
Maître Zacharius ou lHorloger qui avait perdu son âme

Jules Verne

Maître Zacharius était un horloger célebre et ses montres étaient tres appréciées dans de nombreux pays. Les horlogers genevois ont maudit davoir vendu son âme au diable et il a affirmé que si Dieu créait léternité, il créait le temps. Mais tout coup, un événement étrange sest produit. Toutes les montres fabriquées par lui étaient totalement frustrées. Et sa santé a commencé se fondre sous ses yeux, comme sils étaient reliés par un fil invisible...


The Hand in the Dark

Arthur J. Rees

An ancient English country house with a storied and bloody history is the setting for this intriguing mystery. The new Mrs. Meredith has invited all her friends from her freer, wilder life in London to meet with her at her husbands family home. However, she is seemingly taken ill and cant accompany the party on their final jaunt to a neighbors house after dinner. Later she is dead of a gunshot wound, an heirloom pearl necklace is missing, and Scotland Yard is homing in on possibly the wrong suspect. Can the famous private detective Mr. Colwyn bring the murderer to justice? From the Golden Age of Detective Fiction comes a neatly plotted thriller in which atmosphere and mystery mix to produce a tight and satisfying tale.


Alexander the Great

Jacob Abbott

Jacob Abbott gave us the opportunity to plunge past. To step back in time a read about a man who had such an impact of the world. The author takes you into the tent of Alexander and you can see with his eyes that very way to the top. The author in detail show chronological events of Alexander, right from his birth to his death.


Mrs. William Jones and Bill

Edgar Wallace

This mystery collection, written by British author Edgar Wallace, contains the following works: Mrs. William Jones and Bill, The Adventures of George, According to Freud, Bondage, The Society of Bright Young People, The King and the Editor, Christmas Presents. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include The Four Just Men, Sanders of the River, and J. G. Reeder. Although Wallace wrote many stand alone novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material-always popular with readers-that he remains best known. He was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era.


Pieśń o Rolandzie

Joseph Bédier

Pieśń o Rolandzie to najstarszy i najbardziej znany francuski epos rycerski, należący do tzw. chansons de geste (pieśni o bohaterskich czynach). Anonimowy utwór datowany jest na XI w., a znany jest z anglo-normandzkiego rękopisu oksfordzkiego z 1170 r. Utwór to opowieść o starciu dwóch cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej i muzułmańskiej (chociaż wykreowanej w sposób odległy od rzeczywistości). Przedstawia dzieje wyprawy wojennej Karola Wielkiego do Hiszpanii przeciw Saracenom w 778 r., a szczególnie bitwę w wąwozie Roncevaux. Ambitny hrabia Roland, siostrzeniec Karola, zostaje wciągnięty w zasadzkę i ponosi śmierć wraz z towarzyszącymi mu rycerzami. Ginie nie wzywając posiłków, gdyż taki gest uważał za niehonorowy. Utwór w opracowaniu Josepha Bédiera, badacz średniowiecznej literatury francuskiej.


The Kahm Syndicate

Aidan de Brune

The Kahm Syndicate is another breathtaking novel by the master of mystery Aidan de Brune, a colorful and prolific Australian writer whose opus is well worth saving from oblivion. Who will control the mean streets of Darlinghurst? This and another answers you can find here. The story is fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read. This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting episode to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of de Brunes previous successful books. An entertaining tale of mystery and intrigue, this book constitutes a must-read for lovers of crime mystery.


Peter the Great

Jacob Abbott

What Jacob Abbott really appreciates is his ability to uncover and animate well-known characters. So, for example, he did with Peter the Great. Most of the story is dedicated to the achievements of the great leader. But at the same moment he can describe the cruelty that lives in Peter the Great. What was particularly interesting in this book was Peters conflict with his son Alexis; it was an emotionally powerful narrative.


Many Dimensions

Charles Williams

The main task of Charles Williams was to show that man must obey God. The main thing in Many Dimensions is the all-powerful stone that can fulfill any desire. Above of all, Many Dimensions is a complex image of good and evil. Williams fascinatingly shows how evil is not in a particular thing, but in what we do with these things.


Frank Merriwells Races

Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwell makes a new friend. However, this is not a man, and not even a dog, which is considered the best friend of man. This is a horse. Jack Diamond states that this horse is superb. And we need to think about the fact that he participated in the race. However, Frank bought this beautiful animal for another goal. But will the temptation win over our main character?


Bettys Happy Year

Carolyn Wells

What a gorgeous day for a sleigh-ride! Did you ever see such sunny, twinkling snow, and such crisp, crackly air? It fairly snaps off as you breathe it! Betty McGuire stood on the steps of the veranda as she spoke. Her mother, in the doorway, was smiling down at her, and her pony, Dixie, was jingling his bells and pawing at the snow and ice in the driveway below. It was the first trial of the pretty new cutter, and the joyous excitement of the occasion made Bettys cheeks as red as her scarlet tam-o-shanter cap, or her red cloth coat with its high fur collar. Betty drew on her driving-gloves, still talking to her mother. Isnt it a darling sleigh, Mother? Did you ever see such a pretty one? And Dixie is so proud of it. Its a beauty, Betty. I know youll enjoy it. Are you taking Tilly for a ride? Bettys Happy Year is a thrilling tale for younger ladies by Carolyn Wells, written in 1910.


