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Almayers Folly. A Story of an Eastern River

Joseph Conrad

Almayer is a European by nature who never lived in Europe. He has to marry the adoptive Malay daughter of another European, who promises Almayer a rich life. But the European does not keep his word. The main character gets depressed. But the story revolves around the stupidity of Almayers life and the stupidity of Europeans, who believe that they are superior to others.


Patty in the City

Carolyn Wells

Patty and her dad decide to spend part of the year in New York City. She moves to New York and enrolls in the Oliphant School. Then she starts to make friends, as she always does, and she even starts a club called the Grig. First appearance of the Farringtons. Patty in the City (1905) is the third book of the Patty Fairfield collection, a total of 17 novels covering the life of this happy and cheerful American teenager of a century ago, as she matures and comes of age, and, in the meantime, living all kind of amazing adventures. Patty Fairfield is a pretty, well-mannered, graceful, thoughtful, smart, but not too smart 14 year old who will make us laugh and cry, and learn about life with her.


Anne of the Island

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of the Island was published in 1915, seven years after the bestselling Anne of Green Gables. This book tells the story of Anne Shirleys and her friends college years. As the security of home and childhood comforts fade, each must face the trials of being on their own. The novel kicks off when Anne decides to pursue her dream of a higher education, and subsequently leaves her two year teaching position at the school in Avonlea and begins her studies at Redmond College in Kingsport, where she is studying for her BA. A novel depicting the inevitable process of growing up, Anne of the Island is a perfect illustration of the challenging and sometimes awkward moments we all go through to achieve our full potential in life.


Doctor Therne

H. Rider Haggard

Therne is a young budding doctor who has experienced many tragedies. He is unfairly accused of abuse of office, he loses all his patients, even if he is acquitted, and later suffers from the loss of his young wife. Being a staunch supporter of vaccination, he is running for parliament on a platform against vaccination, selling his convictions and morality political gain and dirty gain. The author of most of his story attaches vaccination, which should help humanity.


The Iblis At Ludd

Talbot Mundy

Major James Grim Jimgrim faced a lot of difficulties with his friends when he broke into Arabia, one of the most unpleasant news, this was the sending of two tons of abducted TNTs. Jimgrin went to Ladda to investigate, restore the reputation of an innocent man and find the true culprits.



B.M. Bower

Claude Kid Bennett is a young man starting to carve a place for himself in the world. His mom wants him to go to college and earn his M. D., but his dad thinks he could turn the boy into a useful man if hed stay on the Montana ranch, and learn to work hard. Kid gets a thorn under his saddle and sets out with his three horses to a six day rodeo in Chicago. Along the way he meets J.N. Harlan, and his free-spoken daughter Dulcie who is a Chicago businessman with plenty of pull. Trailblazing female Western writer Bertha Muzzy Bower wrote a series of pulse-pounding novels about the grizzled vaqueros and cowpokes who populated the Flying U Ranch.



Henryk Sienkiewicz

Potop to druga z trzech powieści historycznych będących częścią Trylogii Henryka Sienkiewicza. Akcja utworu rozgrywa się w latach 16551657 w okresie potopu szwedzkiego. W powieści przeplata się wątek walk polsko-szwedzkich z historią miłosną Andrzeja Kmicica i Oleńki Billewiczówny. Zaręczony z Oleńką Billewiczówną chorąży orszański Andrzej Kmicic opowiada się początkowo po stronie kolaborującego ze Szwedami potężnego rodu magnackiego Radziwiłłów. Uznany przez szlachtę i narzeczoną za zdrajcę, zaczyna poniewczasie rozumieć, że Radziwiłłom chodzi nie o dobro ojczyzny, lecz o własne interesy. Aby odkupić winy, pod przybranym nazwiskiem Babinicz bierze udział w obronie Jasnej Góry, własną piersią osłania króla Jana Kazimierza przed wrogami i bohatersko walczy z nieprzyjacielem.


