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Accelerating DevSecOps on AWS. Create secure CI/CD pipelines using Chaos and AIOps
Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) has never been simple, but these days the landscape is more bewildering than ever; its terrain riddled with blind alleys and pitfalls that seem almost designed to trap the less-experienced developer. If you’re determined enough to keep your balance on the cutting edge, this book will help you navigate the landscape with ease.This book will guide you through the most modern ways of building CI/CD pipelines with AWS, taking you step-by-step from the basics right through to the most advanced topics in this domain.The book starts by covering the basics of CI/CD with AWS. Once you’re well-versed with tools such as AWS Codestar, Proton, CodeGuru, App Mesh, SecurityHub, and CloudFormation, you’ll focus on chaos engineering, the latest trend in testing the fault tolerance of your system. Next, you’ll explore the advanced concepts of AIOps and DevSecOps, two highly sought-after skill sets for securing and optimizing your CI/CD systems. All along, you’ll cover the full range of AWS CI/CD features, gaining real-world expertise.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll have the confidence you need to create resilient, secure, and performant CI/CD pipelines using the best techniques and technologies that AWS has to offer.
LEGO BOOST is a feature-rich creative toolbox that helps kids to develop science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills in a fun way. The LEGO BOOST kit consists of motors, sensors, and more than 840 LEGO pieces to bring various multifunctional robots to life. This book will take you on an interesting and enjoyable journey where you will have fun building robots while developing your problem-solving and logical thinking skills.This book is an end-to-end guide that will take you from a beginner to expert level of robot building with LEGO BOOST and Scratch. Starting with the unboxing and a brief introduction to LEGO BOOST, you'll quickly get your first robotic model up and running. You'll understand how to use the electronic and non-electronic components and have fun building a range of intriguing robotics projects with increasing complexity and advanced functionality. Throughout the book, you'll work on a variety of amazing projects, such as building your own R2D2, a fictional character from Star Wars, that will pique your curiosity to learn robotics and help you explore the full potential of the LEGO BOOST kit. Once you've had fun working with the projects, you'll be introduced to an interesting challenge for you to solve by yourself!By the end of this book, you'll have gained the skills to build creative robotics projects with the LEGO BOOST creative toolbox, and have built on your logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Deep learning has shown remarkable promise in the field of genomics; however, there is a lack of a skilled deep learning workforce in this discipline. This book will help researchers and data scientists to stand out from the rest of the crowd and solve real-world problems in genomics by developing the necessary skill set. Starting with an introduction to the essential concepts, this book highlights the power of deep learning in handling big data in genomics. First, you’ll learn about conventional genomics analysis, then transition to state-of-the-art machine learning-based genomics applications, and finally dive into deep learning approaches for genomics. The book covers all of the important deep learning algorithms commonly used by the research community and goes into the details of what they are, how they work, and their practical applications in genomics. The book dedicates an entire section to operationalizing deep learning models, which will provide the necessary hands-on tutorials for researchers and any deep learning practitioners to build, tune, interpret, deploy, evaluate, and monitor deep learning models from genomics big data sets.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned about the challenges, best practices, and pitfalls of deep learning for genomics.
Scott H. Cameron, Edward Falzon
Unity 2022 by Example is a complete introduction to building games in Unity following a project-based approach. You’ll be introduced to the Unity game engine and the tools available for building and customizing a game exactly the way you want it, while maintaining a good code foundation to build upon.Once you get to grips with the fundamentals of Unity game development, you'll start creating a 2D collection game and an adventure game, followed by a 3D first person shooter game. Next, you’ll explore advanced topics, such as using machine learning to create AI-based enemy behavior, virtual reality for extending the first-person game, and augmented reality for developing a farming simulation game in a real-world setting. The book will help you gain hands-on knowledge of these topics as you build projects using the latest game tool kits. You'll also learn how to commercialize your game by publishing it to a distribution platform and maintain and support it throughout its lifespan. As you progress, you’ll gain real-world knowledge and experience by taking your games from conceptual design to completion.By the end of this Unity book, you’ll have strong foundational knowledge of how to structure a Unity project that is both maintainable and extensible for commercially released games.
Marko Aleksendrić, Arek Borucki, Leandro Domingues, Malak Abu Hammad, ...
Mastering MongoDB 7.0 explores the latest version of MongoDB, an exceptional NoSQL database solution that aligns with the needs of modern web applications. This book starts with an informative overview of MongoDB’s architecture and developer tools, guiding you through the process of connecting to databases seamlessly.This MongoDB book explores advanced queries in detail, including aggregation pipelines and multi-document ACID transactions. It delves into the capabilities of the MongoDB Atlas developer data platform and the latest features, such as Atlas Vector Search, and their role in AI applications, enabling developers to build applications with the scalability and performance that today’s organizations need. It also covers the creation of resilient search functionality using MongoDB Atlas Search. Mastering MongoDB 7.0’s deep coverage of advanced techniques encompasses everything from role-based access control (RBAC) to user management, auditing practices, and encryption across data, network, and storage layers.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed the skills necessary to create efficient, secure, and high-performing applications using MongoDB. You’ll have the confidence to undertake complex queries, integrate robust applications, and ensure data security to overcome modern data challenges.
