

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Historia zaściankowo-dworska, której akcja toczy się na Żmudzi. Tytułowy Dweajtis to prastary dąb symbol wiecznego trwania. O jego uratowanie walczy główny bohater, który pracuje na cudzym w majątku. Niespodziewanie po jego stronie staje młoda i ładna właścicielka. Życie bohaterów powieści obraca się wokół utrzymania ziemi, dziedzictwa i tożsamości. Najważniejszym miernikiem wartości człowieka jest jego stosunek do pracy. Dweajtis to piękna opowieść o życiu człowieka zmagającego się ze swoim losem, o sile charakteru, o niezłomności i w końcu o szukaniu siły i oparcia w przyrodzie. Jedna z najlepszych powieści Marii Rodziewiczówny, nagrodzona w 1888 r. w konkursie Kuriera Warszawskiego. Powieść była przekładana na język litewski (najwcześniej, bo już w 1890 r.), niemiecki, serbochorwacki, angielski, francuski, słowacki i czeski, a także na węgierski i hiszpański. Dewajtis został również adaptowany na scenę (w 1910 r.) oraz na słuchowisko radiowe (w 1969 r.).


Madame de Mauves

Henry James

The image of a young American woman is central to the story Madame de Mauves, which prefaces the Portrait of a Woman. Deceived by the wife of an impoverished French aristocrat who married her for her wealth, she won a moral victory over him, displaying, unexpectedly for him, intellectual subtlety and complete spiritual independence.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 8). Ród Rodrigandów. Rapier i tomahawk

Karol May

Dopiero co uwolnieni z bezludnej wyspy bohaterowie wplątują się w kolejną aferę. Trafiają do Meksyku, gdzie biorą udział w starciu z wojskami francuskimi w obronie miasta Gwadelupe. Akcją z ramienia Juareza dowodzi Czarny Gerard. Pomaga mu traper Sępi Dziób. Nie obejdzie się bez udziału szpiegów, którzy wpłyną na przebieg zdarzeń i podniosą emocje rozgrywki.


The Black Flame

Stanley G. Weinbaum

When The Black Flame was first published in 1939, Stanley G. Weinbaum had already been dead for three years. This novel contains of two short novels: Dawn of Flame and The Black Flame. Both are very similar stories, the reason for that is that Weinbaum had not released the first one and reworked it into the longer second part. The story itself is a weird SciFi love story set in a very distant future. Mankind had nearly become extinct, but recovers to a good number by the help of scientists who also discover the secret of stopping people from aging and dieing.


The Film Mystery

Arthur B. Reeve

The Gold of the Gods was first published in 1915. By then, Arthur Benjamin Reeves series of mysteries involving Professor Craig Kennedy and his sidekick, journalist Walter Jameson, had become something of a household name. Altogether, he wrote 18 novels featuring these two characters, and several short stories. Our story follows a theft of an ancient Inca dagger from an archeology professor. He asks Kennedy to assist in bringing it back. But there are threats beyond ones of mortal men, which follow that relic dagger. Kennedy now must follow the trail of blood, spilled by the dagger. Will he overcome the darkness that he is about to face?


Zwierzenia Arsenea Lupina

Maurice Leblanc

Zbiór opowiadań połączony postacią głównego bohatera. Opowiadania, ułożone chronologicznie, przybliżają czytelnikowi postać głównego bohatera. Są swoistą kroniką jego życia, studium złożonego charakteru i wyjaśnieniem przyczyn zachowania ulubionego włamywacza Francji.


The Grays Manor Mystery

Aidan de Brune

The Dagger and the Cord, The Green Pearl, The Unlawful Adventure and other thrilling tales of mystery and intrigue have made Mr. de Brune popular with Australian fiction readers. Nineteen novel length serials, two novella serials, and eighteen short stories, all except one published in Australian and New Zealand newspapers between 1926 and 1935. The Grays Manor Mystery enhances his reputation. It is a story packed with mystery and intrigue and Aidan de Brune keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did, and it highlights de Brunes unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


The Magnificent Hoax

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Captain Jan Henderson master of the cargo ship Henrietta Anne trading between London and Holland is working with mysterious conspirators (Sir Gregory Fawsitt and Lady Judith Martellon) to smuggle goods from Holland to London. His deck boy, David, falls in love with Judy, a pretty dancer. When Anthony Loman, an haggard traveler, staggers up the stairs of the tenement house at Bunters Buildings, Judy listens while he is flung to his death. As Police Sergeant Sanders investigation draws closer to the truth, will the killers be brought to justice? The Magnificent Hoax is a novel of drug-smuggling with yacht cruises to the Orient, Scotland Yard, aristocratic beauties and Londons waterfront.


