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Powieść o Udałym Walgierzu

Stefan Żeromski

Powieść o Udałym Walgierzu przedstawia historię legendarnego bohatera Walgierza Udałego. Był komesem w Tyńcu, pochodził z rodu króla Popiela. Pojął za żonę piękną Helgundę, przywiezioną z Francji. Zabił ją oraz jej kochanka Wisława za zdradę małżeńską. Stefan Żeromski - polski prozaik, publicysta i dramaturg. Jest autorem kilku powieści oraz licznych nowel i opowiadań. Wielokrotnie, podejmując tematykę historyczną, nawiązywał do problemów współczesności. Wielkim zainteresowaniem cieszyły się jego powieści społeczno-obyczajowe Syzyfowe prace i Ludzie bezdomni oraz powieść polityczna Przedwiośnie. Wydarzeniem stała się też wielka powieść historyczna z okresu wojen napoleońskich Popioły oraz klechda z czasów powstania styczniowego Wierna rzeka.


The Witchs Head

H. Rider Haggard

Another Victorian novel by Haggard. The story of the orphan Ernest Kershaw, who is in search of a better life. One of the mystical moments is a find in the cemetery of the head of a woman who looks like his girlfriend. After that, strange things start to happen. More precisely, it is the beginning of the adventures of our hero.


Bogowie łakną krwi

Anatol France

Rewolucja francuska, epoka terroru. Główny bohater Ewaryst Gamelin zdobywa pracę jako prawnik. Jego początkowa sprawiedliwość wraz z kolejnymi awansami i zmianą statusu społecznego ustępuje miejsca tyranii. Ewaryst skazuje niewinnych ludzi na śmierć.


Tales of Breckinridge Elkins

Robert E. Howard

Breck Elkins is a hillbilly from Bear Creek, a fictional location in the Humboldt Mountains of Nevada. He is mighty of stature and small of brain"a physically huge and imposing figure, and his reputation as a short-tempered and ferocious fighter often precedes him throughout the Southwest. He is usually found in the company of Capn Kidd, his equally fierce and cantankerous horse.


Dangerous Cargo

Hulbert Footner

Richard Austin Freeman, the doyen of the scientific division of detective writing is best known for his character Dr. John Thorndyke. A close and careful investigator and the outstanding medical authority in the field of detective fiction, R. Austin Freeman not only tested the wits of the reader but also inspired many modern detective forensic methods. Shuttlebury Cobb is a completely different sort of book. In it Freeman demonstrates his sense of humor and whimsy as he follows the strange and always comic adventures of the hero of the title who finds himself caught up by chance in the quest for a mysterious treasure. Charting a series of adventures set in many strange scenarios, Mr. Shuttlebury Cobb is led through the dark and twisted streets of London where he meets a highly gifted stranger, enters secret chambers, and finds a magic mirror. Cobb engages with a secret code and a castaway in a delightful collection designed to while away the hours.


The Ends of Justice

Fred M. White

George Cathcart hostage to circumstances. Not the first day he dreams to horror realistic dreams. He was charged with conspiracy with Seth Powell, who died under mysterious circumstances. George Cathcar was confident in the long term of hard labor. Is he at fault? May be.


Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo

Jane Austen

Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo on englantilaisen kirjailijan Jane Austenin romaani vuodelta 1813. Se on Austenin toinen julkaistu teos ja kenties hänen tunnetuin romaaninsa. Romaani kertoo aikaansa edellä olevan neiti Elizabeth Bennetin ja ylpeän, varakkaasta perheestä lähtöisin olevan herra Darcyn rakkaustarinasta, minkä lisäksi se seuraa Elizabethin sisarten värikästä ja tapahtumarikasta rakkauselämää.


The Phantom Herd

B.M. Bower

In The Phantom Herd from 1916 we follow a film director Luck Lindsay who wants to make an authentic western, therefore using the Happy Family boys and some of their friends as actors instead of professional actors. There are many difficulties along the way, some of which bid fair to be insurmountable and they are up against big problems, mostly the weather and deadline. The story is absolutely thrilling and at the same time Bower, with the help from a real western actor, has made a great research on how you made films in those early silent film days. One of many recommended works by this prolific author.


North of 36

Emerson Hough

North of 36 is another magnificent novel by the author of The Covered Wagon. This is just a good old-fashioned western about the first cattle drive from Texas to Abilene. Emerson Hough (1857-1923) was an American author best known for writing western stories and historical novels. Houghs literary career grew out of his taking camping trips and writing about them for publication. His body of work eventually included 27 novels and hundreds of short stories and articles. Houghs early works included The Singing Mouse Stories, for children, and the nonfiction The Story of the Cowboy. He had his first major success in 1902 with his novel The Mississippi Bubble, which became a bestseller. Several of his works were adapted for film, including North of 36 which was first published in 1923.


