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Giuseppe Di Federico, Fabrizio Barcaroli
Identity is paramount for every architecture design, making it crucial for enterprise and solutions architects to understand the benefits and pitfalls of implementing identity patterns. However, information on cloud identity patterns is generally scattered across different sources and rarely approached from an architect’s perspective, and this is what Cloud Identity Patterns and Strategies aims to solve, empowering solutions architects to take an active part in implementing identity solutions.Throughout this audiobook, you’ll cover various theoretical topics along with practical examples that follow the implementation of a standard de facto identity provider (IdP) in an enterprise, such as Azure Active Directory. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the different factors that contribute to an enterprise's current status quo around identities and harness modern authentication approaches to meet specific requirements of an enterprise. You’ll also be able to make sense of how modern application designs are impacted by the company’s choices and move on to recognize how a healthy organization tackles identity and critical tasks that the development teams pivot on.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll be able to breeze through creating portable, robust, and reliable applications that can interact with each other.
T C Fenstermaker, TC Fenstermaker, Suresh Krishna, Suresh Madhuvarsu
Software development is a collaborative effort needing active and timely input and response from all its members. Every day, project managers face ever-increasing pressures to produce high-quality software with increasing constraints. With IBM's Rational Team Concert collaborative software delivery environment, you can tremendously improve the productivity of your entire team through a web-based user-interface, continuous builds, a customizable process with work support, team support, integration and many more features.Written by Suresh Krishna and TC Fenstermaker, experts on Rational Team Concert, this book will help you leverage the full potential of the IBM Rational Team Concert platform to improve your individual and team performance. It follows a realistic case-study example enabling you to learn about Rational Team Concert fundamentals and best practices along the way to efficiently manage your software projects and tackle various software development challenges.Beginning with an in-depth analysis of software development challenges, the book goes on to introduce the Jazz Platform followed by a complete overview of the architecture of Rational Team Concert. After you install Rational Team Concert on WebSphere and learn to configure the server and clients, you will see all the features in relation to Web and Eclipse clients.From Chapter 3 onwards a realistic sample application is constructed to give you a strong grasp of your concepts. As you proceed, you learn source control, the mechanism to create, control, and manage documents, artifacts in a software development lifecycle, followed by different tools that Rational Team Concert offers for effective team and work management. You tackle the various challenges of Team Collaboration by integrated e-mail, instant messaging, events, feeds, and work items, the basic units of the task. You also learn the various aspects of the software development process and release planning along with process templates, which provide the initial process and iteration of your project. Finally, you extend the Rational Team Concert and make use of the Jazz Platform APIs to customize your process to fit your organizational needs.
Python Data Analysis Cookbook. Clean, scrape, analyze, and visualize data with the power of Python!
Data analysis is a rapidly evolving field and Python is a multi-paradigm programming language suitable for object-oriented application development and functional design patterns. As Python offers a range of tools and libraries for all purposes, it has slowly evolved as the primary language for data science, including topics on: data analysis, visualization, and machine learning.Python Data Analysis Cookbook focuses on reproducibility and creating production-ready systems. You will start with recipes that set the foundation for data analysis with libraries such as matplotlib, NumPy, and pandas. You will learn to create visualizations by choosing color maps and palettes then dive into statistical data analysis using distribution algorithms and correlations. You’ll then help you find your way around different data and numerical problems, get to grips with Spark and HDFS, and then set up migration scripts for web mining.In this book, you will dive deeper into recipes on spectral analysis, smoothing, and bootstrapping methods. Moving on, you will learn to rank stocks and check market efficiency, then work with metrics and clusters. You will achieve parallelism to improve system performance by using multiple threads and speeding up your code.By the end of the book, you will be capable of handling various data analysis techniques in Python and devising solutions for problem scenarios.
This book begins by covering basics of the JavaScript language and introducing ECMAScript 7, before gradually moving on to the current implementations of ECMAScript 6. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of how hash tables and set data structure functions, as well as how trees and hash maps can be used to search files in a HD or represent a database. This book is an accessible route deeper into JavaScript. Graphs being one of the most complex data structures you’ll encounter, we’ll also give you a better understanding of why and how graphs are largely used in GPS navigation systems in social networks.Toward the end of the book, you’ll discover how all the theories presented by this book can be applied in real-world solutions while working on your own computer networks and Facebook searches.
