
Jim Brent

H.C. McNeile

The events of the story take place during the Second World War. Jim Brent, a soldier who serves Belgium, learns that his lover is marrying another. In desperation, he doesnt care about his destiny anyway, and he rushes into battle with a hot head. He offers to blow up the bridge, which could cost him his life.


Mistress Pat

Lucy Maud Montgomery

This book describes the life of Patricia Gardiner in her twenties and early thirties, when she remained alone and took care of her beloved home, Silver Bush. Pat hated change more than ever, and took refuge in the Silver Bush where she was protected from them, but the change did happen. Over the course of eleven years, new servants came and went, new neighbors and new lovers, all her brothers and sisters got married, and life in the Silver Bush was not as pleasant as before, but Pat was desperately clinging to her love for her. Only in the face of terrible disasters, Pat discovered where her heart belongs for the rest of her life.


Szkoła żon. Komedia w 5 aktach


Głównym tematem komediowej Szkoły żon uczynił Molier zazdrość. Zatwardziały stary kawaler Arnolf postanawia zmienić stan cywilny, ale na własnych warunkach planuje pojąć za żonę swoją wychowanicę Anusię, nad której dorastaniem czuwał i co jak przypuszcza zaowocuje udanym małżeństwem. Miłość to jednak materia delikatna i nie wszystko udaje się zaplanować.


The Mill House Murder

J.S. Fletcher

It tells about the murder of James Martenroyd, the owner of the Yorkshire mill, who was going to marry a second time. Suddenly, his body is found near his own house. Under suspicion is his nephew. Why was his door so carefully shut? There are many questions that need to be solved.


Stolen Idols

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A young adventurer steals two complimentary idols of Buddha from a Chinese temple, one of which is supposed to have a debasing and malevolent effect upon its owners. One of the idols represents the Body, and all of the corruption and evil of Mankind, the other represents the Soul, and all that is good. The Ballastons are a spendthrift aristocratic family threatened with the loss of their ancestral home due to large debts. The son steals these idols, ends up with just the naughty one, and in the process crosses swords with Wu Ling, a wily Chinese merchant who later manages to become English. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and this is one of the best of his many good and exciting books.


Good Indian

B.M. Bower

Good Indian is a foster son of a western ranch owner. Considered as the eldest son, Good Indian plays a pivot role when the family ranch is attacked by scheming, gold prospectors. He is taken by the beauty of one fragile girl who cannot understand the western customs. His partner and supporter, Georgie Howard, quells her love for him, when they both go through the legal battle of the family ranch. Bower gives the reader an excellent portrayal of a man loved by more than one woman. All that entwined with three lovely women with completely different characters, a group of native Americans, and some interesting family dynamics transformed this saga into a good read.


The Man Who Knew

Edgar Wallace

The body of a young man is found splayed out in the middle of one of the most august public squares in England. Soon it is discovered that the dead man was at the center of a beguiling web of entanglements and intrigue. Constable Wiseman is at the scene, as is the handsome Frank Merril, nephew of rich John Martin. A small, shabby man in an ill-fitting frock coat and large gold rimmed spectacles pulls a newspaper advertisement from the deceaseds waistcoat pocket. Will the intrepid detectives get to the bottom of things and puncture the thick veil of corruption that seems to surround the case? As a writer of detective stories, Mr. Wallace occupies an enviable place. The Man Who Knew shows him at his best.


The Devils Advocate

Fred M. White

The Devils Advocate, like some Fred M. White stories, begins with a love story. On arrival at Hierfield, David Macrae meets Philippa Goldfinch and falls in love with her. However, it was not easy to win her heart from the beginning. David Macrae is a pretty successful writer. The story begins so beautiful, romantic. But, will it end the same good way?


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 10). Leśna Różyczka. Tajemnice klasztoru

Karol May

Tajemnice klasztoru to ósmy tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Podczas licznych i szalonych podróży po wielu krajach i kontynentach odważni bohaterowie spotykają na swojej drodze różne postaci niektóre sprzyjają realizacji ich planów i wyciągają pomocną dłoń, inne wręcz przeciwnie narażają drużynę na niebezpieczeństwa i same proszą się o pogruchotanie kości w potyczce.



Wacław Gąsiorowski

Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w czasie wojen napoleońskich. Działania wojenne sprowadzają Floriana Gotartowskiego na terytorium polskie, gdzie w jednym z polskich dworków poznaje on piękną Zofię Dziewanowską. Wielka miłość jest jednak wystawiona na próbę Florian jako żołnierz wciąż walczy u boku Napoleona, ryzykując życiem w kolejnych bitwach. Tło dla wątków przygodowo-miłosnych stanowi ocena polityki Bonapartego.


