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The Bright Pavilions

Hugh Walpole

Bright pavilions the fifth book of a series of six volumes of The Chronicles of Harris. As a historical background, the stormy Elizabethan England, including her enemy Queen of Scots. The story tells how one family shared fidelity and frustrated love. If you like to plunge into history, then this book is for you.

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The Kang-He Vase

J.S. Fletcher

The main character is Ben, a trainee lawyer who survived a difficult childhood and was cured of his illness. However, from childhood into his life, a malevolent uncle climbs. He asks the main character to plant him. At night, they hear a scream, on arrival they see a dead stranger. Can uncle be guilty of this?

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Dzwonnik z Notre-Dame

Victor Hugo

Dzieło należy do klasyki literatury europejskiej. Akcja osadzona jest w Paryżu, w czasach późnego średniowiecza. Opowiada przede wszystkim o miłości archidiakona Klaudiusza Frollo do pięknej Cyganki Esmeraldy. Świadkiem skomplikowanej relacji jest adoptowany przez Klaudiusza Quasimodo, pełniący obowiązki dzwonnika słynnej katedry. Nie mniej ciekawe od głównego wątku jest tło bogaty, wielobarwny pejzaż Paryża, w którym jak w soczewce skupia się kultura średniowiecznej Europy.

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Die Unbezähmbaren

Max Brand

Max Brand (18921944), war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und gilt als einer der wichtigsten und bekanntesten Western-Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zu Max Brands Klassikern gehört auch der hier vorliegende Roman Die Unbezähmbaren (1918, englischer Titel: The Untamed), der zu den besten Western aller Zeiten zählt. Der mysteriöse Dan Barry, genannt Whistling Dan ist ein wilder Draufgänger. Der junge Dan Barry ist mit allen Wassern gewaschen, doch dann tauchen plötzlich der brutale Jim Silent und dessen mörderische Bande auf. Jim Silent und seine Zugräuber-Bande greifen Dan Barry an und entführen seine geliebte Kate. Dan Barry macht sich auf die Suche nach Kate und schwört auf ewige Rache! Ein unglaubliches Abenteuer beginnt...

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La Corde au cou

Émile Gaboriau

La corde au cou est un chef-doeuvre de la littérature policiere. Cest un récit de la famille du comte de Claudieuse. Ils subissent bien des malheurs des le début du roman: lincendie total du domaine, lagression du comte victime de coups de feu, la ruine... Les indices conduisent Jacques de Boiscoran, mais un avocat parisien, Manuel Folgat, se persuade rapidement de linnocence de laccusé. Puis il découvre que le passé dun jeune homme est uni par un lien secret avec la Comtesse de Claudieuse...

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The Place of the Lion

Charles Williams

Charles Williams is able to create wonderful ghostly episodes powerful moments of disclosure. In the novel The Place of the Lion, the world of feelings is depicted as an illusion simply a reflection of the real world from which it originates. This makes some absolutely fascinating scenes, as people suddenly face a reality that they cannot understand. The book raises some interesting questions about good and evil.

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The Brigand

Edgar Wallace

The Brigand (1927) is a collection of a dozen fast-paced, frothy crime capers set in a Britain still reeling from 1926s General Strike. An excellent collection of connected short stories all about likeable conman Anthony Newton. Newton returning from the Great War and unable to find employment decides start redistributing wealth in his own way. Deprived of a legal source of income and faced with homelessness and hunger he decides to become a brigand a sort of modern-day Robin Hood and trick rich capitalists into parting with their ill-gotten gains. Some of the ruses are clever, some only mildly interesting. This effectively boils down to a series of elaborate cons and heists with crooked and corrupt capitalists as his targets.

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Silinski. Master Criminal

Edgar Wallace

Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific British crime writer, journalist and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and countless articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels, more than any other author. In the 1920s, one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. Silinski is one of Edgar Wallaces more over-the-top master fiends. He could teach Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley something about stock manipulation. Silinski and a group of gangster financiers make havoc with the markets, cause devastating financial turmoil. The action becomes ever more outrageous from there.

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The Spymaster

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A mystery novel with international intrigue set in London before World War Two. Sir Maurice Oldfield was one of the most important British spies of the Cold War era. A farmers son from a provincial grammar school who found himself accidentally plunged into the world of espionage, Sir Maurice was the first Chief of MI6 who didnt come to the role via the traditional public school and Oxbridge route. Working his way to the top of the secret service, he took on the job of rebuilding confidence in the British Secret Service in the wake of the Philby, Burgess and Maclean spy scandals. This is the fascinating life story, told in detail for the first time, of a complex, likable character as well as a formidable intelligence chief.

