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Na fali

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Józef Reni, młody student prawa i utalentowany skrzypek poszukuje niedrogiej stancji, w której mógłby zamieszkać. Kolega proponuje mu lokum u profesorowej, matki pięknej Józefiny, zwanej Pepi. Wrażliwy chłopak stopniowo ulega jej urokowi, wierząc, że uczucie jest odwzajemnione. Pewnego dnia Józef musi wyjechać w poszukiwaniu brata. Pozostawia Pepi na jakiś czas. Po powrocie już nic nie wygląda tak samo. Młody mężczyzna uświadamia sobie, że był tylko zabawką w uroczych rączkach. Decyduje się związać z inną dziewczyną, stanowiącą przeciwieństwo trzpiotowatej Pepi. Jednak serca nie da się oszukać... Na fali to niezwykła opowieść o zniszczonych ideałach.


The Master Revenge

H.A. Cody

It happens that you are a hostage to circumstances. The main character, Nathan, is trying to clear his name from an unfair accusation. After 12 years, holding in prison on a false charge of theft. Can he do it? After all, now everyone looks at him differently.


The Thundering Herd

Zane Grey

In this breathless tale of bravery and battle, of white mans courage and red mans daring, Zane Grey has written one of his finest novels. The great western writers story of the buffalo hunters, and the passing of the great herds of buffalo. The Thundering Herd is the story of the buffalo and of their near extinction when hide hunters swarmed the plains killing them by the tens of thousands, and at the same time helping to eliminate the Indians by killing their food supply. Grounded in the authors sense of western history, it shows in no uncertain terms how white men were debased by the wanton destruction of the herds.


The Milan Grill Room

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Milan Grill Room is a series of ten connected short stories featuring the character of Louis, a crippled veteran of World War I and maître dhôtel, who solves crimes from his table in the Grill Room of the hotel and who is able to provide invaluable assistance to the British police and Secret Service. Tracking spies, catching traitors, uncovering plots, often in the company of Major Charles Lyson of the Secret Service, Louis is never ruffled, and always resourceful. These ten connected episodes, centering around the activities of the good Louis are replete with adventure, intrigue and romance. Also these short story collection by Mr. Oppenheim including: The Calais Gun, The Third Key, The Kidnapping of Mr. Peter Jardine and so on.


The Four Million

O. Henry

This anthology contains 25 tales of old New York city at the dawn of the 20th century. A collection of O. Henrys short stories bearing his trademark irony, comic misunderstandings, and surprise endings. They also capture his use of coincidence or chance to create humor in the story. O. Henry wrote about ordinary people in everyday circumstances. The true hero of The Four Million is the city of New York, with its energy, compassion and kaleidoscope of human emotions. O. Henry focuses his curious microscope on the diverse lives of various residents of this metropolis. A few protagonists claim idle-rich status, but most represent the middle class or poverty-stricken milieus. He is quoted as once saying, There are stories in everything. Ive got some of my best yarns from park benches, lampposts and newspaper stands.



Aleksander Fredro

Doskonała komedia Aleksandra Fredry w czterech aktach, która powstała na początku lat 30. XIX wieku. Akcja Zemsty rozgrywa się w kilku planach. Cześnik Raptusiewcz pragnie ożenić się z owdowiałą Podstoliną, która bawi u niego z wizytą. Cześnik jest łasy na majątek Podstoliny, nie wie jednak, że ona sama szuka męża, bo jest bez grosza. Raptusiewicz jest człowiekiem nieobytym i nieśmiałym. Zdając sobie sprawę ze swoich braków, wzywa na pomoc Papkina, który podaje się za pożeracza serc niewieścich i wielkiego bohatera, a w rzeczywistości jest tchórzem i pyszałkiem. Raptusiewicz prosi także Papkina, by utrzymywał w jego imieniu kontakty z sąsiadem Rejentem Milczkiem, z którym Cześnik jest skłócony. Nagle okazuje się, że Rejent zlecił murarzom naprawę muru rozgraniczającego część zamku należącą do niego od części należącej do Cześnika. Raptusiewicz każe Papkinowi rozpędzić murarzy. Sytuację dodatkowo komplikuje to, że dziura w murze pozwala na schadzki w ogrodzie Klary (bratanicy Cześnika) i Wacława (syna Milczka). Wacław jest gotów porwać Klarę, by się z nią ożenić. Tymczasem na bratanicę Cześnika ostrzy sobie zęby Papkin...


The Ranchers Revenge

Max Brand

The story of young, hardworking rancher John Saxon who suffers abuse from the mean-spirited Bob Witherell. With a great show of self-discipline and character, Saxon gains skill as a gunsman, and takes down Witherell in a duel ... but Witherell is not ordinary bully, he is also the brother of the notorious outlaw, The Solitaire, of national repute and a "list of dead men ... long and crowded with important names. One of many recommended Westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 - May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand.


