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Kaizhe Huang, Pranjal Jumde, Loris Degioanni
Kubernetes is an open source orchestration platform for managing containerized applications. Despite widespread adoption of the technology, DevOps engineers might be unaware of the pitfalls of containerized environments. With this comprehensive book, you'll learn how to use the different security integrations available on the Kubernetes platform to safeguard your deployments in a variety of scenarios.Learn Kubernetes Security starts by taking you through the Kubernetes architecture and the networking model. You'll then learn about the Kubernetes threat model and get to grips with securing clusters. Throughout the book, you'll cover various security aspects such as authentication, authorization, image scanning, and resource monitoring. As you advance, you'll learn about securing cluster components (the kube-apiserver, CoreDNS, and kubelet) and pods (hardening image, security context, and PodSecurityPolicy). With the help of hands-on examples, you'll also learn how to use open source tools such as Anchore, Prometheus, OPA, and Falco to protect your deployments.By the end of this Kubernetes book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of container security and be able to protect your clusters from cyberattacks and mitigate cybersecurity threats.
Jack Lee, Greg Leonardo, Jason Milgram, Dave Rendón
Microsoft Azure is a powerful cloud computing platform that offers a multitude of services and capabilities for organizations of any size moving to a cloud strategy.This fourth edition comes with the latest updates on cloud security fundamentals, hybrid cloud, cloud migration, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, and Windows Virtual Desktop. It encapsulates the entire spectrum of measures involved in Azure deployment that includes understanding Azure fundamentals, choosing a suitable cloud architecture, building on design principles, becoming familiar with Azure DevOps, and learning best practices for optimization and management.The book begins by introducing you to the Azure cloud platform and demonstrating the substantial scope of digital transformation and innovation that can be achieved with Azure's capabilities. The guide also acquaints you with practical insights into application modernization, Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) deployment, infrastructure management, key application architectures, best practices of Azure DevOps, and Azure automation.By the end of this book, you will have acquired the skills required to drive Azure operations from the planning and cloud migration stage to cost management and troubleshooting.
Spring Framework has always had a good support for different data access technologies. However, developers had to use technology-specific APIs, which often led to a situation where a lot of boilerplate code had to be written in order to implement even the simplest operations. Spring Data changed all this. Spring Data makes it easier to implement Spring-powered applications that use cloud-based storage services, NoSQL databases, map-reduce frameworks or relational databases.Spring Data is a practical guide that is full of step-by-step instructions and examples which ensure that you can start using the Java Persistence API and Redis in your applications without extra hassle.This book provides a brief introduction to the underlying data storage technologies, gives step-by-step instructions that will help you utilize the discussed technologies in your applications, and provides a solid foundation for expanding your knowledge beyond the concepts described in this book.You will learn an easier way to manage your entities and to create database queries with Spring Data JPA. This book also demonstrates how you can add custom functions to your repositories. You will also learn how to use the Redis key-value store as data storage and to use its other features for enhancing your applications.Spring Data includes all the practical instructions and examples that provide you with all the information you need to create JPA repositories with Spring Data JPA and to utilize the performance of Redis in your applications by using Spring Data Redis.
SAP on Azure Implementation Guide. Move your business data to the cloud
Nick Morgan, Bartosz Jarkowski
Cloud technologies have now reached a level where even the most critical business systems can run on them. For most organizations SAP is the key business system. If SAP is unavailable for any reason then potentially your business stops. Because of this, it is understandable that you will be concerned whether such a critical system can run in the public cloud. However, the days when you truly ran your IT system on-premises have long since gone. Most organizations have been getting rid of their own data centers and increasingly moving to co-location facilities. In this context the public cloud is nothing more than an additional virtual data center connected to your existing network.There are typically two main reasons why you may consider migrating SAP to Azure: You need to replace the infrastructure that is currently running SAP, or you want to migrate SAP to a new database. Depending on your goal SAP offers different migration paths. You can decide either to migrate the current workload to Azure as-is, or to combine it with changing the database and execute both activities as a single step. SAP on Azure Implementation Guide covers the main migration options to lead you through migrating your SAP data to Azure simply and successfully.