Martin Hewitt, Investigator

Arthur Morrison

Martin Hewitt, Investigator is a collection of late Victorian short stories linked by the protagonist, Martin Hewitt. This book chronicles seven of Hewitts cases, and gave rise to his reputation as Englands second-best-detective. They are tales of impossible to solve crimes that Hewitt was able to crack by piecing together a few clues where the police detectives had failed. Like the Holmes stories, the author did not want the detective to talk about his own cases in the first person, so he created a sidekick who does the writing, the journalist Brett. Unlike Holmes, however, Martin Hewitt runs an investigative business, is a very personable gentleman, works well with the police force and easily makes friends. Novel and imaginative in subject matter, meticulously plotted, and smoothly written, these stories will captivate mystery lovers.


The Lonesome Trail

B.M. Bower

B. M. Bower, was an American author who wrote novels, fictional short stories, and screenplays about the American Old West. This is one of her stories. In her prolific career as a writer of many classic Westerns, the most beloved characters ever created by author B. M. Bower were the happy but hardscrabble crew of the Flying U ranch. The Lonesome Trail catches up with the band of cowhands and ranchers as some of them have grown weary of range life and have decided to forge a path for themselves in the big city. Here we meet Will Weary Davidson, his co-workers (known collectively as The Happy Family) and his horse Glory. Glory has a major role to play in this story.


Arsene Lupin Versus Herlock Sholmes

Maurice Leblanc

Leblancs creation, gentleman thief Arsene Lupin, is everything you would expect from a French aristocrat witty, charming, brilliant, sly... and possibly the greatest thief in the world. Arsene Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes (Translator: George Morehead) is a collection of adventures which feature a match of wits between Lupin and Herlock Sholmes, a transparent reference to Sherlock Holmes, the hero of Conan Doyles detective stories. The novel consists of two closely linked novellas, in each of which the renowned English detective Herlock Sholmes is commissioned to come to Paris, accompanied as ever by amanuensis Dr. Wilson, to solve a crime thats assumed to have at its heart the legendary figure of master criminal Arsene Lupin. For his part, Lupin relishes the challenge of crossing mental swords with the only man on earth intelligent and resourceful enough to be a worthy rival.


The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton

Daniel Defoe

With a page-length title promising thrilling adventures in exotic locations, Captain Singleton is often viewed as an attempt by Defoe to capitalize upon the success achieved by Robinson Crusoe, which had been published a year earlier and had already merited a sequel. Defoe here offers a searching exploration of society from the point of view of its outcasts. The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually makes his way to sea. The novel comprises two distinct halves. The first one is set in an east-west journey across central Africa, with a lot of not surprisingly dubious details of the wildlife, natives and scenery encountered. The second half involves piracies in diverse locations around the globe, including Brazil, the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific. Originally was published in 1720, The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton is an absorbing and delightful tale.


Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa (Tom 14). Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa. Tom 14: Tajemnica pergaminu


Sherlock Holmes to jeden z tych bohaterów popkultury, którego nikomu przedstawiać nie trzeba. Tajemnica pergaminu to jedno z wielu nieautoryzowanych przez Arthura Conan Doylea opowiadań o przygodach legendarnego londyńskiego detektywa i jego ucznia Harryego Taxona. Holmes rozwiązuje kryminalną zagadkę, nie tylko wykorzystując swoje niezwykłe talenty w dziedzinie dedukcji i szeroką wiedzę z zakresu chemii i psychologii, lecz także bezpośrednio stawiając czoła przemocy przy użyciu... pięści. Zagadkowe morderstwa, tajemnicze zaginięcia, zuchwałe kradzieże sprawiają, że czytelnik poczuje, że jest otoczony przez wszechogarniające zło.


The World Set Free. A Story of Mankind

Herbert George Wells

The novel tells the prophetic story of mans harnessing of the newly-discovered power of the atom, how this power nearly destroys civilization in a catastrophic war and foreshadows nuclear warfare years before research began and describes the chain reactions involved and the resulting radiation. It is presented as a history of the important events of the 20th century, jumping back and forth amongst narratives of different eyewitnesses and major players in those events. The World Set Free is a remarkable example of how science and science fiction can interact with and build upon each other. This book truly shows Wells was a man way before his time... Wells describes a weapon of enormous destructive power, used from the air that would wipe out everything for miles, and actually used the term atomic bombs. Futuristic Science Fiction at its best...


The Man from Mustang

Max Brand

The Man From Mustang is the first book in Max Brands famed Silvertip series and its a decent read. He was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. Today he is best known for his work published as Max Brand. The set-up of a young bank clerk framed for robbery and murder proves a worthy puzzle for Silvertip to run down, and, in saving the innocent and tracking down the real culprits, his hazards provide plenty of excitement. In "The Man from Mustang", Silvertip hunts a man whose face hes never seen ... and whose name he doesnt know!


Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego

Adam Mickiewicz

Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego to utwór i poetycki, i polityczny zarazem. Napisane tuż po powstaniu listopadowym, formą przypominają przypowieści ewangeliczne, skierowane do Polaków emigrujących po klęsce powstania. Nawołują do zachowania jedności narodowej, tak ważnej w kontekście trudnej sytuacji na ziemiach polskich, oraz budują ideały polskości.


Satyry. Listy

Ignacy Krasicki

Satyry i Listy stanowią odzwierciedlenie problemów, jaki trawiły ówczesną Polskę. Jest to wyrazisty obraz życia XVIII-wiecznej sarmackiej szlachty, z jej wszelkimi wadami i przywarami. Smutny i pesymistyczny obraz życia we współczesnym mu kraju autor często zestawia z tradycją kraju przodków, ze świetnością i cnotami. Przyczyn obecnego upadku upatruje w odejściu od tradycji i w nadmiernym rozwoju niektórych dziedzin życia. Refleksje, które odnajdujemy w satyrach i listach, są na tyle uogólnione, że stają się przez to ponadczasową wskazówką.


John Macnab

John Buchan

Written in 1925, the novel opens with three gentleman friends lawyer Sir Edward Leithen, banker John Palliser-Yeates, and Cabinet member Charles Lord Lamancha discovering that they all suffer a common and debilitating malady, a loss of zest for life, all desperate to relieve the ennui that has engulfed them. The solution can only be something devilish, with a dash of daring. Enlisting the aid of another friend, Scottish landowner Sir Archibald Roylance, the trio contrives a plot to poach game deer or salmon from the hereditary lands of three of Archies Highland neighbors under the guise of an assumed false identity, John Macnab. On this, they stake their reputations and the danger proves innervating. This novel is a light interlude within the Leithen Stories series an evocative look at the hunting, shooting and fishing lifestyle in Highland Scotland.


Demon wyścigów. Powieść sensacyjna

Stanisław Antoni Wotowski

Powieść sensacyjna Demon wyścigów przenosi nas do zamkniętego światka wyścigów konnych przedwojennej Warszawy. Właściciele koni, dżokeje, bukmacherzy i miłośnicy gonitw spotykają się co tydzień na torze wyścigowym na Polu Mokotowskim. Dżokej Grot jeździ w barwach stajni hrabiego Huberta Świtomirskiego. Pewnego dnia otrzymuje od tajemniczego Demona wyścigów propozycję przegrania jednej z gonitw. Ma za to otrzymać okrągłą sumkę. Dżokej jest człowiekiem wyjątkowo uczciwym, dlatego kategorycznie odmawia. Jak co tydzień rusza do walki na grzbiecie swojego ulubieńca faworyta wyścigów Magnusa. Nie spodziewa się, że tajemniczy demon nie pogodził się z odmową i użył sprytnego sposobu, by dżokej i jego ogier przegrali wyścig. Rozpoczyna się długi pojedynek z przeciwnikiem, który nie cofnie się przed niczym, by zrealizować swoje plany...


Rikos ja rangaistus. Kuusiosainen romaani ynnä epilogi

Fjodor Mihailovitš Dostojevski

Rikos ja rangaistus on Fjodor Dostojevskin tunnetuin teos. Vuonna 1866 julkaistu romaani on maailmankirjallisuuden klassikko. Teos käsittelee moraalisia ongelmia, ja siinä on myös salapoliisiromaanin ja rakkaustarinan piirteitä. Keskeisiä teemoja ovat syyllisyydentunto ja anteeksi saaminen katumisen kautta. Kirja kuvaa teon henkisiä ja fyysisiä vaikutuksia Raskolnikoviin. Raskolnikovia vaivaavat syyllisyydentunteet ja vainoharhat siitä, että kaikki epäilevät häntä. Hän tapaa hurskaan prostituoidun, Sonjan, jonka vaikutuksesta lopulta tunnustaa teon ja joutuu kahdeksaksi vuodeksi Siperian pakkotyöleirille, jonne Sonja seuraa häntä.


Legendy warszawskie

Artur Oppman

Zbiór najsłynniejszych legend związanych nieodłącznie z Warszawą. Pojawiają się w nich postaci, które do dziś budują warszawską tożsamość syrenka, bazyliszek czy złota kaczka. Wspomnienia o nich wciąż są widoczne w tkance miasta. Opowieści przenoszą czytelnika w czasy dawnej Warszawy, pokazują życie codzienne jej mieszkańców, a jednocześnie otwierają drzwi do świata fantastyki i cudów.


Again the Ringer

Edgar Wallace

Seventeen short stories featuring that master of disguise, Henry Arthur Milton, known as The Ringer. An exiting page-tuner full of intrigue and mystery, Again the Ringer is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875 1932) was a prolific English writer. During his lifetime, he wrote 18 stage plays, 957 short stories, numerous articles in newspapers and journals and over 160 films have been made of his novels. He was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives.