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101 UX Principles. Actionable Solutions for Product Design Success - Second Edition
“This updated version of 101 UX Principles is a delight. It's an educational and fun provocation to look at the world of UX differently – solidly from the user's point of view.-Elizabeth Churchill, Director of User Experience, Google“A phenomenal reference guide. Complete with case studies, a record of personal experience, and visual examples, Grant makes it clear why these techniques have found their way into the canon of UX best practices.”-Jeff Gothelf, Author of Lean UX“..I recommend it to anyone looking to learn the basics and also for more experienced designers - the author’s candid opinions will force you to revisit some of your established assumptions!-Anne Marie-Leger, Staff Product Designer, Shopify“An absolute must-read, not only for UX designers, but this book is also super relevant for product managers trying to get better at product usability. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!-Trent Blakely, Sr. Product Manager, EquinixThis book is a manifesto of UX/UI design best practices to help you put the focus back on what really matters: the user. From UX laws to practical UI, color, typography, and accessibility advice, it’s all packed into this easy-to-consult and fun read:Essential UX lawsHandy best practicesSnippets of technical knowledge for anyone who wants to work in the digital space101 UX Principles demonstrates the success from best-in-class products and leads the way to delight your users. Keep it on your desk for quick reference, send as a gift to colleagues to build allies, or brandish it as your weapon of choice during meetings to fight for your users’ right to a better digital experience.Sneak a peek at some of the new and updated principles in this UX design book:Work with user expectations, not against themMake interactive elements obvious and discoverableOptimize your interface for mobileStreamline creating and entering passwordsRespect users' time and effort in your formsUse animation with care in user interfacesHow to handle destructive user actionsChatbots are usually a bad idea – and how to make them betterUse A/B testing to test your ideasLet users give feedback, but don't hassle themMake it clear to users if they're joining or signing-inOnly use modal views for blocking actionsHow complexity can be good for some users
Do you want to learn how to build robust, reliable, and impressive Angular applications? If yes, then Angular test-driven development is for you!Mastering Angular Test-Driven Development is a comprehensive guide that provides you with essential resources to enhance your skills and deliver high-quality Angular applications. With a practical approach and real-world examples, the book extensively covers TDD concepts, techniques, and tools, going beyond unit testing to explore testing Angular pipes, forms, and reactive programming.In this book, you’ll learn how to validate and manipulate data using pipes, test Angular forms for input validation and user interactions, and handle asynchronous operations with reactive programming. Additionally, you’ll discover end-to-end testing using Protractor, Cypress, and Playwright frameworks, gaining valuable insights into writing robust tests for web applications, navigation, element interaction, and behavior validation. You’ll also understand how to integrate TDD with CI/CD, learning best practices for automating tests, deploying Angular applications, and achieving faster feedback loops.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to successfully implement TDD in your Angular projects with the help of practical examples, best practices, and clear explanations.
Amazon Web Services is the largest cloud computing service provider in the world. Its foundational certification, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01), is the first step to fast-tracking your career in cloud computing. This certification will add value even to those in non-IT roles, including professionals from sales, legal, and finance who may be working with cloud computing or AWS projects. If you are a seasoned IT professional, this certification will make it easier for you to prepare for more technical certifications to progress up the AWS ladder and improve your career prospects.The book is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the fundamentals of cloud computing and the AWS global infrastructure. The second part examines key AWS technology services, including compute, network, storage, and database services. The third part covers AWS security, the shared responsibility model, and several security tools. In the final part, you'll study the fundamentals of cloud economics and AWS pricing models and billing practices.Complete with exercises that highlight best practices for designing solutions, detailed use cases for each of the AWS services, quizzes, and two complete practice tests, this CLF-C01 exam study guide will help you gain the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to ace the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.
