Wydawca: Packt Publishing
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Vulkan 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook. Implement expert-level techniques for high-performance graphics with Vulkan - Second Edition

Sergey Kosarevsky, Alexey Medvedev, Viktor Latypov, Anton Kaplanyan

Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core. Tackling complexity in the heart of software by putting DDD principles into practice

Alexey Zimarev

Hands-On Motion Graphics with Adobe After Effects CC. Develop your skills as a visual effects and motion graphics artist

David Dodds

Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming. Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3 - Second Edition

Ashwin Pajankar

Instant PhoneGap Social App Development. Consume social network feeds and share social network content using native plugins and PhoneGap

Kerri Shotts

Conducting a Telephone Interview. Master the art of conducting a telephone interview to make the most effective hiring decisions

Vaibhav Gupta

Delphi High Performance. Master the art of concurrency, parallel programming, and memory management to build fast Delphi apps - Second Edition

Primož Gabrijelčič

Hands-On Graph Analytics with Neo4j. Perform graph processing and visualization techniques using connected data across your enterprise

Estelle Scifo

Learn PostgreSQL. Use, manage, and build secure and scalable databases with PostgreSQL 16 - Second Edition

Luca Ferrari, Enrico Pirozzi

Production Ready OpenStack - Recipes for Successful Environments. Production Ready OpenStack - Recipes for Successful Environments

Arthur Berezin

Effective Platform Product Management. An effortless strategy and execution guide for product managers who want to scale their platform business model and grow their customer base

Tabassum Memon

Instant MongoDB. Get up to speed with one of the the world's most popular NoSQLdatabase

Amol Nayak

Getting Started with Drupal Commerce. Learn everything you need to know in order to get your first Drupal Commerce website set up and trading

Richard Jones

PowerShell: Automating Administrative Tasks. The art of automating and managing Windows environments

Michael Shepard, Chendrayan Venkatesan, Sherif Talaat, Brenton J.W. Blawat

Puppet: Mastering Infrastructure Automation

Node.js Design Patterns. Master best practices to build modular and scalable server-side web applications - Second Edition

Luciano Mammino, Mario Casciaro