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The Mummy and Miss Nitocris. A Phantasy of the Fourth Dimension

George Griffiths

The Mummy and Miss Nitocris is a science fiction novel. A story about crazy heroes and their wild travels. This is a completely different adventure, unlike the usual. The end will not be predictable for anyone!


Le château de La Belle-au-bois-dormant

Pierre Loti

Pierre Loti, natif de Rochefort, a nommé ainsi le château de La Roche-Courbon en le voyant, ainsi que le parc, en total abandon lorsquil rendait visite sa soeur domiciliée Saint Porchaire. Ce château avait en effet été abandonné par ses propriétaires successifs depuis la révolution française jusqu la fin du XIXeme siecle. Cest Pierre Loti qui sest inquiété de la situation et a réveillé les consciences au début du XXeme siecle.


The Undisclosed Client

Edgar Wallace

The Undisclosed Client is a collection of short stories published between 1904 and 1929 from the British Mysteries master Edgar Wallace, directly from the Golden Era of the genre. Edgar Wallace was an English novelist, journalist and playwright, who was an enormously popular writer of detective, suspense stories, and practically invented the modern thriller. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens. The stories are fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme and a little romance. These genuine mystery stories take the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. The book highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.


Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland

Lewis Carroll

Alice im Wunderland ist ein phantasievoller Klassiker der englischsprachigen Literatur und eine zeitlose Inspiration. An einem sonnigen Tage sitzt Alice mit ihrer Schwester im Garten, als sie völlig unverhofft eine sehr sonderbare Reise antritt. Sie weiß kaum, wie ihr geschieht, ist es ihr doch plötzlich möglich, mit Tieren zu sprechen und mit äußerst wunderlichen Gesellen unglaublich kuriose Erlebnisse zu teilen. Die fiktionale Welt, in der Alice im Wunderland angesiedelt ist, spielt in solch einer Weise mit Logik, dass sich die Erzählung unter Mathematikern und Kindern gleichermaßen großer Beliebtheit erfreut.


Kai Lungs Golden Hours

Ernest Bramah

The second volume of amusing Chinese fantasies. A captivating collection thats ripe for rediscovery, Kai Lungs Golden Hours stands as the very best of these beguiling books. As with other Kai Lung novels, the main plot serves primarily as a vehicle for the presentation of the gem-like, aphorism-laden stories told by the protagonist Kai Lung, an itinerant story-teller of ancient China. With the help of beautiful Hwa Mei, who has the attention of evil Ming Shu, Kai tries to regain his freedom by spinning a series of entertaining tales that intrigue his captor. In a unique defense, Kai Lung recites his beguiling tales to the Mandarin, successfully postponing his conviction time after time until he is finally set free. Laced with romance and adventure, spiced with fantasy and the supernatural, these stories will transport readers to a mandarins court in ancient China. Kai Lungs Golden Hours is a frame story or frame novel, that is, the narrative provides a frame for different stories.


The Master Mummer

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Arnold (a writer), Allan (an artist) and Arthur (works in finance) all live together. Once their attention is caught by a middle age man and a young girl about sixteen who seems frightened. They overhear where they are eating and continue to watch the couple and Arnold even goes over to offer her assistance. Then a surprising thing happens, his acquaintance shoots the man shes with and disappears. Amid all the confusion and hospital and police, Arnold stays with the young woman and brings her home. The three men become her guardians for the next couple of years. The mysterious man comes to see them and asks them to take care of her and not let her go to anyone. Why do so many people want her? Does Arnold get his real story?


The Dark Road

Harold Bindloss

Once Welland wanted to be rich, but it so happened that life linked him to an officers position. Now he has become an avid adventurer. Welland realized that his main occupation was hunting Canadian elk and sailing on a yacht in the Great Lakes. This life seemed boring to him and he wanted to change something on his way.


The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown is an 1896 novel by the British writer E. Phillips Oppenheim. Following the apparent murder of a man, a novelist comes under suspicion. Very enjoyable period piece with lovely descriptions and intense love between hero and heroine. He has to clear his name, as main suspect in a murder and he had sworn revenge and had taken an assumed name. Flashbacks to Italy. Full of rich and influential people with touch of Dickens with Benjamin Levy, the private sleuth who is obsessed with money. The author has acquired an admirable technique of the sort demanded by this novel of intrigue and mystery. Readers of Mr. Oppenheims novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship.