The Wheel Spins

Ethel Lina White

Oldtown is a historic place where rich people live. The sisterhood also lives there. The group, known as the "Black Nuns", had healing powers. But in Oldtown, the killer works, and a series of murders plunged the inhabitants into blind, reckless horror.


Les Gens de Bureau

Émile Gaboriau

Les gens de bureau est un récit plaisant et en mme temps une une tres bonne satyre de ladministration du XIX siecle. Ici vous pouvez trouver les paralleles faire avec lactuelle ou reconnaître quelques collegues dans les descriptions des fonctionnaires. Avec le portrait dun jeune homme, Romain Caldas, Gaboriau réalise le portrait de différents types demployés et de leurs miseres. Est-ce que le travail dans ladministration publique a bien changé?


Looking Backward. 20001887

Edward Bellamy

This is a book about a man of 1887, who turned out to be in 2000. It was actually written in 1887, and author Edward Bellamy predicts certain things, such as radio and credit cards. The main character discovered that all social class differences were erased, and there is a utopian society. He wonders how in the twenty-first century all kinds of music are available at the touch of a button. Credit card replaced the money. The author compares the 21st century and 19 in the novel.


The Adventures of a Suburbanite

Ellis Parker Butler

A city man moves to the suburbs with humorous results gardening, automobiling, and golfing become new avocations. The book The Adventures of a Suburbanite includes two chapters on golf: The Royal Game and Advanced Golf. The subjects of humor in this book are mostly the two neighbors opposing opinions about all aspects of domestic and rural life, the gardening, and a variety of slapstick troubles with an automobile. Why is the neighbor so obsessed with his car? Where can we find a good gardener? Should we have a Santa Claus at our Christmas party? Yes, this is suburbia... much the same today as it was in 1911. Find out!


Życie Henryka Brulard


Autobiografia Stendhala we wspaniałym przekładzie na język polski autorstwa Tadeusza Boya-Żeleńskiego. Historia losu pisarza. Szczera i intrygująca powieść będącą podróżą do słonecznej Italii.


Perkins of Portland. Perkins the Great

Ellis Parker Butler

Ellis Parker Butler (1869-1937) was a contemporary of many big names in American fiction straddling the 19th and 20th centuries, but today hes almost completely forgotten. Butler, the author of more than 30 books and more than 2,000 stories and essays. His writing spanned more than forty years and his stories, poems and articles were published in more than 225 magazines. Perkins of Portland are amusing tales showing the effectiveness of advertising some rather questionable products. Perkins and the narrator partner in promotions directed at a gullible and willing public. Unlike most tales of the kind, with moralistic endings where the sharps come to grief, Perkins and Co. become wealthy and quite pleased with themselves.


Arsene Lupin. Dżentelmen włamywacz

Maurice Leblanc

Pierwszy z cyklu tomów poświęconych przygodom Arsenea Lupinea. Główny bohater jest włamywaczem i bawidamkiem, ale urzeka bystrością umysłu i nienagannymi manierami. To mistrz w swoim fachu błyskotliwy i piekielnie inteligentny łamie szyfry sejfów i niewieście serca. Okrada tylko nikczemników i złych bogaczy, a wspiera potrzebującą biedotę i otacza opieką pokrzywdzonych.


Life on the Mississippi

Mark Twain

Twain begins his story by telling of the Mississippi river and some of its origins. He describes several facts that gives the reader a little bit of information of its discovery. After covering the history of the river, Twain shifts to his history with the river. Growing up near the river created Twains dream as a child to become a steamboat pilot. Life on the Mississippi is no ordinary guided tour, for every page is expressive of the structure, style and high humour that is the very essence of Twain the writer. Spiced with Twains pungent observations and commentaries on the culture and society of the great river valley, the book is a wonderful collection of lively anecdotes, tall tales and character sketches; historical facts and information; and reminiscences of the authors boyhood and experiences as a steamboat pilot.


