
Pies Baskervilleów. Dziwne przygody Sherlocka Holmesa

Arthur Conan Doyle

Kolejni spadkobiercy majątku Baskervilleów giną w tajemniczych okolicznościach na bagnach koło rodzinnej posiadłości w hrabstwie Devon. Miejscowa ludność przypisuje te zagadkowe zgony klątwie prześladującej rodzinę od ponad dwustu lat. Baskervilleowie mają być jakoby rozszarpywani przez tajemniczego psa-potwora. Po śmierci sir Charlesa Baskervillea rezydencję Dartmoor i rodowy spadek ma przejąć przybyły zza oceanu sir Henry. Sławny detektyw Sherlock Holmes wysyła swego wiernego pomocnik doktora Watsona do posiadłości Baskervilleów. Tam przez długi czas Watson odkrywa kolejne elementy zagadki i dzieli się z Holmesem zdobytą wiedzą. Czyżby pies Baskervilleów istniał naprawdę? Opowieść przynosi nieoczekiwane rozwiązanie, a książka to trzymający w napięciu dreszczowiec.


The Occult Detector

J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

Abdul Omar was a psychologist, mystic and astrologer who worked as a private detective. He believed that astrology would help predict the exact actions of a person. Based on the time of birth, he can accurately predict what and when a person will do. He was devoted to protecting women and their honor. He fell in love with and married Lotis, a former assassin of the Black Brotherhood who was sent to kill him.


Stalky & Co

Rudyard Kipling

The reader finally got the opportunity to read a quality translation of one of the best works of Rudyard Kipling. This almost autobiographical novel tells about the fun and arduous life of students in an English private school. Arkady Strugatsky was a real fan of Stalki and Company. It was the protagonist of this book - ""the great man of the century"", the bully and the cunning Stalki - who inspired the Strugatsky brothers to create the image of Stalker.


The Thing on the Doorstep

H.P. Lovecraft

The Thing on the Doorstep is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe of horror fiction. Daniel Upton, the storys narrator, begins by telling that he has killed his best friend, Edward Derby, and that he hopes his account will prove that he is not a murderer. He begins by describing Derbys life and career. Daniel Uptons relationship with his friend Edward Derby is abruptly changed after Edward becomes romantically involved with Asenath Waite. Asenaths father Ephraim dabbled in forbidden sorcery, and it looked like Asenath was following in her dads footsteps, performing mysterious occult experiments that caused Derby to become more and more unhinged... As Edwards behavior becomes more erratic and events unexplainable, Daniel investigates. There are two more prominent themes in The Thing on the Doorstep: mind-switching and gender.


Sick Heart River

John Buchan

Sick Heart River is the fifth book in the Edward Leithen series. This is Buchans last novel, about a man who is dying, and it must reflect Buchans own efforts to come to terms with his looming demise."Sick Heart River finds Leithen now in his late fifties facing a terminal diagnosis of turberculosis. Leithen has enjoyed a dazzling career as eminent barrister, member of Parliament, Cabinet minister, and attorney-general but with only months left to live, he leaves it all behind and takes up a whole new mission into the bleak arctic wilds of Canada. The friend of a friend, Francis Galliard, has gone missing in the North, and Leithen volunteers to find him and send him back, and so to die well, far away from the irking sympathy of his friends or the coddled atmosphere of the sick-room. But the North has some surprises in store for Leithen.


The Exploits of Elaine

Arthur B. Reeve

Detective Kennedy and his sidekick Walter Jameson are called in by a District Attorney to look into the murder of an actress in the middle of shooting a movie called The Black Terror. What follows is figuring out the puzzling trail of a calculating killer. Kennedy performs detailed tests in his laboratory and he eventually finds what caused the death of the film star, but he must still go through lots of adventures until he finds the murderer as well. The book is highly entertaining for those who are already familiar with Reeves novels. If you liked this one, maybe you will want to read other Craig Kennedy stories there are more than 80 of them and they are all as exciting and well-written as The Film Mystery.


The Borough Treasurer

Joseph Smith Fletcher

The Borough Treasurer (1921) by J.S. Fletcher is a tale of blackmail, murder and a secret quarry. He has quite a large cast of interesting characters in this one, and manages to bring them all to life with great detail. This novel tales place in an obscure small town by the Yorkshire moors an ideal spot for two ex-cons to start life over. Messrs. Mallalieu and Cotherstone were outsiders who had built a prosperous business in Highmarket and even been elected as Mayor and Treasurer of the borough. But when an ex-detective moves to town, 30 years of respectability is suddenly threatened by revelations from the past. How far will two upstanding citizens go to keep their past a secret?


Under the Lilacs

Louisa May Alcott

Under the Lilacs, published in 1878, is another lovely morality tale by Louisa May Alcott that centers around two young girls who are having a tea party with their dolls when they stumble upon a young boy and his dog who have run away from the circus. Ben and his trained dog, Sancho, run away from the circus and soon find a warm welcome in a kind community where spirited games are played. Theatricals and imaginative pageantry are all part of the fun. This book by Louisa May Alcott will delight readers young and old and remind them that kindness wins the day. The author clearly was fascinated by the moral, physical, and emotional lives and upbringing of boys and girls as they make the transition from youth to young adulthood. A fine example of classic childrens literature.


