
Step in the Dark

Ethel Lina White

The story Step in the Dark, written by Ethel Lina White about the novelist, Georgia Yeo, who has a successful career. However, she is timid and hesitantly makes decisions that may further have consequences. The novelist meets a charming nobleman. But is he really what he seems?


Dave Dashaway, Air Champion. Or Wizard-Work in the Clouds

Roy Rockwood

Never was there a more clever young aviator than Dave Dashaway, and all up-to-date youths will be will surely wish to hear about about him. In this, the last volume of the Dave Dashaway adventure series, Dave, with the assistance of his loyal chum Hiram Dobbs, makes several daring trips, and then enters a contest for a big prize. They are preparing for a new aerial contest, but competition is fierce, and dirty! An old enemy lurks in the shadows, sending spies and saboteurs. An aviation tale thrilling in the extreme. Add some new friends and a diamond thief into the mix, and youre in for another exciting Dave Dashaway adventure! Written by Weldon J. Cobb under the Stratemeyer Syndicate pseudonym Roy Rockwood. A highly entertaining literature being written for young readers.



Émile Zola

Le mécanicien Etienne Lantier, qui a été renvoyé du chemin de fer pour avoir giflé le chef. Le personnage principal de la recherche demploi arrive dans la ville miniere de Mons. Il se montre ouvrier qualifié et gagne rapidement le respect des autres. Les conditions de vie et de travail dans la mine se détériorent rapidement et les travailleurs déclenchent une greve. Le leader des grévistes devient Etienne. Cependant, peuvent-ils obtenir leur chemin?


Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective

Ellis Parker Butler

A hilarious parody of the detective genre Philo Gubb dreams of becoming a detective like Sherlock Holmes and quitting his job as a wallpaper-hanger. He enrolls in a correspondence course which offers lessons and various disguises. He soon gets involved in several cases and much to his surprise and those around him proves to be rather adept at solving crimes. Amazingly, he solves many puzzles and even catches some real thieves and other criminals usually by some mistake or turn of circumstance that puts the criminals in his lap. Each of these stories is a complete mystery so if you read just one, you will know its beginning and the unorthodox methods by which Philo Gubb solves it using his woeful deteckative skills. Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective is one of the first and best detective parodies.



George Sand

Paris, apparaît soudainement une belle inconnue, Paula Monty. Son nom excite et dérange les habitués de la vie sociale parisienne. Le voile du secret enveloppe sa vie dont le but est la vengeance de lépoux décédé. Cependant, lenqute scrupuleuse, presque policiere de la belle révele linattendu...


Dombey and Son

Charles Dickens

Dombey and Son, Charles Dickenss story of a powerful man whose callous neglect of his family triggers his professional and personal downfall, showcases the authors gift for vivid characterization and unfailingly realistic description. Mr. Dombey, a wealthy London merchant, puts all his hopes in his sickly son Paul to succeed him in running the firm, and ignores his good daughter Florence. The firm is nearly ruined by a trusted employee named Carker who also runs away with Dombeys second wife, the scheming Edith Granger. This was the first novel in which Dickens attempted to portray the upper classes as well as the lower, and it also features strong female characters of all types and moral persuasions, if not a lot of depth. Another primary theme played out by various characters is the way in which adults mold (and ruin) their children.


The Duke in the Suburbs

Edgar Wallace

The Duke in the Suburbs was written in the year 1909 by Edgar Wallace. Rich Texas Cowboy with French noble lineage and knowledge of the manners of a Duke and George Hankey, who discovered silver in Los Madges, have moved to the suburbs of London and created a havoc with the neighbors there, the women, former enemies and friends. Duke de Montvillier has to avoid ambushes, avert sinister plots against him, found newspapers and much more. This book is one of the most popular novels of Edgar Wallace, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. Even though not a typical crime meller by Wallace, still entertaining and readable today.


Douchards Island

Aidan de Brune

Not all buried treasure is found in a pirates chest... A chill-packed mystery from the master of suspense. This is what Aidan de Brune is all about, a complex, old fashioned mystery, with a highly unlikely solution. De Brunes novel Douchards Island was published in 1931. Other novels by De Brune were reputedly published in the USA under various pseudonyms, but these have not been traced. Aidan De Brune was a Canadian-born writer who settled in Australia. In the 1920s and 1930s a number of his novels appeared in Australian newspapers as serials, and he also appears to have written serials specifically for publication in newspapers.


