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Leonid Kuligin, Jorge Zaldívar, Maximilian Tschochohei, Harrison Chase
The rapid transformation and enterprise adoption of GenAI has created an urgent demand for developers to quickly build and deploy AI applications that deliver real value. Written by three distinguished Google AI engineers and LangChain contributors who have shaped Google Cloud’s integration with LangChain and implemented AI solutions for Fortune 500 companies, this book bridges the gap between concept and implementation, exploring LangChain and Google Cloud’s enterprise-ready tools for scalable AI solutions.You'll start by exploring the fundamentals of large language models (LLMs) and how LangChain simplifies the development of AI workflows by connecting LLMs with external data and services. This book guides you through using essential tools like the Gemini and PaLM 2 APIs, Vertex AI, and Vertex AI Search to create sophisticated, production-ready GenAI applications. You'll also overcome the context limitations of LLMs by mastering advanced techniques like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and external memory layers.Through practical patterns and real-world examples, you’ll gain everything you need to harness Google Cloud’s AI ecosystem, reducing the time to market while ensuring enterprise scalability. You’ll have the expertise to build robust GenAI applications that can be tailored to solve real-world business challenges.
With the increased adoption of Dynamics CRM 2011, more people are faced with various tasks including administering and customizing the environment. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a Customer Relationship Management software package from Microsoft. It offers solutions to help companies with Sales, Customer Services, and Marketing. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is increasingly being used by businesses of all kinds and all sizes to reach audiences in new ways. Microsoft Dynamics CRM scripting extends system customization through the use of client-side scripting. It builds on the standard customization options offered by Dynamics CRM.Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Scripting Cookbook walks the reader through the process of customizing an environment, from the most basic topics such as working with specific fields and types, working with the forms, and then moves on to the more advanced topics of scripting and debugging your scripts, designing new form and ribbon elements, and using additional well known public scripting libraries, as well as integrating external data sources into your environment.The first chapters of this book cover the basics of using the wizard-driven customization approach, packaging your customization into solutions, and adding basic scripts to interact with all the form elements. Further down the road we start introducing concepts around debugging your scripts, working with ribbon elements and navigation, taking advantage of other public scripting libraries and integrating them into your solutions, as well as light ways to bring social information in front of your users.Later chapters will assume knowledge of some of the most basic customizations presented at the beginning of the book. After completing the recipes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Scripting Cookbook, you will have gained a new perspective on how far can you take the customization in Dynamics CRM. The additional details presented around using other public scripting libraries and integrating other data sources into your environment should serve as a start into investigating additional sources.
Embark on a comprehensive iOS 18 development journey with Avi Tsadok, a veteran iOS developer and author of 4 books and over 40 tutorials and articles. A recognized public speaker, Avi has a knack for demystifying complex concepts and brings unparalleled expertise to the forefront of iOS 18 development education. This guide focuses on iOS 18 advancements, equipping developers with tools to maximize its potential.This book covers essential topics for seasoned developers, including Swift, SwiftUI, Xcode foundations, and the latest iOS SDK updates. You’ll get to grips with optimizing performance and understanding advanced architectural paradigms. By implementing the newest iOS updates, you’ll also explore intricate animation methods and harness a new framework, SwiftData that replaces Core Data for having persistent storage. The book builds your proficiency in advanced networking with URLSession and shows you how to conjure stunning visuals and adopt sophisticated testing techniques. You'll explore the world of machine learning with Apple’s Core ML diving into built-in frameworks like NLP, vision, and sound analysis to train and integrate your own models into iOS apps.By the end of the book, you'll possess skills to build exceptional apps, excel in advanced roles, and confidently tackle iOS development challenges.
Pablo Labbe, Philip Hand, Neeraj Kharpate
Qlik Sense allows you to explore simple and complex data to reveal hidden insight and data relationships that help you make quality decisions for overall productivity. An expert Qlik Sense user can use its features for business intelligence in an enterprise environment effectively. Qlik Sense Cookbook is an excellent guide for all aspiring Qlik Sense developers and will empower you to create featured desktop applications to obtain daily insights at work.This book takes you through the basics and advanced functions of Qlik Sense February 2018 release. You’ll start with a quick refresher on obtaining data from data files and databases, and move on to some more refined features including visualization, and scripting, as well as managing apps and user interfaces. You will then understand how to work with advanced functions like set analysis and set expressions. As you make your way through this book, you will uncover newly added features in Qlik Sense such as new visualizations, label expressions and colors for dimension and measures.By the end of this book, you will have explored various visualization extensions to create your own interactive dashboard with the required tips and tricks. This will help you overcome challenging situations while developing your applications in Qlik Sense.
