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Until recently, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines belonged to the realm of heavy industry, but as technology becomes cheaper and smaller, these machines now can be used in home workshops. It’s not easy to get started, though, but thanks to this guide, you’ll be ready to take on a variety of projects in no time.A Tinkerer’s Guide to CNC Basics contains everything you need to get set up at home with computer-controlled machining and fabrication. Sparing you the theory, this project-laden guide helps you learn by doing.Once you’ve got to grips with the principles of CNC and installed the 3018 Pro CNC machine, you’ll gradually move from simple projects such as basic engraving to more complex milling and machining techniques. You’ll even learn how to upgrade your machine to accomplish more sophisticated designs. The plethora of projects in this book will keep you busy and give you the practice you need to get started with your computerized workshop.By the end of the book, your computerized home workshop will be one step closer to realization, and your machining skills will be taken to the next level.
Step into the world of low poly 3D art with Low Poly 3D Modeling in Blender—your entry point into Blender and mastering the fundamentals of 3D art. This beginner-friendly guide ensures that you’re fully prepared for the creative adventure that follows.Through a step-by-step learning process starting with the principles of low poly art, this book gradually immerses you in the intricacies of modeling. As you progress, you’ll gain hands-on experience creating diverse projects ranging from designing a simple 3D crate to rendering complete low poly scenes. The book covers a wide spectrum of topics as you navigate Blender's interface, mastering essential modeling tools and exploring both basic and advanced modeling techniques. Advancing to the final chapters, you’ll find ways to breathe life into your models with material creation and gain practical insights into modeling a variety of low poly objects. From end-to-end scene construction to configuring Blender for rendering high-quality images, you’ll be equipped with the foundational skills to propel your career in 3D modeling and explore the boundless creative possibilities that Blender offers.By the end of this book, you'll have a solid understanding of Blender, 3D modeling, low poly methodologies, material design, 3D rendering techniques, and the broader world of 3D art.
Amita Kapoor, Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal, François Chollet
Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras teaches you neural networks and deep learning techniques using TensorFlow (TF) and Keras. You'll learn how to write deep learning applications in the most powerful, popular, and scalable machine learning stack available.TensorFlow 2.x focuses on simplicity and ease of use, with updates like eager execution, intuitive higher-level APIs based on Keras, and flexible model building on any platform. This book uses the latest TF 2.0 features and libraries to present an overview of supervised and unsupervised machine learning models and provides a comprehensive analysis of deep learning and reinforcement learning models using practical examples for the cloud, mobile, and large production environments.This book also shows you how to create neural networks with TensorFlow, runs through popular algorithms (regression, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), transformers, generative adversarial networks (GANs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), natural language processing (NLP), and graph neural networks (GNNs)), covers working example apps, and then dives into TF in production, TF mobile, and TensorFlow with AutoML.
SwiftUI Essentials - iOS Edition. Learn to Develop iOS Apps using SwiftUI, Swift 5 and Xcode 11
Beginning with the basics, this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an iOS development environment and introduced you to Swift Playgrounds so that you can learn and experiment with Swift.You’ll begin with an introduction to the key concepts of SwiftUI and its architecture. You’ll learn how to create customer SwiftUI views and combine them to create user interface layouts including how to use stacks, frames, and forms. As you progress, you’ll learn how to handle data using state properties. You’ll also learn how to use graphics, animation, transitions, and gestures in your user interface. The book finishes by explaining how to package an application and upload it to the App Store for publication.By the end of the book, you’ll have all the necessary skills to develop your own applications for iOS 13 with SwiftUI, Swift 5, and Xcode 11.
Dan Noble, Pulkit Agrawal, Mahmoud Lababidi
ElasticSearch is a distributed search server similar to Apache Solr with a focus on large datasets, a schema-less setup, and high availability. This schema-free architecture allows ElasticSearch to index and search unstructured content, making it perfectly suited for both small projects and large big data warehouses with petabytes of unstructured data.This book is your toolkit to teach you how to keep your cluster in good health, and show you how to diagnose and treat unexpected issues along the way. You will start by getting introduced to ElasticSearch, and look at some common performance issues that pop up when using the system. You will then see how to install and configure ElasticSearch and the ElasticSearch monitoring plugins. Then, you will proceed to install and use the Marvel dashboard to monitor ElasticSearch. You will find out how to troubleshoot some of the common performance and reliability issues that come up when using ElasticSearch. Finally, you will analyze your cluster’s historical performance, and get to know how to get to the bottom of and recover from system failures.This book will guide you through several monitoring tools, and utilizes real-world cases and dilemmas faced when using ElasticSearch, showing you how to solve them simply, quickly, and cleanly.