Spring is a powerful and widely adopted framework for building scalable and reliable web applications in Java, complemented by Spring Boot, a popular extension to the framework that simplifies the setup and configuration of Spring-based applications. This book is an in-depth guide to harnessing Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 for web development, offering practical knowledge of building modern robust web APIs and services.The book covers a wide range of topics that are essential for API development, including RESTful web service fundamentals, Spring concepts, and API specifications. It also explores asynchronous API design, security, designing user interfaces, testing APIs, and the deployment of web services. In addition to its comprehensive coverage, this book offers a highly contextual real-world sample app that you can use as a reference for building different types of APIs for real-world applications. This sample app will lead you through the entire API development cycle, encompassing design and specification, implementation, testing, and deployment.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to design, develop, test, and deploy scalable and maintainable modern APIs using Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3, along with best practices for bolstering the security and reliability of your applications and improving your application's overall functionality.
Unlock the secrets of the finance industry and dive into the world of high-performance trading systems with C++ High Performance for Financial Systems. Trading systems are the backbone of the financial world, and understanding how to build them for optimal performance is crucial for success. If you've ever dreamt of creating scalable and cutting-edge financial software, this guide is your key to success. A cornerstone of this book is its coverage of system design and architecture. The book starts by outlining the role of C++ in finance and trading. You'll learn the principles and methodologies behind building systems that can handle vast amounts of data, execute complex trading strategies with ease, and maintain the highest levels of reliability. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be equipped to tackle even the most challenging trading scenarios.In the fast-paced world of finance, every millisecond counts. This book delves into low-latency strategies that will enable your trading systems to react with lightning speed. You’ll also learn the art of reducing latency, optimizing code, and leveraging the latest hardware and software techniques to gain a competitive edge in the market.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed in architecting a financial trading system as well as advanced strategies and new industry trends.
Apache Camel is a de-facto standard for developing integrations in Java, and is based on well-understood Enterprise Integration Patterns. It is used within many commercial and open source integration products. Camel makes common integration tasks easy while still providing the developer with the means to customize the framework when the situation demands it. Tasks such as protocol mediation, message routing and transformation, and auditing are common usages of Camel. Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook provides hundreds of best practice tips for using Apache Camel in a format that helps you build your Camel projects. Each tip or recipe provides you with the most important steps to perform along with a summary of how it works, with references to further reading if you need more information. This book is intended to be a reliable information source that is quicker to use than an Internet search. Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook is a quick lookup guide that can also be read from cover to cover if you want to get a sense of the full power of Apache Camel. This book provides coverage of the full lifecycle of creating Apache Camel-based integration projects, including the structure of your Camel code and using the most common Enterprise Integration patterns. Patterns like Split/Join and Aggregation are covered in depth in this book. Throughout this book, you will be learning steps to transform your data. You will also learn how to perform unit and integration testing of your code using Camel's extensive testing framework, and also strategies for debugging and monitoring your code. Advanced topics like Error Handling, Parallel Processing, Transactions, and Security will also be covered in this book. This book provides you with practical tips on using Apache Camel based on years of hands-on experience from hundreds of integration projects.
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have now become a core part of most modern electronic and computer systems. However, to implement your ideas in the real world, you need to get your head around the FPGA architecture, its toolset, and critical design considerations. FPGA Programming for Beginners will help you bring your ideas to life by guiding you through the entire process of programming FPGAs and designing hardware circuits using SystemVerilog.The book will introduce you to the FPGA and Xilinx architectures and show you how to work on your first project, which includes toggling an LED. You’ll then cover SystemVerilog RTL designs and their implementations. Next, you’ll get to grips with using the combinational Boolean logic design and work on several projects, such as creating a calculator and updating it using FPGA resources. Later, the book will take you through the advanced concepts of AXI and show you how to create a keyboard using PS/2. Finally, you’ll be able to consolidate all the projects in the book to create a unified output using a Video Graphics Array (VGA) controller that you’ll design.By the end of this SystemVerilog FPGA book, you’ll have learned how to work with FPGA systems and be able to design hardware circuits and boards using SystemVerilog programming.