Im Schillingshof

Eugenie Marlitt

Im Schillingshof leben zwei Familien eine adlig, die andere bürgerlich. Eine bürgerliche und eine altadlige Familie geraten aneinander. Die Konflikte resultieren aus einem kriminellen Fall von Wirtschaftsspionage. Doch es geht auch um Gefühle wie Hass, Hochmut, Stolz, Liebe und Eifersucht... Der Bestseller Im Schillingshof zählt zu den wichtigten Büchern im umfangreichen Werk von Eugenie Marlitt. Eugenie Marlitts Bestseller Im Schillingshof bringt Spannung und historische Bildung auf unterhaltsame Art. Als Meisterin des Spannungsaufbaus versteht es Marlitt, die Leserin mit vielen vagen Andeutungen und plötzlichen abgebrochenen Gesprächen lange im Ungewißen zu lassen.


Jerry Todd, Caveman

Leo Edwards

Red Meyers and Rory Ringer, both members of the famous gang of Jerry Todd. They disappeared into the wilds of Oak Island to create a kingdom of cavemen, taking with them a parrot and a donkey, a goat, a monkey, a cat, eleven pigs, six pies. While Jerry gets there, the king on the throne built himself a royal chariot, pottery, created a new language. A royal reception, a banquet, a moon cat hunt, a silver skull, a singing tree and a wooden cow all these are the main points in this mixed story about stormy fun and a riddle that will need to be solved.


Der verlorene Sohn. Band IV

Karl May

Die vorliegende Erzählung spielt zu Beginn der 80er-Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts. Gustav Brandt wird des Doppelmordes an Baron Otto von Helfenstein und dem Verlobten von dessen Tochter beschuldigt. Wird es Gustav gelingen seine Unschuld zu beweisen? Brandt wird zum Tode verurteilt, später begnadigt, kann aber fliehen. Gustav Brandt kann ins Ausland fliehen. Reich geworden kehrt er zwanzig Jahre später als geheimnisvoller Fürst des Elends in seine Heimat zurück. Dort nimmt er den Kampf gegen den wahren Mörder von damals auf, den ominösen Hauptmann, der in der Umgebung von Dresden noch immer sein verbrecherisches Unwesen treibt.


Czerwony błazen

Aleksander Błażejowski

W warszawskim kabarecie Złoty Ptak przy ulicy Marszałkowskiej występuje znakomity komik-humorysta o pseudonimie Czerwony Błazen. Nikt nie wie, kim jest, gdyż twarz skrywa za maską. Na scenie wyśmiewa polityków, urzędników i dorobkiewiczów. W ciągu kilku wieczorów przemienił Złotego Ptaka, który świecił pustką, w najpopularniejszy i najbardziej uczęszczany kabaret stolicy. Tymczasem tuż przed rozpoczęciem kolejnego spektaklu w garderobie anonimowego błazna obsługa znajduje zwłoki znanego w sferach towarzyskich bankiera. A sam komik zniknął. Śledztwo prowadzą komisarz policji Borewicz i prokurator Gliński. Wkrótce wychodzi na jaw, że Czerwony Błazen i pewien polski młody dyplomata są rodzonymi braćmi. Jeden w masce błazna pracował, by mieć pieniądze na pokrycie nadmiernych wydatków drugiego.


The Final Count

H.C. McNeile

Drummond was a hard muscular and most powerful man. He was a magnificent boxer, a lightning and a deadly shot with a revolver, and utterly lovable. There is a person in the world who has a colossal brain, unshakable nerve and unlimited ambitions. However, there is a kink in his brain, which has turned him into a completely unfair criminal. For him, killing means nothing more than some kind of fun. Drummond must defeat such a criminal.


The Scales of Justice

Fred M. White

This dark story is full of mystery and unsolved mysteries. It was the first real day of Spring, and most people lingered out of doors till the bare branches of the trees melted in the gloaming, and it was possible to see and hear no more, save for the promise of the little black herald singing madly from the blackthorn. In certain places, the lights were grouped into masses, because they lit up a trio of Louis Quatorze card tables, where twelve people played bridge. From time to time, yellow flames revealed some brilliant objects on the walls or on the floor, hinting at the treasures of art, most of which have their own history.