Alexia Audevart, Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron
The independent recipes in Machine Learning Using TensorFlow Cookbook will teach you how to perform complex data computations and gain valuable insights into your data. Dive into recipes on training models, model evaluation, sentiment analysis, regression analysis, artificial neural networks, and deep learning - each using Google’s machine learning library, TensorFlow.This cookbook covers the fundamentals of the TensorFlow library, including variables, matrices, and various data sources. You’ll discover real-world implementations of Keras and TensorFlow and learn how to use estimators to train linear models and boosted trees, both for classification and regression.Explore the practical applications of a variety of deep learning architectures, such as recurrent neural networks and Transformers, and see how they can be used to solve computer vision and natural language processing (NLP) problems.With the help of this book, you will be proficient in using TensorFlow, understand deep learning from the basics, and be able to implement machine learning algorithms in real-world scenarios.
With a foreword from PowerShell creator Jeffrey Snover, this heavily updated edition is designed to help you learn how to use PowerShell 7.1 effectively and manage the core roles, features, and services of Windows Server in an enterprise setting. All scripts are compatible with both Window Server 2022 and 2019.This latest edition equips you with over 100 recipes you'll need in day-to-day work, covering a wide range of fundamental and more advanced use cases. We look at how to install and configure PowerShell 7.1, along with useful new features and optimizations, and how the PowerShell compatibility solution bridges the gap to older versions of PowerShell. Topics include using PowerShell to manage networking and DHCP in Windows Server, objects in Active Directory, Hyper-V, and Azure. Debugging is crucial, so the book shows you how to use some powerful tools to diagnose and resolve issues with Windows Server.
Brian Rossney, Ciaran Kavanagh
MetaHuman Creator (MHC) is an online, user-friendly 3D design tool for creating highly realistic digital humans that can be animated within Unreal Engine (UE) and enhanced with motion capture technology. This means that filmmakers and game developers now have access to a high quality, affordable solution that was previously only available to specialist studios.This book will focus on using UE5 and MHC from a filmmaker angle. Firstly, you’ll understand how to use the online MHC to create a digital character, changing its facial structure, body type, and clothing. After that, you’ll learn all the necessary steps to bring the character into UE5 and set it up for animation. Then, using an iPhone and a webcam to capture face and body movements, you’ll mix these motion capture files, refine the animations using the MetaHuman Control Rig, and save these takes to be reused and edited again within the Level Sequencer. On top of that, you’ll learn how to create a rendered video file for film production using both the Level Sequencer and a VR Cinematic Camera. By the end of this book, you’ll have created your own MetaHuman character, as well as face and body motion capture data, and learned the necessary skills to give your future projects further realism and creative control.
Ransomware, phishing, and data breaches are major concerns affecting all organizations as a new cyber threat seems to emerge every day, making it paramount to protect the security of your organization and be prepared for potential cyberattacks. This book will ensure that you can build a reliable cybersecurity framework to keep your organization safe from cyberattacks.This Executive’s Cybersecurity Program Handbook explains the importance of executive buy-in, mission, and vision statement of the main pillars of security program (governance, defence, people and innovation). You’ll explore the different types of cybersecurity frameworks, how they differ from one another, and how to pick the right framework to minimize cyber risk. As you advance, you’ll perform an assessment against the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which will help you evaluate threats to your organization by identifying both internal and external vulnerabilities. Toward the end, you’ll learn the importance of standard cybersecurity policies, along with concepts of governance, risk, and compliance, and become well-equipped to build an effective incident response team.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a thorough understanding of how to build your security program from scratch as well as the importance of implementing administrative and technical security controls.