Ivan Marin, Ankit Shukla, Sarang VK
Processing big data in real time is challenging due to scalability, information inconsistency, and fault tolerance. Big Data Analysis with Python teaches you how to use tools that can control this data avalanche for you. With this book, you'll learn practical techniques to aggregate data into useful dimensions for posterior analysis, extract statistical measurements, and transform datasets into features for other systems.The book begins with an introduction to data manipulation in Python using pandas. You'll then get familiar with statistical analysis and plotting techniques. With multiple hands-on activities in store, you'll be able to analyze data that is distributed on several computers by using Dask. As you progress, you'll study how to aggregate data for plots when the entire data cannot be accommodated in memory. You'll also explore Hadoop (HDFS and YARN), which will help you tackle larger datasets. The book also covers Spark and explains how it interacts with other tools.By the end of this book, you'll be able to bootstrap your own Python environment, process large files, and manipulate data to generate statistics, metrics, and graphs.
Lentin Joseph, Jonathan Cacace
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a software framework used for programming complex robots. ROS enables you to develop software for building complex robots without writing code from scratch, saving valuable development time. Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming provides complete coverage of the advanced concepts using easy-to-understand, practical examples and step-by-step explanations of essential concepts that you can apply to your ROS robotics projects.The book begins by helping you get to grips with the basic concepts necessary for programming robots with ROS. You'll then discover how to develop a robot simulation, as well as an actual robot, and understand how to apply high-level capabilities such as navigation and manipulation from scratch. As you advance, you'll learn how to create ROS controllers and plugins and explore ROS's industrial applications and how it interacts with aerial robots. Finally, you'll discover best practices and methods for working with ROS efficiently.By the end of this ROS book, you'll have learned how to create various applications in ROS and build your first ROS robot.
Time is something that almost every artist doesn't have enough of. If you're an illustrator or comic creator you know just how much time and effort it can take to produce one great page. But the features in Manga Studio 5 can make this process a lot more streamlined and give you more time to create!Mastering Manga Studio 5 will teach you how to create more comics and illustrations in less time than you ever thought possible. By using the features of Manga Studio 5 like the Story Editor, Custom brushes, actions, materials, and 3D models, you'll learn how to make Manga Studio work for your style and workflow. Go from being a novice Manga Studio user to an expert using the tricks, techniques, and projects in this guide.Learn how to make and share custom tools, set up left- and right-handed workspaces, make custom materials, alter 3D models, and create custom actions. By putting together a custom story project and making your own tools, automating redundant processes, and converting an inked art into a traditional comic art, you'll learn all about the advanced features of Manga Studio 5.Mastering Manga Studio 5 will teach you what you need to know to produce more work in less time.
Unity 5.x Animation Cookbook. An advanced solution to all your Animation problems
This recipe-based practical guide will show you how to unleash the power of animation in Unity 5.x and make your games visually impeccable. Our primary focus is on showing you tools and techniques to animate not only humanoid biped characters, but also other elements. This includes non-humanoid character animation, game world creation, UI element animation, and other key features such as opening doors, changing lights, transitioning to different scenes, using physics, setting up ragdolls, creating destructible objects and more.While discussing these topics, the book will focus on mecanim, the Unity 3D animation tool, and how you can use it to perform all these tasks efficiently and quickly. It contains a downloadable Unity project with interactive examples for all the recipes. By the end of this book, you will be confident and self-sufficient in animating your Unity 3D games efficiently.
From banking and manufacturing through to education and entertainment, using data science for business has revolutionized almost every sector in the modern world. It has an important role to play in everything from app development to network security.Taking an interactive approach to learning the fundamentals, this book is ideal for beginners. You’ll learn all the best practices and techniques for applying data science in the context of real-world scenarios and examples.Starting with an introduction to data science and machine learning, you’ll start by getting to grips with Jupyter functionality and features. You’ll use Python libraries like sci-kit learn, pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn to perform data analysis and data preprocessing on real-world datasets from within your own Jupyter environment. Progressing through the chapters, you’ll train classification models using sci-kit learn, and assess model performance using advanced validation techniques. Towards the end, you’ll use Jupyter Notebooks to document your research, build stakeholder reports, and even analyze web performance data.By the end of The Applied Data Science Workshop, you’ll be prepared to progress from being a beginner to taking your skills to the next level by confidently applying data science techniques and tools to real-world projects.