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Maria Rodziewiczówna

Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w środowisku cyganerii krakowskiej. Filip Osiecki, Andrzej Oryż i Magda Domontówna są malarzami. Każda z tych postaci kocha, jednak bez wzajemności ze strony obiektu uczuć. Filip jest opętany uczuciem do pięknej baronowej. Nie zdaje sobie jednak sprawy z tego, iż jest jedynie jej zabawką. Andrzej kocha Magdę, lecz jego uczucie nie opiera się na fizyczności. Domontówna jest dla niego niczym muza. Z kolei Magda darzy uczuciem Filipa. Jej miłość ma jednak charakter platoniczny. Dziewczyna bardziej pragnie wcielić się w rolę przyjaciółki i powiernicy niż obiekt namiętności. Wszystko zmierza nieuchronnie do dramatu...


The Counts Chauffeur. Being the Confessions of George Ewart, Chauffeur to Count Bindo Di Ferraris

William Le Queux

When I was fourteen, we moved to London with my father. He became an agent on Wood Street, City, representing a large silk maker in Lyon. At the age of twenty, I worked in an office with dusty books and a large armchair that I did not really like. I was always interested in mechanics, but my father did not perceive her as a profession and wanted me to walk in his footsteps.


The Crimes Club. A Record of Secret Investigations Into Some Amazing Crimes, Mostly Withheld From the Public

William Le Queux

I sometimes despair of the country ever becoming alive to the danger of the unpreparedness of our present position until too late to prevent some fatal catastrophe. This was the keynote of a solemn warning made in the House of Lords by Earl Roberts. His lordship, whilst drawing attention to our present inadequate forces, strongly urged that action should be taken in accordance with the recommendations of the Elgin Commission that no military system could be considered satisfactory which did not contain powers of expansion outside the limit of the regular forces of the Crown.


The Traitors Gate

Edgar Wallace

This Edgar Wallace mystery takes place in London. Hope Joyner, ward of a Mr. Hallet whom she has never met, is in love with Sir Richard Hallowell. Diana Montague, who was once engaged to Sir Richard, now keeps very dubious company Sir Richards brother Graham for one. He has just been released from prison. Since Graham has been away Diana has acquired money, and she is now Press Secretary for the Prince of Kishlastan, who according to Colly Warrington, is totally besotted with her... About an attempt to steal the British crown Jewels, Edgar Wallace has woven a story that is distinctly superior to the general run of mystery yarns.


Riders of the Silences

Max Brand

Riders of the Silences was written under the pseudonym of John Frederick. The story is a Western saga based in part on Arthurian legends. Pierre le Rouge, the bastard child of Martin Ryder and his red-haired mistress, was sent off as an infant to be raised by Canadian friars. When his father sends for him after being wounded by the legendary gunman McGurk, Pierre races eight hundred miles to Martins side, determined to avenge his fathers attack. This Western from prolific author Max Brand is a classic revenge story that is sure to please readers who are hankering for a solid dose of action-packed adventure.


The Moon Rock

Arthur J. Rees

Arthur J. Rees is a past master in the art of fashioning ingenious mystery-detective yarns and The Moon Rock is one of his best. The authors many admirers will find keen enjoyment and many puzzling moments in their endeavors to solve the mystery. Robert Turold had spent his life trying to prove his claim to an ancient title. Yet, when it seems he is about to finally succeed, his body is found in a remote cottage on the Cornish coast, an apparent suicide. Detective Brannert of Scotland Yard, however, suspects murder. His young daughter, his long-time servant, his brother and nephew all have something to gain by his death. This fast-paced detective story unfolds through the tangles of complicated family ties and secrets, suspicious servants, and a mysterious Cornish legend.


Tajemnica piaszczystego kanionu

Karol May

Dwaj przyjaciele Winnetou i Old Shatterhand ponownie zabiorą nas w ekscytujący i niebezpieczny wir wydarzeń, rozgrywających się wśród prerii Dzikiego Zachodu. Na drodze do rozwikłania tajemnicy staną im złoczyńcy, których i tym razem uda się brawurowo pokonać. Jednocześnie zyskają nowych przyjaciół i dzięki wspólnej pracy i wzajemnej pomocy odniosą kolejny spektakularny sukces!


The Faith of Men and Other Stories

Jack London

This is a situation when a person is faced with the inevitability of a terrible painful death. A choice arises before him, which is worse: to accept a painful end, clinging to life until the last breath, or to die voluntarily. This story is not about mans courage, but about his weakness for money, his passion for profit. And such a passion destroys man in man. And then there is nothing left but money. Money money money... there is nothing in the head but them.


