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The Arduino IoT Cloud offers a variety of features for building modern IoT solutions while reducing time and costs for prototyping and deployment. This book is a step-by-step guide, helping you master the powerful Arduino IoT Cloud ecosystem. This book begins by introducing you to the IoT landscape including its architecture, communication technologies, and protocols and then to the capabilities of the Arduino IoT Cloud platform and the Cloud Editor. With practical projects, such as monitoring air quality, building a portable asset tracker, and creating a remote alarm system using the LoRaWAN specification, you'll learn how to implement real-world IoT applications. Next, you'll explore communication between IoT devices and cloud platforms as well as the implementation of the Arduino IoT Cloud SDK and JavaScript for advanced customization. You'll also find out how to program IoT nodes, analyze the surrounding environment data, and visualize it on dashboards. Additionally, you’ll get to grips with advanced features such as task scheduling, synchronization, remote over-the-air updates for IoT nodes, and scripting with CCLI, through hands-on examples.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to work with the Arduino IoT Cloud platform and related hardware devices and will be able to develop industry-specific and cost-effective IoT solutions, such as smart homes and smart agriculture.
Mastering the Java Virtual Machine. An in-depth guide to JVM internals and performance optimization
Mastering the Java Virtual Machine is a comprehensive guide that will take you into the heart of the Java programming language, guiding you through the intricate workings of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and equipping you with essential skills to become a proficient Java developer.You’ll start by understanding the JVM, exploring its architecture and how it executes Java code. Through detailed explanations and real-world examples, you’ll gain a deep understanding of JVM internals, enabling you to write efficient and optimized Java applications. As you progress, you’ll delve into memory management and execution, unraveling the complexities of heap and stack management, garbage collection, and memory profiling. You'll learn how memory is allocated and reclaimed in the JVM, as well as how to optimize memory usage and identify performance bottlenecks in your applications. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to create Java programs that are not only robust but also highly performant.By the end of this Java book, you’ll have the skills needed to excel in Java programming, writing efficient and maintainable code.
To create a dynamic and multi-pane user interface on Android, you need to encapsulate UI components and activity behaviors into modules that you can swap into and out of your activities. You can create these modules with the fragment class, which behaves somewhat like a nested activity that can define its own layout and manage its own lifecycle. When a fragment specifies its own layout, it can be configured in different combinations with other fragments inside an activity to modify your layout configuration for different screen sizes (a small screen might show one fragment at a time, but a large screen can show two or more).Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments shows you how to create modern Android applications that meet the high expectations of today's users. You will learn how to incorporate rich navigation features like swipe-based screen browsing and how to create adaptive UIs that ensure your application looks fantastic whether run on a low cost smartphone or the latest tablet.This book looks at the impact fragments have on Android UI design and their role in both simplifying many common UI challenges and providing new ways to incorporate rich UI behaviors.You will learn how to use fragments to create UIs that automatically adapt to device differences. We look closely at the roll of fragment transactions and how to work with the Android back stack. Leveraging this understanding, we then explore several specialized fragment-related classes like ListFragment and DialogFragment as well as rich navigation features like swipe-based screen browsing.
Dan Noble, Pulkit Agrawal, Mahmoud Lababidi
ElasticSearch is a distributed search server similar to Apache Solr with a focus on large datasets, a schema-less setup, and high availability. This schema-free architecture allows ElasticSearch to index and search unstructured content, making it perfectly suited for both small projects and large big data warehouses with petabytes of unstructured data.This book is your toolkit to teach you how to keep your cluster in good health, and show you how to diagnose and treat unexpected issues along the way. You will start by getting introduced to ElasticSearch, and look at some common performance issues that pop up when using the system. You will then see how to install and configure ElasticSearch and the ElasticSearch monitoring plugins. Then, you will proceed to install and use the Marvel dashboard to monitor ElasticSearch. You will find out how to troubleshoot some of the common performance and reliability issues that come up when using ElasticSearch. Finally, you will analyze your cluster’s historical performance, and get to know how to get to the bottom of and recover from system failures.This book will guide you through several monitoring tools, and utilizes real-world cases and dilemmas faced when using ElasticSearch, showing you how to solve them simply, quickly, and cleanly.
Sergey Kosarevsky, Viktor Latypov
OpenGL is a popular cross-language, cross-platform application programming interface (API) used for rendering 2D and 3D graphics, while Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics API that targets high-performance applications. 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook helps you learn about modern graphics rendering algorithms and techniques using C++ programming along with OpenGL and Vulkan APIs.The book begins by setting up a development environment and takes you through the steps involved in building a 3D rendering engine with the help of basic, yet self-contained, recipes. Each recipe will enable you to incrementally add features to your codebase and show you how to integrate different 3D rendering techniques and algorithms into one large project. You'll also get to grips with core techniques such as physically based rendering, image-based rendering, and CPU/GPU geometry culling, to name a few. As you advance, you'll explore common techniques and solutions that will help you to work with large datasets for 2D and 3D rendering. Finally, you'll discover how to apply optimization techniques to build performant and feature-rich graphics applications.By the end of this 3D rendering book, you'll have gained an improved understanding of best practices used in modern graphics APIs and be able to create fast and versatile 3D rendering frameworks.
