Електронні книги
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
- Особисті компетенції
- Комп'ютер в офісі
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
- Мультимедійне навчання
- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
- Податки
- Соціальна політика
- Порадники
- Презентації
- Лідерство
- Зв'язки з громадськістю
- Звіти, аналізи
- Секрет
- Соціальні засоби комунікації
- Продаж
- Стартап
- Ваша кар'єра
- Управління
- Управління проектами
- Людські ресурси (HR)
Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Електронна преса
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Biznes i Ekonomia
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- Особисті фінанси
- Бізнес
- Фотографія
- Інформатика
- Відділ кадрів та оплата праці
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- Подорожі
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- Штучний інтелект
- Технологія для дітей
- Вебмайстерність
Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
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- Балада
- Біографії та автобіографії
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- Епос, епопея
- Нарис
- Наукова фантастика та фантастика
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- Художня література
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- Інше
- Класичний
- Кримінальний роман
- Нехудожня література
- Художня література
- Mity i legendy
- Лауреати Нобелівської премії
- Новели
- Побутовий роман
- Okultyzm i magia
- Оповідання
- Спогади
- Подорожі
- Оповідна поезія
- Поезія
- Політика
- Науково-популярна
- Роман
- Історичний роман
- Проза
- Пригодницька
- Журналістика
- Роман-репортаж
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Сенсація
- Трилер, жах
- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Шкільні підручники
Науково-популярна та академічна
- Археологія
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Кінознавство / Теорія кіно
- Філологія
- Польська філологія
- Філософія
- Finanse i bankowość
- Географія
- Економіка
- Торгівля. Світова економіка
- Історія та археологія
- Історія мистецтва і архітектури
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- літературні студії
- Логістика
- Математика
- Ліки
- Гуманітарні науки
- Педагогіка
- Навчальні засоби
- Науково-популярна
- Інше
- Психологія
- Соціологія
- Театральні студії
- Богослов’я
- Економічні теорії та науки
- Transport i spedycja
- Фізичне виховання
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Ігрові посібники
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
- Безпека життєдіяльності
- Історія
- Дорожній кодекс. Водійські права
- Юридичні науки
- Охорона здоров'я
- Загальне, компендіум
- Академічні підручники
- Інше
- Закон про будівництво і житло
- Цивільне право
- Фінансове право
- Господарське право
- Господарське та комерційне право
- Кримінальний закон
- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
- Міжнародне право
- Міжнародне та іноземне право
- Закон про охорону здоров'я
- Закон про освіту
- Податкове право
- Трудове право та законодавство про соціальне забезпечення
- Громадське, конституційне та адміністративне право
- Кодекс про шлюб і сім'ю
- Аграрне право
- Соціальне право, трудове право
- Законодавство Євросоюзу
- Промисловість
- Сільське господарство та захист навколишнього середовища
- Словники та енциклопедії
- Державні закупівлі
- Управління
Путівники та подорожі
- Африка
- Альбоми
- Південна Америка
- Центральна та Північна Америка
- Австралія, Нова Зеландія, Океанія
- Австрія
- Азії
- Балкани
- Близький Схід
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- Хорватія
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- Данія
- Єгипет
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- Франція
- Гори
- Греція
- Іспанія
- Нідерланди
- Ісландія
- Литва
- Латвія
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Мініпутівники
- Німеччина
- Норвегія
- Активні подорожі
- Польща
- Португалія
- Інше
- Росія
- Румунія
- Словаччина
- Словенія
- Швейцарія
- Швеція
- Світ
- Туреччина
- Україна
- Угорщина
- Велика Британія
- Італія
- Філософія життя
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Міжособистісне спілкування
- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
- Академічна психологія
- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
- Особисті компетенції
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
- Податки
- Порадники
- Презентації
- Лідерство
- Зв'язки з громадськістю
- Секрет
- Соціальні засоби комунікації
- Продаж
- Стартап
- Ваша кар'єра
- Управління
- Управління проектами
- Людські ресурси (HR)
Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
- Антології
- Балада
- Біографії та автобіографії
- Для дорослих
- Драми
- Журнали, щоденники, листи
- Епос, епопея
- Нарис
- Наукова фантастика та фантастика
- Фельєтони
- Художня література
- Гумор, сатира
- Інше
- Класичний
- Кримінальний роман
- Нехудожня література
- Художня література
- Mity i legendy
- Лауреати Нобелівської премії
- Новели
- Побутовий роман
- Okultyzm i magia
- Оповідання
- Спогади
- Подорожі
- Поезія
- Політика
- Науково-популярна
- Роман
- Історичний роман
- Проза
- Пригодницька
- Журналістика
- Роман-репортаж
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Сенсація
- Трилер, жах
- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Науково-популярна та академічна
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
Путівники та подорожі
- Філософія життя
- Міжособистісне спілкування
- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
- Академічна психологія
- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бази даних
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Для дітей
Графіка / Відео / CAX
Microsoft Office
Інструменти розробки
Особистісний розвиток
Комп'ютерні мережі
Операційні системи
Тестування програмного забезпечення
Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
The ability to use SQLite with iOS provides a great opportunity to build amazing apps. Apple's iOS SDK provides native support for SQLite databases. This combination offers the potential to create powerful, data-persistent applications.This book starts with the architecture of SQLite database and introduces you to concepts in SQL . You will find yourself equipped to design your own database system, administer it, and maintain it. Further, you will learn how to operate your SQLite databases smoothly using SQL commands. You will be able to extend the functionality of SQLite by using its vast arsenal of C API calls to build some interesting, exciting, new, and intelligent data-driven applications. Understand how Xcode, HTML5, and Phonegap can be used to build a cross-platform modern app which can benefit from all these technologies - all through creating a complete, customizable application skeleton that you can build on for your own apps.
Jetpack Compose is Android’s new framework for building fast, beautiful, and reliable native user interfaces. It simplifies and significantly accelerates UI development on Android using the declarative approach. This book will help developers to get hands-on with Jetpack Compose and adopt a modern way of building Android applications. The book is not an introduction to Android development, but it will build on your knowledge of how Android apps are developed.Complete with hands-on examples, this easy-to-follow guide will get you up to speed with the fundamentals of Jetpack Compose such as state hoisting, unidirectional data flow, and composition over inheritance and help you build your own Android apps using Compose. You'll also cover concepts such as testing, animation, and interoperability with the existing Android UI toolkit.By the end of the book, you'll be able to write your own Android apps using Jetpack Compose.
Are you a software developer, systems designer, or computer architecture student looking for a methodical introduction to digital device architectures but overwhelmed by their complexity? This book will help you to learn how modern computer systems work, from the lowest level of transistor switching to the macro view of collaborating multiprocessor servers. You'll gain unique insights into the internal behavior of processors that execute the code developed in high-level languages and enable you to design more efficient and scalable software systems.The book will teach you the fundamentals of computer systems including transistors, logic gates, sequential logic, and instruction operations. You will learn details of modern processor architectures and instruction sets including x86, x64, ARM, and RISC-V. You will see how to implement a RISC-V processor in a low-cost FPGA board and how to write a quantum computing program and run it on an actual quantum computer. By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of modern processor and computer architectures and the future directions these architectures are likely to take.
Devin Knight, Mitchell Pearson, Bradley Schacht, Erin Ostrowsky
This revised edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest enhancements to Power BI. It includes a new chapter dedicated to dataflow, and covers all the essential concepts such as installation, designing effective data models, as well as building basic dashboards and visualizations to help you and your organization make better business decisions.You’ll learn how to obtain data from a variety of sources and clean it using Power BI Query Editor. You’ll then find out how you can design your data model to navigate and explore relationships within it and build DAX formulas to make your data easier to work with. Visualizing your data is a key element in this book, and you’ll get to grips rapidly with data visualization styles and enhanced digital storytelling techniques. In addition, you will acquire the skills to build your own dataflows, understand the Common Data Model, and automate data flow refreshes to eradicate data cleansing inefficiency.This guide will help you understand how to administer your organization's Power BI environment so that deployment can be made seamless, data refreshes can run properly, and security can be fully implemented.By the end of this Power BI book, you’ll have a better understanding of how to get the most out of Power BI to perform effective business intelligence.
Anatoly Tykushin, Svetlana Ostrovskaya, Dmitry Volkov
Cybersecurity incidents are becoming increasingly common and costly, making incident response a critical domain for organizations to understand and implement. This book enables you to effectively detect, respond to, and prevent cyberattacks on Windows-based systems by equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to safeguard your organization's critical assets, in line with the current threat landscape.The book begins by introducing you to modern sophisticated cyberattacks, including threat actors, methods, and motivations. Then, the phases of efficient incident response are linked to the attack's life cycle using a unified cyber kill chain. As you advance, you'll explore various types of Windows-based platform endpoint forensic evidence and the arsenal necessary to gain full visibility of the Windows infrastructure. The concluding chapters discuss the best practices in the threat hunting process, along with proactive approaches that you can take to discover cybersecurity incidents before they reach their final stage.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills necessary to run intelligence-driven incident response in a Windows environment, establishing a full-fledged incident response and management process, as well as proactive methodologies to enhance the cybersecurity posture of an enterprise environment.