Chronicles of Melhampton

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In the sleepy little Devonshire town of Melhampton, the lives of the village stalwarts are revealed in this charming collection of tales by Oppenheim. Mr Tidd, the manager of the local bank branch, has invested his life and savings in the education of his daughter, but has dipped into the banks funds to maintain appearances. On the eve of quarterly bank examiners visit, he is confronted with guilt and exposure. In another tale, the town veterinarian is conflicted about his desire to marry the serving girl at the local Melhampton Arms. Each of these stories presents a social or financial quandary typical of England at the time.


Tappans Burro

Zane Grey

You have brought me happiness, said Tappan, to a small gray storm circling around his mother. Your name is Janet. You are Bopo Tappana, I think he will stick to you, from the book, Intelligence was a lonely business for Tappan, but his drum Jenet was a good company. She knew the dots and the water wells better. Thappan, from the burning heat and poisonous atmosphere of the Death Valley to the blind blizzards of the Arizona Mountains. Janet traced with him the faithful, the only friend, and he turned her loyalty to the ultimate, supreme effort of heart, will and spirit.


The Bravo of London

Ernest Bramah

The Bravo of London is a book in the Max Carrados series. Also, Max Carrados will be followed by The eyes of Max Carrados in 1923, The Specimen Case in 1924, Max Carrados Mysteries in 1927, and The Bravo of London in 1934. Max Carrados is a blind detective who uses his remaining senses in such a way that his blindness is often not immediately apparent to others. Working with his old friend, Louis Carlyle, a private investigator, the wealthy Carrados pursues his talent for detection whenever he pleases without accepting a fee. It is the first appearance of the blind sleuth Max Carrados whom, accompanied by his faithful but not always insightful Carlyle, was created as a rival to Sherlock Holmes and quickly found a strong following amongst readers.


Starr of the Desert

B.M. Bower

In the aftermath of their fathers death, two orphans set out for the wild desert lands of New Mexico with a plan to eke out a living on a goat ranch. Helen May and her brother Vic should moved to this desert after their father arranges to buy property there, to save Helen May from the TB which is threatening her health. Soon after arriving at their destination, the pair strikes up an acquaintance with a mysterious fellow who goes by the name of Starr. Is he a true friend, or does he have a nefarious plan in mind? Read Starr, of the Desert to find out. A New Mexico ranch story of mystery and adventure.


The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead is a collection of connected stories about Mendel Honeywood, a diminutive insurance agent who skips out on his family and his hometown of Okehampstead, Massachusetts, and arrives in England, without a cent, to enter into a life of crime. He meets up with James Van Clarence Smith, disinherited scion of the wealthy American millionaires, and Lady Felicia Lakenham, upper-class, with a very small income. These three engage in somewhat shady adventures in the art world, politics, and international finance, as they seek to make their fortunes. Its all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. If you havent discovered the joys of Oppenheims mysteries there is a good place to start.


Short Stories

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevskys novels and stories delve deep into the mysteries of the mind. Characters grapple with the most basic questions of existence, including what it means to be moral, what it means to love, and what it means to be human. Exploring many of the same themes as in his longer works, these small masterpieces move from the tender and romantic White Nights, an archetypal nineteenth-century morality tale of pathos and loss, to the famous Notes from the Underground, a story of guilt, ineffectiveness, and uncompromising cynicism, and the first major work of existential literature. Among Dostoevskys prototypical characters is Yemelyan in The Honest Thief, whose tragedy turns on an inability to resist crime. The other stories include: The Christmas Tree and Wedding, The Peasant Marey, A Gentle Creature, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man. Each story is engaging, relatively short and told in a similar style, usually featuring a male narrator who is troubled, lonely, intelligent and narcissistic.


Skarb w Srebrnym Jeziorze. Powieść z Dzikiego Zachodu

Karol May

Fabuła rozpoczyna się na pokładzie statku, którym płynie samozwańczy pułkownik Brinkley, zwany Czerwonym Cornelem wraz ze swoją bandą. Już wtedy zaczynają się kłopoty, które doprowadzą wszystkich do kopalni srebra w pobliżu Srebrnego Jeziora. Wódz Apaczów Winnetou i jego biały przyjaciel Old Shatterhand będą musieli stoczyć niejedną bitwę, aby uratować skarb i przyjaciół.


The King Who Was a King. The Book of a Film

Herbert George Wells

Herbert George Wells is a huge name in the world of literature. He is known as the king of Science Fiction stories. He was an accomplished teacher, a best-selling novelist, a historian and a journalist, however, he established his name in the world through his passion for writing and will be remembered forever as Father of Science Fiction. The King Who Was a King The Book of a Film is a fascinating treatise on the development of film written by H. G. Wells and first published in 1929. Writing at the when cinema was beginning to explode, Wells explores the emerging industrys history, future, and the elements of contemporary film. H. G. Wellss conception of a great film, as much a novel as it is a film scenario. Poses the issue Is one man justified in shedding the blood of another, in order to avert the greater catastrophe of war?


