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The Imperialist

Sara Jeannette Duncan

Lorne Murchison is the son of a respectable first-generation immigrant family. He is of Presbyterian Scottish descent and is running for office with his ideals of a renewed British Empire. An intelligent and insightful snapshot of provincial Canada as it enters the 20th century, torn between being alone in the world and strengthening imperial ties with the mother country.


Dr. Kildare Goes Home

Max Brand

After graduating from medical school, Dr. James Kildar returns to his small hometown where his proud parents Stephen and Martha Kildar and childhood friend Alice Raymond expect him to join his father in his medical practice. However, he is more ambitious, although he is not sure what he wants to do. He recruited as an intern at New York Hospital.


Powiastki filozoficzne. Wybór


Powiastka filozoficzna jako gatunek literacki rozwinęła się w oświeceniu, m.in. za sprawą Voltairea i Diderota. Pod płaszczykiem lekkiej narracyjnej formy, wykorzystującej satyrę obyczajową i wątki awanturnicze czy romansowe, propagowała idee filozoficzne i stawiała kluczowe dla danego nurtu pytania. Pisane ciętym, błyskotliwym, pełnym humoru językiem Powiastki Voltairea pozostają dziełem ponadczasowym, ilustrującym zamiłowanie autora do wolności i mądrości.


Orlando. A Biography

Virginia Woolf

A fascinating fantastic story about a beautiful young man Orlando, who comes from a noble family, is distinguished by intelligence and beauty, loves life, women, poetry and in general has a very impressive nature and subtle imagination, resists, as far as possible, the influence of light and gravitates to solitude. All the time he seeks the meaning of life and does not find it... One fine day Orlando wakes up... a woman also beautiful and noble, also delicately sensitive and also without meaning in life.


Portrait of a Man with Red Hair

Hugh Walpole

This is a terrible story about Harkness, a timid American who travels all over Europe with his etchings as his only friends. While in London, he meets a man at the club who recommends visiting a small town during his holidays. The next 24 hours completely change his life. He made friends with a frightened young woman who is unhappily married and meets a man with red hair, a rich and sadistic man who loves to influence others by hurting them.


6 najpiękniejszych powieści. MultiBook

Helena Mniszkówna

Helena Mniszkówna (18781943) była autorką romansów z życia wyższych sfer. Uznawana jest za klasyka literatury popularnej przeznaczonej dla masowego czytelnika. Fenomen twórczości powieściowej Mniszkówny polegał na tym, że chętnie posługiwała się sytuacjami melodramatycznymi, które w zbiorowej świadomości funkcjonowała od zarania literatury. Powieści autorki mówią o miłości, ale przede wszystkim o zalotach. To szczegółowa analiza wszelakich działań, które zmierzają do połączenia dwojga zakochanych ludzi. Im więcej przeszkód po drodze do celu, tym większa wartość ich miłości. W swych utworach powieściopisarka głosiła zwycięstwo cnoty i szlachetności nad złem i egoizmem. W multibooku znalazło się 6 najpiękniejszych powieści autorki, takich jak: Trędowata Ordynat Michorowski Panicz Gehenna Sfinks Magnesy serc


A Lucky Dog

Max Brand

Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. Max Brand was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. He does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel A Lucky Dog. Hagger is a man on the run, a thief and would-be killer. Hes no good on a horse, and feels miserable and out of place in the snowbound high country. But, then, Hagger comes upon a white bull terrier, abandoned in a mountain cabin, and his whole life begins to change...


The Justice of Amru

Henry Bedford-Jones

Written in the cycle of tales by H. Bedford-Jones, The Justice of Amru tells how fanatic followers of Mohammed stormed out of Arabia in the seventh century to slaughter the Greek troops of the Great Eastern Empire and conquer Egypt... and again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama.


Heart of the Sunset

Rex Beach

She was a brave young woman, born in the desert, alone, lost in the suffocating heat of the South Texas desert, with a sore throat from the drought. Elair Austin staggered to a watering hole she knew existed. And with him, she will find Texas Ranger David Lowe. She had no idea that this chance encounter at the only watering hole in fifty square miles of scorched desert would be the beginning of the greatest adventure of her life.


