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Georg Ebers, Mary J. Safford

Two lovers, Antony and Cleopatra want to be together despite everything. But it can not be so simple. The hero may die to be buried next to the woman he loved until the last hour. His desire was fulfilled, and love, as it turned out, never dies.


Sodome et Gomorrhe

Marcel Proust

La partie principale du roman est consacrée au deuxieme et éventuellement au dernier voyage du héros Balbec. Encore Verdureny, Cambrera, mais au lieu de Charles et Odette maintenant Marseille et Albertina. Tout rappelle au héros et sa mere la grand-mere décédée. Plus ils sont douloureux dans cet endroit. Et, bien sr, le dreyfusarstvo-anti-drifusarisme, le sémitisme / antisémitisme / le nationalisme sont touchés.


The Phantom Car

Fred M. White

Sebastian Wilde really was a great man. He seemed to be paralysed from his hips downwards, which, indeed, was the case, though his arms were vigorous enough and his affliction had not robbed him of the brightness of his eyes or blunted the edge of his amazing intellect. He had no friends and visitors; he was pleased, in his words, to work quietly on the task of his life and, perhaps, when this is completed, he can go out of his obscurity and again take his place in the great world. However, what could such a noble person hide?


Dick Merriwells Pranks

Burt L. Standish

Burt L. Standish wrote another exciting story about Dick Merriwell. The story of the story develops on deck. Among the crowd on the deck were two boys who made a European tour under the guidance of Professor Zenas Gann. Dick Merriwell, younger brother of former great Yale athlete and scholar Frank Merriwella. Dick was his buddy Bradley Backhart. The guys continue their journey, revealing to the reader the beauty of the whole world.


Der beiden Quitzows letzte Fahrten

Karl May

Der beiden Quitzows letzte Fahrten. Historischer Roman aus der Jugendzeit des Hauses Hohenzollern von Karl May erschien von November 1876 bis Juni 1877 in der Zeitschrift Feierstunden am häuslichen Heerde und war die Fortsetzung des von Friedrich Axmann geschriebenen Romans Fürst und Junker. Der Roman spielt in den Jahren 1411 bis 1414, einer Zeit, in der der Burggraf Friedrich von Zollern im Auftrag des Kaisers die politischen Wirren und die damit verbundene Unsicherheit in der Mark Brandenburg zu beenden suchte. Die alteingesessenen Familien (hauptsächlich Quitzow, Holtzendorff und Gans von Putlitz) waren jedoch nicht bereit, sich ihm unterzuordnen...



Тарас Григорович Шевченко

«Кобзар» 2013 збірка поетичних творів великого українського поета Т.Г. Шевченка, книга, яку український народ вважає своєю «святинею». Дивовижна історія цієї книги. Поезії, що входять до неї, складались на протязі нелегкого життєвого шляху автора, створювались то в мандрівках, то в казематах, при світлі білих ночей Півночі і під самотнім сонцем вигнання в пісках закаспійських пустель. Збірка формувалася поступово, крок за кроком, рік за роком, формувало її саме поетове життя, життя великого українського кріпака Тараса Шевченка 2013 від його юності і до останнього подиху.


Lord of Samarcand

Robert E. Howard

The Turks, cruelly lead by the scurrilous Bayazid, crushingly defeat a bunch of European Christians who were invading so as to steal land from the Turks, or something. But one of the Europeans, a Scott, Donald MacDeesa escapes with his life and hooks up with Ak Boga, who who had secretly been spying on the carnage. Ak Boga works for the Amir of Samarcand, one Timour the Lame.


Daughters of Destiny

L. Frank Baum

Danger, intrigue, and adventure await you in one of L. Frank Baums rarest works! Baum published the novel under the pen name Schuyler Staunton, one of his several pseudonyms (Baum arrived at the name by adding one letter to the name of his late maternal uncle, Schuyler Stanton). Daughters of Destiny unfolds in the Middle Eastern country of Baluchistan and is an exciting page-turner from start to finish. Conflict occurs when the American Construction Syndicate wants to build a railroad across a city in Pakistan, as part of their plans for global development. The company appoints a commission, headed by Colonel Piedmont Moore, to obtain the right of way from the Baluchi ruler. What follows is a complex but tightly-woven plot that involves subterfuge and conspiracy, poisonings and attempted assassinations, sword fights and a pursuit in the desert, a scheming femme fatale, disguises and false identities all the ingredients of melodrama.


