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The Exploits of Pudgy Pete

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Exploits of Pudgy Pete story was written in 1927 by E. Phillips Oppenheim. Peter Bragg and his tormentor from school days George Angus, join forces to run a modern Enguiry Agency in London. The cases which come to them are complex, romantic, dangerous, humorous, and clever. Together the two solve social and criminal problems, and find their romantic mates. These short story collection by Mr. Oppenheim containing also: Drama in the Dolls House, A Comedy in Divorce, Lady Katherines Better Nature, Three to Four, The Ninety-Ninth Thread and others. These stories were originally written as separate magazine stories, then published together.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 6). Ród Rodrigandów. Pantera Południa

Karol May

Pantera Południa stanowi kontynuację wydarzeń z powieści Ku Mapimi. Dopiero co uwolnieni z piramidy bohaterowie stają się mimowolnymi uczestnikami bitwy między Apaczami a Komanczami. Bohaterom dzięki pomocy Apaczów udaje się uciec tajnym korytarzem przez piramidę. Wsiadają na statek, lecz za sprawą pirata Landoli zamiast do wytyczonego celu trafiają na bezludną wyspę...


Bissula. A.D. 378

Felix Dahn

Felix Dahn (1834-1912) war ein deutscher Professor für Rechtswissenschaften, Schriftsteller und Historiker. Zwischen 1882 und 1901 verfaßte er die 13-bändige Serie Kleine Romane aus der Völkerwanderung, alle angesiedelt in den ersten Jahrhunderten nach Christus. Bissula ist der zweite Band der historischen Romane aus den Zeiten der Völkerwanderung.


Zagłada domu Usherów i inne opowiadania

Edgar Allan Poe

Zbiór swoistych nowel kryminalnych. Niektóre zabawne, sarkastyczne i finezyjne, inne mroczne i przerażające. Plastyczne opisy zbrodni, mnogość zagadek i pułapek logicznych, w połączeniu ze stopniowo budowanym przez narratora napięciem, tworzą niepowtarzalny zestaw.


The Tragedie of Macbeth

William Shakespeare

The focus of the great tragedy of William Shakespeare Macbeth is unreasonable ambition that turns a brave warrior and a recognized hero into an ominous killer who seized power in his hands at the cost of bloody atrocity. The play Macbeth is worth reading if only to enjoy the beautiful poetic language of the great playwright here evil, intrigue, deceit and the most base vices of humanity are served under the sauce of beautiful poetry.


Collected Short Stories (Vol. 8). Collected Short Stories. Volume 8

Arthur Conan Doyle

The eighth issue features the usual assortment of stories and non-fiction. These are the next to last of the series of short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes. Some are set before the Great War, the last takes place in 1914. Holmes is retired and refused to take on any more cases, preferring to live out his years in a small rural village. His Last Bow is a collection of seven Sherlock Holmes stories (eight in some editions) by Arthur Conan Doyle, plus the one-off title story, also called A Reminiscence of Sherlock Holmes under Reminiscences of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. The Adventure of Wistaria Lodge was originally in two parts: The Singular Experience of Mr. John Scott Eccles and The Tiger of San Pedro. Each story has a completely different plot which goes on smoothly till the end.


Tanglewood Tales

Nathaniel Hawthorne

This is a fun collection, the second of Hawthorne, Greek myths slightly rethought and retold for children. These are famous stories with a rather friendly perception. Antey has some friends who are called pygmies, but it seems that their height is about six inches. But they are going to avenge him after Hercules killed him, and Big X good-naturedly accepts the loss. Theseus still kills the Minotaur, although the beast seems to be a kind of miserable soul, but does not leave Ariadne rather, she refuses to leave her father, despite all his flaws.


The Mouthpiece

Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

The novel of Edgar Wallaces famous play told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense. In the shady setting of a solicitors office on the East End waterfront a plan is evolved all quite legal to get hold of a large American legacy bequeathed to an English girl. Murder is planned and tried: kidnapping, incarceration in a London barge, a dash for freedom, the intervention of the river police and knock-out drops all play their part in the unfolding of the tale which keeps its suspense to the last in as swift-moving a sequence of events as ever Edgar Wallace at his best devised. It is a case where the Yard was best not to call them in for reasons best known to the characters in the story as the reader will find for himself.