Jayesh Prajapati, Snehal Shah, Munwar Shariff, Vandana Pal, ...
Alfresco 4 has improved a lot with its new and advanced concepts for content management. Users have been waiting for a book that covers these concepts along with security, dashboards, and the configuration features of Alfresco 4.Alfresco 4 Enterprise Content Management Implementation is a well-crafted and easy-to-use book, and it is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management for your business needs using Alfresco 4. It covers the enhanced document management, integration with standard productivity tools, and various integration options with proven external applications.This book will take you through a number of clear, practical sections that will help you to make a proper decision for your business needs using standard practices with Alfresco's Document Management and various third-party integrationsYou will learn how to install, administer, and manage your entire application. The concepts of mapping your business documents by extending content models and achieving your complex business process using Workflow models and business rules will be discussed in this book. Integration with various third party tools like MS Office, Mobile Application, Outlook, Liferay, Ephesoft, and Kofax will also be covered. You will learn to create your own custom workflow using Activiti BPMN 2.0 Process Designer and also maintain and administrate the entire application.This book explains everything you need to know to manage your documents using standard processes and mechanisms.
Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 7.6. Getting Started with Citrix XenApp 7.6
Konstantin Cvetanov, Guillermo Musumeci, Vaqar Hasan, Esther Barthel
If you want to effectively deploy the various components of Citrix XenApp to create an enterprise environment for application and desktop delivery, this hands-on guide is perfect for you. You start off by understanding the need and benefits of Citrix XenApp with respect to Virtualization technology. After this, you will get to grips with the requirement analysis and designing aspect of building XenApp systems and all the necessary installation and configuration procedures for Citrix XenApp, StoreFront and NetScalar Gateway are explained one by one in detail. Step-by-step, you will learn to deploy your first XenApp with the Machine Creation Services method and Provisioning Services method. After this, you will explore the administering part of applications and systems, followed by printing in the XenApp environment. Next, you will learn all the trips and tricks required to troubleshoot and support the XenApp environment. By the end of this book, you will be ready to go live with your new XenApp environment.
Unity Certified Programmer is a global certification program by Unity for anyone looking to become a professional Unity developer. The official Unity programmer exam will not only validate your Unity knowledge and skills, but also enable you to be part of the Unity community.This study guide will start by building on your understanding of C# programming and take you through the process of downloading and installing Unity. You’ll understand how Unity works and get to grips with the core objectives of the Unity exam. As you advance, you’ll enhance your skills by creating an enjoyable side-scrolling shooter game that can be played within the Unity Editor or any recent Android mobile device. This Unity book will test your knowledge with self-assessment questions and help you take your skills to an advanced level by working with Unity tools such as the Animator, Particle Effects, Lighting, UI/UX, Scriptable Objects, and debugging.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed a solid understanding of the different tools in Unity and understand how to create impressive Unity applications by making the most of its toolset.
Whether you’re looking for a book to deepen your understanding of Git or a refresher, this book is the ultimate guide to Git. Git for Programmers comprehensively equips you with actionable insights on advanced Git concepts in an engaging and straightforward way. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll gain expertise (and confidence) on Git with lots of practical use cases. After a quick refresher on git history and installation, you’ll dive straight into the creation and cloning of your repository. You’ll explore Git places, branching, and GUIs to get familiar with the fundamentals. Then you’ll learn how to handle merge conflicts, rebase, amend, interactive rebase, and use the log, as well as explore important Git commands for managing your repository.The troubleshooting part of this Git book will include detailed instructions on how to bisect, blame, and several other problem handling techniques that will complete your newly acquired Git arsenal.By the end of this book, you’ll be using Git with confidence. Saving, sharing, managing files as well as undoing mistakes and basically rewriting history will be a breeze.