Poezja polskiego baroku

Praca zbiorowa

Sebastian Grabowiecki, Wespazjan Kochowski, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn czy Daniel Naborowski, mistrzowie barokowego konceptu, poruszają najgłębiej ukryte emocje. W przewrotny sposób piszą o ulotności i marności ludzkiego życia, o poczuciu pustki i przeplatającej wszystko miłości, raz gorzkiej, raz bolesnej, raz smutnej. Zachwycają przy tym bogactwem skojarzeń i barwnością języka.


Heart of Darkness

Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness, the novella by Joseph Conrad, is essentially a multi-layered narrative. The Narrator describes a night spent on a ship in the mouth of the Thames River in England. Marlow, one of the men on board, tells of his time spent as a riverboat pilot in the Belgian Congo. On the surface it is the adventurous story of Marlows search for Kurtz, who for him is a living legend. On one hand it is also a peek into the unconscious of man where darkness resides silently, and on the other, it also brings to mind the glimpses of Dantes Inferno i.e. the descent to hell. In a very powerful manner, Conrad lays before us the story evoking subjective impressions, as the characters of his story are obscure and their tales are only half-told. Be it Kurtz, Marlow or his native help. Masterly blend of adventure, character development, psychological penetration. Considered by many Conrads finest, most enigmatic story.


The Hound of the Baskervilles. Pies Baskervilleów. English-Polish Edition

Arthur Conan Doyle

<p>Book in two language versions: English and Polish. (Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych polskiej i angielskiej.) Such bilingual editions are primarily intended for people learning a foreign language and / or improving their language skills. The native text makes it easier to understand the content of the work in a foreign language. It is especially useful when the reader has difficulty understanding the plot or dialogues in the language they are learning or wants to improve their translation skills.</p><p>Holmes and Watson are faced with their most terrifying case yet. The legend of the devil-beast that haunts the moors around the Baskerville families home warns the descendants of that ancient clan never to venture out in those dark hours when the power of evil is exalted. Now, the most recent Baskerville, Sir Charles, is dead and the footprints of a giant hound have been found near his body. Will the new heir meet the same fate in The Hound of the Baskervilles?</p>


Saul and the Spinster

Aidan de Brune

A murder is committed in a seedy nightclub... weird vandalism in a leading fashion salon... are they connected? An exiting page tuner full of intrigue and mystery, Saul and the Spinster is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. A mysteriously complicated plot make this Aidan de Brune book great fun with the twists coming thick and fast. He provides a thrill of another sort! If you havent discovered the joys of de Brunes mysteries there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.



George Sand

Dans ce roman, de nombreux héros historiques sont impliqués. Écrit au milieu de la séparation de George Sand avec son mari, le baron Dyudevant, ce roman comporte des rencontres avec Lamennet et Michel de Bourges. En 1825, le comte Fougeres, émigré Trieste, reprit possession de son château et apprit que sa fille sortait avec le comte.


The Ostrekoff Jewels

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is another great novel by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, the prolific English novelist who was in his lifetime a major and successful writer of genre fiction including thrillers and spy novels, and who wrote over a 100 of them. He composed some one hundred and fifty novels, mainly of the suspense and international intrigue nature, but including romances, comedies, and parables of everyday life. The Ostrekoff Jewels is the story of a Russian prince, princess and the end of the Russian Revolution that is taking place around them and involves the smuggling out of a familys hereditary jewels. They attempt to flee, which appears to be successful, at least at first. Loosely based on the Romanovs reign in Russia.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 7). Ród Rodrigandów. W Hararze

Karol May

Kolejny tom z pełnej przygód sagi rodu Rodrigandów. Rzecz zaczyna się w Afryce, w lochu pewnego sułtana. Uciekają stamtąd Don Fernando i Mindrello. Po drodze zabierają ze sobą Emmę Arbellez, narzeczoną Antonio Ungera. Na pokładzie statku Syrena nie bez trudu docierają na bezludną wyspę, na której uwięzieni od długiego czasu czekają pozostali bohaterowie.


Drugie życie doktora Murka

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Kontynuacja opowieści o perypetiach Franciszka Murka, rozpoczętej w książce Doktor Murek zredukowany. Bohater ima się najróżniejszych zajęć, ale nędza nieubłaganie go degraduje. Pewnego dnia ulega namowom kompanów z warszawskiego półświatka i bierze udział w napadzie na willę prezesa Seweryna Czabana. Jednak mimo wszystkich doznanych ze strony społeczeństwa krzywd Murek nie potrafi przeobrazić się w bandytę. Ukrywając się przed policją, wpada na pomysł, że mógłby zarabiać na życie przepowiadaniem przyszłości. Okazuje się, że ma do tego naturalny talent. Przybiera tożsamość cudzoziemca i szybko robi zawrotną karierę w arystokratycznych salonach Warszawy jako mistrz okultyzmu. W pewnym momencie jego głównym klientem staje się prezes Czaban. Zafascynowany możliwościami wróżbity, w które święcie wierzy, wciąga byłego urzędnika w wir nie zawsze uczciwych interesów... Drugie życie doktora Murka to pasjonująca opowieść o człowieku, który zaznawszy nędzy i upodlenia, próbuje wieść podwójne życie, mające mu zapewnić spokój i dostatek.


