
Uncles Dream

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Uncles Dream is a somewhat comic small-town society tale. It satirizes Petersburg society with an emphasis on the evils of gossip. When the aging Russian Prince, Prince K., arrives in the town of Mordasov, Marya Alexandrovna Moskaleva, a doyenne of local society life, takes him under her protection, with the aim of engineering his marriage with her 23 year old daughter Zina. Yet with many rivals for the hands of both parties, events are not guaranteed to run smoothly. In this novel, vanity and pride are everyday humans obsessions and the word love loses its meaning in the socially-arranged marriages. It is a must read for any fan of not only Dostoyevsky, but of Russian literature and the goings-on of the Russian upper crust.


The Unknown Wrestler

H.A. Cody

This is a story about a young pastor who decides to go to his newly appointed ward in disguise, to find out what factors in the community repel all pastors working there before they leave the community. As the secret is revealed, we meet many citizens of the community and become familiar with their problems and misfortunes. The pastor becomes an integral part of the community he seeks to serve when he is accepted.


A Sleeping Memory

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Why not destroy someones memory in the hope that they will remember past lives. It turned out that this is a reverse scenario of Pygmalion. He fell in love with the girl and then destroyed her. I like the idea that a person is a common set of his experiences and experiences, but if they are erased, the person who is left will be completely different. Probably one of the best opengame stories.



Stefan Żeromski

Powieść Promień opisuje stagnację prowincjonalnego polskiego miasteczka. Jej bohater podejmuje samotnie walkę z zacofaniem prowincjonalnego miasta. Na kształt powieści niewątpliwie miały wpływ kieleckie doświadczenia i obserwacje pisarza. Stefan Żeromski - polski prozaik, publicysta i dramaturg. Jest autorem kilku powieści oraz licznych nowel i opowiadań. Wielokrotnie, podejmując tematykę historyczną, nawiązywał do problemów współczesności. Wielkim zainteresowaniem cieszyły się jego powieści społeczno-obyczajowe Syzyfowe prace i Ludzie bezdomni oraz powieść polityczna Przedwiośnie. Wydarzeniem stała się też wielka powieść historyczna z okresu wojen napoleońskich Popioły oraz klechda z czasów powstania styczniowego Wierna rzeka.


Eine Gemsjagd in Tyrol

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen. Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Eine Gemsjagd in Tyrol ist einer dieser Abenteuerromane. Aktionen entfalten sich in die Alpen.


Listy z podróży do Ameryki

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Listy z podróży do Ameryki to cykl reportaży pisanych podczas pobytu pisarza w Ameryce. Utwory te były wysyłane do kraju w formie listów i publikowane na łamach Gazety Polskiej od lutego 1876 r. do grudnia 1878 r. W listach z podróży po USA pisarz błysnął olśniewającym talentem obserwatora i artysty. Zawarł w nich świetne opisy polowań i puszczańskiego życia w Kalifornii, dowcipne scenki z życia Amerykanów, próby szerokich syntez społecznych i obyczajowych, szkice o doli i niedoli polskiej emigracji. Listy z podróży do Ameryki są wybitnym dziełem literackim i bogatym zbiorem wiadomości o USA drugiej połowy XIX wieku.


Head in Green Bronze and Other Stories

Hugh Walpole

In Walpole style, an excellent collection of short story bedside tables in the guest room, for recovering or reading aloud. There is nothing modern cynicism; the stories seem somewhat outdated but in the end it often reassures. One group may be left alone, Let the storm tremble, built on the fascinating idea of business to rid society of boring ones.


The Law of the Just Men

Edgar Wallace

Written in 1905, this is the first of Edgar Wallaces adventures to feature the Four Just Men, a collective of European men of position who see it as their duty to execute those criminals that, for whatever reason, the law cannot or will not touch. In this adventure, the Four Just Men set their hand against the British Foreign Secretary. Concerned that an extradition bill about to be passed into law will result in the deportation of certain leading dissidents back to their home countries where they face torture and death, they tell the minister that if the bill is not stopped then he will die. The Minister tries to ignore the threats and determines to pass the bill into law. Will he evade death? Will the police track down his persecutors? Will their devilishly cunning scheme work?