The Polars Cookbook is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to Python Polars, one of the first resources dedicated to this powerful data processing library. Written by Yuki Kakegawa, a seasoned data analytics consultant who has worked with industry leaders like Microsoft and Stanford Health Care, this book offers targeted, real-world solutions to data processing, manipulation, and analysis challenges. The book also includes a foreword by Marco Gorelli, a core contributor to Polars, ensuring expert insights into Polars' applications. From installation to advanced data operations, you’ll be guided through data manipulation, advanced querying, and performance optimization techniques. You’ll learn to work with large datasets, conduct sophisticated transformations, leverage powerful features like chaining, and understand its caveats. This book also shows you how to integrate Polars with other Python libraries such as pandas, numpy, and PyArrow, and explore deployment strategies for both on-premises and cloud environments like AWS, BigQuery, GCS, Snowflake, and S3. With use cases spanning data engineering, time series analysis, statistical analysis, and machine learning, Polars Cookbook provides essential techniques for optimizing and securing your workflows. By the end of this book, you'll possess the skills to design scalable, efficient, and reliable data processing solutions with Polars.
Creating conceptual art and design assets is a slow and laborious process, especially for those unfamiliar with complex design tools. With Adobe Firefly, you can say goodbye to your design challenges and start creating attractive visuals faster than ever before. Written by an Adobe expert with over two decades of experience, Extending Creativity With Adobe Firefly teaches you how to use Generative AI for art and design with easy-to-follow steps. You’ll learn how to create images, add text effects, edit photos, and explore colors faster with Adobe Firefly. You'll discover Firefly’s capabilities for tasks like generating text-to-image samples, styling text effects, and editing photos quickly. You’ll also find how to integrate Firefly with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps to streamline your workflow. If you're just starting out, this book will acquaint you with the basics of design, enabling you to create images easily. If you are a professional, you’ll learn how to improve collaboration and visual communication, and if you are a teacher, you’ll be able to enhance your teaching methods with visual thinking. By the end, you’ll master every function of Adobe Firefly and create outputs for website and desktop applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Express, and Adobe Stock.
Flavio E. Goncalves, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS is a multifunctional, multipurpose signalling SIP server. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is nowadays the most important VoIP protocol and OpenSIPS is the open source leader in VoIP platforms based on SIP. OpenSIPS is used to set up SIP Proxy servers. The purpose of these servers is to receive, examine, and classify SIP requests. The whole telecommunication industry is changing to an IP environment, and telephony as we know it today will completely change in less than ten years. SIP is the protocol leading this disruptive revolution and it is one of the main protocols on next generation networks. While a VoIP provider is not the only kind of SIP infrastructure created using OpenSIPS, it is certainly one of the most difficult to implement.This book will give you a competitive edge by helping you to create a SIP infrastructure capable of handling tens of thousands of subscribers.Starting with an introduction to SIP and OpenSIPS, you will begin by installing and configuring OpenSIPS. You will be introduced to OpenSIPS Scripting language and OpenSIPS Routing concepts, followed by comprehensive coverage of Subscriber Management. Next, you will learn to install, configure, and customize the OpenSIPS control panel and explore dialplans and routing. You will discover how to manage the dialog module, accounting, NATTraversal, and other new SIP services. The final chapters of the book are dedicated to troubleshooting tools, SIP security, and advanced scenarios including TCP/TLS support, load balancing, asynchronous processing, and more.A fictional VoIP provider is used to explain OpenSIPS and by the end of the book, you will have a simple but complete system to run a VoIP provider.
Yuri Diogenes, Dr. Erdal Ozkaya
Cybersecurity – Attack and Defense Strategies, Second Edition is a completely revised new edition of the bestselling book, covering the very latest security threats and defense mechanisms including a detailed overview of Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and an assessment of the current threat landscape, with additional focus on new IoT threats and cryptomining.Cybersecurity starts with the basics that organizations need to know to maintain a secure posture against outside threat and design a robust cybersecurity program. It takes you into the mindset of a Threat Actor to help you better understand the motivation and the steps of performing an actual attack – the Cybersecurity kill chain. You will gain hands-on experience in implementing cybersecurity using new techniques in reconnaissance and chasing a user’s identity that will enable you to discover how a system is compromised, and identify and then exploit the vulnerabilities in your own system.This book also focuses on defense strategies to enhance the security of a system. You will also discover in-depth tools, including Azure Sentinel, to ensure there are security controls in each network layer, and how to carry out the recovery process of a compromised system.
