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Klaus im Glück

Hans Dominik

Klaus im Glück ist ein 1928 veröffentlichter Roman des Autors Hans Dominik. Hans Dominik (1872-1945) war ein deutscher Science-Fiction- und Sachbuchautor, Wissenschaftsjournalist und Ingenieur. Diesmal wurde das Schicksal eines armen Bauernjungen dem Leben nacherzählt, dem eine schneidige Lebensrettung Gelegenheit bietet, Techniker zu werden. Man steigt mit dem munteren Jungen auf den Führerstand der Lokomotive, lernt Eisenbahnen und Brücken bauen, begleitet ihn nach Südwest, wo er als Ingenieur, dann als Großfarmer und Großunternehmer in arbeits- und erfolgreichem Leben eine zweite Heimat findet.


The Lute Player

Harold Bindloss

Kings sometimes get bored too, and they want diversity. After all, they have everything they want. Similarly, our main character, the king, wanted to leave the comfort zone and went on a journey, leaving his wife. However, it can be said that the pudding quickly came to an end and he goes to prison. The king sends a message to his wife, where he asks him to disguise himself as a boy and save him.


The Emily Emmins Papers

Carolyn Wells

A humorous account of a trip to London and brief sojourn in that city and its vicinity. It includes: A Ticket to Europe, Crossing the Atlantic, In EnglandNow! , Mayfair in the Fair Month of May, A Hostess at Home, The Light on Burnss Brow, Certain Social Uncertainties, A Sentimental Journey, All in a Garden Fair, I Went and Ranged about to Many Churches, Piccadilly Circus and its Environs, The Game of Going On, A French Week-End. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a well known author of childrens stories, until she began reading mystery stories written by Anna Katherine Green, and from then on she devoted her writings to puzzling mysteries in a similar vein, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories.


The Little Grey Woman

Aidan de Brune

At Sydneys scandalous Artists Ball... a gunshot... a falling body... Call Inspector Knox of the CIB. The Little Grey Woman is rather short story and moves along very quickly but theres plenty of tension and some genuinely creepy moments. Recommended for lovers of the offbeat. The Artists Ball was a real, and occasionally scandalous, costume ball held in Sydney for many years. Aidan de Brune walked round Australia in two years, and so he is able to give a thoroughly Australian setting and sentiment to this yarn full of thrills. These problems are raised in the opening chapters of the book. Lovers of a clever detective yarn will need to be certain of the delivery of their papers.


Der unheimliche Mönch. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Nacht für Nacht Im Herrenhaus von Monks Hall hört man Orgelmusik. Über das Anwesen geistert eine Gestalt in einer schwarzen Mönchskutte. Nachts, wenn der unheimliche Mönch umgeht und sich seine Opfer sucht. Doch wer ist der unheimliche Mönch, der nachts im Herrenhaus umherschweift und seine Opfer sucht? Wird Inspektor Elk noch rechtzeitig eingreifen können?


The Safety Curtain and Other Stories

Ethel M. Dell

A set of melodramatic love stories, first published in 1917 by the hugely successful English writer of popular romances. This collection contains five of Ethel M. Dells best short stories: The Safety Curtain, The Experiment, Those Who Wait, The Eleventh Hour, The Place of Honor. In The Safety Curtain, a dragonfly-like dancing girl is rescued by a subaltern when he offers her a marriage of convenience and takes her to his station in India. But she hides a mysterious past and eventually it catches up. Will love be able to conquer all? If you enjoy the works of Ethel M. (Ethel May) Dell then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.


Kobieta trzydziestoletnia

Honoriusz Balzak

Powieść Kobieta trzydziestoletnia Honoriusza Balzaka należy do Scen z życia prywatnego cyklu Komedia Ludzka. Główna bohaterka utworu, Julia, wyszła za Wiktora w przekonaniu, iż go ogromnie kocha. Dość szybko jednak okazało się, że było to tylko zauroczenie. Jak sama twierdzi, jej małżeństwo przemieniło się w legalną prostytucję. Z jednej strony nie potrafi kochać już swego męża, z drugiej zaś nie umie go zdradzić, by być szczęśliwą przy innym...


The Taming of the Shrew

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare showed us the plays in the play. In the introduction, we see that the Lord decided to play a cruel joke on a drunken brazier. They brought him to the lords house, dressed him beautifully, and assured him that past life was only a dream. And at this moment there is a troupe of actors who show the main part of the play. Unfortunately, the author did not finish the whole thing.