The Tenderfoot

Max Brand

Red Anthony had the lazy look of a tenderfoot and the lighting draw of a devil. Raised in a circus, he grew up knife throwing and horse stunt riding. He follows a Frances Jones, who has stolen his heart, out to Dodge City. On his first day searching for her he makes enemies with some criminals. Theyre soon ganging up to find him and "shoot him dead". By the time Red rode out of Dodge City, he was one of the fastest gunmen around. And on his trail was a band of the toughest, most vicious outlaws ever collected in the West. Will The Tenderfoot escape the clutches of the evil criminals? Will he ever find Frances Jones? Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.


La Comédie humaine. Volume I. Scenes de la vie privée. Tome I

Honoré de Balzac

Cest une histoire sur la façon dont, en contractant un mariage inégal, des personnes risquent de se retrouver dans une situation o ce mariage mme devient un fardeau et une torture. Balzac raconte lhistoire sans blâmer ni épargner personne. Ici et les parents qui ont vécu une vie vide, ici et Théodore, qui, la recherche de divertissement chic, jette sa jeune femme dans langoisse. Voici Augustine elle-mme qui, elle essaie de régler son malheur.


East and West

Talbot Mundy

This is the fourth book of the succesful mystery series Madame Storey, by canadian-american author Hulbert Footner. Almost unknown today, Footner was a Candadian journalist and author of many adventure and mystery novels. In The Doctor Who Held Hands Madame Storey is asked to help in stopping the pseudo-psychological activities of a doctor who has set himself up as a psycho-synthetist, seemingly to help his patients, but in fact blackmailing them... Storey is almost imprisoned in her movements from the very start giving the story a bit of claustrophobic feel until little by little she finds a way to break out of the surveillance. The story has a lot of action and a neat twist in the final paragraph.


Canyon Walls

Zane Grey

The western novels by Zane Grey have been a source of imagery about the American West for almost the entire twentieth century. The plots and characterizations of Greys popular novels set in the American West have been thoroughly examined and it is clear that his works acquired a fundamental role in the creation of western imagery. Gunslinger Smoke Bellows leaves behind a violent past in Arizona to begin a new life in Utah, where he finds a ranch that needs the touch of a strong man in order to thrive and a reason to live. This story is filled with great descriptions of the land and characters who do what they had to do to survive the climes of the West. There is love and betrayal, and faithfulness and unfaithfulness, great animals, and solid story telling to keep you entertained.


The Dunwich Horror

H.P. Lovecraft

Master of horror writes a story of true forces of evil. There are six short stories that comprise this edition of The Dunwich Horror. The story beats a lot of modern writers in prose, characters and plot. The story started of well and gave us a spooky small village setting with the odd family of a Grandfather, deformed Albino mother and inhuman grandson and the strange events surrounding his birth and precocious development. Wilbur matures at an abnormal rate, reaching manhood within a decade all the while indoctrinated him into dark rituals and witchcraft by his grandfather. And above all, theres the mysterious presence in the farmhouse, unseen but horrifying, which seems to be growing... The Dunwich Horror follows the tragic events in Dunwich when Wilbur Whateley delves into dark occult practices with deadly repercussions.


The Silver Stream. An Idyl of the Wye

Fred M. White

A story about two guys who defended the honor of their university in rowing. There were only two men in the narrow craft; and as they were double sculling, with long clean sweep, making a musical click of oars in the rowlocks, there was not much opportunity for conversation They moved with a regular rapid rhythm, until they were almost in the shadow of the bridge. But can they get to their goal? After all, many obstacles will be in their way.


Zdobycie Sandomierza

Walery Przyborowski

Powieść dla młodzieży opisująca krwawą bitwę w Austriakami oraz zdobycie Sandomierza przez wojska Księstwa Warszawskiego w 1809 roku. Książka trzyma w napięciu od samego początku do samego końca.