Recalled by the Double-Four

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Another great spy novel from the british author E. Phillips Oppenheim who achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning international espionage and intrigue. This one is a connected collection of short stories about the leader of a secret society pledged to protect England and their German adversary. This novel is an Oppenheim classic from 1919 about a high society villain: characteristic of Oppenheims typical works, with the characters living in luxury, and a very flowing and exact story. Story is set just prior to WWI and is interesting on several levels. Oppenheim builds on the English mentality before WWI and how many of the English just did not believe in a threat from Germany.


Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa (Tom 6). Sherlock Holmes. Z Tajnych Akt Światowej Sławy Detektywa. Tom 6: Katastrofa budowlana


Sherlock Holmes to jeden z tych bohaterów popkultury, którego nikomu przedstawiać nie trzeba. Katastrofa budowlana to jedno z wielu nieautoryzowanych przez Arthura Conan Doylea opowiadań o przygodach legendarnego londyńskiego detektywa i jego ucznia Harryego Taxona. Holmes rozwiązuje kryminalną zagadkę, nie tylko wykorzystując swoje niezwykłe talenty w dziedzinie dedukcji i szeroką wiedzę z zakresu chemii i psychologii, lecz także bezpośrednio stawiając czoła przemocy przy użyciu... pięści. Zagadkowe morderstwa, tajemnicze zaginięcia, zuchwałe kradzieże sprawiają, że czytelnik poczuje, że jest otoczony przez wszechogarniające zło.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain

Tom Sawyer is the story of a young, mischievous boy and his comrades in the antebellum south. Tom (and Huck Finn, who youve also probably heard of before reading the books) gets himself into all sorts of shenanigans before ultimately becoming the most popular boy in town after accidentally witnessing a murder and finding a bunch of stolen money. He has a love interest, gets into some fights and annoys his aunt on nearly every page.In the end, Tom and Huck trap Injun Joe inside of a cave and recover his stolen gold, making themselves rich. Tom is a fairly good example of the average youngster. While his adventures may be grander than most, his selfishness and lack of compassion is not.


The Brethren

H. Rider Haggard

This is a classic love and chivalry story. As always, in the tales of Henry Rider Haggard, the topic of a love triangle remains relevant. The story of two English knights in love with the same girl. The loyalty of these people is questioned. Will love be a barrier for knights?


Opowieść wigilijna

Karol Dickens

Opowieść wigilijna to bez wątpienia najsłynniejsze opowiadanie o Wigilii, która okazało się niespodziewanym sukcesem Karola Dickensa. Ebenezer Scrooge, skąpiec i okropny człowiek, zainteresowany jedynie pomnażaniem i tak już ogromnego majątku, nie lubi Wigilii. Tymczasem w noc wigilijną odwiedza Scroogea duch jego wspólnika, cierpiącego za popełnione za życia grzechy. Chce go przestrzec przed podobnym losem. Początkowo nieufny, Ebenezer zmienia zdanie pod wpływem wizyt kolejnych duchów: Ducha Dawnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, Ducha Obecnych Świąt i Ducha Świąt przyszłych. Pokazują one bohaterowi sceny z jego życia przeszłego, teraźniejszego i przyszłego. Przerażony wizją samotnej śmierci Scrooge pojmuje beznadziejność takiego trybu życia i nastawienia do innych ludzi. Staje się z powrotem szczodrym, serdecznym człowiekiem, jakim był za młodu. Wydanie zawiera oryginalne kolorowe i czarno-białe ilustracje autorstwa Johna Leecha z pierwszego wydania książki z 1843 roku.


The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder

Edgar Wallace

A series of enthralling mysteries written by Edgar Wallace. They feature the enigmatic figure of Mr. J.G. Reeder who works for the Public Prosecutors office and has the mind of a criminal. At first glance J. G. Reeder is an ordinary, slightly shabby little man with red hair, weak eyes, whiskers, square-toed boots and a chest protector cravat. The eight short stories in this collection deal with a disappearance at sea that is less innocent than it appears to be, with a Hindu criminal mastermind, counterfeiters, dissipated members of the nobility, embezzlers, a fraudulent scheme for finding sunken treasure and an assortment of gangsters. There are frequent murders, more often than not carried out by unusual and exotic means.


The Long, Long Trail

Max Brand

Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. He was known for going well beyond the formulaic western. The Long Long Trail is an excellent example of his craft. This is a story about desperate men and the gun code they live by. Since Jess Deer avenged his fathers murder, hed been a lone outlaw eluding Sheriff Caswell. But a woman in need of help changes all of that when Jess sets out to find and destroy a hired gunslinger.