Nmap is one of the most powerful tools for network discovery and security auditing used by millions of IT professionals, from system administrators to cybersecurity specialists. This third edition of the Nmap: Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook introduces Nmap and its family - Ncat, Ncrack, Ndiff, Zenmap, and the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) - and guides you through numerous tasks that are relevant to security engineers in today’s technology ecosystems.The book discusses some of the most common and useful tasks for scanning hosts, networks, applications, mainframes, Unix and Windows environments, and ICS/SCADA systems. Advanced Nmap users can benefit from this book by exploring the hidden functionalities within Nmap and its scripts as well as advanced workflows and configurations to fine-tune their scans. Seasoned users will find new applications and third-party tools that can help them manage scans and even start developing their own NSE scripts. Practical examples featured in a cookbook format make this book perfect for quickly remembering Nmap options, scripts and arguments, and more.By the end of this Nmap book, you will be able to successfully scan numerous hosts, exploit vulnerable areas, and gather valuable information.
Bill Kastanakis, Vasileios Kastanakis
Maps are an essential element in today’s location aware applications. Right from displaying earth surface information to creating thematic maps displaying plethora of information, most of the developers lack the necessary knowledge to create customizable maps with combination of various tools and libraries. The MapBox platform is one such platform which offers all the tools and API required to create and publish a totally customizable map.Starting with building your first map with the online MapBox Editor, we will take you all the way to building advanced web and mobile applications with totally customizable map styles. Through the course of chapters we’ll learn CartoCSS styling language and understand the various components of MapBox platform and their corresponding JavaScript API.In the initial few chapters we will dive deeper into the TileMill and MapBox Studio components of MapBox and use them to generate custom styled map tiles and vector maps. Furthermore, we will publish these custom maps using PHP, node.js and third party tools like Geoserver.We’ll also learn to create different visualizations and map styles like a choropleth map, a heat map and add user interactivity using a UFTGrid. Moving on, we dive into advanced concepts and focus on integration with third party services like Foursquare, Google FusionTables, CartoDB, and Torque to help you populate and even animate your maps.In the final chapter we’ll learn to use the Mapbox SDK to create and publish interactive maps for the iOS platform. By the end of this book, you will learn about MapBox GL and how to create a fully functional, location-aware mobile app, using the maps styles created in the recipes.
Dr. Andrew Blyth, Campbell Murray
PowerShell for Penetration Testing is a comprehensive guide designed to equip you with the essential skills you need for conducting effective penetration tests using PowerShell.You'll start by laying a solid foundation by familiarizing yourself with the core concepts of penetration testing and PowerShell scripting. In this part, you'll get up to speed with the fundamental scripting principles and their applications across various platforms. You’ll then explore network enumeration, port scanning, exploitation of web services, databases, and more using PowerShell tools. Hands-on exercises throughout the book will solidify your understanding of concepts and techniques. Extending the scope to cloud computing environments, particularly MS Azure and AWS, this book will guide you through conducting penetration tests in cloud settings, covering governance, reconnaissance, and networking intricacies. In the final part, post-exploitation techniques, including command-and-control structures and privilege escalation using PowerShell, will be explored. This section encompasses post-exploitation activities on both Microsoft Windows and Linux systems.By the end of this book, you’ll have covered concise explanations, real-world examples, and exercises that will help you seamlessly perform penetration testing techniques using PowerShell.
Today, scientific computing and data analysis play an integral part in most scientific disciplines ranging from mathematics and biology to imaging processing and finance. With GNU Octave you have a highly flexible tool that can solve a vast number of such different problems as complex statistical analysis and dynamical system studies.The GNU Octave Beginner's Guide gives you an introduction that enables you to solve and analyze complicated numerical problems. The book is based on numerous concrete examples and at the end of each chapter you will find exercises to test your knowledge. It's easy to learn GNU Octave, with the GNU Octave Beginner's Guide to hand.Using real-world examples the GNU Octave Beginner's Guide will take you through the most important aspects of GNU Octave. This practical guide takes you from the basics where you are introduced to the interpreter to a more advanced level where you will learn how to build your own specialized and highly optimized GNU Octave toolbox package. The book starts by introducing you to work variables like vectors and matrices, demonstrating how to perform simple arithmetic operations on these objects before explaining how to use some of the simple functionality that comes with GNU Octave, including plotting. It then goes on to show you how to write new functionality into GNU Octave and how to make a toolbox package to solve your specific problem. Finally, it demonstrates how to optimize your code and link GNU Octave with C and C++ code enabling you to solve even the most computationally demanding tasks. After reading GNU Octave Beginner's Guide you will be able to use and tailor GNU Octave to solve most numerical problems and perform complicated data analysis with ease.