Wiersze. Wybór

Józef Czechowicz

Józef Czechowicz to słynny polski poeta awangardowy dwudziestolecia międzywojennego, uznany za jednego z najbardziej oryginalnych twórców swoich czasów. Do najbardziej charakterystycznych elementów jego twórczości należy asyndeton konstrukcja składniowa zaliczana do figur retorycznych polegająca na łączeniu zdań lub ich części bez użycia spójnika. Poezja Czechowicza jeszcze przed II wojną poruszała tematy katastrofy, strachu, przeczucia nadchodzącego niebezpieczeństwa.


Mrs. Thompson. A Novel

W.B. Maxwell

British novelist William B. Maxwell (1866-1938), the son of novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon, wrote both plays and novels. He is well known for his drama The Last Man In (1910) and the satire The Naked Truth (1910). Maxwell wrote almost 40 novels which include Tudor Green (1935), The Ragged Messenger (1904) and The Devils Garden (1913). He also enlisted as a lieutenant in the Royal Fusiliers at the age of 50, with the outbreak of World War I. Written in 1911, Mrs. Thompson: A Novel novel is a well crafted story about a woman struggling to support her loved ones in the face of adversity. We follow her through the years, and share her sorrows and joys set in a small town, with good supporting characters, and a strong and impressive heroine. If you enjoy the works of W. B. Maxwell then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.


La Tulipe noire

Alexandre Dumas pere

Ah! Dumas, Alexandre Dumas, le pere dhistoires exellentes! Cette fois-ci, il nous transporte en Hollande au XVIIeme siecle, le siecle que lon sait tre l-bas, celui de la tulipomanie, sorte de frénésie spectaculaire autour dun type floral du Proche-Orient récemment introduit dans le nord-ouest de lEurope, la tulipe. Cest mielleux, mais ce côté suranné du romantisme qui allie le sang, lhonneur, la justice grande échelle et lamour le plus ras-des-pâquerettes.


Powieści poetyckie

Juliusz Słowacki

Powieści poetyckie Słowackiego to tom, na który składają sę takie utwory jak: Jan Bielecki. Powieść narodowa polska oparta na podaniu historycznym, Lambro. Powstańca grecki. Powieść poetyczna w dwóch pieśniach i Żmija. Romans poetyczny z podań ukraińskich w sześciu pieśniach.


The Cardinal Moth. Or The Accused Orchid

Fred M. White

Sir Clement Frobisher collects rare orchids. He has conflicts in the service, which have further consequences. There are plenty of twists and turns, along with a very mysterious murder weapon. It will most definitely keep you guessing!


Die Schatzinsel. Roman

Robert Louis Stevenson

Wer weiß, ob sich Jim Hawkins auf dieses Abenteuer eingelassen hätte, wenn er geahnt hätte, in welche Gefahr ihn die geheimnisvolle Landkarte bringt, die er bei dem toten Käpten fand. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden Dr. Livesey und dem Friedensrichter Trelawney begibt sich der mutige Junge auf eine gefährliche Reise auf der Hispaniola in die Südsee doch sie sind nicht die Einzigen, die es auf den sagenumwobenen Goldschatz des berüchtigten Piratenkäptns Flint abgesehen haben: Denn auf dem Schiff hat auch die halbe ehemalige Mannschaft dieses Korsaren angeheuert, unter ihnen der einbeinige Long John Silver. Auf der geheimnisvollen Schatzinsel angekommen, beginnt eine abenteuerliche und gefährliche Jagd in der Südsee und ein unerbittlicher Kampf um Leben und Tod.


David Copperfield

Charles Dickens

Cette histoire parle de méthodes déducation barbares. David est né a moitié orphelin. Au début, le garçon a grandi entouré de lamour de sa mere et de sa nourrice, mais avec lavenement de son beau-pere, un tyran tetu qui considere lenfant comme son fardeau, il a du oublier son ancienne vie. Beau-pere a décidé déduquer David par des méthodes grossieres.