Promethidion. Rzecz w dwóch dialogach z epilogiem

Cyprian Kamil Norwid

Promethidion. Rzecz w dwóch dialogach z epilogiem to traktat dydaktyczny Cypriana Kamila Norwida pisany wierszem. Tworzą go dwa dialogi zatytułowane: Bogumił. Dialog, w którym jest rzecz o sztuce i stanowisku sztuki oraz Wiesław. Dialog, w którym jest rzecz o prawdzie, jej promieniach i duchu. Dzieło poświęcone jest refleksji autora nad estetyką i pojmowaniem sztuki, wyraża także pogląd o konieczności tworzenia odrębnej sztuki narodowej.


Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea

L. Frank Baum

L. Frank Baum, the author of the famous Oz books, wrote a number of series for children (and occasionally, books for older readers) under a variety of pseudonyms. Among those you can find many examples of adventure fiction, including this, the inaugural title of the Sam Steele series. Sam Steele is the son of a sea captain; his father is reported killed in a shipwreck, and Sam is quickly cheated of his inheritance. Now an orphan, he meets his maternal uncle, Naboth Perkins, another sea captain and ship-owner; together the two set sail in the Pacific trade. At home again, Sam and Naboth discover that Sams father Captain Steele has survived shipwreck, with the loss of a leg. Re-united with his father, Sam regains his lost patrimony. Unusually for Baum, the tale of Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea is told in the first person, by the title character.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 5). Ród Rodrigandów. Ku Mapimi

Karol May

Karol May znów zabiera nas do Meksyku, gdzie doktor Sternau i Unger z pomocą Bawolego Czoła unikają zasadzki przygotowanej przez podstępnego i żądnego bogactw Cortejo. Dalsze wydarzenia rozgrywają się błyskawicznie: banda opryszków zostaje rozgromiona, kolejne napaści udaremnione. Jednak to nie koniec przygód doktora Sternaua, które czekają go w drodze do kamiennej piramidy.


Двенадцать стульев (Dwanaście krzeseł)

Илья Арнольдович Ильф, Евгений Петров, Ilja Arnoldowicz Ilf, Jewgienij Pietrow

Знаменитый роман-фельетон И. Ильфа и Е. Петрова 201eДвенадцать стульев201d 2013 одно из культовых произведений русской литературы ХХ века. Захватывающая история о приключениях двух аферистов Остапа Бендера и Ипполита Воробьянинова в поисках сокровищ мадам Петуховой 2013 бриллиантов, запрятанных в одном из 12-ти стульев, за которыми и устроили настоящую охоту главные герои.


Names in the Black Book

Robert E. Howard

Three unsolved murders in a week are not so unusual--for River Street, grunted Steve Harrison, shifting his muscular bulk restlessly in his chair. His companion lighted a cigarette and Harrison observed that her slim hand was none too steady. She was exotically beautiful, a dark, supple figure, with the rich colors of purple Eastern nights and crimson dawns in her dusky hair and red lips. But in her dark eyes Harrison glimpsed the shadow of fear. Only once before had he seen fear in those marvelous eyes, and the memory made him vaguely uneasy.


Anima vilis

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Akcja powieści Anima vilis rozgrywa się na Syberii. Antoni Mrozowiecki to człowiek uczciwy i pracowity. Jest przez to nielubiany przez cwaniaka o nazwisku Szumski, który uważa go za konkurenta w rywalizacji o Marię, córkę doktora. Piękne opisy srogiej krainy, charakterystyka losów zesłańców, ich przeżycia oraz wielka miłość to główne zalety powieści.


Kate Plus Ten

Edgar Wallace

This is the story of a young female criminal mastermind who leads a gang in a series of exceptionally daring and very profitable robberies but works as secretary to keep her cover story intact. When she picks up information from her boss, an aristocrat, the police soon suspect her of wrongdoing. But she meets a handsome police officer who very much against her will softens her hearts. She and the gang become alienated from one another. Naturally she just has something in her system, which eventually is found to be eradicable, as you will discover when you reach the end of this exciting book.


The Double Life of Mr. Alfred Burton

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Alfred Burton, a smooth-talking salesman, is having a perfectly ordinary day on the job when he stumbles across a strange plant with green leaves and a cluster of queer little brown beans hanging down from them in an old house. The virtue of the beans is that he who eats one shall see nothing, think nothing, say nothing but the truth. Alfred Burton has a well-meaning, rather ordinary wife who becomes unendurable to him, and he falls in love with a charming girl who would have no appeal for the man he formerly was. What Alfred really doesnt realize is that the fruit of the plant, when eaten, will change not merely the entire course of his life, but in fact his very self.


The Million Dollar Story

Edgar Wallace

John Sands needed a bride more than that, however, he needed somebody with a criminal mind. Luckily a female convict has escaped from prison that very morning and was sitting in his house. Romance and mystery, with classic twists and turns. As is typical with Wallace, this book includes a death, a love-affair, a kidnapping, an intrepid amateur. British author Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was reportedly the second biggest seller after the Bible in his heyday. He was a Reuters war correspondent during the Second Boer War and wrote thrillers to earn money. He later moved to Hollywood as a script writer and died while drafting King Kong.