Updated for the latest version of Metasploit, this book will prepare you to face everyday cyberattacks by simulating real-world scenarios. Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, Mastering Metasploit will help you gain insights into programming Metasploit modules and carrying out exploitation, as well as building and porting various kinds of exploits in Metasploit.Giving you the ability to perform tests on different services, including databases, IoT, and mobile, this Metasploit book will help you get to grips with real-world, sophisticated scenarios where performing penetration tests is a challenge. You'll then learn a variety of methods and techniques to evade security controls deployed at a target's endpoint. As you advance, you’ll script automated attacks using CORTANA and Armitage to aid penetration testing by developing virtual bots and discover how you can add custom functionalities in Armitage. Following real-world case studies, this book will take you on a journey through client-side attacks using Metasploit and various scripts built on the Metasploit 5.0 framework.By the end of the book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to work confidently with efficient exploitation techniques
Neo4j, along with its Graph Data Science (GDS) library, is a complete solution to store, query, and analyze graph data. As graph databases are getting more popular among developers, data scientists are likely to face such databases in their career, making it an indispensable skill to work with graph algorithms for extracting context information and improving the overall model prediction performance.Data scientists working with Python will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to Neo4j and the GDS library that offers step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical instructions for implementing data science techniques on graph data using the latest Neo4j version 5 and its associated libraries. You’ll start by querying Neo4j with Cypher and learn how to characterize graph datasets. As you get the hang of running graph algorithms on graph data stored into Neo4j, you’ll understand the new and advanced capabilities of the GDS library that enable you to make predictions and write data science pipelines. Using the newly released GDSL Python driver, you’ll be able to integrate graph algorithms into your ML pipeline.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to take advantage of the relationships in your dataset to improve your current model and make other types of elaborate predictions.
JavaScript applications provide an excellent user experience for small to large scale enterprise applications. The amazing growth of JavaScript has opened the door for many great libraries such as DHTMLX.Learning DHTMLX Suite UI will teach you how to use these libraries effectively so you can make presentations that will take your employer's/ client's breath away!Learning DHTMLX Suite UI is a step-by-step guide that will teach you the basics of DHTMLX library components and how to apply them in a real-world scenario. This book will start with the installation of DHTMLX before moving on to explore the features of DHTMLX and helping you to create your first user management application.Learning DHTMLX Suite UI will guide you through the installation of DHTMLX as a single-page application. As you progress from one chapter to the next, you will gradually build a simple user management application. You will also learn how to create forums with validation and how to use grids to add and edit users. The book will also suggest the best practices for using toolbars and refreshing data. With Learning DHTMLX Suite UI Guide, you will be inspired to come up with your own great ideas for your future application development projects.
Articulate Studio Cookbook. Go from Studio newbie to Studio guru
Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy III
More and more companies find they need to build their training courses internally. They are turning to tools like Articulate Studio because it is easy to use and doesn't have a steep learning curve. If you are familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint in any way, you should feel right at home with Articulate Studio.Articulate Studio Cookbook will get you ready to add Articulate Studio to your enterprise toolkit. This book gives you detailed yet simple steps to complete your training course. By following the clear steps in each chapter, you will gain an understanding of the software but also be able to complete specific tasks and common activities.The good thing about this book is that you can start anywhere and get the information that you need for a specific activity. Cross-references are provided if there is a skill located elsewhere that you need to complete a task.It can be frustrating to pick up a new piece of software and not know where to begin. With Articulate Studio, there is a whole suite of software to work with. You need to know how to work with Presenter, Engage, Quizmaker and Encoder to make great Articulate courses. Then, you'll need to know how to put them all together in a way that makes a professional looking, cohesive and smooth-flowing course. We'll make it easy to follow step by step until you have a professional course.Articulate Studio Cookbook will help you go from Studio newbie to Studio guru. Dive in and choose your recipe.
Managing thousands of images while producing perfectly edited results has now become a must-have skill for bloggers, influencers, all social media users, and photography enthusiasts.Photoshop Elements 2022 has all the right tools to help you manage your growing multimedia assets and significantly boost your creative output.This fourth edition is updated with Elements 2022's latest features, including Adobe's AI-powered tools that perfectly complement its entire creative workflow. Each chapter is designed to help you get the most from your image files in a simple, easy-to-follow way. You'll find out how to add significant visual improvements to your projects using brilliant AI-driven single-click edits or through more complex manual adjustments, all depending on your skill level and requirements. The book is packed with clear instructions to guide you effortlessly through the hundreds of processes, tools, and features in Photoshop Elements 2022. You'll cover everything from developing your organizational skills through to creating remarkable images using photos, text, graphics, downloadable content, animation, and a range of fantastic AI-driven features.By the end of this Photoshop Elements book, you'll have learned how to leverage the impressive tools available in Photoshop Elements 2022 with confidence.