Mistress Pat. A Novel of Silver Bush

Lucy Maud Montgomery

This book has a sequel, Mistress Pat, which describes Patricia Gardiners life in her twenties and early thirties, during which she remained single and took care of her beloved home, Silver Bush. All she could ever ask of life was bound in the magic of the lovely old house on Prince Edward Island. And now there was more than ever to do, what with planning for the Christmas family reunion, entertaining a countess, playing matchmaker, and preparing for the arrival of the new hired man. Yet as those she loved so dearly started to move away, Pat began to question the wisdom of her choice of Silver Bush over romance. Was it possible to be lonely at Silver Bush? Eventually, though, Pat will have to choose: the house shes loved her entire life or falling in love and starting a home of her own.


Winnetou. Tom I

Karol May

Winnetou to kultowa postać stworzona przez Karola Maya. Młody i szlachetny wódz Apaczów stanowił wzór dla wielu pokoleń młodych czytelników, których zachwycał dzielnością, godnością i umiejętnościami strzeleckimi. Winnetou to także poruszająca opowieść o przyjaźni, odwadze i honorze, które nadają zdecydowany rys charakterom pozytywnych bohaterów.


Moll Flanders

Daniel Defoe

Mall Flanders est lhistoire dune femme qui traverse des moments difficiles. Elle est une femme forte et affirmée qui utilise tous les moyens possibles pour survivre. A cette époque, les femmes nétaient que des bagatelles. Elle passe des réputés, dans les bidonvilles de London Street, a un mariage au hasard avec son frere. Lhistoire est pleine dévénements sinueux.


Dick Merriwells Trap

Burt L. Standish

In this story, all the main events take place on the football field. Dick on this day managed everything. He walked around one, then the other, and left another one in his path. He would have managed to score, but a collision with another player prevented him. He got injured. This book shows how you need to pass through obstacles.


The Mirror of Kong Ho

Ernest Bramah

Ernest Bramah was an English author who wrote popular books in many different genres including humor, detective fiction and science fiction. A lively and amusing collection of letters sent from a highly bemused Chinaman sojourning amongst the English barbarians in the first decade of the 19th century to his revered father back home, with a view to coming to grips with their inferior culture, which he singularly fails to do, resulting in much loss of gravity. These are things such as the motor car and the piano; unknown in China at this time. Satirical novel about present-day England, following the time-tested strategy of showing a familiar world through the eyes of a foreigner, thus affording rich opportunity for lampooning both cultures. In a few words, it is a comic novel about a stereotyped Chinaman in London.


The Victors. A Romance of Yesterday Morning and This Afternoon

Robert Barr

This greatest political novel of Robert Barrs most beloved books has been written in years. Barr was a Scottish-Canadian author who relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine The Idler in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. The Victors: A Romance Of Yesterday Morning & This Afternoon... is a stirring story of a boss and others. Patrick Maguire, big, brawny, and smooth of tongue, early decides that there is a good thing for him in the big city, and he starts after it. How he succeeds becoming the big boss by methods that are known to be practical and practiced by the initiated is Mr. Barrs theme. Another live issue treated by Mr. Barr is that of Christian Science. The work has a climax whose strength has rarely been equaled in modern fiction.


The Clue of the New Pin

Edgar Wallace

In this 1923 mystery by Edgar Wallace, Jesse Trasmere is thrifty and does not trust banks, so he keeps all of his money in his prison-like house. Although his nephew, Rex Lander, receives a generous allowance from his uncle, it is not enough for his extravagant lifestyle. Trasmere breaks with routine and informs his valet, Walters, that he is going out of town for a while to avoid an acquaintance from his past. One day he turns up dead, in a completely locked vault, the only clue is a pin found at the scene of the crime... A newspaper reporter helps clear the prime suspect and reveal the identity of the true killer.


The House in Lordship Lane

A.E.W. Mason

The plump, middle-aged and ever-optimistic Inspector Gabriel Hanaud features in A.E.W. Masons detective fiction. This was the last outing for inspector Hanaud who was said to be one of the inspirations for Agatha Christies creation of Hercule Poirot. Julius Ricardo hitches a lift home across the English Channel to see his friend Inspector Hanaud and en route picks up an escapee from a prison ship, who holds a grudge against Daniel Horbury, M.P. When Horbury is found dead at his home in Lordship Lane, Inspector Hanaud and Ricardo assist Scotland Yard in the investigation, which also involves the owner of a shipping line. This is a classic Hanaud thriller that will not fail to delight crime fans everywhere.