Das Geheimnis der gelben Narzissen. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Weil ihr seine Gedichte nicht gefallen, entläßt der Londoner Geschäftsmann Thornton Lyne seine Angestellte Odette Riders fristlos. Kurze Zeit später liegt Thornton erschossen im Gras des Hyde Parks, einen Strauß gelber Narzissen in den Händen... Das Attentat auf den millionenschweren Kaufhaus-Besitzer Thornton Lyne ist der Beginn einer Reihe von bizarren Morden. Jedes Mal hinterließ der Täter einen Strauß gelber Narzissen am Ort des schrecklichen Geschehens. Der Privatdetektiv Jack Tarling soll Scotland Yard unterstützen...


The Range Boss

Charles Alden Seltzer

In this 1916 western by American writer Charles Alden Seltzer, Ruth Harkness inherits a western ranch from her uncle. Rex Randerson plays the central role as her range boss and rescuer. Randerson meets her on her arrival, rescues her from a mired buckboard and is devotedly in love with her from that moment. Ruth however is engaged to Willard Masten who comes west as a member of her party. Masten who is a double dyed villain finds companions of his own caliber in Chavis and Pickett two typical bad men and there is much gun play before the story comes to an end with Ruth and her range boss happy in their mutual love and understanding. Seltzers Western novels are jam-packed with action, adventure, and romance.


Star Begotten

Herbert George Wells

The story centers on Joseph Davis, a popular writer of romanticized histories, who comes to believe that some people differ fundamentally from most of us. They are more rational, possibly more talented and intelligent. His wife has increasingly become a stranger, the imminent birth of his first child has left him in a panicked state, and his rosy-tinted histories have lately begun to strike him as so much bosh. And then he overhears a conversation at his Planetarium Club, in which several of the learned members discuss the possibility of mankinds increasing intelligence being the result of the cosmic rays that are constantly bombarding us. That is what Davis and two of his cronies, obstetrician Holdman Stedding and philosophy professor Ernest Keppel, endeavor to riddle out, in this thoroughly engaging and passionate piece of work.


The Cattle-Barons Daughter

Harold Bindloss

The basis of the plot is the inherent love of people of the upper and lower class. So our heroes had such love. Larry Grant works on a farm and he realizes that he falls in love with the daughter of a baron. Our main character has a worthy contender, but unfair. After all, he is also a baron and wants to lure the girl with his wealth, stating that he can give her more. Our main character will give real courageous resistance.


Green Ginger

Arthur Morrison

Green Ginger is one of the humorous story from mixed collection of sixteen short stories by the author of the Martin Hewitt, Investigator series. Collects several mysteries, including a Cunning Murrell tale, also The Seller of Hate, a deal-with-the-Devil story, and The Chamber of Light, a humorous ghost story of psychic investigator driving the poor spectres to distraction. The stories are well written and definitely a product of their time and place. Arthur George Morrison, a famous English writer, journalist and author of mystery genre, is also known for his realistic novels and stories about working-class life in Londons East End, A Child of the Jago being the best known.


The Marriage of Meldrum Strange

Talbot Mundy

This is an immoral story. Ommony Cottwolves is inaccurate in the report. The report is incorrect. They say that the press is saying this, and with it it can be learned that Maddrum String is a billionaire with brains, but without a heart; that his heart, if he has it, is made of iron sheets; that his stomach is of bronze, and the feet of clay; that his friendship is imaginary, but his enmity is a bitter and terrible truth; that he lacks repentance, but he has crazy ambitions; and that his superficial external resemblance to General Ulysses Grant was manifestly devised by Satan to bring the memory of this gallant soldier to bad weather.


Kroniki włoskie


Zbiór opowiadań, dla których inspiracją były stare włoskie manuskrypty znalezione przez autora podczas konsulatury. Opowieści zawarte w Kronikach włoskich pełne są namiętności, przemocy, mroku i renesansowego klimatu. Bohaterkami zbioru są kobiety, które przeżywają wewnętrzne rozterki, a w ich losy wpisują się romantyczne uniesienia i tragicznie zdarzenia.