MS Power Automate is a workflow automation tool built into MS 365 to help businesses automate repetitive tasks or trigger business processes without user intervention. It is a low-code tool that is part of the Microsoft applications framework, the Power Platform.If you are new to Power Automate, this book will give you a comprehensive introduction and a smooth transition from beginner to advanced topics to help you get up to speed with business process automation. Complete with hands-on tutorials and projects, this easy-to-follow guide will show you how to configure automation workflows for business processes between hundreds of applications, using examples within Microsoft and including third-party apps like Dropbox and Twitter. Once you understand how to use connectors, triggers, and actions to automate business processes, you’ll learn how to manage user input, documents, and approvals, as well as interact with databases. This edition also introduces new Power Automate features such as using robotic process automation (RPA) to automate legacy applications, interacting with the Microsoft Graph API, and working with artificial intelligence models to do sentiment analysis.By the end of this digital transformation book, you’ll have mastered the basics of using Power Automate to replace repetitive tasks with automation technology.
Wearable circuits add interaction and purpose to clothing and other wearable devices that are currently widely used in medical, social, safety, entertainment, and sports fields. To develop useful and impressive prototypes and wearables, you’ll need to be skilled in designing electronic circuits and working with wearable technologies.This book takes you on an interesting journey through wearable technology, starting from electronic circuits, materials, and e-textile toolkits to using Arduino, which includes a variety of sensors, outputs, actuators, and microcontrollers such as Gemma M0 and ESP32. As you progress, you’ll be carefully guided through creating an advanced IoT project. You’ll learn by doing and create wearables with the help of practical examples and exercises. Later chapters will show you how to develop a hyper-body wearable and solder and sew circuits. Finally, you’ll discover how to build a culture-driven wearable to track data and provide feedback using a Design Innovation approach.After reading this book, you’ll be able to design interactive prototypes and sew, solder, and program your own Arduino-based wearable devices with a purpose.
Google's Material Design language has taken the web development and design worlds by storm. Now available on many more platforms than Android, Material Design uses color, light, and movements to not only generate beautiful interfaces, but to provide intuitive navigation for the user.Learning Material Design will teach you the fundamental theories of Material Design using code samples to put these theories into practice.Focusing primarily on Android Studio, you’ll create mobile interfaces using the most widely used and powerful material components, such as sliding drawers and floating action buttons. Each section will introduce the relevant Java classes and APIs required to implement these components. With the rules regarding structure, layout, iconography, and typography covered, we then move into animation and transition, possibly Material Design's most powerful concept, allowing complex hierarchies to be displayed simply and stylishly.With all the basic technologies and concepts mastered, the book concludes by showing you how these skills can be applied to other platforms, in particular web apps, using the powerful Polymer library.
Richard G Ellis, Richard G. Ellis
Domino is an application server that can be used as a standalone web server. As part of the Domino suite, it provides a powerful collaborative platform for the development of customized business applications. It provides enterprise-grade e-mail, messaging, and scheduling capabilities.There are many novice and moderately experienced developers who would like to enhance a Web-enabled Domino application, but to do so they need to learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and also how to use those technologies in the context of a Domino application. Information about how to do this is available on the Web, but the sheer volume of that information makes it very difficult for the newbie to get started.Topics and techniques presented in this book provide a comprehensive overview of all major design strategies used to Web-enable traditional Domino applications. Illustrations provide clear working examples of how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be incorporated into existing applications to improve both look and performance.Early chapters provide suggestions for working with users and for managing your development time and effort. Later chapters focus in detail on forms and pages, views, navigation, agents, security, performance, and troubleshooting. Examples demonstrate clearly how to incorporate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into Domino designs. By the end of this book you will have learned what you need to know to quickly and competently tackle web application enhancement tasks.Beyond providing a good understanding, this book will continue to serve as a valuable source of ideas and techniques. This book brings together essential classic strategies and techniques used to deploy Domino applications to the Web. Chapters cover all major design elements, with a special emphasis on how to craft these elements to work well with web browsers. Many topics include alternative techniques for solving particular problems. Illustrations and examples can be used where appropriate, or they can serve as jumping off points for your own solutions.
