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250 000

Michał Bałucki

Powieść z późnego okresu twórczości Bałuckiego. Punkt ciężkości przesunął się w niej z promowania programu pozytywistycznego w stronę krytyki rzeczywistości. Autor przedstawia świat jako pełen zbrodni, kapitalistycznego wyzysku, socjalistycznych demagogów. W powieści 250 000 mamy do czynienia z doskonałą analizą rozwoju stosunków typowych dla umacniającego się kapitalizmu w Polsce końca XIX wieku.


Venus and Adonis

William Shakespeare

By the time of the authors death, at least ten editions of the poem had been published. Adonis is preparing for a hunt; Venus is trying in every way to seduce him. Passion flares up between them, but Adonis believes that he is too young for romance novels and he is more interested in hunting. Soon Adonis dies due to an accident during a hunt.


La Comédie humaine. Volume II. Scenes de la vie privée. Tome II

Honoré de Balzac

Largent pour Papa Grande est un objectif, pas un moyen. Et le fait que les moyens remplacent les buts pour les remplacer une des caractéristiques les plus remarquables de notre époque. Selon Fromm, une personne exclusivement occupée acquérir et posséder est une personne atteinte de maladie mentale, névrosée, et la société elle-mme, dans laquelle prédominent de tels individus, devrait donc tre considérée comme malade.


Karol Szalony

Aleksander Dumas ojciec

Karol Szalony to powieść z gatunku płaszcza i szpady. Jej akcja rozgrywa się w scenerii Francji przełomu XIV i XV wieku, za czasów panowania Karola VI Szalonego i jego żony Izabeli Bawarskiej. Karol VI, sprawujący rządy od 1380 r., popada w chorobę umysłową. Chorobę króla wykorzystują rywalizujący ze sobą książęta. Francja dotąd bogata i niezależna popada w konflikty wewnętrzne, wojnę domową, a w konsekwencji anarchię. Fabuła powieści obfituje w intrygi, spiski, mrożące krew w żyłach pojedynki, efektowne sceny batalistyczne, zdrady i miłostki.


The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure

Edgar Wallace

The master mystery-story teller presents an omnibus of his spine-chilling stories. The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure is a collection of short stories that include On the Witney Road, The Pick-Up, Kid Glove Harry, and thirteen others. Edgar Wallace was a British novelist, playwright, and journalist who produced popular detective and suspense stories and was in his time the king of the modern thriller. Wallaces literary output 175 books, 24 plays, and countless articles and review sketches have undermined his reputation as a fresh and original writer. Moreover, the author was a wholehearted supporter of Victorian and early Edwardian values and mores, which are now considered in some respects politically incorrect.


Soból i panna

Józef Weyssenhoff

Wschodnia Litwa, początek XX wieku. Wysoko urodzony student Michał Rajecki powraca na wakacje w okolice rodzinnych Jużynt. Podczas polowania spotyka Warszulkę Łaukinisównę, dziewczynę z ludu o niepospolitej urodzie i przymiotach ducha. Po pierwszym spotkaniu przychodzą następne. Zadurzony w dziewczynie Michał przebąkuje coś niebacznie o małżeństwie. Ta znajomość choć pełna dziwnego uroku nie ma jednak przyszłości. Młodych dzielą różnice społeczne i majątkowe. Nikt z rodziny Michała nie zaakceptowałby takiego mezaliansu. Mimo że Warszulka szczerze kocha panicza, ten powoli przestaje się nią interesować. Dostrzega, że ich związek nie ma przyszłości. Ciągnie go w wielki świat. Powodowany wyrzutami sumienia usilnie namawia Warszulkę do ożenku z interesującym się nią zamożnym chłopem Józefem Trembelem. Kiedy zrozumie, że popełnił błąd, jest już za późno... Powieść Soból i panna oparto na losach barona Pierrea de Rojana, oficera armii napoleońskiej, który ranny w kampanii 1812 roku osiedlił się w miejscowości Gaczany w rejonie Rakiszki w północno-wschodniej części Litwy.


Jungle Jest. A Tale of India

Talbot Mundy

And then a dark figure came out of the shadow between two tents. This other man was probably a policeman, Patan, and by contrast between these two people, even in the dark, one could even say that one of them was white. The white man ducked, escaped from capture and retreated to his tent. The color was born and danced through millions of prisms, the wind intensified, and the camp slowly woke up.


Le Parfum de la dame en noir

Gaston Leroux

Ce livre est la suite du roman célebre du Gaston Leroux Le mystere de la Chambre Jaune et ici on retrouve les personnages connus. Un jeune journaliste Rouletabille entre en jeu de massacre avec un malfaiteur Gaulow qui est un loup-garou. La situation devient alors inquiete: évanescence, délit... Le secret sépaissit. Rouletabille doit se surpasser pour venir bout de cette véritable histoire du diable.