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La Comédie humaine. Volume VII. Scenes de la vie de Province. Tome III

Honoré de Balzac

Un travail subtil et sophistiqué dans lequel Balzac révele les secrets les plus intimes de lâme féminine. Le monde est cruel et les curs sont brisés. Mais trois fois ce monde est cruel pour une femme qui ne possede ni calcul froid, ni ce quest un prédateur. Le temps passe. re changée. Cependant, cette histoire est toujours vraie.

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The Man Who Was Thursday. A Nightmare

G.K. Chesterton

The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare was written by G.K. Chesterton and published in 1908. Ostensibly about a secret policeman investigating anarchists, it becomes a surreal and philosophical novel. It is a metaphysical thriller, and a detective story filled with poetry and politics. Gabriel Syme is a poet and a police detective. Lucian Gregory is a poet and a bomb-throwing anarchist. Syme infiltrates a secret meeting of anarchists and becomes Thursday, one of the seven members of the Central Anarchist Council. He soon learns, however, that he is not the only one in disguise, and the nightmare begins...The Man Who Was Thursday has a Mission plot, although the final confrontation with the Antagonist is rather a bizarre one.

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The Golden Bowl

Henry James

This is the biography of Henry Morgan, the pirate admiral. In his youth, he spent several years in slavery, later became famous as a skilled warlord and vice-governor of Jamaica. The central theme of the novel ingenious assault, lightning capture and ruthless looting of the Golden Cup so called Panama, which was the richest city in the West Indies.

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Long understudied, Platos Laws has been the object of renewed attention in the past decade and is now considered to be his major work of political philosophy besides The Republic. In his last dialogue, Plato returns to the project of describing the foundation of a just city and sketches in considerable detail its constitution, laws and other social institutions. In it, Plato describes in fascinating detail a comprehensive system of legislation in a small agricultural utopia he named Magnesia. The government of Magnesia is a mixture of democratic and authoritarian principles that aim at making all of its citizens happy and virtuous. Although Platos views that citizens should act in complete obedience to the law have been read as totalitarian, The Laws nonetheless constitutes a highly impressive program for the reform of society and provides a crucial insight into the mind of one of Classical Greeces foremost thinkers.

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Zaginiony świat

Arthur Conan Doyle

Zaginiony świat to nie typowy dla Artura Conan Doylea kryminał, lecz powieść przygodowa z elementami fantastyki naukowej i fantasy. Grupa podróżników kontrowersyjny naukowiec, profesor George Challenger, dziennikarz Edward Malone, profesor Summerlee oraz poszukiwacz przygód i były żołnierz lord John Roxton zostaje uwięziona na położonym w Ameryce Południowej tajemniczym płaskowyżu. Miejsce to jest całkowicie odizolowane od świata. Jego specyficzne położenie sprawiło, że do czasów współczesnych przetrwały tu relikty zamierzchłej przeszłości, m.in. dinozaury i ludzie pierwotni. Bohaterom przyjdzie nie raz zmierzyć się z zamieszkującymi wyżynę małpoludami oraz prehistorycznymi gadami.

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Sky Island

L. Frank Baum

Sky Island was the second of three titles written by Baum featuring a spunky girl from California, Trot, and her companion, the old sailorman, Capn Bill. L. Frank Baum had hoped to end the Oz series and introduced Trot and Capn Bill in The Sea Fairies. In Sky Island, Button Bright has found a magic umbrella, which allows him to go anyplace in the world in seconds. He meets Trot and Capn Bill during his adventures, and the three decide to go to Sky Island, and small island without a name off the coast. But the umbrella instead take them up over the ocean. They land in a land of blue, where they are taken prisoner by the terrible Boolooroo. They must find a way to escape servitude, and on the way help the blue people. Will they escape? Will they ever find their way home? A charming addition to your collection of Oz books, this volume will delight long-time Oz fans as well as newcomers to L. Frank Baums realms of fantasy.

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The Ball and The Cross

G.K. Chesterton

A very good Christian book, which, nevertheless, speaks not so much about Christianity in itself, as about humanity, as the principle of life in general. If there were such a category as social Christian romance, then this book would be one of the most remarkable examples. The book is attractive and not only because of the description of a non-ideal world, but also because of the authors attitude to his characters. There are no heroes in principle, there are only images. Very bright and understandable.

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Groźny cień

Arthur Conan Doyle

Akcja powieści Arthura Conan Doylea rozgrywa się w nadmorskiej miejscowości Berwick. Jack Calder, po zakończeniu nauki, powrócił właśnie do rodzinnego domu. Niebawem pojawia się tu również jego kuzynka o imieniu Edie. Dziewczyna niedawno straciła ojca. Piękna Edie kokietuje swoimi wdziękami Jacka oraz jego bliskiego przyjaciela Jima. Pewnego dnia mężczyźni znajdują na plaży rozbitka, Ma on ze sobą skrzynkę pełną złotych monet...

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Frank Merriwells Pursuit

Burt L. Standish

Do you know what is striving for your dream? Most likely, each person aspires to some peak. Frank Merriwell is no exception. The protagonist of the hero demonstrates how to go to his goal, what a difficult path to the top. After this story, you will again believe in your strength.

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Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road. or The Black Rider of the Black Hills

Edward Lytton Wheeler

Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road or The Black Rider of the Black Hills is a fun shoot-em-up-cowboy book, rather than a serious western but the entertainment value is just as high. They called him Deadwood Dick, the Prince of The Road, the Black Rider of the Black Hills of Dakota. He was as famous for a time as Wild Bill Hickok or Buffalo Bill. It is the story of gold-seekers, settlers and criminals who all come together in a small area of the Black Hills. Theres Fearless Frank, a young man who saves Alice Terry, a damsel in distress, from Sitting Bull and his warriors. There is also The General, Geoffrey Walsingham Nix, an old man with a vision of gold. And naturally, there is young Deadwood Dick, first spotted gunning down a man offering a reward for his arrest.

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Emily of New Moon

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery, published in 1923, is the start of a trilogy of novels about Emily Byrd Starr that invites comparison with the beloved Anne of Green Gables series. The Emily novels depicted life through the eyes of a young orphan girl, Emily Starr, who is raised by her relatives after her father dies of tuberculosis. Emily deals with stiff, stern Aunt Elizabeth and her malicious classmates by holding her head high and using her quick wit. Things begin to change when she makes friends. With new friends and adventures, Emily might someday think of herself as Emily of New Moon. Along with Emily Climbs and Emilys Quest, Emily of New Moon insightfully portrays the beauty and anguish of growing up.

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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson

In this Gothic novella, Robert Louis Stevenson combines the horrors of the human soul with a disgust for the Victorian importance of reputation. Stevenson delves into the darkest depths of humanity, and seems to discover what Sigmund Freud would not publish for another 15 years: the repression of the id, or the instinctive side of human nature, by the super-ego, or the part of us that holds on to the cultural ideals and rules we were raised with. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a narrative about the complexities of science and the duplicity of human nature. Dr Jekyll is a kind, well-respected and intelligent scientist who meddles with the darker side of science, as he wants to bring out his second nature. He does this through transforming himself into Mr Hyde his evil alter ego who doesnt repent or accept responsibility for his evil crimes and ways. Jekyll tries to control his alter ego, Hyde, and for a while, Jekyll has the power. However, towards the end of the novel, Hyde takes over and this results in their deaths.

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Under the Tonto Rim

Zane Grey

Over 30 million Zane Grey paperbacks sold since 1954. Lucy Watson has finally escaped from the town where she grew up. She takes a job as a state welfare worker and travels to distant Cedar Ridge to help primitive backwoods families improve their lives. She quickly overcomes their fears, and achieves popularity by the practical results of her work. From the grandeur of the old forests, loomed over by the immense Rim Rock, to the love of the children whose lives she can make more inviting, Lucy feels her soul expanding in its new setting. But amid the strapping hunters and uncouth drinkers, Lucy realizes that the life most likely to change is her own!

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The Queens Necklace

Alexandre Dumas

French author of famous swashbuckler novels Alexandre Dumas again chooses 18th century France for his milieu. No musketeers in this one, for it is the Queen, Marie Antoinette, who needs defending. Set a few years before the deluge of the French Revolution this plot is convoluted beyond belief; schemes, counter-measures, vicious personal agendas, love-struck young people, royal revenge and ecclesiastical machinations all are present. Fans of historical fiction will love The Queens Necklace Dumas gripping retelling of the Affair of the Necklace a suspicious incident of theft in the court of Louis XVI. This episode further spoiled the already-tarnished reputation of the Queen. Although seeming to present an idealized picture of Marie Antoinette, it also illustrates the decay and impending decline of the contemporary nobility. Some experts say set into motion a chain of events that resulted in the eventual downfall of the monarchy.

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Pericles, Prince of Tyre

William Shakespeare

The king Antioch was a beautiful daughter. All the fiancés who came to Antioch were given one condition: to guess the difficult riddle; otherwise they will lose their head. No one could guess. Then one day young Pericles from Tire arrived at the kings court... Having solved the royal riddle, Pericles dares to flee in terror not only from Antioch, but even from his own country. This flight leads to a chain of events, losses and partings with loved ones.