Ethel M. Dell

First published in 1918. Ethel M. Dell was an English writer of popular romance novels. You will find some fascinating glimpses of the period in her books, as well as a substantial dose of romance and adventure. There were two of them as unlike as two men could be. Sir Eustace, big, domineering, haughty, used to sweeping all before him with the power of his personality. The other was Stumpy, small, insignificant, quiet, with a little limp. They clashed over the greatest question that may come to men the love of a girl. This story opens in a pleasing resort in the Swiss Alps, the heroine is sweet and charmingly naive. Did she choose wisely? Is Greatheart more to be desired than great riches? The answer is the most vivid and charming story that Ethel M. Dell has written in a long time.


The Author of Beltraffio

Henry James

In this story, a mother allows her only child, a seven-year-old boy, to die of diphtheria only so that he will never be subjected to the corrupting influence of the books written by his father, which she deeply condemns. Anyone who imagines motherly love and at least once saw the torment of a child restlessly darting in his crib, fighting for every breath, would never have invented such a monstrous story. The French call it litterature. By this word they denote works created on the basis of a cheap literary effect, devoid of any likelihood.


Wreckers of the Star Patrol and Other Tales

Malcolm Jameson

Malcolm Jameson was an American Golden Age science fiction author who began writing only seven years before his death. Drawing from his experiences of navy and warfare he gave a personal touch to all of his stories. He is now chiefly remembered for his Captain Bullard stories which chronicles the journey of a young officer into a fleet admiral of space ship and to most critics seem like a precursor of the modern day space exploration series like Star Trek. Wreckers of the Star Patrol gathers together four classic science fiction novelettes that have not appeared in print anywhere for almost a half century. It includes: Sorcerers Apprentice, Tricky Tonnage, Children of the Betsy B. Fans of Jamesons Bullard tales will love the short novel of space adventure, Wreckers of the Star Patrol.


The Headswoman

Kenneth Grahame

The Headswoman is an unusual little tale about the power a woman can wield. A funny, witty, intelligent story about an executioner. Along the way, Grahame takes shots at lawyers and small town officials, among others. Thoroughly delightful and well worth reading.


The Redheaded Outfield and Other Baseball Stories

Zane Grey

A collection of stories about the start of baseball by Zein Gray captures the spirit of American baseball during the First World War. Includes stories such as The Redheaded Outfield and The Rubes Pennant.



Ethel M. Dell

First published in 1923, this is a magnificent story about an ill-treated but fiercely proud heroine. A young lady meets a mysterious stranger at a farm called Tetherstones, where Druids in ancient times used to perform their human sacrifices. The master of Tetherstones is a large brute of a man, more gladiator than farmer, and the heroine finds herself strangely attracted by him. Is a new start possible for either one of them or will the past win out? A tale of tempestuous, unfolding love absolutely thrilling. Ethel May Dell Savage (1881-1939) was a British author known by her pen name Ethel M. Dell. She wrote over 30 popular romance novels and numerous of short stories between 1911-1939. Her stories were romantic in nature, often set in India and other old British colonies, and were considered quite racy for the time.


The Mayor of Casterbridge. The Life and Death of a Man of Character

Thomas Hardy

The novel tells about a man with character and unusual fate. The life story of Michael Henchard, first a homeless worker, a haymaker, then the mayor of Casterbridge and a local rich man and again a farm laborer, involuntarily arouses interest in the intensity of events.


Charles the First

Jacob Abbott

Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographieHistory of King Charles the First of England is a simple and sympathetic story of the life and reign of Charles I. Thanks to the simple writing, Abbott immerses us in historical times. This book is unique in that at one moment you can find answers to long-standing questions or get new knowledge, and at another time you have new questions.


The Hillman

E. Phillips Oppenheim

John Strangeways lives the life of a country Gentleman farmer with his puritan brother in the hills of Cumberland. Far from the world of cities and noise he lived the clean, healthy, out-of-door life. When actress Louise Maurels car breaks down near their farm, she is forced to seek refuge with the misogynist brothers. Love ensues. Life no longer was quite the same to him, and in a short time he followed her to London. The coming of an unsophisticated though well educated, handsome young man into the semi-Bohemian circle brings about dramatic situations which the author knows well how to handle. Some wonderful minor characters aid the story also.