The Old Man in the Corner

Emmuska Orczy

The late nineteenth and early twentienth century were a fecund period for classical mystery writers. Among the most popular was Baroness Emmuska Orczy. The Old Man in the Corner contains twelve of the stories by Baroness Orczy featuring the mysterious man who sits in the corner of the ABC tea shop fiddling with a piece of string whilst working our the solutions to crimes that have baffled the police. Each case is unfolded during the course of a conversation between the man in the corner and a lady journalist, an ingenious method that avoids the necessity of a clumsy tacked-on explanation of the crime. Relying solely on his vast Holmesian powers of deduction, the strange looking sleuth never deigns to visit the scene of the crime, question a suspect, or examine clues. Nor does he have much faith in conventional police methods and crime solving capabilities.


Dave Dashaway around the World. Or a Young Yankee Aviator among Many Nations

Roy Rockwood

Weldon J. Cobb was a staff writer for the Stratemeyer Syndicate, a book packaging company that specialized in juvenile fiction. Under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood, Cobb authored the Dave Dashaway series of books that appeared between the years 1913 and 1915. In the tradition of the Bobbsey Twins and the Hardy Boys, Dave Dashaway continues to explore new horizons and to stay one step ahead of his nemesis! In this fourth volume of the series, Dave Dashaway and his friends are off on a race around the world. What heroic adventures will they find this time? An absorbing tale of a great air flight around the world, of adventures in Alaska, Siberia and elsewhere. A nostalgic picture of how the imaginations of children in the early twentieth century anticipated the accomplishments of the future.


Kazania sejmowe

Piotr Skarga

Utwór publicystyczny napisany przez polskiego jezuitę Piotra Skargę w 1597 r. Zawiera osiem kazań, które nie zostały nigdy wygłoszone. Zawierają najważniejsze postulaty dotyczące reformy państwa, skierowane są przeciw ideom reformacyjnym. Osiem Kazań sejmowych to osiem rozdziałów rozprawy politycznej o najważniejszych niedomaganiach Rzeczypospolitej (trawionej przez liczne choroby) i o sposobach ich przezwyciężenia.


Three Thousand Dollars

Anna Katharine Green

This short story revolves around a plot to steal some goods secured safely within an impenetrable vault within the confines of Mr. Stoughtons business concern. Mr. Stoughton is the owner of a legendary vault that no one has ever been able to open. Though he cant be sure that the safe contains anything valuable, speculation is rampant among those who know of its existence. Will anyone ever be able to find out what the vault holds? Find out in this fast-paced mystery story from Anna Katharine Green. This is classic Green, with lots of high drama and a twisting, many-layered plot turning on stubbornly kept secrets and the fine points of physical and circumstantial evidence.


Nach Amerika!. Band IVI

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker wurde am 10.05.1816 in Hamburg geboren. 1837 wanderte er nach Amerika aus, wo er ein abwechslungsreiches und abenteuerliches Leben als Matrose, Heizer, Jager, Farmer, Koch, Silberschmied, Holzfaller, Fabrikant und Hotelier fuhrte. Nach einigen Jahren jedoch führte ihn sein Weg zurück nach Deutschland, wo er seine Erfahrungen, die er im fremden Land gemacht hatte, niederschrieb und sehr schnell zu einem beliebten Autor avancierte. In den darauffolgenden Jahren unternahm er weitere Reisen, unter anderem nach Afrika, Südamerika und in die Goldsucher-Regionen rund um Kalifornien. Dieses Buch in sechs Bänden ist eine Auswanderersaga und erzählt vom Leben der Neuankömmlinge in Amerika. In seiner unnachahmlichen Art erzählt der deutsche Reiseschriftstellers von seinen Erlebnissen in der neuen Welt.