The Tremendous Event

Maurice Leblanc

A classic novel blending romance, adventure, and science fiction, "The Tremendous Event" is sure to appeal to fans of Leblancs detective fiction. This romantic adventure novel set after the ocean floor beneath the English Channel emerges and links Britain and France. During the chaos following the disaster bands of vicious criminals and looters roam the newly exposed land. Maurice Marie Émile Leblanc was a novelist and writer of short stories, known primarily as the creator of the fictional gentleman thief and detective, Arsene Lupin. From the start, Leblanc wrote both short crime stories and longer novels and his lengthier tomes, heavily influenced by writers such as Flaubert and Maupassant, were critically admired, but met with little commercial success.


Florian z Wielkiej Hłuszy

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Małe miasteczko na kresach w czasie I wojny światowej. Kiedy do miasta wkraczają Niemcy, mieszkańcy ukrywają przed rekwizycją dzwon, zwany Florianem. Na tle akcji z dzwonem toczą się wątki obyczajowe. Dziedzic Alfred Rupejko kocha się z wzajemnością w Bronce, wnuczce dziadka Wereszczyńskiego. Wkrótce idzie do legionów. Po pewnym czasie Niemcy opuszczają miasto, które zostaje z kolei zaatakowane przez Armię Czerwoną. Jednak na odsiecz przybywają legioniści... Florian z Wielkiej Hłuszy to ciekawa i wciągająca od pierwszego akapitu lektura.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 13). Ród Rodrigandów. Maskarada w Moguncji

Karol May

Kurta Ungera spotyka niesamowite szczęście. Przed laty jego ojciec wysłał z Meksyku spadek, który niestety zaginął. Teraz podczas pobytu Kurta w Moguncji spadek niespodziewanie się odnajduje. W aferę zamieszany jest snujący szpiegowskie plany Landola. Następnie Unger i Sępi Dziób, po wizycie u Bismarcka, wyjeżdżają do Meksyku, by odszukać zaginionych bohaterów.


The Day. Or The Passing of a Throne

Fred M. White

Many stories by Fred M. White have a spy theme. This story is no exception. The events take place during the First World War. Two men, Manuel and his young companion Luigi, are on a mission. The men have a problem: namely, a German wireless transmitter that they desperately wanted to find and stop.


The Radium Seekers

Fenton Ash

Early science fiction, a cult classic, an enjoyable adventure. The story opens when our hero and his friends go to South America to look for radium, which has anti-gravity properties, and battle with a race of cruel Inca-type people who use the radium to fly, and disguise themselves as giant birds and terrorize the locals. The Radium Seekers is a fairly good novel written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry Frank Atkins (18471927) was a British writer of pulp fiction, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. He wrote under the pseudonyms Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash.


Najlepsze żarty o kochankach

Praca zbiorowa

Idealny mąż to taki, który zastając żonę w łóżku z kochankiem, powie: Wy dokończcie, a ja idę zaparzyć kawę. Idealny kochanek to taki, który w tej sytuacji potrafi dokończyć, co zaczął. 100 najlepszych dowcipów o kochanku, kochance i zdradach.


Acres of Unrest

Max Brand

The Hale brothers, both successful ranchers, had a disagreement: Ross believed that with a fine education his son Peter would become even more successful than he was himself: Andy believed the opposite. Peter returns from college to his fathers ranch after an accident has left him physically crippled but not without ability or enterprise. Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He was a prolific American author best known for his classic western novels. Brand also created the famous character Dr. Kildare which became the basis of many films and television shows.



Edith Wharton

Kate Orme is a young woman whose illusions of marital bliss are shattered when she comes face to face with the dark secret harbored by her fiancé, the wealthy and deceptively ebullient Denis. Kate decides to go ahead and by societys willingness to overlook such transgressions, nevertheless marries him. Years later, her son faces a moral crisis similar to the one that showed her his fathers moral weakness. With the precision, beauty, and sharp awareness of the cracks in upper-class New York society that made her one of the great writers of the twentieth century, Edith Wharton offers a subtle critique of the nature versus nurture debate that raged in the early 1900s. Sanctuary is a spare and moving investigation of the forces that impel human beings toward sin, self-doubt, and redemption.


La chanson des vieux époux

Pierre Loti

De jeunes filles avec des visages de marionnettes et de tres petits yeux félins traînent leurs grands souliers de bois; Les enfants japonais sont tres drôles dans leurs longs vtements colorés, venant en groupes pour effectuer leurs prieres, se tenant la main; belles dames avec un petit pain compliqué venant la pagode pour prier et rire; Des paysans aux cheveux longs, des bonzes ou des marchands, autant de marionnettes imaginables de ce joyeux petit homme, sont passés par Kaka-San, qui les voyait encore, et devant Toto-San, qui ne les revit jamais.