Tut, Tut! Mr. Tutt

Arthur Ch. Train

American lawyer and writer, Arthur Cheney Train, also called Arthur Chesney Train, was a prolific author of legal thrillers. His most popular work featured recurring fictional lawyer Mr. Ephraim Tutt who became the best known lawyer in America, particularly after the appearance of Yankee Lawyer, an immensely popular book that purported to be Tutts autobiography. Published in 1923, these short stories take place in the ethnic, racial, social melting pot of early Twentieth-Century New York. More humorous cases starring Ephraim Tutt, a very sharp old lawyer who stands for justice, and his battles with those who dont. Mr. Tutts genial tolerance for the denizens of New York sharply contrasts with the hostility he bears towards the real villains of these stories: the judges and prosecutors who would abrogate justice for the sake of their political ambitions. A must read for fans of mysteries and also lawyers.


The Four Pools Mystery

Jean Webster

This is a good old murder mystery, full of ghosts and everything else, and it will definitely keep the reader on the edge of their place. Terry is a really funny character. He is definitely the youngest of the two protagonists, and he is ready to prove himself, to do his best when he is disguised or on the trail, some crazy adventure a spontaneous reporter we need more these days.


The Bronze Hand

Carolyn Wells

The steamship Pinnacle leaves New York on its way to Liverpool. Suspicions are raised and cast when a first class passenger, a shrewd oil man, is murdered, his head battered in by blows of the sinister bronze hand, modeled from Rodins original, which the victim had prized as his mascot. The apparent motive is theft of jewelry for his new wife, whom no one can track down, not even knowing if the marriage has happened yet. But, who killed Oily Cox? What part did the bronze hand play in the murder? What was the real motive? Such are the questions which Fleming Stone, enlisted as a disguised passenger on shipboard, sets out to answer in his clever, inimitable manner. So a locked ship mystery and an enjoyable one!


Trzecia płeć

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Anna Leszczowa jest absolwentką prawa i poliglotką. Wyszła za mąż za jak się wkrótce miało okazać leniwego i upośledzonego emocjonalnie nieudacznika życiowego, z którym wychowuje wspólną córkę. W poszukiwaniu pracy Anna przenosi się z Poznania do Warszawy. W stolicy podejmuje pracę w agencji turystycznej Mundus. Z niezwykłym spokojem znosi upokorzenia, jakich nieustannie doświadcza w pracy. Stale musi mieć w pamięci to, że jest jedyną żywicielką rodziny, że walczy o lepszy los dla swojej córeczki. Wkrótce postanawia rozwieść się ze stale zdradzającym ją mężem. Szuka wsparcia w kręgach feministek. Niespodziewanie poznaje też nadzwyczaj inteligentnego i wrażliwego mężczyznę, który wydaje się jej być uosobieniem ideału męskości. Jak potoczą się dalsze losy Anny? Czy pracodawca doceni jej wysokie kompetencje i zaangażowanie, a nowy ukochany nie zawiedzie jej oczekiwań? Trzecia płeć to barwna opowieść o zadeklarowanych feministkach, skandalizujących artystkach, przedstawicielach elity oraz... zniewieściałych mężczyznach, którzy są utrzymankami kobiet.


Sąd nad Antychrystem. Powieść sensacyjna

Aleksander Błażejowski

W skromny, zapuszczonym pokoju starej kamienicy przy ul.Chmielnej zostaje dokonany szokujący mord. Ofiara ściska w dłoni zaszyfrowany tekst i połowę 100 dolarowego banknotu. Na miejscu zbrodni ukryto dużą sumę pieniędzy. Jaką rolę w tych zdarzeniach odegrał dramaturg Karnicki przygotowujący premierę swej nowej sztuki? Powieść ukazująca artystyczną stronę życia Warszawy lat 20. XX wieku. Barwnie ukazująca charakter warstw społecznych stolicy opowieść z rozbudowanym wątkiem kryminalnym.


Koszyk kwiatów. Powieść dla młodzieży

Christoph von Schmid

Opowieść o Marysieńce i jej ojcu, dla których najwyższą wartością jest niewinność i cnota. Te jednak zostają wystawione na próbę, kiedy Marysieńka zostaje oskarżona o kradzież pierścienia.


Dorothée, danseuse de corde

Maurice Leblanc

Maurice Leblanc, pere dArsene Lupin, raconte nous les mystérieuses et extraordinaires histoires. Cette fois laction se déroule autour de formidable héritage et des quelques familles. Une chasse au trésor fabuleux, une mort (ou un meurtre?) mystérieux, les secrets interminables... Et bien sr, il y a un peu damour dans ce roman. Ce livre est vraiment part dans lunivers de lauteur et réellement attachant.