Microsoft Office 365 provides tools for managing organizational tasks like content management, communication, report creation, and business automation processes. With this book, you'll get to grips with popular apps from Microsoft, enabling workspace collaboration and productivity using Microsoft SharePoint Online, Teams, and the Power Platform.In addition to guiding you through the implementation of Microsoft 365 apps, this practical guide helps you to learn from a Microsoft consultant's extensive experience of working with the Microsoft business suite. This cookbook covers recipes for implementing SharePoint Online for various content management tasks. You'll learn how to create sites for your organization and enhance collaboration across the business and then see how you can boost productivity with apps such as Microsoft Teams, Power Platform, Planner, Delve, and M365 Groups. You'll find out how to use the Power Platform to make the most of Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents. Finally, the book focuses on the SharePoint framework, which helps you to build custom Teams and SharePoint solutions.By the end of the book, you will be ready to use Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online to enhance business productivity using a broad set of tools.
An evolution of Xamarin.Forms, .NET MAUI is a cross-platform framework for creating native mobile and desktop apps with C# and XAML. Using .NET MAUI, you can develop apps that’ll run on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows from a single shared codebase. In this revised edition of .NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development you will be introduced to .NET 8 and get up to speed with app development in no time.The book begins by showing you how to develop a cross-platform application using .NET MAUI, including guidance for migrating from Xamarin.Forms. You’ll gain all the knowledge needed to create a cross-platform application for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows following an example project step by step.As you advance, you’ll integrate the latest frontend technology into your app using Blazor components, including the new Blazor Bindings feature. After this, you’ll learn how to test and deploy your apps. With new coverage on creating mock .NET MAUI components, you can develop unit tests for your application. You will additionally learn how to perform Razor component testing using bUnit.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to develop your own cross-platform applications using .NET MAUI.
J.M. Gustafson, Jody Gustafson
HTML5's new features have made it a real application development platform with widespread adoption throughout the industry for this purpose. Being able to create one application that can run on virtually any device from phone to desktop has made it the first choice among developers. Although JavaScript has been around for a while now, it wasn't until the introduction of HTML5 that we have been able to create dynamic, feature-rich applications rivaling those written for the desktop.HTML5 Web Application Development By Example will give you the knowledge you need to build rich, interactive web applications from the ground up, incorporating the most popular HTML5 and CSS3 features available right now. This book is full of tips, tools, and example applications that will get you started writing your own applications today.HTML5 Web Application Development By Example shows you how to write web applications using the most popular HTML5 and CSS3 features. This book is a practical, hands-on guide with numerous real-world and relevant examples.You will learn how to use local storage to save an application's state and incorporate CSS3 to make it look great. You will also learn how to use custom data attributes to implement data binding. We'll use the new Canvas API to create a drawing application, then use the Audio API to create a virtual piano, before turning it all into a game.The time to start using HTML5 is now. And HTML5 Web Application Development by Example will give you the tips and know-how to get started.
SAP HANA is an in-memory database created by SAP. SAP HANA breaks traditional database barriers to simplify IT landscapes, eliminating data preparation, pre-aggregation, and tuning. SAP HANA and in-memory computing allow you to instantly access huge volumes of structured and unstructured data, including text data, from different sources.Starting with data modeling, this fast-paced guide shows you how to add a system to SAP HANA Studio, create a schema, packages, and delivery unit. Moving on, you’ll get an understanding of real-time replication via SLT and learn how to use SAP HANA Studio to perform this. We’ll also have a quick look at SAP Business Object DATA service and SAP Direct Extractor for Data Load. After that, you will learn to create HANA artifacts—Analytical Privileges and Calculation View. At the end of the book, we will explore the SMART DATA access option and AFL library, and finally deliver pre-packaged functionality that can be used to build information models faster and easier.
GNS3, Christopher J Welsh (USD)
GNS3 is an open-source Graphical Network Simulator used extensively by networking professionals to simulate networking devices such as Cisco, Juniper and Vyatta routers, along with Virtual PCs.GNS3 Network Simulation Guide gives you all the information you need to run a successful GNS3 simulation. You will be guided through the tricky installation pre-requisites and procedures involved in developing a simulated topology suitable for studying for Cisco CCIE Certification. We will also cover many useful tips and tricks which will help you make the most of your GNS3 simulator application.You will begin the GNS3 journey by ensuring that you have prepared your computer with any additional files required by GNS3, to set up the simulated environment needed for a successful installation process.Once GNS3 is installed, you will get to work creating a successful simulation including routers, Ethernet switches, Virtual PCs, and capture packets using Wireshark. Next, you will learn how to master GNS3's Graphical User Interface as well as the Command Console. The inner workings of GNS3 are described in depth so that you gain an appreciation of how UDP tunnels are used to tie the many components of GNS3 together.By following the clear examples and exercises in this guide, you will learn everything that you need to know about how to use GNS3 to prepare for certifications, as well as simulate real-world network scenarios.