Der Doppelgänger

Fjodor M. Dostojewski

Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski gilt als einer der bedeutendsten russischen Schriftsteller. Der Doppelgänger ist ein früher Höhepunkt von Dostojewskis literarischen Erkundungen der Seele und des Ichs. Ich bin nicht ich, sondern jemand ganz anderer, der mir verblüffend ähnlich ist zu dieser Einsicht gelangt der schüchterne Kanzleibeamte Goljadkin, als er eines Nachts seinem Doppelgänger gegenübersteht. Der verfolgt ihn überall hin und versucht, ihn aus allen Lebensbezirken zu verdrängen. Zwischen beiden beginnt ein grotesker, undurchschaubarer Kampf bis zum Wahnsinn. Da gerät Goljadkins Welt aus den Fugen.



Jan Kochanowski

Zbiór Pieśni Jana Kochanowskiego, wydany został po raz pierwszy w 1586 r., a więc już po śmierci autora. Podzielony jest na dwie części Księgi pierwsze oraz Księgi wtóre. Zawiera 49 utworów i jest tym samym największym zbiorem pieśni tego autora. Tom skomponowany jest chronologicznie pierwsza księga zawiera utwory sprzed 1570 r., druga natomiast pieśni powstałe później. Obie księgi są zróżnicowane tematycznie. Odnajdujemy tu wiersze religijne, patriotyczne, miłosne, a także biesiadne. Wszystkie mają charakter refleksyjny i mimo że dotyczą różnych tematów, pisane są językiem potocznym. Pomiędzy księgami występują pewne różnice światopoglądowe. Księgi pierwsze zawierają zachętę do stosowania epikurejskiej zasady carpe diem, natomiast Księgi wtóre horacjańskiego złotego środka.


Easy To Kill

Hulbert Footner

The pioneering creator of the inverted detective story, R. Austin Freeman was a popular Edwardian author of novels and short stories featuring Dr. Thorndyke, a pathologist-detective. Freemans detective and mystery tales offered an innovative approach to the genre, selling thousands of copies on both sides of the Atlantic. Robert Hawke is a man on the run. After returning from business in London, he finds that a sworn enemy, Will Colville, has been shot dead and the murder weapon belongs to Hawke. But Hawke protests his innocence and is persuaded to go on the run until enough evidence is found to prevent his arrest and conviction. So begins an unwilling adventure where Hawke finds himself setting sail with a vibrant cast of men, casting off for unknown waters and strange islands. And as Hawke embarks on his exotic voyage, enemies abound in the most unlikely of places.


Gates of Empire

Robert E. Howard

The castles of the Twelfth Century, fortresses rather than mere dwellings, were built for defense, not comfort. The hall through which the drunken band was hallooing was broad, lofty, windy, strewn with rushes, now but faintly lighted by the dying embers in a great ill-ventilated fireplace. Rude, sail-like hangings along the walls rippled in the wind that found its way through.


La Dame aux Camélias

Alexandre Dumas fils

Il semble que tout le monde connaît cette belle histoire damour, dans ce monde de brutes. Marguerite était séduisante, capricieuse et jeune, arborant ses camélias; Armand Duval, un homme avec un statut élevé, il ne devait séprendre dune de demi-mondaines. Lamour entre Armand, le bourgeois, et Marguerite, la courtisane, sexprime et tire son essence de toutes ces confrontations: le vice et la vertu, la luxure et lamour, le plaisir et le devoir, la jeunesse et la vieillesse, la vie et la mort, la santé et la maladie, la fortune et la misere, la beauté et la noirceur... Alexandre Dumas fils raconte de la différence entre les milieux sociaux, la maniere dont réagissaient les gens du monde, les critiques acides, le rôle de largent, la difficulté déchapper son milieu social...


The Million Pound Deposit

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This 1929 novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim neatly describes some of the frothy financial dealings of the late stage of the roaring 20s in England and centered around a commercial chemical formula. The formula for the process is carefully guarded from its own employees, but is stolen one night by a band of five adventurers who plan to ransom it for 1 million pounds. Two men are killed during the robbery. Plans to ransom the process are put on hold, and the documents are deposited in a London Safe Deposit company. Meanwhile, the managing director of Boothroyds, Sir Matthew Parkinson, has been forced to sell some of his shares to cover debts. His lovely daughter Grace is the only person who seems concerned about the welfare of the company and its workers.


The Thunder Dragon Gate

Talbot Mundy

The Thunder Dragon Gate is the name of a monastery in Tibet, which is considered a portal to Shambhala, and therefore is a symbol of the threshold to higher levels of spiritual consciousness. American secret agent Tom Greene and his wife, Elsa, are trying to send troopers to the Tho-Pa-gault gate, returning to Tibet to restore the sacred duty and find out what they can do on the way to Shambhala. There are only a few obstacles on their way the crazy Raja Dole, an array of Chinese and Japanese agents, the Tibetan government, the Indian government and the huge spider, called shang-shang.