Javier Reguera-Salgado, Juan Antonio Rufes
As hardware advancements continue to accelerate, bringing greater memory capacity and more CPU cores, software must evolve to adapt to efficiently use all available resources and reduce idle CPU cycles. In this book, two seasoned software engineers with about five decades of combined experience will teach you how to implement concurrent and asynchronous solutions in C++.You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of parallel programming paradigms—covering concurrent, asynchronous, parallel, multithreading, reactive, and event-driven programming, as well as dataflows—and see how threads, processes, and services are related. Moving into the heart of concurrency, the authors will guide you in creating and managing threads and exploring C++’s thread-safety mechanisms, including mutual exclusion, atomic operations, semaphores, condition variables, latches, and barriers. With this solid foundation, you’ll focus on pure asynchronous programming, discovering futures, promises, the async function, and coroutines. The book takes you step by step through using Boost.Asio and Boost.Cobalt to develop network and low-level I/O solutions, proven performance and optimization techniques, and testing and debugging asynchronous software.By the end of this C++ book, you’ll be able to implement high-performance software using modern asynchronous C++ techniques.
Aaron Guilmette, Yura Lee, Grant Oliasani, Angel Aviles
Microsoft Teams is an invaluable tool that can integrate various Microsoft products into a single convenient hub. But making the most of it often requires expert help and hours spent on calls and live chats. If you’d rather have all the information you need to make the most of Teams in one place, then this book is for you.Written by two Microsoft technical specialists who have spent years helping clients find the best way to utilize Teams, this book will help you understand Teams as a whole — from architecture and collaboration through to apps and voice. You’ll study the platform from the perspective of the end user as well as the administrator, gaining insights and learning from real-life examples.You’ll tackle adopting, implementing, and administering Teams efficiently, which will help you realize its full potential. From setup and deployment to modernizing your organization’s chat and voice infrastructure, you’ll get plenty of useful and actionable tips as you progress.By the end of your journey through this book, you’ll be able to design and implement the most important and exciting aspects of Microsoft Teams help your organization work more efficiently.
Architects have always relied on drawings, renderings, and sometimes even movies to present their design concepts to clients, contractors, and other stakeholders. The accessibility of current game engines provides new and exciting possibilities to turn any design into an interactive model that anyone can experience at their own pace.Unity for Architectural Visualization explains how you can create compelling, real-time models from your 3D architectural project. Filled with practical tips and in-depth information, this book explains every step in the process, starting from the very basics up to custom scripts that will get you up to the next level.This book begins with a general overview of the Unity workflow for architectural models. You will start with a simple project that lets you walk around in your design using basic Unity tools and methods. You will then learn how to easily get convincing lightning effects on your scene. You will then set up a basic navigation system in your project, and not only this; you will also cover some tips and tricks to take navigation to the next level. You will quickly learn how to fine-tune the shaders and how to set up materials that are a bit more advanced. Even when you finish Unity for Architectural Visualization, this book will make scripting easier with reusable examples of scripts that can be applied in most projects. After reading this book, you will be comfortable enough to tackle new projects and develop your own.
Peter Farrell, Alvaro Fuentes, Ajinkya Sudhir Kolhe, Quan Nguyen, ...
Are you looking to start developing artificial intelligence applications? Do you need a refresher on key mathematical concepts? Full of engaging practical exercises, The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop will show you how to apply your understanding of advanced mathematics in the context of Python.The book begins by giving you a high-level overview of the libraries you'll use while performing statistics with Python. As you progress, you'll perform various mathematical tasks using the Python programming language, such as solving algebraic functions with Python starting with basic functions, and then working through transformations and solving equations. Later chapters in the book will cover statistics and calculus concepts and how to use them to solve problems and gain useful insights. Finally, you'll study differential equations with an emphasis on numerical methods and learn about algorithms that directly calculate values of functions.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to apply essential statistics and calculus concepts to develop robust Python applications that solve business challenges.