Le Bouchon de cristal

Maurice Leblanc

Laventure suivant du gentleman-cambrioleur. Ce fois insaisissable Lupin doit se rencontrer face face avec un adversaire dangereux, habile et tres artificieux. Les sortes des nombreaux gens et, avant tout, la vie de son compagnon et copin, qui est condamné la peine capitale. Peut-il, le plus grand voleur dans le monde, sauver Gilbert de la guillotine? Est-il asses agile pour rétablir son honneur?


The Third Eye

Ethel Lina White

The Third Eye refers more to the thriller, not the detective novel. In the main events, Carolyn Watts is a young and intelligent middle-class teacher, who has just accepted a post as a games mistress at an exclusive school for girls. What she doesnt know is that her predecessor was found dead in bed from heart failure. and that rumor has it that she was scared to death.


The Last Miracle

M.P. Shiel

This volume contains Matthew Phipps Shiels 1906 novel, The Last Miracle. It is original, nicely written, and with good character studies that is recommended for fans of supernatural and science fiction, and is a must-have for collectors of Shiels work. The Last Miracle (1906) very loose thematic sequence of apocalyptic tales concerns a plot to discredit Christianity with fake miraculous visions created by gigantic hologram-like devices and the terrible crucifixions which are part of that plot. Matthew Phipps Shiel (1865 1947) also known as M. P. Shiel was a seminal British writer best remembered for his supernatural and scientific romances.


The Bitterness in the Cup

Lucy Maud Montgomery

The elderly Mrs. Barry had one son, Mark, whom she passionately hoped to marry Lois Wilbur, his childhood friend. Nevertheless, Mark went to the city of Queens, where he fell in love and became engaged to actress Beatrice, much to Mrs. Barrys dismay. Great story, easy and laid back.


Captain Stormfields Visit to Heaven

Mark Twain

The old godless captain Stormfield believed neither in God, nor in hell, nor in paradise, nor in hell. Imagine his surprise when, after his death, flying through the bottomless depths of space, he nevertheless arrived in paradise. He was even more surprised when he became acquainted with the local order it was too painfully different from the stories about the paradise of priests on Earth...


Madame Bovary. Murs de province

Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary un grand roman de lécrivain français Gustave Flaubert. Le personnage principal, Emma Bovary, souffre de lincapacité de réaliser ses rves dune vie sociale brillante et pleine de passions romantiques. Au lieu de cela, elle mene la vie monotone de la femme dun pauvre médecin de province. Mais toutes ses tentatives pour sortir du monde sombre sont vouées léchec.


Za chlebem

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Wawrzon Toporek i jego córka Marysia bohaterowie Za chlebem są prostymi rolnikami. Przez upór ojca, który nie chciał zapłacić trzech rubli, stracili prawie cały majątek i zmuszeni zostali opuścić rodzinną wieś. W dodatku Wawrzon, podkuszony przez jednego Niemca w karczmie, zdecydował się na opuszczenie nie tylko Lipniec, ale i Polski. Usłyszał bowiem o odległym kraju, gdzie rozdają za darmo ziemię i można szybko się na niej wzbogacić. Nie wiele myśląc, kazał córce spakować się i razem ruszyli do owego, cudownego miejsca. Jednak gdy docierają na miejsce, okazują się być całkowicie nieprzystosowani do lokalnych warunków. Z wielkim trudem odnajdują się na emigracji, w dodatku coraz bardziej tęsknią za krajem...


The Saga of King Kull

Robert E. Howard

Robert Ervin Howard (January 22, 1906 June 11, 1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. In a meteoric career that spanned a mere twelve years, Robert E. Howard single-handedly invented the sword and sorcery genre. From his fertile imagination sprang some of fictions most enduring heroes. Yet while Conan is indisputably Howards greatest creation, it was in his earlier sequence of tales featuring Kull, a fearless warrior with the brooding intellect of a philosopher, that Howard began to develop the distinctive themes, and the richly evocative blend of history and mythology. Kull is an exile from fabled Atlantis who wins the crown of Valusia, only to find it as much a burden as a prize. This collection gathers together three stories plus one poem featuring Kull The Shadow Kingdom, The Mirrors Of Tuzun Thune, Kings of the Night and The King And The Oak.