Jesse James, the Outlaw

W.B. Lawson

Jesse James (September 5, 1847 April 3, 1882) was an American outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber, and murderer from the state of Missouri and the most famous member of the James-Younger Gang. Already a celebrity when he was alive, he became a legendary figure of the Wild West after his death. His exploits inspired the imagination of America, including a whole series of dime novels dedicated to his adventures. This tale was originally published in 1901 and written by W.B. Lawson. Jesse James, the Outlaw is a dramatic retelling of the myth the legend and story of Jesse James. This is a great wild west tale and exciting historical adventure from the age of the wild west and the dime novel.


The Modern Prometheus

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Sir Francis Kernham has returned from 10 years in the colonies where he has made a fortune. He is looking for Marcia, the struggling young actress who shared his misery in a Chelsea boardinghouse. He searches everywhere for her, fearful of what she may have become, only to discover by chance that she has also elevated herself and is now the Princess Hohenmahn, married to an elderly debauched member of royalty. Will they now find love and happiness together, or has time and truth forged bonds of a different sort? The fate of these characters is strictly Victorian. The novella gives an interesting picture of late Victorian society, the role of wealth and art, and the state of society in London just prior to the arrival of the automobile, and struggle for womens rights.


Niewola tatarska

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Akcja utworu Niewola tatarska toczy się w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku na południowo-wschodnich kresach Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Utwór pisany w formie pamiętnika Aleksego Zdanborskiego. Zdanborski ubogi szlachcic nieszczęśliwie kocha się w córce bogatego magnata, pannie Marysi. By stać się godnym ukochanej, zaciąga się do wojska. Wierzy, iż w służbie wojskowej okryje się sławą i zdobędzie majątek. Wkrótce bierze udział w pierwszej bitwie z Tatarami. Bitwa kończy się zwycięstwem wojsk polskich, jednak Aleksy w pogoni za rozbitym wrogiem oddala się od reszty wojska i sam dostaje się do niewoli. Wódz tatarski Sulejman Aga początkowo traktuje go dobrze, licząc na bogaty okup za jeńca. Okazuje się jednak że Aleksy nie ma pieniędzy...


Хаджи-Мурат (Hadżi-Murat)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

«Хаджи-Мурат» Льва Толстого 2013 известная историческая повесть, которая была опубликована только после смерти писателя и стала его последним произведением, а также художественным завещанием автора. Это история храброго аварца 2013 воина, отца и несгибаемого бойца 2013 Хаджи Мурата. Главный герой 2013 реальное историческое лицо, он был известным воином Кавказской войны, принимая участие в битвах против русских. В небольшую повесть Лев Толстой вкладывает десятки проблемных вопросов, заставляющих задуматься о морали, дружбе и предательстве, любви и ненависти. «Хаджи-Мурат» показывает настоящую цену счастья, описывая самые потайные уголки человеческой души, любящего жизнь, но идущего по краю пропасти. На что может пойти воин, семье которого угрожает опасность? Можно ли выйти с гордо поднятой головой на встречу со смертью и превзойти ее?


His Fight for a Pardon

Max Brand

One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. In this short story told in the first person, Leon Porfilo, an outlaw of poor beginnings and lowly ancestry, goes up against Jeffrey Dinsmore, a gentleman outlaw born of the privileged class, in an attempt to clear his name and gain a pardon. In His Fight for a Pardon Max Brand depicts the power of the press to shape public opinion. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!



Fred M. White

Netta Sherlock was a great singer. It was always important for the singer to have a healthy and sonorous voice. And their fear was to lose it. So it happened to Netta. She lost her ringing voice. A difficult path she has to go.


The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii

Jack London

This is a small storybook. Events that mostly revolve around one person. All his life in Hawaii, Percival Ford lived in the belief that he was following the path of his father, and there was nothing better than missionary virtue and moderation. But his pride was hit by that knowledge of which he had no idea, although it had been with him since childhood.


The Day of Uniting

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace established his reputation as a writer of detective thrillers, a genre in which he wrote more than 170 books, with the publication of The Four Just Men. Moreover, the author was a wholehearted supporter of Victorian and early Edwardian values and mores, which are now considered in some respects politically incorrect. In England, in the 1920s, Wallace was said to be the second biggest seller after the Bible. The Day of Uniting by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1930 and features a World War One ace as the lead detective who tries to solve a mystery. The story is fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read.