Full Stack Quarkus and React. Hands-on full stack web development with Java, React, and Kubernetes
Marc Nuri San Felix, Alex Soto Bueno
React has established itself as one of the most popular and widely adopted frameworks thanks to its simple yet scalable app development abilities. Quarkus comes across as a fantastic alternative for backend development by boosting developer productivity with features such as pre-built integrations, application services, and more that bring a new, revolutionary developer experience to Java. To make the best use of both, this hands-on guide will help you get started with Quarkus and React to create and deploy an end-to-end web application.This book is divided into three parts. In the first part, you’ll begin with an introduction to Quarkus and its features, learning how to bootstrap a Quarkus project from the ground up to create a tested and secure HTTP server for your backend. The second part focuses on the frontend, showing you how to create a React project from scratch to build the application’s user interface and integrate it with the Quarkus backend. The last part guides you through creating cluster configuration manifests and deploying them to Kubernetes as well as other alternatives, such as Fly.io.By the end of this full stack development book, you’ll be confident in your skills to combine the robustness of both frameworks to create and deploy standalone, fully functional web applications.
Apex is an on-demand programming language providing a complete set of features for building business applications – including data models and objects to manage data. Apex being a proprietor programming language from Salesforce to be worked with multi tenant environment is a lot different than traditional OOPs languages like Java and C#. It acts as a workflow engine for managing collaboration of the data between users, a user interface model to handle forms and other interactions, and a SOAP API for programmatic access and integration.Apex Design Patterns gives you an insight to several problematic situations that can arise while developing on Force.com platform and the usage of Design patterns to solve them. Packed with real life examples, it gives you a walkthrough from learning design patterns that Apex can offer us, to implementing the appropriate ones in your own application. Furthermore, we learn about the creational patterns that deal with object creation mechanism and structural patterns that helps to identify the relationship between entities. Also, the behavioural and concurrency patterns are put forward explaining the communication between objects and multi-threaded programming paradigm respectively. We later on, deal with the issues regarding structuring of classes, instantiating or how to give a dynamic behaviour at a runtime, with the help of anti-patterns. We learn the basic OOPs principal in polymorphic and modular way to enhance its capability. Also, best practices of writing Apex code are explained to differentiate between the implementation of appropriate patterns. This book will also explain some unique patterns that could be applied to get around governor limits. By the end of this book, you will be a maestro in developing your applications on Force.com for Salesforce
Building Your Own JavaScript Framework. Architect extensible and reusable framework systems
JavaScript frameworks play an essential role in web application development; however, no single framework works perfectly for all projects. This book will help you understand existing projects, design new software architecture, and maintain projects as they grow. You’ll go through software architecture principles with JavaScript, along with a guided example of structuring your project and maintenance guidance.This book covers framework planning aspects, enabling you to identify key stakeholders, understand JavaScript API design, and leverage complex abstraction. The second part of the book takes a practical programming approach to building your own framework by showing you how to structure modules and interfaces. As you advance, you’ll discover how to develop data-binding components, work with JavaScript APIs, and much more. While writing a framework is half the job, continuing to develop it requires effort from everyone involved. The concluding chapters help to achieve this by teaching you the crucial aspects of software maintenance and highlighting the constants of framework development.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a clear understanding of the JavaScript framework landscape, along with the ability to build frameworks for your use cases.
Huy Hoang Nguyen, Paul N Adams, Stuart J Miller
The ability to proficiently perform statistical modeling is a fundamental skill for data scientists and essential for businesses reliant on data insights. Building Statistical Models with Python is a comprehensive guide that will empower you to leverage mathematical and statistical principles in data assessment, understanding, and inference generation.This book not only equips you with skills to navigate the complexities of statistical modeling, but also provides practical guidance for immediate implementation through illustrative examples. Through emphasis on application and code examples, you’ll understand the concepts while gaining hands-on experience. With the help of Python and its essential libraries, you’ll explore key statistical models, including hypothesis testing, regression, time series analysis, classification, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll gain fluency in statistical modeling while harnessing the full potential of Python's rich ecosystem for data analysis.
Parth Gajjar, Alexandre Fayolle, Holger Brunn, Daniel Reis
With its latest iteration, the powerful Odoo framework released a wide variety of features for rapid application development. This updated Odoo development cookbook will help you explore the new features in Odoo 14 and learn how to use them to develop Odoo applications from scratch. You'll learn about the new website concepts in Odoo 14 and get a glimpse of Odoo's new web-client framework, the Odoo Web Library (OWL).Once you've completed the installation, you'll begin to explore the Odoo framework with real-world examples. You'll then create a new Odoo module from the ground up and progress to advanced framework concepts. You'll also learn how to modify existing applications, including Point of Sale (POS) applications. This book isn't just limited to backend development; you'll discover advanced JavaScript recipes for creating new views and widgets. As you progress, you'll learn about website development and become a quality Odoo developer by studying performance optimization, debugging, and automated testing. Finally, you'll delve into advanced concepts such as multi-website, In-App Purchasing (IAP), Odoo.sh, the IoT Box, and security.By the end of the book, you'll have all the knowledge you need to build impressive Odoo applications and you'll be well versed in development best practices that will come in handy when working with the Odoo framework.
Matt Goldwasser, Upom Malik, Benjamin Johnston
Every day, businesses operate around the clock and a huge amount of data is generated at a rapid pace. Hidden in this data are key patterns and behaviors that can help you and your business understand your customers at a deep, fundamental level. Are you ready to enter the exciting world of data analytics and unlock these useful insights?Written by a team of expert data scientists who have used their data analytics skills to transform businesses of all shapes and sizes, The Applied SQL Data Analytics Workshop is a great way to get started with data analysis, showing you how to effectively sieve and process information from raw data, even without any prior experience.The book begins by showing you how to form hypotheses and generate descriptive statistics that can provide key insights into your existing data. As you progress, you'll learn how to write SQL queries to aggregate, calculate and combine SQL data from sources outside of your current dataset. You'll also discover how to work with different data types, like JSON. By exploring advanced techniques, such as geospatial analysis and text analysis, you'll finally be able to understand your business at a deeper level. Finally, the book lets you in on the secret to getting information faster and more effectively by using advanced techniques like profiling and automation.By the end of The Applied SQL Data Analytics Workshop, you'll have the skills you need to start identifying patterns and unlocking insights in your own data. You will be capable of looking and assessing data with the critical eye of a skilled data analyst.
Sublime is the leading platform for developing websites, applications, and software. Sublime Text is a sophisticated, cross-platform text and source code editor. It supports a number of different programming languages and is extremely efficient and feature rich. With Sublime Text, programmers can develop their web applications faster and with more efficiency.This book will put you at the frontier of modern software development. It will teach you how to leverage Sublime for anything from mobile games to missile protection. Above all, this book will help you harness the power of other Sublime users and always stay on top.This book will show you how to get started, from basic installation through lightning fast code navigation and up to the development of your own plugins. It takes you from the early stages of navigating through the platform and moves on by teaching you how to fully customize your platform, test, debug, and eventually create and share your own plugins to help and lead this community forward.The book will then teach you how to efficiently edit text, primarily by using the keyboard. You will learn how to interact with the Sublime Text community using the mailing lists and IRC.
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is used to develop systems that respond to events within strict timelines. Real-time embedded systems have applications in various industries, from automotive and aerospace through to laboratory test equipment and consumer electronics. These systems provide consistent and reliable timing and are designed to run without intervention for years.This microcontrollers book starts by introducing you to the concept of RTOS and compares some other alternative methods for achieving real-time performance. Once you've understood the fundamentals, such as tasks, queues, mutexes, and semaphores, you'll learn what to look for when selecting a microcontroller and development environment. By working through examples that use an STM32F7 Nucleo board, the STM32CubeIDE, and SEGGER debug tools, including SEGGER J-Link, Ozone, and SystemView, you'll gain an understanding of preemptive scheduling policies and task communication. The book will then help you develop highly efficient low-level drivers and analyze their real-time performance and CPU utilization. Finally, you'll cover tips for troubleshooting and be able to take your new-found skills to the next level.By the end of this book, you'll have built on your embedded system skills and will be able to create real-time systems using microcontrollers and FreeRTOS.
The technical program manager (TPM) is a relatively new role born out of the need of the tech industry to have a specialized practitioner who speaks both tech and business and leverages this bilingual talent to get results that no one else can.This book dives into what makes a TPM tick. You’ll find out which project and program management skills will help you shine and how you can apply your technical skills for effective results. This book looks at the TPM role across the Big Five tech companies (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Meta) to help you discern the most effective skills to be successful no matter which company you work for.Are you already a well-performing TPM looking to see what’s next? This book identifies the career paths for a TPM at the Big Five to help you decide the next step for you.By the end of this book, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to be a TPM, along with a breakdown of the necessary technical and program management skills to develop a clear roadmap for your career.