Over the past few years, DevOps has become the de facto approach for designing, building, and delivering software. Feature management is now extending the DevOps methodology to allow applications to change on demand and run experiments to validate the success of new features. If you want to make feature management happen, LaunchDarkly is the tool for you.This book explains how feature management is key to building modern software systems. Starting with the basics of LaunchDarkly and configuring simple feature flags to turn features on and off, you'll learn how simple functionality can be applied in more powerful ways with percentage-based rollouts, experimentation, and switches. You'll see how feature management can change the way teams work and how large projects, including migrations, are planned. Finally, you'll discover various uses of every part of the tool to gain mastery of LaunchDarkly. This includes tips and tricks for experimentation, identifying groups and segments of users, and investigating and debugging issues with specific users and feature flag evaluations.By the end of the book, you'll have gained a comprehensive understanding of LaunchDarkly, along with knowledge of the adoption of trunk-based development workflows and methods, multi-variant testing, and managing infrastructure changes and migrations.
This is the digital and cloud era, and Microsoft Azure is one of the top cloud computing platforms. It’s now more important than ever to understand how the cloud functions and the different services that can be leveraged across the cloud.This book will give you a solid understanding of cloud concepts and Microsoft Azure, starting by taking you through cloud concepts in depth, then focusing on the core Azure architectural components, solutions, and management tools. Next, you will understand security concepts, defense-in-depth, and key security services such as Network Security Groups and Azure Firewall, as well as security operations tooling such as Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel. As you progress, you will understand how identity, governance, privacy, and compliance are managed in Azure. Finally, you will get to grips with cost management, service-level agreements, and service life cycles. Throughout, the book features a number of hands-on exercises to support the concepts, services, and solutions discussed. This provides you with a glimpse of real-world scenarios, before finally concluding with practice questions for AZ-900 exam preparation.By the end of this Azure book, you will have a thorough understanding of cloud concepts and Azure fundamentals, enabling you to pass the AZ-900 certification exam easily.
Scala is a highly scalable integration of object-oriented nature and functional programming concepts that make it easy to build scalable and complex big data applications. This book is a handy guide for machine learning developers and data scientists who want to develop and train effective machine learning models in Scala.The book starts with an introduction to machine learning, while covering deep learning and machine learning basics. It then explains how to use Scala-based ML libraries to solve classification and regression problems using linear regression, generalized linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machine, and Naïve Bayes algorithms.It also covers tree-based ensemble techniques for solving both classification and regression problems. Moving ahead, it covers unsupervised learning techniques, such as dimensionality reduction, clustering, and recommender systems. Finally, it provides a brief overview of deep learning using a real-life example in Scala.
With the arrival of Unreal Engine 4, a new wonderful tool was born: Blueprint. This visual scripting tool allows even non-programmers to develop the logic for their games, allowing almost anyone to create entire games without the need to write a single line of code. The range of features you can access with Blueprint script is pretty extensive, making it one of the foremost choices for many game developers.Unreal Engine Game Development Blueprints helps you unleash the real power of Unreal by helping you to create engaging and spectacular games. It will explain all the aspects of developing a game, focusing on visual scripting, and giving you all the information you need to create your own games.We start with an introductory chapter to help you move fluidly inside the Blueprint user interface, recognize its different components, and understand any already written Blueprint script. Following this, you will learn how to modify generated Blueprint classes to produce a single player tic-tac-toe game and personalize it. Next, you will learn how to create simple user interfaces, and how to extend Blueprints through code. This will help you make an informed decision between choosing Blueprint or code. You will then see the real power of Unreal unleashed as you create a beautiful scene with moving, AI controlled objects, particles, and lights. Then, you will learn how to create AI using a behavior tree and a global level Blueprint, how to modify the camera, and how to shoot custom bullets. Finally, you will create a complex game using Blueprintable components complete with a menu, power-up, dangerous objects, and different weapons.