Her Royal Highness. A Romance of the Chancelleries of Europe

William Le Queux

A large, square wooden veranda covered by a red and white awning, above a wide silent sweep of flowing river, whose huge rocks, worn smooth through a thousand ages, raised their backs about the stream, a glimpse of green feathery palms and flaming scarlet poinsettias on the island opposite, and beyond the great drab desert, the illimitable waste of stony, undulating sands stretching away to the infinite, and bathed in the blood-red light of the dying day.


The Saving Clause

H.C. McNeile

A collection of nine superb Sapper stories. Of course, in the stories are present Ronald Standish and Bulldog Drummond. Two indispensable hero. They again take up their lovely deal, begin to solve various crimes. They are crazy in their own business. Detectives are so obsessed with crime that they are ready to do anything.


Der Geist des Llano estakado

Karl May

Im Llano estakado, einer trockenen Hochebene, treiben die sogenannten Geier ihr Unwesen: diese Verbrecher verändern die Wegmarkierungen und berauben dann die verdursteten Menschen. Einhalt gebieten konnte ihnen bisher niemand, aber ein geheimnisvoller Geist jagt nun seit einiger Zeit diese Geier und tötet sie durch einen Schuss in die Stirn. Der Geist entpuppt sich als Bloody-Fox, der als Kind blutend und ohne Erinnerung im Llano neben seinen ermordeten Eltern gefunden wurde. Bloody Fox ist ein Waisenkind, dessen Eltern den berittenen Räubern aus dem gefürchteten Llano Estacado zum Opfer gefallen sind. Er kennt eine geheime Oase mitten im Llano, die den Ausgangspunkt seiner Rachezüge bildet. Er startet seinen Rachefeldzug, aber da gibt es auch noch den Geisterreiter und eine Oase, die es in sich hat.


The Ex-Detective

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Malcolm Gossett is a Scotland Yard detective, fed up by the endless conferences and hierarchy of The Yard, he resigns his position and establishes himself as a private investigator, specializing in helping hopeless cases. Clients whom everyone believes to be guilty. There is a great sequence of mysterious cases; International commerce and politics, kidnapping and the international sex trade, Indian succession, jewel theft, and romance. Written in 1933, compounded of a series of episodes in which an ex-detective comes to the assistance of the innocent suspects. Its all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


Три сестры (Trzy siostry)

Антон Павлович Чехов, Anton Pawłowicz Czechow

«Три сестры» 2013 одна из самых известных пьес А.П.Чехова. Три генеральские дочки, выросшие в Москве, заброшены судьбой в маленький провинциальный городок. Поначалу им кажется, что впереди 2013 радостная жизнь, множество планов, счастливая любовь, возвращение в любимую столицу. Но постепенно скука и однообразие провинциальной жизни разбивают в прах все их мечты...Антон Чехов в очередной раз в красках описал жизнь российского общества начала двадцатого века. Это жизнь в мечтах, которым не суждено сбыться. Москва в пьесе выступает в качестве символа 2013 недостижимой цели, к которой стремятся герои, но так и не предпринимают попыток ее достичь. Мечта так и останется мечтой..


Arsene Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes

Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes! Que daventures! Que de lintrigue! Que du bonheur! Lhomme qui défie toutes les polices françaises contre une sorte de phénomene dintuition, dobservation et dingéniosité. Lauteur nous plonge directement au coeur de laction et nous présente son personnage-clé sous son aspect du gentleman voleur. Leur bataille est un grand spectacle. Ce roman vas vous faire avoir hâte de retrouver les aventures dArsene Lupin.


Koń na wzgórzu i inne opowiadania

Eugeniusz Małaczewski

Poruszający zbiór opowieści, opisujący przeżycia Eugeniusza Małaczewskiego podczas wojny polsko-bolszewickiej 1920 roku. Publikacja zawiera krótkie utwory prozatorskie autora, które mimo upływu czasu nie straciły na aktualności.


Conan the Conqueror

Robert E. Howard

In this final (chronologically) Conan story, Howard demonstrates why he was one of the best adventure writers of all time. In the only novel he ever produced, Howard is able to maintain the blistering pace he is known for, while still weaving a complex and interesting tale. The story is set during Conans time as King of Aquilonia, which is a period in the heros life often overlooked.