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Une femme

Maurice Leblanc

Une femme nest pas comme les autres romans de Maurice Leblanc. Il ny a pas des meutres, dénigmes, des voleurs et des affaires. Cette une histoire simple, qui raconte du mariage bourgeois au début du siecle dernier. Celle de Lucie qui est mariée Robert Chalmin. Elle découvre en mme temps les joies et les affres de la vie avec lui. Cest le livre, qui fait quelque bruit sa sortie, le livre de la jeunesse de Maurice Leblanc.


Syzyfowe prace

Stefan Żeromski

Królestwo Polskie, lata dziewięćdziesiąte XIX wieku. Trwa okres wzmożonej rusyfikacji. Marcin, syn szlachcica, daje się wciągnąć przez nauczycieli i dyrekcję gimnazjum w działalność propagującą ideę panslawizmu ukrytą formę rusyfikacji. Swoje zniewolenie dostrzega dopiero w atmosferze działań patriotycznych inspirowanych przez nowego kolegę, Bernarda Zygiera, wyrzuconego ze szkoły w Warszawie za działalność w konspiracyjnych kołach młodzieżowych. Swoistym przełomem w życiu Borowicza jest spotkanie z Andrzejem Radkiem, chłopskim synem, który z uporem zdobywa wiedzę. Zdarzenia, w których chłopcy wzajemnie sobie pomagają, stają się początkiem ich przyjaźni. W utworze Syzyfowe prace nie brak też wątku pierwszej miłości. Marcin zakochuje się w pięknej pensjonarce Birucie. Po maturze ich uczucie wystawione jest na ciężką próbę. Okazuje się bowiem, że dziewczyna wraz z całą rodziną wyjechała w głąb Rosji.


A House of Pomegranates

Oscar Wilde

A House of Pomegranates is the second collection of fairy tales by the brilliant writer, master of European aesthetics Oscar Wilde, author of the novel Portrait of Dorian Gray, plays Salome, Fan Lady Windermere and Ideal Husband, letters of confession De profundis, and also numerous short stories, short stories, poems and essays about art. The text is published in two languages, which allows you to fully appreciate the unique originality of the works belonging to the pen of one of the most sophisticated British writers and stylists.


She. A History of Adventure

H. Rider Haggard

She and Allan is a unique story written by Henry Rider Haggard. After all, he unites characters from three different series. Allan is looking for Ayesha in the hope of finding answers about his dead loved ones. He becomes involved in the rescue attempt of a young Portuguese-Scotch woman, and also fights with Ayeshas enemies. This is truly one of the most exciting stories of a successful author.


Jerry Todds Poodle Parlor

Leo Edwards

This story begins with a summer vacation in the small town of Tutter, Illinois, where the protagonist was born and raised. These are the adventures of the boys during their summer holidays. Many events revolve around the Woodlawn Bay Hotel and the old Windmere House, which stood side by side on the south bank of the river, each with about fifty acres of forested land around it. It was a new hotel, with its modern amenities, which put the old Hotel out of business. Now, after many years of idleness, the old hotel was demolished and its lumber and equipment were sold.


The Avenger

Edgar Wallace

Over a period of time, men disappear, and later their heads are found. Meanwhile a young actress in a small part in a film on location, is disturbed by the actions of the owner of the place where they are filming. A detective comes to investigate, and finds many puzzling things going on. Several of the characters are suspicious, in one way or another, and as the plot unfolds, it grips you. Edgar Wallaces The Avenger is a perfectly fine example of what a page-turning thriller looked like, early in the last century. What Edgar Wallace has over modern writers is the willingness to insert a girl-snatching, sapient orangutan in his plot. Surely the seeds for his King-Kong screenplay can be found here.


The House of Invisible Bondage

J.U. Giesy, Junius B Smith

Two main assistants of our hero help their friend astrologer to solve the mystery. After all, Imer Lamb was locked in a sanatorium for killing his friend. Is he mad or the victim of a devilish conspiracy? Many secrets that readers must solve.


Tam O the Scouts

Edgar Wallace

The book consists of 10 short stories about Tam a brilliant Scottish pilot, a thriller novel fan, socialist and cigar addict. The stories of Tam the pilot are not mysteries. Tams dialogue is written phonetically and he is great fun and saves the rather silly pre-Biggles stories from being too ridiculous to be enjoyable. The characters are broad, the situations light, but the stories are exciting and fun. Tam is a real person, and all the adventures set forth have actually happened, though names and places are necessarily fictitious. These are some of the earliest examples of air pulp, which exploded in popularity a decade after this books publication, following Linderbergs famous flight, and the release of Wellmans Wings.


