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Mastering Python Forensics. Master the art of digital forensics and analysis with Python
Michael Spreitzenbarth, Johann Uhrmann
Digital forensic analysis is the process of examining and extracting data digitally and examining it. Python has the combination of power, expressiveness, and ease of use that makes it an essential complementary tool to the traditional, off-the-shelf digital forensic tools. This book will teach you how to perform forensic analysis and investigations by exploring the capabilities of various Python libraries. The book starts by explaining the building blocks of the Python programming language, especially ctypes in-depth, along with how to automate typical tasks in file system analysis, common correlation tasks to discover anomalies, as well as templates for investigations. Next, we’ll show you cryptographic algorithms that can be used during forensic investigations to check for known files or to compare suspicious files with online services such as VirusTotal or Mobile-Sandbox.Moving on, you’ll learn how to sniff on the network, generate and analyze network flows, and perform log correlation with the help of Python scripts and tools. You’ll get to know about the concepts of virtualization and how virtualization influences IT forensics, and you’ll discover how to perform forensic analysis of a jailbroken/rooted mobile device that is based on iOS or Android.Finally, the book teaches you how to analyze volatile memory and search for known malware samples based on YARA rules.
TypeScript is both a language and a set of tools to generate JavaScript, designed by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft to help developers write enterprise-scale JavaScript.Mastering Typescript is a golden standard for budding and experienced developers. With a structured approach that will get you up and running with Typescript quickly, this book will introduce core concepts, then build on them to help you understand (and apply) the more advanced language features. You’ll learn by doing while acquiring the best programming practices along the way.This fourth edition also covers a variety of modern JavaScript and TypeScript frameworks, comparing their strengths and weaknesses. You'll explore Angular, React, Vue, RxJs, Express, NodeJS, and others. You'll get up to speed with unit and integration testing, data transformation, serverless technologies, and asynchronous programming. Next, you’ll learn how to integrate with existing JavaScript libraries, control your compiler options, and use decorators and generics.By the end of the book, you will have built a comprehensive set of web applications, having integrated them into a single cohesive website using micro front-end techniques. This book is about learning the language, understanding when to apply its features, and selecting the framework that fits your real-world project perfectly.
AI-Powered Commerce. Building the products and services of the future with Commerce.AI
Andy Pandharikar, Frederik Bussler
Commerce.AI is a suite of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, trained on over a trillion data points, to help businesses build next-gen products and services. If you want to be the best business on the block, using AI is a must.Developers and analysts working with AI will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide. You'll begin by learning the core themes of new product and service innovation, including how to identify market opportunities, come up with ideas, and predict trends. With plenty of use cases as reference, you'll learn how to apply AI for innovation, both programmatically and with Commerce.AI. You'll also find out how to analyze product and service data with tools such as GPT-J, Python pandas, Prophet, and TextBlob. As you progress, you'll explore the evolution of commerce in AI, including how top businesses today are using AI. You'll learn how Commerce.AI merges machine learning, product expertise, and big data to help businesses make more accurate decisions. Finally, you'll use the Commerce.AI suite for product ideation and analyzing market trends.By the end of this artificial intelligence audiobook, you'll be able to strategize new product opportunities by using AI, and also have an understanding of how to use Commerce.AI for product ideation, trend analysis, and predictions.
HTML5 is the most significant new advancement the web has seen in many years. HTML5 adds many new features including the video, audio, and canvas elements, as well as the integration of SVG. This cookbook is packed full of recipes that will help you harness HTML5’s next generation multimedia features. HTML5 is the future.Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total newbie, this book gives you the recipes that will serve as your practical guide to creating semantically rich websites and apps using HTML5. Get ready to perform a quantum leap harnessing HTML5 to create powerful, real world applications. Many of the new key features of HTML5 are covered, with self-contained practical recipes for each topic. Forget hello world. These are practical recipes you can utilize straight away to create immersive, interactive multimedia applications. Create a stylish promo page in HTML5. Use SVG to replace text dynamically. Use CSS3 to control background size and appearance. Use the Canvas to process images dynamically. Apply custom playback controls to your video.
Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI is the go-to resource for creating efficient and dependable data science API backends. This second edition incorporates the latest Python and FastAPI advancements, along with two new AI projects – a real-time object detection system and a text-to-image generation platform using Stable Diffusion. The book starts with the basics of FastAPI and modern Python programming. You'll grasp FastAPI's robust dependency injection system, which facilitates seamless database communication, authentication implementation, and ML model integration. As you progress, you'll learn testing and deployment best practices, guaranteeing high-quality, resilient applications. Throughout the book, you'll build data science applications using FastAPI with the help of projects covering common AI use cases, such as object detection and text-to-image generation. These hands-on experiences will deepen your understanding of using FastAPI in real-world scenarios. By the end of this book, you'll be well equipped to maintain, design, and monitor applications to meet the highest programming standards using FastAPI, empowering you to create fast and reliable data science API backends with ease while keeping up with the latest advancements.
NativeScript allows you to build a fast cross-platform application that has a native UI. NativeScript is a true cross-platform framework that generates native speed applications using the native components of the host platform, all using JavaScript. Although NativeScript allows you to build your application in JavaScript, you have full access to the host OS from your code, allowing you to easily tweak or use new platform features instantly at native code speeds.Whether you have already developed multiple applications or zero applications, this book will help you to develop your next application in a cross-platform framework quickly, saving you a massive amount of time and money.This book concisely shows you NativeScript’s built-in framework that allows you to rapidly develop a fully-working compiled cross-platform application in just a few chapters. It starts by laying the foundation of NativeScript and working through the fundamentals to create a basic shell of the application. Moving on, you’ll see how to build a full-fledged application step by step. We’ll show you how to use plugins, and how to communicate with the native OS libraries easily so that you can customize your application as if your app was created in Java or Objective C. We then deal with the issues that arise from being cross platform and compensate for the different screen sizes, screen resolutions, and device abilities. Finally, we progress to testing and deploying your app.
Mark Simos, Nikhil Kumar, Ann Johnson
Zero Trust is cybersecurity for the digital era and cloud computing, protecting business assets anywhere on any network. By going beyond traditional network perimeter approaches to security, Zero Trust helps you keep up with ever-evolving threats.The playbook series provides simple, clear, and actionable guidance that fully answers your questions on Zero Trust using current threats, real-world implementation experiences, and open global standards.The Zero Trust playbook series guides you with specific role-by-role actionable information for planning, executing, and operating Zero Trust from the boardroom to technical reality.This first book in the series helps you understand what Zero Trust is, why it’s important for you, and what success looks like. You’ll learn about the driving forces behind Zero Trust – security threats, digital and cloud transformations, business disruptions, business resilience, agility, and adaptability. The six-stage playbook process and real-world examples will guide you through cultural, technical, and other critical elements for success.By the end of this book, you’ll have understood how to start and run your Zero Trust journey with clarity and confidence using this one-of-a-kind series that answers the why, what, and how of Zero Trust!
Microservices architecture helps create complex systems with multiple, interconnected services that can be maintained by independent teams working in parallel. This book guides you on how to develop these complex systems with the help of containers.You’ll start by learning to design an efficient strategy for migrating a legacy monolithic system to microservices. You’ll build a RESTful microservice with Python and learn how to encapsulate the code for the services into a container using Docker. While developing the services, you’ll understand how to use tools such as GitHub and Travis CI to ensure continuous delivery (CD) and continuous integration (CI). As the systems become complex and grow in size, you’ll be introduced to Kubernetes and explore how to orchestrate a system of containers while managing multiple services. Next, you’ll configure Kubernetes clusters for production-ready environments and secure them for reliable deployments. In the concluding chapters, you’ll learn how to detect and debug critical problems with the help of logs and metrics. Finally, you’ll discover a variety of strategies for working with multiple teams dealing with different microservices for effective collaboration.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build production-grade microservices as well as orchestrate a complex system of services using containers.
Brian Rossney, Ciaran Kavanagh
MetaHuman Creator (MHC) is an online, user-friendly 3D design tool for creating highly realistic digital humans that can be animated within Unreal Engine (UE) and enhanced with motion capture technology. This means that filmmakers and game developers now have access to a high quality, affordable solution that was previously only available to specialist studios.This book will focus on using UE5 and MHC from a filmmaker angle. Firstly, you’ll understand how to use the online MHC to create a digital character, changing its facial structure, body type, and clothing. After that, you’ll learn all the necessary steps to bring the character into UE5 and set it up for animation. Then, using an iPhone and a webcam to capture face and body movements, you’ll mix these motion capture files, refine the animations using the MetaHuman Control Rig, and save these takes to be reused and edited again within the Level Sequencer. On top of that, you’ll learn how to create a rendered video file for film production using both the Level Sequencer and a VR Cinematic Camera. By the end of this book, you’ll have created your own MetaHuman character, as well as face and body motion capture data, and learned the necessary skills to give your future projects further realism and creative control.
Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 (WF) is a significant part of .NET Framework 4.0. WF makes workflow technology available to every single programmer that uses the .NET Framework 4.0. It is easy to create long running and distributed programs using WF with the right knowledge. With this book, you will discover that working with workflows is easy.This book provides both step-by-step recipes and relevant background information. It covers all the important aspects of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0. The best thing about this book is that all recipes are based on real-world experiences of Andrew Zhu. Andrew is a global WF and BizTalk technology support engineer for Microsoft. This book covers everything you need to know, when working with workflows. Get to grips with flow control activities, messaging, and transaction processes with easy to understand steps followed by explanations. You will quickly learn to use collection and custom WF activities and WF services.You will see recipes that illustrate integration of Windows Workflow with other applications such as WPF, ASP.NET, WCF service.Lastly, you will discover how easily you can customize W4 Designer with WF rule engine and others.
Microsoft Power BI offers a range of powerful data cleaning and preparation options through tools such as DAX, Power Query, and the M language. However, despite its user-friendly interface, mastering it can be challenging. Whether you're a seasoned analyst or a novice exploring the potential of Power BI, this comprehensive guide equips you with techniques to transform raw data into a reliable foundation for insightful analysis and visualization.This book serves as a comprehensive guide to data cleaning, starting with data quality, common data challenges, and best practices for handling data. You’ll learn how to import and clean data with Query Editor and transform data using the M query language. As you advance, you’ll explore Power BI’s data modeling capabilities for efficient cleaning and establishing relationships. Later chapters cover best practices for using Power Automate for data cleaning and task automation. Finally, you’ll discover how OpenAI and ChatGPT can make data cleaning in Power BI easier.By the end of the book, you will have a comprehensive understanding of data cleaning concepts, techniques, and how to use Power BI and its tools for effective data preparation.
massimo fascinari, Clemente Giorio
Kinect is a motion-sensing input device by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 video game console and Windows PCs. It provides capabilities to enhance human-machine interaction along with a zero-to-hero journey to engage the user in a multimodal interface dialog with your software solution.Kinect in Motion - Audio and Visual Tracking by Example guides you in developing more than five models you can use to capture gestures, movements, and voice spoken commands. The examples and the theory discussed provide you with the knowledge to let the user become a part of your application.Kinect in Motion - Audio and Visual Tracking by Example is a compact reference on how to master color, depth, skeleton, and audio data streams handled by Kinect for Windows.Starting with an introduction to Kinect and its characteristics, you will first be shown how to master the color data stream with no more than one page of lines of code. Learn how to manage the depth information and map them against the color ones. You will then learn how to define and manage gestures that enable the user to instruct the application simply by moving arms or any other type of natural action. Finally you will complete your journey through a multimodal interface, combining gestures with audio.The book will lead you through many detailed, real-world examples, and even guide you on how to test your application.
Ian Haycox, Garrick Cheung, Jacob Gube
MooTools is a simple-to-use JavaScript library, ideal for people with basic JavaScript skills who want to elevate their web applications to a superior level. If you're a newcomer to MooTools looking to build dynamic, rich, and user-interactive web site applications this beginner's guide with its easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions is all you need to rapidly get to grips with MooTools.
Practical Machine Learning on Databricks. Seamlessly transition ML models and MLOps on Databricks
Unleash the potential of databricks for end-to-end machine learning with this comprehensive guide, tailored for experienced data scientists and developers transitioning from DIY or other cloud platforms. Building on a strong foundation in Python, Practical Machine Learning on Databricks serves as your roadmap from development to production, covering all intermediary steps using the databricks platform. You’ll start with an overview of machine learning applications, databricks platform features, and MLflow. Next, you’ll dive into data preparation, model selection, and training essentials and discover the power of databricks feature store for precomputing feature tables. You’ll also learn to kickstart your projects using databricks AutoML and automate retraining and deployment through databricks workflows. By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered MLflow for experiment tracking, collaboration, and advanced use cases like model interpretability and governance. The book is enriched with hands-on example code at every step. While primarily focused on generally available features, the book equips you to easily adapt to future innovations in machine learning, databricks, and MLflow.