Le Château des Carpathes

Jules Verne

Le comte Franz de Telek, apres la mort de sa femme, la chanteuse dopéra Stilla, entreprend un voyage en Transylvanie (qui faisait alors partie de lAutriche-Hongrie) avec son serviteur Rojko. Arrivés au village de Miles, ils apprennent que des sons effrayants se font entendre depuis un château situé proximité. Ayant pénétré dans le mystérieux château, de Telek entend la voix merveilleuse de son épouse décédée. Voulant comprendre cette histoire, il apprend quen réalité son adversaire et son baron rival vivent dans le château des Carpates.


Sky Rider

B.M. Bower

First published in 1918, Johnny Jewel is a the story of a cowboy-cum-aviator in Americas Old West. Johnny learns of a damaged plane abandoned in the desert on the Mexican side of the border, and comes up with a plan to put it to work. His affairs are being monitored by Mary V, the ranch owners spunky daughter, who is slowly taking interest in Johnny. But in the meantime, a gang of rustlers are taking advantage of his passion for flying in order to distract him from his job of keeping an eye over the ranchs horses. This charming and exciting tale of Western ranch life is highly recommended for lovers of Western fiction, and it is not to be missed by those who have read and enjoyed other works by this author.


Jan Bielecki. Powieść narodowa polska oparta na podaniu historycznym

Juliusz Słowacki

Jedna z pierwszych powieści poetyckich Juliusza Słowackiego. Problematyka utworu dotyka zdrady narodowej. Tytułowy Jan Bielecki jest sprawcą konfliktu, wielce tragicznego w skutkach. Klasyka godna polecenia.


The Price of Silence

Fred M. White

Sir Wilton Oakes was a man of about five and forty years of age, although he looked younger, he didnt feel like it. He had all the attributes of his ancient race the face of a hawk, a short upper lip, and the easy manner of one who was born to be the commander of people. He recently took over the beautiful Elizabethan house that was his legacy. And now the old baronet was dead, and the man sitting at the library table reigned in his stead.



Max Brand

It is the continuing saga of Max Brands finest heroine, Jack Jacqueline Boone. Jack is blessed and cursed by the cross of Meilan when she meets Dix Van Dyck. Dix Van Dyck, is being persecuted by an evil sheriff, named Onate. Dix, perhaps too fond of action and excitement, had stayed out of trouble on the strength of his boyish charm and the verdict of suicide passed on those who drew their guns on him. Strangely enough, it is Jackie Boone and a beautiful Yaqui Indian girl named Dolores, who has an evil side that come to Van Dykes aid repeatedly in a novel bursting with larger-than-life action.


Записки на манжетах (Notatki na mankietach)

Михаил Афанасиевич Булгаков, Michaił Afanasjewicz Bułhakow

«Записки на манжетах» 2013 частично автобиографическая повесть Михаила Булгакова. Основным мотивом «Записок на манжетах» стала проблема отношений автора с властью. В повести достаточно подробно описана жизнь Булгакова на Кавказе и первые месяцы его пребывания в Москве.В этой книге объединены лучшие рассказы М.А.Булгакова, среди которых «Красная корона», «Китайская история», «Спиритический сеанс» и другие, а также знаменитый автобиографический цикл «Записки на манжетах». Именно в этих произведениях впервые появляются темы и сюжетные линии, которые писатель будет развивать далее в своих романах и пьесах. «Записки на манжетах» местами перекликаются с «Запискам сумасшедшего» Гоголя, а действительность как грань между реальностью и фантазией станет излюбленным художественным стилем Булгакова.


Barnabé Rudge

Charles Dickens

Barnabé Rudge est un roman historique brillant de Charles Dickens. Lauteur parle du mystere et de linconnu, qui commence par un double meurtre non divulgué et comprend la conspiration, le chantage, lenlevement et le châtiment. Au cours du roman, les peres et les fils deviennent des adversaires, les éleves complotent contre leurs maîtres. Barnabé Rudge est le personnage principal, qui a beaucoup de secrets, mais ils seront tous révélés au cours du roman.


Zemsta Grzegorza Burowa

Aleksander Błażejowski

Powieść kryminalna z elementami sensacji. Pełna zagadek i tajemnic, do końca trzymająca w napięciu. Aleksander Błażejowski - polski pisarz i dziennikarz okresu dwudziestolecia. Jest autorem siedmiu powieści sensacyjnych. Utwór zatytułowany Czerwony Błazen oparty na wzorach francuskich jest uznawany za pierwszy polski kryminał. Dużą popularnością cieszyły się też kryminały Walizka P.Z. oraz Tajemnica doktora Hiwi.