Old-Ugly Face

Talbot Mundy

The Tibetan lama, with a great sense of joy, leads two people from the west to enlightenment, fighting with enemies in Tibet in this interesting story of adventure and spiritual discoveries. This is Mundis latest novel, The sequel to the dramatic dragon gates. The Nazi expedition in Tibet is torn apart by American and British agents of the special services.


Blakes Burden

Harold Bindloss

This is a story about a young guy who failed at the front. He believes the whole failure is due to him. Blake returns from India to England. There is some disagreement about whether Blake is really guilty or not. But Blake keeps silence in order to preserve the idyll in the family and not to betray his father and brother.



H. Rider Haggard

Jess Croft is a frightened and closed in herself a girl. All this because of her misfortune that happened in childhood. She was forced to leave England without a mother in South Africa. Captain John Niel arrives at the farm where Jess and her sister live. He falls in love with Jess. But all this can turn into a love triangle.


Historia żółtej ciżemki

Antonina Domańska

Powieść historyczna dla dzieci i młodzieży autorstwa Antoniny Domańskiej. Jest druga połowa XV wieku. Na tronie zasiada król Kazimierz Jagiellończyk. Młody chłopak o imieniu Wawrzuś mieszka we wsi Poręba i na co dzień pasa krowy. Pewnego dnia nie dopilnował jednak zwierząt, które poszły w szkodę. Chłopak boi się wrócić do domu. Postanawia wyruszyć do stolicy. Po wielu perypetiach trafia w końcu do Krakowa, gdzie dostaje pracę i dom u kronikarza Jana Długosza. Kronikarz odkrywa u chłopca talent rzeźbiarski. Kieruje go do mistrza Wita Stwosza. Tam Wawrzuś terminuje i uczy się rzemiosła. Bierze udział przy pracach nad Ołtarzem Mariackim. Pewnego dnia do siedziby Wita Stwosza przyjeżdża król Kazimierz. Chce wiedzieć, jak postępują prace. Postanawia wynagrodzić Wawrzka, który mimo młodego wieku, jest jednym z najlepszych i najpracowitszych rzemieślników. Chłopiec prosi króla o parę żółtych ciżemek...


Na polu chwały

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Na polu chwały to romans historyczny, którego akcja toczy się w czasach króla Jana III Sobieskiego, parę miesięcy przed bitwą pod Wiedniem. Na ziemi radomskiej, w majątku Bełczączka, mieszka Gedeon Pągowski ze swoją wychowanką, sierotą, panna Anulą Sienińską. W dziewczynie kocha się mieszkający po sąsiedzku Jacek Taczewski. Pan Gedeon mimo że starszy od wychowanicy o dobrych kilka lat także się w niej podkochuje. Co więcej, pragnie pannę Sienińską poślubić. Podstępnie oczernia Taczewskiego przed ukochaną. W konsekwencji ta odrzuca uczucie młodego szlachcica i postanawia oddać rękę opiekunowi. Utwór w znakomity sposób portretuje życie codzienne i obyczaje drobnej i zubożałej szlachty zamieszkującej ówczesną Rzeczpospolitą.


Echa muzyczne

Bolesław Prus

Echa muzyczne to trzy piękne nowele, połączone wspólnym tytułem i poświęcone tematyce muzycznej. Bolesław Prus - polski powieściopisarz, nowelista i publicysta okresu pozytywizmu. Jest autorem siedmiu powieści oraz kilkunastu nowel i opowiadań. Jego twórczość prozatorska należy do największych osiągnięć literatury polskiej. Popularność przyniosły mu powieści realistyczne Placówka, Lalka i Emancypantki oraz powieść historyczna rozgrywająca się w starożytnym Egipcie Faraon.


Szary proch

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Litwin Wawer Karewis pracuje w Niemczech pod nazwiskiem Lorenz jako kapitan statku. Jest człowiekiem pracowitym ponad miarę i odważnym do szaleństwa. Pewnego dnia postanawia na kilka dni wrócić na ojcowiznę, by na dobre pożegnać się ze swoją wioską i rodziną. Po przyjeździe w rodzinne strony chełpi się swoją narzeczoną Niemką. Niektóre zachowania dawnych sąsiadów śmieszą go, inne złoszczą. Jednak z każdym dniem ów szary proch ziemia rodzinna pod jego stopami odnajduje drogę do jego duszy...


The Riddle of the Frozen Flame

Thomas W. Hanshew

This is another classic of golden-age detective fiction featuring Detective Hamilton Cleek who was introduced in Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces first published in 1913. This super sleuth and master of disguise will bedazzle you once more as he ingeniously solves a new case. Without the logical mind and condescending manners of Doyles Sherlock Holmes, Hamilton Cleek worms into your heart through your eyes and via your brain. In this tale, Cleek investigates the sinister disappearance of people and the mysterious appearance of flames at night in the desolate Fens, and his friend Superintendent Narkom of Scotland Yard tries to solve some tricky cases of bank robberies in London. Using disguises, clues, and his brain he solves several mysteries in one.