Gargantua i Pantagruel

François Rabelais

Renesansowe dzieło François Rabelaisgo pisane przaśnym językiem ludowym, pełnym rubaszności i groteski, stanowiące świadomą grę z literaturą jarmarczną i heroiczną. Odwołuje się ono do wcześniejszych podań o olbrzymie Gargantui, które tak zainspirowały autora, że postanowił dopisać dalsze losy stwora, obdarzając go synem Pantagruelem. Można je odczytywać na wielu poziomach zarówno jako dialog z kulturą niską, jak i satyrę społeczną i obyczajową. Niniejsze polskie wydanie zawiera wszystkie pięć ksiąg oryginalnej edycji francuskojęzycznej.


The Significance of the High D

J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

The story begins at the Central Police Department. Where led Sheldon for the fourth time. The prisoner asked to speak with the detective, saying that he has a lead on the case, which the detective is so interested in. But is he not lying? And would a detective believe this? After all, what the prisoner will say will affect many of the detectives decisions.


Lavinia. An Old Tale

George Sand

Ce livre décrit les magnifiques paysages des Piranhas et montre lhabileté habile de George Sand écrire sur les relations. Cette nouvelle, située dans la France du XIXe siecle, montre lhérone dune remarquable endurance émotionnelle. Lavinia elle-mme nest plus nave, mais reste une beauté sombre.


Serce. Powieść dla chłopców

Edmondo de Amicis

Jedenastoletni Henryk prowadzi pamiętnik, w którym opisuje dziesięć szkolnych miesięcy. Z pozoru zwykłe dziecięce historie w rzeczywistości przemycają wiele pięknych, acz zapomnianych już wartości, jakimi warto kierować się w życiu.


Flower Fables

Louisa May Alcott

Flower Fables is Louisa May Alcotts first book, penned at 16. She created the fanciful stories for the amusement of the daughter of a family friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Miss Alcott loved and was well acquainted with flowers, insects, birds and animals of the meadows and forest. From these beauties she spun adventures of enchanting natures woodland fairies, telling them to children of friends and others. Each fable has a moral of sorts, a captivating way to inspire children to selfless, gentle, loving behavior. Readers meet a cast of elves, fairies, brownies and sprites with such Shakespearean names as Willy Wisp, Moonbeam and Thistledown, and the children who occasionally dally with them. Thinly disguised morality lessons told in an over-upholstered style, they instruct the audience in the importance of various virtues. This is a nice collection of fairy tales that is sure to please young readers and the adults reading to them alike.


Again Sanders

Edgar Wallace

Again Sanders is a collection of twelve short stories written by Edgar Wallace. The situation appears calm in the colonial area of the Sanders. But dark clouds are gathering on the horizon and the Captain Hamilton and the inexperienced Lieutenant Bones need to pass some exciting adventure before you can enjoy life on the power again. The tales are all loosely connected and center on Lt. Augustus Bones Tibbetts. Part of his famous African novels (Sanders of the River series), this volume is highly recommended for those who have read and enjoyed others in the series, and it would make for a worthy addition to any collection.


The American

Henry James

The story of a glorious American who, through hard work, made a fortune and went to learn how to relax and laze in the open spaces of the Old World. In particular, he came to Paris, and this city, as is known, is a rather romantic place, according to the public. And, ironically, the practical Newman in this city was smitten by a certain widowed Madame de Center.


Stracone zachody miłości

William Shakespeare

Król krainy Nawarry postanawia zaprowadzić w swoim królestwie niezwykłe, rygorystyczne porządki. Podejmuje zobowiązanie, że zrezygnuje z wszelkich rozrywek i towarzystwa kobiet. Sytuacja ulega diametralnej zmianie wraz z pojawieniem się francuskiej księżniczki w otoczeniu dworu. Komediowe wydarzenia pokażą, jak jej obecność wpłynie na realizację królewskich zamierzeń.


The Scarecrow of Oz

L. Frank Baum

The ninth book the action of which takes place in the wonderful Land of Oz is indeed a masterpiece. The mix of Oz and non-Oz characters into one story was the result of the request made by Baums readers and a great invention that gave birth to a story that captivates any reader, child and adult alike. This was published in July 16, 1915 and has been on record as being Baums personal favorite of his series. The story this time around revolves around Scarecrow and his adventures alongside Captain Bill and Trot as they take on a perilous quest through the Land of Oz to overthrow the villainous King Krewl of Jinxland and restore rule to its rightful successor. Capn Bill and Trot had previously appeared in two other novels by Baum, The Sea Fairies and Sky Island. Apart from the appearances of familiar faces, the novel also accommodates a fresh set of characters and magical creatures residing in the Land of Oz, further contributing to its classification as a typical Baum masterpiece.