Unity has become the leading platform for building virtual reality games, applications, and experiences for this new generation of consumer VR devices. Unity Virtual Reality Projects walks you through a series of hands-on tutorials and in-depth discussions on using the Unity game engine to develop VR applications. With its practical and project-based approach, this book will get you up to speed with the specifics of VR development in Unity. You will learn how to use Unity to develop VR applications that can be experienced with devices such as Oculus, Daydream, and Vive. Among the many topics and projects, you will explore gaze-based versus hand-controller input, world space UI canvases, locomotion and teleportation, software design patterns, 360-degree media, timeline animation, and multiplayer networking. You will learn about the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor, and you will also learn about C# programming. By the end of the book, you will be fully equipped to develop rich, interactive VR experiences using Unity.
Themes are among the most powerful features that can be used to customize a website to fit your needs. The greatest strength of Drupal lies in its design, which, when done right, allows developers to customize every aspect of the site. Although it might sound easy to customize the look of your site, it's not a cakewalk to build custom themes that are easy to administer and maintain.Drupal 6 Theming Cookbook provides a plethora of recipes that enable Drupal template designers to make full use of Drupal's extensibility and style their site just the way they want it. It is a well-rounded guide, which will allow users looking to theme their Drupal sites to do so by taking full advantage of Drupal's theming system. It covers numerous aspects from creating custom themes to using the powerful CCK, Views, and Panels modules to create rich designs that are easy to administer and maintain.Structured as a collection of recipes to perform a wide variety of tasks, this book will guide readers through most important aspects of Drupal theming. It starts off with recipes dealing with the basics of Drupal's theme system: you will find recipes for solving all your problems with regions and blocks. It then moves on to advanced topics such as creating a custom theme and using it to modify the layout and style of the content that is output on a page. A substantial number of recipes are dedicated to Drupal's template system, which will provide you with a solid foundation in order to override the output of Drupal and contributed modules. Furthermore, as the combination of modules such as CCK, Views, and Panels is so widely prevalent, chapters have been dedicated for each of these modules. With this book, you'll learn to get the most out of Drupal's templating system and its modules to create rich designs for your site.
SQL Server is one of the most popular relational database management systems developed by Microsoft. This second edition of the SQL Server Administrator's Guide will not only teach you how to administer an enterprise database, but also help you become proficient at managing and keeping the database available, secure, and stable.You’ll start by learning how to set up your SQL Server and configure new and existing environments for optimal use. The book then takes you through designing aspects and delves into performance tuning by showing you how to use indexes effectively. You’ll understand certain choices that need to be made about backups, implement security policy, and discover how to keep your environment healthy. Tools available for monitoring and managing a SQL Server database, including automating health reviews, performance checks, and much more, will also be discussed in detail. As you advance, the book covers essential topics such as migration, upgrading, and consolidation, along with the techniques that will help you when things go wrong. Once you’ve got to grips with integration with Azure and streamlining big data pipelines, you’ll learn best practices from industry experts for maintaining a highly reliable database solution.Whether you are an administrator or are looking to get started with database administration, this SQL Server book will help you develop the skills you need to successfully create, design, and deploy database solutions.
Sofía De Jesús, Dayrene Martinez
Computational thinking helps you to develop logical processing and algorithmic thinking while solving real-world problems across a wide range of domains. It's an essential skill that you should possess to keep ahead of the curve in this modern era of information technology. Developers can apply their knowledge of computational thinking to solve problems in multiple areas, including economics, mathematics, and artificial intelligence.This book begins by helping you get to grips with decomposition, pattern recognition, pattern generalization and abstraction, and algorithm design, along with teaching you how to apply these elements practically while designing solutions for challenging problems. You’ll then learn about various techniques involved in problem analysis, logical reasoning, algorithm design, clusters and classification, data analysis, and modeling, and understand how computational thinking elements can be used together with these aspects to design solutions. Toward the end, you will discover how to identify pitfalls in the solution design process and how to choose the right functionalities to create the best possible algorithmic solutions.By the end of this algorithm book, you will have gained the confidence to successfully apply computational thinking techniques to software development.
David Millán Escrivá, Robert Laganiere
OpenCV is an image and video processing library used for all types of image and video analysis. Throughout the book, you'll work with recipes to implement a variety of tasks. With 70 self-contained tutorials, this book examines common pain points and best practices for computer vision (CV) developers. Each recipe addresses a specific problem and offers a proven, best-practice solution with insights into how it works, so that you can copy the code and configuration files and modify them to suit your needs.This book begins by guiding you through setting up OpenCV, and explaining how to manipulate pixels. You'll understand how you can process images with classes and count pixels with histograms. You'll also learn detecting, describing, and matching interest points. As you advance through the chapters, you'll get to grips with estimating projective relations in images, reconstructing 3D scenes, processing video sequences, and tracking visual motion. In the final chapters, you'll cover deep learning concepts such as face and object detection.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to confidently implement a range of computer vision algorithms to meet the technical requirements of your complex CV projects.