Die Juweleninsel

Karl May

Die Juweleninsel ist die Fortsetzung von Zepter und Hammer. Noch in bedeutend größerem Ausmaß als beim ersten Teil (Zepter und Hammer) gilt hier, dass die Handlung kaum nacherzählt werden kann. Zehn Jahre sind seit den Ereignissen aus Zepter und Hammer vergangen. Die Angehörigen eines Verschollenen erhalten durch sein Tagebuch Kunde von der Vernichtung eines indischen Fürstenhofs und vom Schatz des Maharadscha, der auf eine einsame Insel gerettet wurde.



Juliusz Słowacki

Kordian, a właściwie Kordian. Część pierwsza trylogii. Spisek koronacyjny to dramat romantyczny, napisany przez Juliusza Słowackiego w 1833 r. w Genewie, a wydany anonimowo w 1834 r. w Paryżu. Tytułowego bohatera poznajemy jako piętnastoletniego chłopca. Kordian jest młodzieńcem przedwcześnie dojrzałym. Cały swój wolny czas poświęca rozważaniom nad sensem własnej egzystencji. Przeżywa rozczarowania do romantycznej miłości. Podejmuje nieudaną próbę samobójczą. Następnie Kordian wyrusza do Anglii i Włoch. Podczas tej podróży przekonuje się, że światem rządzi pieniądz. Że za pieniądze można kupić wszystko, nawet miłość. Na szczycie góry Mont Blanc, przełomowej dla utworu, Kordian przechodzi metamorfozę. Z nieszczęśliwego kochanka przemienia się w gorliwego patriotę. Postanawia poświęcić się w imię ojczyzny i zabić cara... Dramat Kordian jest krytyką niezdolności do romantycznego czynu spiskowca, obezwładnionego moralną rozterką legalizmu i polemiką z postawą Konrada z Dziadów Mickiewicza.


The Firebrand

Max Brand

The Firebrand is an adventurous historical romance set in 16th-century Italy. The main character is Tizzo, a master swordsman, known as Firebrand because of his flaming red hair and flame-blue eyes. Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. His love for mythology was a constant source of inspiration for his fiction, and it has been speculated that these classical influences accounted in some part for his success as a popular writer. Many of his stories would later inspire films.


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 2). Leśna Różyczka. Królowa Cyganów

Karol May

Królowa Cyganów to drugi tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Podczas licznych i szalonych podróży po wielu krajach i kontynentach odważni bohaterowie spotykają na swojej drodze różne postaci niektóre sprzyjają realizacji ich planów i wyciągają pomocną dłoń, inne wręcz przeciwnie narażają drużynę na niebezpieczeństwa i same proszą się o pogruchotanie kości w potyczce.


Le Chapelet rouge

Maurice Leblanc

Roman policier de Maurice Leblanc, qui nest pas écrit en style dhistoires dArsene Lupin. La fiction nous raconte de le comte Jean dOrsacq, la comtesse Lucienne et leurs amis, qui sont invités participer une semaine de chasse dans un château. Lintrigue sinstalle comme un casse-tte. Qui rôde dans le parc? Qui sest introduit, la nuit, dans les appartements? Qui a ouvert le coffre-fort? Un voleur? Un crime est commis! Quelquun est retrouvé assassiné...


The Golden Age

Kenneth Grahame

The stories generally tell about the childhood of 3 boys and 2 girls. Children call adults Olympians and believe that adults no longer know how to have fun. Each of the chapters is an adventure story that children make or imagine. The book will help you get rid of the everyday hustle and bustle of a simple, but spiritual story.


The House of Mirth

Edith Wharton

Is Lily Bart a victim of circumstance or an agent of her own destruction? Edith Whartons acutely observed novel poses this question as it follows Lilys tragic path through the country houses, card tables and drawing rooms of New Yorks beau monde at the turn of the 20th century. Impoverished but well-born, Lily realizes a secure future depends on her acquiring a wealthy husband. Her desire for a comfortable life means that she will not marry for love without money, but her resistance to the rules of the social elite endangers her many marriage proposals and leads to a dramatic downward spiral into debt and dishonor. More a tale of social exclusion than of failed love, The House of Mirth reveals Whartons compelling gifts as a storyteller and her clear-eyed observations of the savagery beneath the well-bred surface of high society.


Le Mystere de la chambre jaune

Gaston Leroux

Le jeune reporter Joseph Rouletabille, réputé pour avoir démlé de difficiles énigmes, se rend, en compagnie de son ami lavocat Sainclair le narrateur de lhistoire au château du Glandier pour y éclaircir une agression. Le château appartient au professeur Joseph Stangerson, physicien renommé qui y mene des expériences avec sa fille Mathilde, la victime du crime. Qui est donc lagresseur ? Quel est son mobile ? Et surtout comment a-t-il pu séchapper de la chambre jaune qui était fermée de lintérieur ?