Frank Merriwells Triumph

Burt L. Standish

In Frank Merriwells Triumph, we see our heros determination. As he without hesitation solves problems with bad guys who are older than him. This is another story about Franks bold actions. He never ceases to amaze everyone by going to insane deeds.


Die Gred

Georg Ebers

Die Themen der Romane wählte Georg Ebers (1837-1898) teilweise aus dem Umfeld seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, also der ägyptischen Geschichte, aber auch aus anderen Epochen. Neben populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern, schrieb Ebers auch historische Romane. Die Gred ist ein historischer Roman, der im Nürnberg zu Zeiten des 15. Jahrhunderts spielt. Ebers zeichnet ein lebensechtes Bild der Stadt und der darin lebenden Menschen.


The Master of the Shell

Talbot Baines Reed

In this novel, for a change, the protagonist is a master, not students. We see events from the point of view of some boys, but it is new that readers are asked to look at things from the point of view of the teacher. Mark Ralesford is a young gentleman who has just become engaged. He is also ready to start work after graduation and travel around the world. He is accepted as a teacher and home master at a boarding school called Grandcourt, where, coincidentally, one of his students will be Arthur Herapat, the younger brother of his bride.


The World of William Clissold

Herbert George Wells

For Mr Britling, eccentric and vivacious writer, the summer of 1914 consisted of long, hot days and luxurious house parties with a host of international guests to entertain him. And when he tired of this, he hopped across the channel where his devoted mistress was patiently waiting. But all this was about to change as Germany began marching into Belgium and Europe no longer provided the easy diversion he had so enjoyed. The World of William Clissold is a 1926 novel by H.G. Wells published initially in three volumes. This book, which contains religious, historical, economic and sociological discussions, which expresses fits of temper and moods of doubt, is submitted as a novel, as a whole novel, and nothing but a novel, as the story of one mans adventure, body, soul and intelligence, in life.


Kunigas. Powieść z podań litewskich

Józef Ignacy Kraszewski

Bracia Zakonu Krzyżackiego uprowadzają dwuletniego Margera i wychowują na jednego z nich. Zmieniają mu nawet imię. Jerzy pozbawiony swej tożsamości narodowej ulega germanizacji. Przełom następuje w momencie zasłyszenia przez niego kilku słów w ojczystym języku. Jerzy uzmysłowić sobie, że stał się ofiarą spisku Zakonu. Wraz z przyjaciółmi postanawia wrócić do domu ostatniego niepodbitego przez Krzyżaków grodu... Powieść historyczna opisująca losy litewskiego księcia.


Durch das Land der Skipetaren

Karl May

Spannungsgeladener und ereignisreicher Abenteuer-Roman von Karl May über die Abenteuer Kara Ben Nemsis; Hadschi Halef Omar und ihre Gefährten. Durch das Land der Skipetaren (das heutige Albanien) folgen sie den Spuren der Verbrecher. Sie sind auf den Spuren von Verbrechern und geraten in die Falle. Dabei begegnen sie unversehens den beiden gefürchteten Aladschy, gelangen zur Schluchthütte, die ihnen zur Falle werden soll, und erleben eine ebenso dramatische wie lustige Episode im Turm der alten Mutter.


Sixes and Sevens

O. Henry

Sixes and Sevens is a first collection of humorous short stories from the author of The Four Million, his stories deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen and waitresses and often use twist endings which turn on an ironic or coincidental circumstance in his stories. O. Henry proves that he is the master of the short story format. This collection has quirky as well as nice little stories, each differing in style from the other. Most of his stories are set in his contemporary present, the early years of the 20th century. Many take place in New York. Fans of classic short fiction will relish this collection of gems from one of the unquestioned masters of the form, O. Henry. Its a must-read for anyone in need for a dose of entertaining, worthwhile writing.



Jane Austen

Persuasion is the last novel fully completed by Jane Austen. The story begins seven years after the broken engagement of Anne Elliot to then Commander Frederick Wentworth. Now circumstances have conspired to bring him back into her social circle and Anne finds her old feelings for him reignited. However, when they meet again Wentworth behaves as if they are strangers and seems more interested in her friend Louisa.