Old Man Tutt

Arthur Ch. Train

Americas wisest and kindliest lawyer tackles a series of impossible cases and wins. Mr. Ephraim Tutt is a wily old lawyer who supported the common man and always had a trick up his sleeve to right the laws injustices. Based on author Arthur Trains experiences working in the offices of the New York District Attorney, Old Man Tutt is a must-read for fans of legal mysteries. Arthur Cheney Train, also called Arthur Chesney Train, was an American lawyer and writer of legal thrillers, particularly known for his novels of courtroom intrigue and the creation of the fictional lawyer Mr. Ephraim Tutt. Train was born in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was lawyer Charles Russell Train, who served for many years as attorney general of Massachusetts, and his mother was Sara Maria Cheney. Train graduated with a BA from Harvard University in 1896 and LLB from Harvard Law School in 1899.


La Reine Margot

Alexandre Dumas pere

Gloire Dieu, gloire la France! En cet heureux jour de la Saint-Barthélemy Marguerite de Valois, qui est la soeur de sa Majesté Charles IX, a épousé en justes noces Henri de Navarre, qui est prince des huguenots français. Alors, est-ce que les batailles entre catholiques et protestants viennent de prendre fin? Cest lheure est aux réjouissances, la fraternisation, au bon vin coulant flots dans les auberges de la capitale! Mais quelques sombres événements dans les rues de Paris...


Ucieczka z haremu

Mór Jókai

Światowej sławy powieść klasyka literatury węgierskiej, wydana również pod tytułem Złoty człowiek. Główny bohater, Michał Timar, prowadzi przez wody Dunaju statek o wdzięcznej nazwie Święta Barbara. Na statku tym przebywa też z ojcem piękna czarnowłosa i bladolica Turczynka o imieniu Timea. Michał zakochuje się w dziewczynie bez pamięci. Próbuje zrealizować swój ideał romantycznej miłości, uciekając od rzeczywistości, która go otacza.


Kwiat lotosu

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Rafał Radwan to elegancki i przystojny młodzieniec. Nie przywiązuje się do miejsc i ludzi. Słabszymi od siebie gardzi. Kobiet nie szanuje. Łaknie przygody i wyzwań. Na co dzień Radwan studiuje medycynę. Po wakacjach nie wraca jednak na swoją uczelnię. Straciwszy pasję do nauki, postanawia ruszyć w świat. Wyjeżdża wraz ze swoim kolegą ze studiów Adamem Lachnickim. Obaj młodzieńcy opuszczają Polskę z przeświadczeniem, że już nigdy do niej nie wrócą. Pracując, przemierzają kontynenty, poznają Azję i Amerykę, stają się prawdziwymi traperami. Po ośmiu latach Rafał sam wraca do kraju, gdzie niespodziewanie spotyka Leonkę. Niegdysiejsza gimnazjalistka wyrosła na przepiękną młodą kobietę. Została lekarzem. Oboje są całkiem innymi ludźmi niż kilkanaście lat wcześniej. Ich fascynacja tym razem wzajemna staje się ładunkiem wybuchowym tragicznych zdarzeń. Kwiat lotosu to książka, którą warto przeczytać.


Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

L. Frank Baum

Originally published in 1908, while Baum was resident in Coronado, California, Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz is considered one of the darker of the Oz tales. However, it also is enlivened by Baums considerable wit, penchant for puns, and dry social commentary. This fourth Oz novel sees Kansas farm-girl Dorothy Gale once again transported to magical lands, this time thanks to a California earthquake, during which our heroine falls into the depths of the earth, together with a boy name Zeb, his carriage-horse Jim, and Dorothys mischievous kitten, Eureka. Deep beneath the earth, Dorothy is reunited with her old friend the Wizard of Oz and his troupe of nine tiny piglets. Together, they embark on an adventure through the earth dealing with angry vegetables, invisible people and bears, and wooden gargoyles. Eventually, after confronting a cave full of dragonettes, the travelers are rescued by Ozma of Oz, who transports them to the Emerald City. Here Dorothy and Wizard meet many old friends, while Eureka meets trouble...