We would all like to build software architecture that yields adaptable and flexible software with low development costs. But, unreasonable deadlines and shortcuts make it very hard to create such an architecture.Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture starts with a discussion about the conventional layered architecture style and its disadvantages. It also talks about the advantages of the domain-centric architecture styles of Robert C. Martin's Clean Architecture and Alistair Cockburn's Hexagonal Architecture. Then, the book dives into hands-on chapters that show you how to manifest a hexagonal architecture in actual code. You'll learn in detail about different mapping strategies between the layers of a hexagonal architecture and see how to assemble the architecture elements into an application. The later chapters demonstrate how to enforce architecture boundaries. You'll also learn what shortcuts produce what types of technical debt and how, sometimes, it is a good idea to willingly take on those debts.After reading this book, you'll have all the knowledge you need to create applications using the hexagonal architecture style of web development.
Drupal 5 Views Recipes. 94 recipes to develop custom content displays for your Drupal web site
Marjorie Roswell, Dries Buytaert
The Drupal View modules give you flexibility and freedom to customize the display of your web site's content. Although there are more than 100 views-enabled modules, few site administrators use Drupal Views to its full potential.This book will enable you to realize the fullest potential of this powerful resource by providing a wide variety of powerful recipes for creating and displaying a wide variety of views ñ essential classics you will use again and again to innovative display methods that will make your Drupal site stand out. Pick and choose the ones you would like to prepare for your web site.In this book you will find ninety-four recipes to create a wide selection of views. The list includes event listings, interactive calendars and timelines, maps, proximity search, podcasting, carousels, Views Fusion, and many more. You will also explore default views, views with CCK, and master a variety of ways to associate views with related content.Most people think of Views for site visitors. But Views can also be handy for site administrators. You will get to know the Views Bulk Operations module, along with Editable Fields, and Views Custom Fields. (You'll probably wonder why you never used them before!)If you want to take Views to the next level, the book contains a code-rich chapter on theming. However, you will find most of the recipes detailed by the author do not require any original coding at all.As you progress through the recipes, you will be immersed in such Drupal Views topics as fields, arguments, filters, exposed filters, sorting, style plug-ins, formatters, cloning and copying views.Because Drupal is a worldwide and ever adapting system, the author also includes great tips and resources for navigating the online Drupal community and expanding your knowledge of the recipes.Finally, there is an extensive Appendix, which includes listings of all default views, formatters and style plug-ins for Drupal 5, along with a categorized list of patches.
Jose Maria Mateos-Perez, Javier Pascau
Digital image processing is an increasingly important field across a vast array of scientific disciplines. ImageJ's long history and ever-growing user base makes it a perfect candidate for solving daily tasks involving all kinds of image analysis processes.Image Processing with ImageJ is a practical book that will guide you from the most basic analysis techniques to the fine details of implementing new functionalities through the ImageJ plugin system, all of it through the use of examples and practical cases.ImageJ is an excellent public domain imaging analysis platform that can be very easily used for almost all your image processing needs. Image Processing with ImageJ will start by showing you how to open a number of different images, become familiar with the different options, and perform simple analysis operations using the provided image samples.You will also learn how to make modifications through ImageJ filters and how to make local measurements using the selections system. You will also find the instructions necessary to record all the steps you perform so they can be saved and re-run on the same image to ensure analysis reproducibility. Finally, you will get to know some different ImageJ plugins and will learn how to implement your own.
Devin Knight, Mitchell Pearson, Bradley Schacht, Erin Ostrowsky
This revised edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest enhancements to Power BI. It includes a new chapter dedicated to dataflow, and covers all the essential concepts such as installation, designing effective data models, as well as building basic dashboards and visualizations to help you and your organization make better business decisions.You’ll learn how to obtain data from a variety of sources and clean it using Power BI Query Editor. You’ll then find out how you can design your data model to navigate and explore relationships within it and build DAX formulas to make your data easier to work with. Visualizing your data is a key element in this book, and you’ll get to grips rapidly with data visualization styles and enhanced digital storytelling techniques. In addition, you will acquire the skills to build your own dataflows, understand the Common Data Model, and automate data flow refreshes to eradicate data cleansing inefficiency.This guide will help you understand how to administer your organization's Power BI environment so that deployment can be made seamless, data refreshes can run properly, and security can be fully implemented.By the end of this Power BI book, you’ll have a better understanding of how to get the most out of Power BI to perform effective business intelligence.