Queen Cleopatra

Talbot Mundy

Queen Cleopatra and Julius Caesar this is probably the most famous majestic love story with the calculation of all time, which changed the entire course of ancient history! Cleopatra was a brave, charming beauty of a cruel and courageous ruler who preferred to save Egypt at all costs, even if one had to challenge the most powerful ruler whom the world knew. Julius Caesar had absolute power and authority, the glory of being a skilful lover and an insistence on leaving Rome the most powerful city. The clash of these two great historical figures is mentioned in this book.


Maître du monde

Jules Verne

Sur les routes des États-Unis, une mystérieuse voiture a été repérée qui roule deux fois plus vite que nimporte quelle voiture de course. Au large des côtes américaines, on a découvert un étrange navire profilé qui flotte sans laide du vent, de la vapeur ou dun moteur kérosene et part de toute poursuite. Dans le lac, isolé du réseau hydrographique, on remarque la présence dun sous-marin... Comment tous ces événements sont-ils liés les uns aux autres?


The Mystery of the Sycamore

Carolyn Wells

Another thrilling mystery by author Carolyn Wells. Instead of prison time, former governor, Samuel Appleby, sentences his former rival, Daniel Wheeler to imprisonment on his homestead with a very strange addendum. He then endeavors to convince Mr. Wheeler to endorse his sons candidacy for governor with a promise of commuting his sentence. In the meantime, Samuel Appleby is murdered in Wheelers study, with a bullet through his heart. With not enough clues to proceed in their investigation, the local authorities call in master sleuth Fleming Stone and his sidekick Terence McGuire or Fibsy as hes more commonly known. The discovery of the identity of the murderer has many twists and turns filled with love, devotion, gumshoe dialog, and weird circumstances that will delight the reader in a most unusual way.


Le Comte de Moret

Alexandre Dumas pere

Lépoque du gouvernement de Louis XIII et le cardinal Richelieu. Le machiavélique cardinal Richelieu, toujours au centre des intrigues, apprend que le comte de Moret, qui est aussi fils naturel dHenri IV, a porté des lettres aux deux reines. Bien plus il est tombé amoureux dIsabelle de Lautrec! Alors, évidemment le cardinal va agir pour amener toute cette eau son moulin...


Smoky Cell

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

The novel of Edgar Wallaces famous play told by Robert Curtis. Smoky Cell:... At ten oclock that night the guards outside the prison walls were doubled and among them they had enough machine-guns to play havoc with a battalion. The warden of the prison had announced that he was taking no chances. Ben Guinney, he had said, might have escaped from Canyon City prison without his due dose of high-power juice, but he wasnt going to jump this dump. Rumors of an attempt at rescue had reached him and his reputation as warden was at stake...


The Port of Peril

Otis Adelbert Kline

When Vernia, empress of Reabon, mightiest land of all Venus, was kidnapped by the strange marauders of the sea and was taken to their hidden port, it presented the Earthman, Robert Grandon, with his greatest challenge. Grandon goes on a quest to save her, a quest that will put him on challenges, and against enemies beyond everything he had came across before. And out of this comes a tale of action in which event follows event at unparalleled speed, and always against a background of the most fantastic creatures and horrible men. The Port of Peril, Otis Adelbert Klines concluding novel of Venusian adventure, amply demonstrates his high skill with fast-action science-fiction. It continues the fantastic adventures of Robert Grandon as he encounters the Huitsenni, a weird, buccaneering race.


The Mountain Fugitive

Max Brand

Raw frontier action is epitomized in Lee Porfilo. With a penchant for settling his problems with his fists, a penniless fighter constantly in trouble, he finds himself framed for murder by wealthy and powerful ranchers. Now he has an enemy for life. In a desperate bid to prove his innocence, flees into the wilderness, with the law and bounty hunters in hot pursuit. An interesting story written in the older style of language usage that youll find in other Max Brand western novels. Entertaining and holds your interest throughout the read. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!


Biltmore Oswald. The Diary of a Hapless Recruit

Thorne Smith

A comic diary about entering life in the Navy. Published in 1918 and written for the Naval Reservist journal The Broadside while the author Thorne Smith was in the Navy, it is a series of short vignettes poking fun at the culture of the time in general and the military in particular. Its the diary of Biltmore Oswald, a hapless naval recruit with no appreciable talents besides befriending animals and getting into trouble, and his day to day adventures during World War I. Oswald, a naive innocent young gentleman growing up in the early 1900s, finds himself in many a compromising situation: showering in the hotel room of the wife of a murderous, jealous man; observing French men greeting each other with kisses, and being pursued by beautiful women, much to the displeasure of his sweetie, Polly. Biltmore Oswald: The Diary of a Hapless Recruit is a must-read for anyone in need for a dose of entertaining, worthwhile writing.


Le roman dun enfant

Pierre Loti

Pierre Loti parle de son enfance ici. Lenfance est pleine de tendresse, damitié et de secrets. Lenfance dun petit garçon pensif vivant dans un monde dirréalités, dans lequel léducation ne distrait pas, forme constamment mille rves grandioses et impossibles, mais grâce laquelle une double vocation se réveille...