Ninad Deshpande, Sivaram Pothukuchi
Engineering disciplines focus mainly on programming control systems, while the challenges they overcome or their industry applications largely go uncovered, leaving a huge gap between the theory and industry practices. This leads to engineers learning about subjects without actually understanding their purpose and entering the industry needing months of training.The Art of Manufacturing cuts across pedantic theory and reaches practical applications. You’ll begin your learning journey by starting from the product and moving backward to the manufacturing landscape, factories, machines, and finally to the automation and control challenges faced in manufacturing. The book builds on the authors’ valuable on-field experience, providing a detailed view of the manufacturing of real-world products, while simultaneously providing various analogies and references to daily tasks. As you advance through the chapters, you’ll work on interesting control problems and find out how to overcome them in applications. The concluding chapters offer you a sneak peek into the future of automation and factories.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to relate a real-world product with an associated control challenge and discover ways to overcome these challenges.
C# Programming Cookbook. Quick fixes to your common C# programming problems, with a focus on C# 6.0
During your application development workflow, there is always a moment when you need to get out of a tight spot. Through a recipe-based approach, this book will help you overcome common programming problems and get your applications ready to face the modern world. We start with C# 6, giving you hands-on experience with the new language features. Next, we work through the tasks that you perform on a daily basis such as working with strings, generics, and lots more. Gradually, we move on to more advanced topics such as the concept of object-oriented programming, asynchronous programming, reactive extensions, and code contracts. You will learn responsive high performance programming in C# and how to create applications with Azure. Next, we will review the choices available when choosing a source control solution. At the end of the book, we will show you how to create secure and robust code, and will help you ramp up your skills when using the new version of C# 6 and Visual Studio
Kunal Dabir, Abhinandan Maheshwari
Gradle is an advanced and modern build automation tool. It inherits the best elements of the past generation of build tools, but it also differs and innovates to bring terseness, elegance, simplicity, and the flexibility to build.Right from installing Gradle and writing your first build file to creating a fully-fledged multi-module project build, this book will guide you through its topics in a step-by-step fashion.You will get your hands dirty with a simple Java project built with Gradle and go on to build web applications that are run with Jetty or Tomcat. We take a unique approach towards explaining the DSL using the Gradle API, which makes the DSL more accessible and intuitive. All in all, this book is a concise guide to help you decipher the Gradle build files, covering the essential topics that are most useful in real-world projects. With every chapter, you will learn a new topic and be able to readily implement your build files.
Your social media is filled with a wealth of hidden data – unlock it with the power of Python. Transform your understanding of your clients and customers when you use Python to solve the problems of understanding consumer behavior and turning raw data into actionable customer insights.This book will help you acquire and analyze data from leading social media sites. It will show you how to employ scientific Python tools to mine popular social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Quora, and more. Explore the Python libraries used for social media mining, and get the tips, tricks, and insider insight you need to make the most of them. Discover how to develop data mining tools that use a social media API, and how to create your own data analysis projects using Python for clear insight from your social data.
Sebastien Donadio, Sourav Ghosh
It’s now harder than ever to get a significant edge over competitors in terms of speed and efficiency when it comes to algorithmic trading. Relying on sophisticated trading signals, predictive models and strategies can make all the difference. This book will guide you through these aspects, giving you insights into how modern electronic trading markets and participants operate.You’ll start with an introduction to algorithmic trading, along with setting up the environment required to perform the tasks in the book. You’ll explore the key components of an algorithmic trading business and aspects you’ll need to take into account before starting an automated trading project. Next, you’ll focus on designing, building and operating the components required for developing a practical and profitable algorithmic trading business. Later, you’ll learn how quantitative trading signals and strategies are developed, and also implement and analyze sophisticated trading strategies such as volatility strategies, economic release strategies, and statistical arbitrage. Finally, you’ll create a trading bot from scratch using the algorithms built in the previous sections.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with electronic trading markets and have learned to implement, evaluate and safely operate algorithmic trading strategies in live markets.
Elevate your video editing skills with Final Cut Pro 10.7.1, the ultimate tool for efficient and professional editing, offering powerful new features to enhance your workflow and give your videos a stunning look.The second edition of this comprehensive guide covers exciting new features in FCP, teaching you how to streamline your workflow with customizable workspaces, shortcuts, and advanced trimming tools. Explore best-in-class titles and a comprehensive suite of visual effects in Final Cut Pro for dynamic videos, create a great-sounding mix with Final Cut Pro's audio tools, and utilize the magnetic timeline, multicam editing, and advanced color correction for every project.Whether you're creating content for social media, YouTube, or Hollywood, Final Cut Pro Efficient Editing, Second Edition is your ultimate guide to professional video editing. Get your copy today and take your video editing skills to the next level.