Herrn Mahlhubers Reiseabenteuer

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen, die ihn zu einem der meistgelesenen und bekanntesten Autoren Deutschlands machten. Gerstäcker gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Eine biedermeierlich heitere, skurril komische Erzählung um den bayerischen Kommerzienrat Mahlhuber. Kommerzienrat Hieronymus Mahlhuber bildet sich ein, schwer krank zu sein. Auf ärztlichem Anraten soll er deshalb eine längere Reise unternehmen. Augenblicklich in die tollsten Verwickelungen gelangend, gerät sie zu einer wahren Tortur für den Armen.


Madame and Her Twelve Virgins

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The two men hesitated upon the tee, gazing down the glade towards the distant-green. Their caddies were still pointing in excitement to a motionless object stretched upon the smooth turf close to the flag. Look there! Its a man! He is dead! The players paused to consider the situation. They were oddly contrasted combatantsone, Mr. Edgar Franks, elderly, large and florid, with a mass of flaxen hair only slightly streaked with grey, a transatlantic millionaire, and owner of the finest villa in the neighbourhood of Antibes the other tall and slim, a mere lad, whose name was Armand Toyes, and who motored down occasionally from his home somewhere in the hills behind Cagnes.



Franz Kafka

Józef K. jest prokurentem bankowym. Pewnego dnia w jego mieszkaniu zjawiają się urzędnicy państwowi. Oświadczają mu, że jest aresztowany, mimo iż nie popełnił żadnego przestępstwa. Na przesłuchaniach K. nieudolnie protestuje przeciwko osaczeniu go przez władzę sądową. Nie udaje mu się jednak zmienić tej sytuacji. Zaczyna więc szukać pomocy u innych: żony woźnego sądowego, wuja Karola, prawnika Hulda, malarza sądowego Titorelliego, innego oskarżonego Blocka, w końcu u więziennego kapelana. Uzyskane od nich informacje są jednak niepełne i niespójne. Życie Józefa K. staje się pasmem absurdalnych zdarzeń. Siłą opowieści Proces jest jej niezwykła atmosfera. Nieokreśloność winy Józefa K. pozakazuje, że każdy z nas może być osądzony. Autor wyraźnie nawiązuje do procesów inkwizycyjnych. Jest to też niewątpliwie opowieść o totalitaryzmie. Przy czym instytucją totalitarną staje się sąd, który odbiera bohaterowi prawo do obrony.


W małym dworku. Sztuka w 3 aktach

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz

Akcja dramatu W małym dworku rozgrywa się w fikcyjnym majątku w Kozłowicach. Po śmierci pani domu do dworu przybywa kuzynka, która ma zająć się opieką nad dwoma nastoletnimi córkami gospodarza. Podczas urządzonego przez dziewczęta seansu spirytystycznego ukazuje się ich widmo ich matki. Rozpoczynają się dociekania nad ustaleniem przyczyny śmierci pani domu i jej lojalności wobec męża.


His Name His Fortune

Max Brand

Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. This is one of his work. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists.


Kandyd, czyli optymizm


Kandyd, czyli optymizm oświeceniowa satyryczna powiastka filozoficzna francuskiego filozofa Voltairea opowiada o wymuszonych wygnaniem podróżach młodzieńca imieniem Kandyd. Przemierzając lądy i morza, przeżywa on nieprawdopodobne przygody, które wystawiają na próbę jego wiarę w to, że żyjemy w najlepszym ze światów. Utwór stanowi dialog z oświeceniowymi poglądami filozoficznymi.


Królowa Margot

Aleksander Dumas ojciec

Emocjonująca powieść płaszcza i szpady, osnuta na tle autentycznych wydarzeń z historii XVI-wiecznej Francji. Przedstawia sławną rzeź hugenotów w noc św. Bartłomieja oraz okoliczności wymarcia dynastii Walezjuszy i wstąpienia na tron dynastii Burbonów. Zbliża się dzień zaślubin królewny francuskiej Małgorzaty z królem hugenockiej Nawarry, Henrykiem. Stara królowa Katarzyna, zagorzała katoliczka, zezwoliła na ślub z powodów politycznych, ale wcale nie zamierza dotrzymać umowy. Wraz z synem Karolem IX, królem Francji, i jego braćmi planuje krwawą łaźnię dla wszystkich hugenockich gości weselnych. Pragnie zmusić króla Nawarry do przejścia na katolicyzm, grożąc mu, że podzieli los swoich poddanych. Intrygi dworskie, sympatie i antypatie, spiski i romanse, polityka i uczucia, miłość i nienawiść wszystko to miesza się ze sobą w powieści Królowa Margot Dumasa i wciąga czytelnika w świat XVI-wiecznej Francji.