RPA Solution Architect's Handbook. Design modern and custom RPA solutions for digital innovation
RPA solution architects play an important role in the automation journey and initiatives within the organization. However, the implementation process is quite complex and daunting at times. RPA Solution Architect’s Handbook is a playbook for solution architects looking to build well-designed and scalable RPA solutions.You’ll begin by understanding the different roles, responsibilities, and interactions between cross-functional teams. Then, you’ll learn about the pillars of a good design: stability, maintainability, scalability, and resilience, helping you develop a process design document, solution design document, SIT/UAT scripts, and wireframes. You’ll also learn how to design reusable components for faster, cheaper, and better RPA implementation, and design and develop best practices for module decoupling, handling garbage collection, and exception handling. At the end of the book, you’ll explore the concepts of privacy, security, reporting automated processes, analytics, and taking preventive action to keep the bots healthy.By the end of this book, you’ll be well equipped to undertake a complete RPA process from design to implementation efficiently.
Flask, the lightweight Python web framework, is popular thanks to its powerful modular design that lets you build scalable web apps. With this recipe-based guide, you’ll explore modern solutions and best practices for Flask web development.Updated to the latest version of Flask and Python 3, this second edition of Flask Framework Cookbook moves away from some of the old and obsolete libraries and introduces new recipes on cutting-edge technologies. You’ll discover different ways of using Flask to create, deploy, and manage microservices. This Flask Python book starts by covering the different configurations that a Flask application can make use of, and then helps you work with templates and learn about the ORM and view layers. You’ll also be able to write an admin interface and get to grips with debugging and logging errors. Finally, you’ll learn a variety of deployment and post-deployment techniques for platforms such as Apache, Tornado, and Heroku.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained all the knowledge you need to confidently write Flask applications and scale them using standard industry practices.
Gin is a high-performance HTTP web framework used to build web applications and microservices in Go. This book is designed to teach you the ins and outs of the Gin framework with the help of practical examples.You’ll start by exploring the basics of the Gin framework, before progressing to build a real-world RESTful API. Along the way, you’ll learn how to write custom middleware and understand the routing mechanism, as well as how to bind user data and validate incoming HTTP requests. The book also demonstrates how to store and retrieve data at scale with a NoSQL database such as MongoDB, and how to implement a caching layer with Redis. Next, you’ll understand how to secure and test your API endpoints with authentication protocols such as OAuth 2 and JWT. Later chapters will guide you through rendering HTML templates on the server-side and building a frontend application with the React web framework to consume API responses. Finally, you’ll deploy your application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and learn how to automate the deployment process with a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.By the end of this Gin book, you will be able to design, build, and deploy a production-ready distributed application from scratch using the Gin framework.
VMware Performance and Capacity Management. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition
Performance management and capacity management are the two top-most issues faced by enterprise IT when doing virtualization. Until the first edition of the book, there was no in-depth coverage on the topic to tackle the issues systematically. The second edition expands the first edition, with added information and reorganizing the book into three logical parts.The first part provides the technical foundation of SDDC Management. It explains the difference between a software-defined data center and a classic physical data center, and how it impacts both architecture and operations. From this strategic view, it zooms into the most common challenges—performance management and capacity management. It introduces a new concept called Performance SLA and also a new way of doing capacity management. The next part provides the actual solution that you can implement in your environment. It puts the theories together and provides real-life examples created together with customers. It provides the reasons behind each dashboard, so that you get the understanding on why it is required and what problem it solves.The last part acts as a reference section. It provides a complete reference to vSphere and vRealize Operations counters, explaining their dependencies and providing practical guidance on the values you should expect in a healthy environment.
Continuous changes in business requirements can make it difficult for programmers to organize business logic into database models, which turns out to be an expensive operation as changes to the database may result in errors and incongruity within applications. Supercharging Node.js Applications with Sequelize helps you get to grips with Sequelize, a reliable ORM that enables you to alleviate these issues in your database and applications.With Sequelize, you'll no longer need to store information in flat files or memory. This book takes a hands-on approach to implementation and associated methodologies for your database that will have you up and running in no time. You'll learn how to configure Sequelize for your Node.js application properly, develop a better sense of understanding of how this ORM works, and find out how to manage your database from Node.js using Sequelize. Finally, you'll be able to use Sequelize as the database driver for building your application from scratch.By the end of this Node.js book, you'll be able to configure, build, store, retrieve, validate, and associate your data from a database to a Node.js application.