In der Strafkolonie

Franz Kafka

Kafkas berühmte Erzählung über einen eigentümlichen Apparat. Ein Reisender kommt in eine Strafkolonie, um mehr über die dortigen Zustände zu erfahren. Man zeigt ihm eine grausame Bestrafungsmaschine, die den Angeklagten ihr Urteil mit einer Nadel in den Körper ritzt immer tiefer, zwölf Stunden lang, bis der verurteilte die Bedeutung des Schriftzugs erkennt und schließlich getötet wird. Die Wesensbeschreibung des ausführenden Technokraten wirkt dabei wie eine hellsischtige Vorausschau auf die dreißiger und vierziger Jahre des vorigen Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. Kafkas Erzählung thematisiert das problematische Verhältnis von Macht und Gerechtigkeit.


The Dust of Conflict

Harold Bindloss

Appleby has a steady look and the ability to quickly make the right decisions as well as composure in action. These qualities are useful in more serious cases than shooting from the game, and for Appleby, who was poor, lucky that he possessed them. Appleby had something uncertain in his head. He had fearlessness in his eyes. And no one knew what was on his mind. Whether to be afraid, or to admire.


The Lookout Man

B.M. Bower

The Lookout Man is a 1917 novel by American author B. M. Bower. Fans of B. M. Bowers fast-paced Western novels will love The Lookout Man. One man discovers how the Law in the Wild West can be bent, broken, and even beaten. Set in Northern California when the region was still teetering between civilization and Old West devilry, the novel tells the tale of a young protagonist who has a good heart but a seemingly insatiable taste for danger. A Northern California story full of action, excitement and love. A fantastic example of classic Western fiction, The Lookout Man is a must-read for all fans of the genre.


Une fantaisie du docteur Ox

Jules Verne

Le scientifique-physiologiste Ox arrive Kikandon, en Flandre occidentale, avec son assistant. Comme il la dit, son objectif est dilluminer completement la ville avec du gaz oxhydrique émis par lair. Seulement, personne ne savait si cétait vrai. Bientôt, dans une ville paisible et non pressée, des choses étranges ont commencé se produire, se transformant en une épidémie.


Sketches of Young Gentlemen

Charles Dickens

Following the phenomenal popularity of Sketches by Boz, Dickens produced two short volumes of Sketches of Young Gentlemen and Sketches Young Couples". Dedicated to The Young Ladies of the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as to other young ladies, Sketches of Young Gentlemen scrutinizes in a very witty and humorous fashion certain familiar characteristics of Victorian men and women. Indeed, the sketches center around certain social stereotypes developed by the author. Whimsical, satirical, witty and exuberant, the sketches ridicule the behavior of their subjects with perfect comic effect, offering fascinating evidence of a writer learning his craft and refining his style. To modern readers, these sketches reveal a hidden facet of the great Victorian novelist as they give a glimpse of his little-known beginnings. Highly recommended!


A Modern Utopia

Herbert George Wells

H.G Wells wrote many tales of adventure and exploration, which were fascinating to early twentieth century readers as transportation to faraway lands was so difficult back then. Wells Modern Utopia was first published in 1905. It set the scene for many modern, scientific utopias and dystopias. The story is set on a planet very like earth. The Utopian Planet differs from earth in that the inhabitants have created a perfect society. Two men, the narrator and his colleague (a botanist), visit this parallel planet and argue over its merits and defects. Utopia is a world in which the problems of humanity have been solved. People live healthy, happy lives in cities where all human needs are met. The novel is best known for its idea that the Samurai, a group of nobility, could effectively rule a world. This would redress the sociological issue of progress and political stability


Smithy, Nobby & Co

Edgar Wallace

Between 1904 and 1918 Edgar Wallace wrote a large number of mostly humorous sketches about life in the British Army relating the escapades and adventures of privates Smith (Smithy), Nobby Clark, Spud Murphy and their comrades-in-arms. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army during the First World War. Edgar Wallace published three more collections about Smithy and Nobby and many, many more uncollected stories about them in magazines and newspapers.


The Island of Shadows

Fred M. White

Tom Armstrong, commonly known by the common name of Captain Armstrong, could boast the amount of knowledge that he had or the discoveries he made. However, he is already 5 years retired. Armstrongs companion, named Harold Coventry, was a young man of about six-and-twenty years. Like his companion, the sea was his passion, and although he was not a very wealthy man, he managed to explore every sea. Old friends decided to get together again and go on adventures, but this time they are waiting for a very mysterious island.