Integrating images, video, and audio content on a Drupal site requires knowledge of appropriate community modules, and an understanding of how to configure and connect them properly. With the power of up-to-date technologies such as HTML5, responsive web design, and the best modules available in Drupal's eco-system, we can create the best Drupal 7 media website.Drupal 7 Media is a practical, hands-on guide that will introduce you to the basic structure of a Drupal site and guide you through the integration of images, videos, and audio content. Learn to leverage the most suitable community modules and up-to-date technology such as HTML5 to offer a great user experience through rich media content.The book begins with a practical introduction to the basic Drupal building blocks. It then breaks down each media resource, and explores them in detail.You will learn how to leverage Drupal's community modules to implement support for images, videos, and audio content, along with the best practices for implementation. We will be mentioning ideas throughout the book, which you can extend upon and use to build your own web applications. We will explore HTML5 support for media resources, the semantic web, and responsive web design, which are key topics in modern web application development. We will then build upon this knowledge and add more functionality to our sample website, such as support for analytic charts and customizing images, all of which we will implement using our own custom modules.You will learn everything you need to know about building, extending, and configuring a Drupal 7 media web application.
The technical program manager (TPM) is a relatively new role born out of the need of the tech industry to have a specialized practitioner who speaks both tech and business and leverages this bilingual talent to get results that no one else can.This book dives into what makes a TPM tick. You’ll find out which project and program management skills will help you shine and how you can apply your technical skills for effective results. This book looks at the TPM role across the Big Five tech companies (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Meta) to help you discern the most effective skills to be successful no matter which company you work for.Are you already a well-performing TPM looking to see what’s next? This book identifies the career paths for a TPM at the Big Five to help you decide the next step for you.By the end of this book, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to be a TPM, along with a breakdown of the necessary technical and program management skills to develop a clear roadmap for your career.
Has Altaiar, Jack Lee, Michael Pena
Cloud Analytics with Microsoft Azure serves as a comprehensive guide for big data analysis and processing using a range of Microsoft Azure features. This book covers everything you need to build your own data warehouse and learn numerous techniques to gain useful insights by analyzing big data.The book begins by introducing you to the power of data with big data analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence, and DataOps. You will learn about cloud-scale analytics and the services Microsoft Azure offers to empower businesses to discover insights. You will also be introduced to the new features and functionalities added to the modern data warehouse.Finally, you will look at two real-world business use cases to demonstrate high-level solutions using Microsoft Azure. The aim of these use cases will be to illustrate how real-time data can be analyzed in Azure to derive meaningful insights and make business decisions. You will learn to build an end-to-end analytics pipeline on the cloud with machine learning and deep learning concepts.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in analyzing large amounts of data with Azure and using it effectively to benefit your organization.
A new industrial age is here. Machines designed to build useful and interesting objects have moved from the factory to the home. Whether you have a 3D printer or not, learning how to design your first 3D models is the best way to become part of the 3D printing movement. 3D Printing Blueprints will teach you, step by step, the tools and techniques of using Blender, a free 3D modelling program, to build 3D models for printing with simple and fun hands-on projects.3D Printing Blueprints uses engaging and fun projects that teach Blender modeling for 3D printing through hands-on lessons. First you'll learn basic modeling and make a small simple object. Then each new project brings with it new tools and techniques as well as teaching the rules of 3D printing design. Eventually you'll be building objects designed to repair or replace everyday objects. Finally you'll be able to even tackle other people's models and fix them to be 3D printable.Through the course of doing the blueprints you will custom build one-of-a-kind objects that you can call your own. Starting from a custom vase formed from a picture, lessons will progress to a multi-part modular robot toy. Then simple machines will be designed with custom gears and functions. Eventually you'll learn how to download models from the Internet and make custom objects. Finally you'll be able to build models with near real life specifications and make a print that can be used for small object repair.3D Printing Blueprints will teach you everything you need to know about building custom 3D models to print successfully on modern home 3D printers.