws from the author's extensive experience with SharePoint to leverage the platforms underlying services to provide solutions that can support Social Collaboration, Content and Document Management, as well as project collaboration. Each chapter represents a new business solution that builds on the overall platform to deliver more complex solutions and more advanced techniques. By the end of the book the reader will understand how to leverage the SharePoint platform to build their own business solutions.
Mona M, Premkumar Rangarajan, Julien Simon
Natural language processing (NLP) uses machine learning to extract information from unstructured data. This book will help you to move quickly from business questions to high-performance models in production.To start with, you'll understand the importance of NLP in today’s business applications and learn the features of Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Textract to build NLP models using Python and Jupyter Notebooks. The book then shows you how to integrate AI in applications for accelerating business outcomes with just a few lines of code. Throughout the book, you'll cover use cases such as smart text search, setting up compliance and controls when processing confidential documents, real-time text analytics, and much more to understand various NLP scenarios. You'll deploy and monitor scalable NLP models in production for real-time and batch requirements. As you advance, you'll explore strategies for including humans in the loop for different purposes in a document processing workflow. Moreover, you'll learn best practices for auto-scaling your NLP inference for enterprise traffic.Whether you're new to ML or an experienced practitioner, by the end of this NLP book, you'll have the confidence to use AWS AI services to build powerful NLP applications.