At the Sign of the Sword

William Le Queux

Warm, brilliant, and cloudless was the July noon. Beneath the summer sun the broad, shallow waters of the Meuse sparkled as they rippled swiftly onward through the deep, winding valley of grey rocks and cool woods on their way from the mountains of Lorraine, through peaceful, prosperous Belgium, towards the sea.


The Snow-Image and Other Tales

Nathaniel Hawthorne

A warm fairy tale for any age. One winter evening, parents saw that an unfamiliar girl was playing with their children in the yard. Rejoicing, they decided to invite the girl to tea despite the assurances of the children that she was afraid of heat more than anything...


The Master Revenge

H.A. Cody

It happens that you are a hostage to circumstances. The main character, Nathan, is trying to clear his name from an unfair accusation. After 12 years, holding in prison on a false charge of theft. Can he do it? After all, now everyone looks at him differently.


The Thundering Herd

Zane Grey

In this breathless tale of bravery and battle, of white mans courage and red mans daring, Zane Grey has written one of his finest novels. The great western writers story of the buffalo hunters, and the passing of the great herds of buffalo. The Thundering Herd is the story of the buffalo and of their near extinction when hide hunters swarmed the plains killing them by the tens of thousands, and at the same time helping to eliminate the Indians by killing their food supply. Grounded in the authors sense of western history, it shows in no uncertain terms how white men were debased by the wanton destruction of the herds.



Aleksander Fredro

Doskonała komedia Aleksandra Fredry w czterech aktach, która powstała na początku lat 30. XIX wieku. Akcja Zemsty rozgrywa się w kilku planach. Cześnik Raptusiewcz pragnie ożenić się z owdowiałą Podstoliną, która bawi u niego z wizytą. Cześnik jest łasy na majątek Podstoliny, nie wie jednak, że ona sama szuka męża, bo jest bez grosza. Raptusiewicz jest człowiekiem nieobytym i nieśmiałym. Zdając sobie sprawę ze swoich braków, wzywa na pomoc Papkina, który podaje się za pożeracza serc niewieścich i wielkiego bohatera, a w rzeczywistości jest tchórzem i pyszałkiem. Raptusiewicz prosi także Papkina, by utrzymywał w jego imieniu kontakty z sąsiadem Rejentem Milczkiem, z którym Cześnik jest skłócony. Nagle okazuje się, że Rejent zlecił murarzom naprawę muru rozgraniczającego część zamku należącą do niego od części należącej do Cześnika. Raptusiewicz każe Papkinowi rozpędzić murarzy. Sytuację dodatkowo komplikuje to, że dziura w murze pozwala na schadzki w ogrodzie Klary (bratanicy Cześnika) i Wacława (syna Milczka). Wacław jest gotów porwać Klarę, by się z nią ożenić. Tymczasem na bratanicę Cześnika ostrzy sobie zęby Papkin...


Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea

L. Frank Baum

L. Frank Baum, the author of the famous Oz books, wrote a number of series for children (and occasionally, books for older readers) under a variety of pseudonyms. Among those you can find many examples of adventure fiction, including this, the inaugural title of the Sam Steele series. Sam Steele is the son of a sea captain; his father is reported killed in a shipwreck, and Sam is quickly cheated of his inheritance. Now an orphan, he meets his maternal uncle, Naboth Perkins, another sea captain and ship-owner; together the two set sail in the Pacific trade. At home again, Sam and Naboth discover that Sams father Captain Steele has survived shipwreck, with the loss of a leg. Re-united with his father, Sam regains his lost patrimony. Unusually for Baum, the tale of Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea is told in the first person, by the title character.


Двенадцать стульев (Dwanaście krzeseł)

Илья Арнольдович Ильф, Евгений Петров, Ilja Arnoldowicz Ilf, Jewgienij Pietrow

Знаменитый роман-фельетон И. Ильфа и Е. Петрова 201eДвенадцать стульев201d 2013 одно из культовых произведений русской литературы ХХ века. Захватывающая история о приключениях двух аферистов Остапа Бендера и Ипполита Воробьянинова в поисках сокровищ мадам Петуховой 2013 бриллиантов, запрятанных в одном из 12-ти стульев, за которыми и устроили настоящую охоту главные герои.