Czarny chleb. Opowiadania

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Tom opowiadań Marii Rodziewiczówny, w którym znalazły się takie utwory jak: Czarny chleb, Jezioro, Kolega Szoll, Pierścień, Starzec, Złota dola, Znachor, Pierwsza kula, W noc grudniową i Jedna droga.


Satan und Ischariot. Band IIII

Karl May

Während Karl Mays dreibändiger Roman Satan und Ischariot bei den Lesern ähnlich beliebt ist wie seine Trilogien Winnetou und Old Surehand, gilt er in der Forschung als sehr umstritten und wurde bisher nur selten hinreichend gewürdigt. Auch diese Aufsatzsammlung spiegelt ein uneinheitliches Meinungsbild vor allem aber zeigt sie, dass Satan und Ischariot bei allen formalen Schwächen doch zugleich die vielleicht interessanteste Abenteuererzählung Mays ist. Im Wilden Westen geht die Jagd nach den Meltons weiter. Old Shatterhand und Winnetou verfolgen sie bis zum bitteren Ende. Die Satan-und-Ischariot-Triologie enthält folgende Bücher: Die Felsenburg, Krüger Bei, Satan und Ischariot.


She and Allan

H. Rider Haggard

Ayesha is an example of a strong and stately woman. It is a 2000-year-old woman who still looks amazing for her age, rules the tribes in Africa. Despite the unwelcome arrival of the British on her land. She extends a helping hand to them. Suddenly, she falls in love with one of the researchers of this group. But can such love be?


The Laslett Affair

Harold Begbie

According to many people, true friendship lasts until the end of life. However, what happens if something goes wrong? The Laslett Affair novel was written on this subject. A story about friends who believe that there is nothing stronger than their friendship and nothing can prevent their friendship. However, everything changes with time...


The Light That Failed

Rudyard Kipling

Kipling wrote the first novel, The Light That Failed in many ways an autobiographical novel, having already gained fame with his poems and stories. In addition to the novel and selected stories from collections of different years, the book includes the story Brave Captains - about the romance and hardships of sea travel, the formation of the character of a young man, about metamorphoses that occur in people under the influence of merciless circumstances...


King of the Range

Max Brand

Carrick Dunmore seemed to be nothing more than a happy-go-lucky cowboy whose main pastimes were drinking and sleeping. He wasnt the kind of man who could challenge Jim Tankerton, the outlaw chief whose cruel violence terrorized the countryside. But Dunmore had a few tricks to outwit old Jim... One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.



George Sand

Le moine Spiridion, désillusionné la fois par le catholicisme et le protestantisme, créa une nouvelle religion, mais le manuscrit dans lequel il le présentait allait littéralement la tombe avec lui: il était caché dans sa tombe. Lesprit de Spiridion est son éleve, le pere Alexey, mais il manque du courage ou de la vraie foi pour obtenir le manuscrit. Cette mission est destinée au jeune moine Angel, qui le pere Alexei raconte lhistoire de Spyridion. Dans le roman, il y a une intrigue fascinante, des passions orageuses, des secrets et des éléments de mysticisme tout cela pour lequel le lecteur aime le travail de George Sand.


All Hallows Eve

Charles Williams

The novels of Charles Williams are fascinating. The novels are strange behind the plot. For example, All Hallows Eve is about a couple in love who are in danger. Strange things happen to lovers.


The Untamed

Max Brand

Dan Barry is found by a cattleman footloose and wandering in the desert. He is taken in by the man and cared for by his lovely daughter. But the course of love doesnt run smoothly in this classic western Whistlin Dan Berry is one of the most interesting characters in Western fiction. Easy going, Berry proves absolutely unforgiving when physically assaulted by a feared, vicious outlaw, Jim Silent. Seemingly without any emotions, Whistlin Dan is relentless in his vengeful search for Silent and his outlaw gang. "The Untamed" is a first part of a trilogy about a mysterious gunslinger who appears to be a Casper Milquetoaste but, in concert with a powerful wolf-dog, and a murderous stallion; is able to overpower seemingly any opposing force.