Podróż do Ziemi Świętej z Neapolu

Juliusz Słowacki

Poemat dygresyjny o zróżnicowanym charakterze i tematyce. Składa się z dziewięciu pieśni i opiera się na wzorze podróży poetyckiej. Klasyka godna polecenia dla czytelnika w kazdym wieku. Próbka poezji Wieszcza w najlepszym wydaniu.


Inselwelt. Band III

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Friedrich Gerstäcker führte von der Wiege bis zur Bahre ein bewegtes Leben. Als Sohn eines gefeierten Tenors wurde ihm die Reiselust quasi in die Wiege gelegt. Er war ein Erzähler von außerordentlich spannenden und farbenprächtigen Abenteuerromanen, die jedoch stets belehrende Momente in der Landschafts- und Kulturschilderung beinhalten. Inselwelt bestehen aus zwei Bänden. Der erste Band Inselwelt. Indische Skizzen und der zweite Band Inselwelt. Australische Skizzen.


Dreams End

Thorne Smith

A New York advertising executive leaves his job in the city to write poetry in a hut by the sea. Once there he finds himself caught in the coils of his attraction to two women a situation that so unsettles his wits that he falls prey to a heavily symbolic dream obsession. The story centers on a love triangle that develops between Landor, the niece of the man hes staying with, Scarlet and the wife of the local land baron, Hilda. Dreams End is a radical departure from Thorne Smiths humorous novels, and was, in fact, Smiths first book rejected by publishers until his Topper novels became successful. Fans of Thorne Smith are likely to be intrigued by this book for its gothic nature and for an unexpected glimpse at a more serious side of the author.


The Trail of the White Mule

B.M. Bower

Equal parts daring and prone to disaster, B. M. Bowers beloved hero with a heart of gold, Casey Ryan, is at it again in The Trail of the White Mule. Whether hes veering through traffic at high speed in the boomtown of Los Angeles or pursuing bootleggers in the country, Ryan always seems to find himself in the middle of a maelstrom. He willingly got involved with moonshiners and transporting booze but lucked out in the end by helping the authorities. The Trail of the White Mule was written in the year 1922 by B.M. Bower. This book is one of the most popular novels of B.M. Bower, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.


Tales of Men and Ghosts

Edith Wharton

In 1921, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize, earning the award for The Age of Innocence. But Wharton also wrote several other novels, as well as poems and short stories that made her not only famous but popular among her contemporaries. Tales of Men and Ghosts (1910) consists of ten masterful ghost stories that listed here in chronological order of their original publication dates: The Bolted Door, His Fathers Son, The Daunt Diana, The Debt, Full Circle, The Legend, The Eyes, The Blond Beast, Afterward and The Letters. Despite the title, the men outnumber the ghosts, since only The Eyes and Afterward actually call on the supernatural. In only two of the stories are women the central characters, though elsewhere they play important roles. If you have never read Edith Whartons fantasy work before, you will be captivated and delighted.


The Second Deluge

Garrett P. Serviss

The protagonist is a rich scientist who predicts the onset of a new flood due to the passage of the Earth through a nebula. Instead of panic, people had laughter, because no one believed in his words. They thought he was crazy. While everyone was laughing, the mad scientist built the ark. The rains did not stop. The world is sinking, but will the main character survive?


The Strange Countess

Edgar Wallace

This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. One is left gasping with suspense as the many clues are unraveled only to be followed by others still more stubborn. A beautiful woman has spent twenty cruel years in prison, for a suspected murder. Her daughter learns of the relationship after a chance visit at the jail. The true facts are known only after the discovery of nefarious plots to kill the daughter, visits to the home of royalty, and enforced stays at a so-called home for mental cases. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1925. The Strange Countess is a mystery novel by this prolific author of detective fiction.


LInvasion de la mer

Jules Verne

En Afrique du Nord, selon le plan des autorités françaises, un projet visant créer une mer artificielle au Sahara est en préparation. Ils sont déj en train de creuser un canal et denvoyer des expéditions dans le désert pour étudier le relief, mais une bande dindigenes sauvages mécontents de ce projet font tout pour que cela ne se matérialise pas. Le livre entier est un voyage en train de Tiflis Pékin en train et une breve description des villes.


Czeki bez pokrycia

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Hrabia Jan Nawrecki to dandys i karierowicz. Piastuje urząd posła na sejm, stara się o stanowisko ambasadora. Romansuje jednocześnie z dwiema pięknymi kobietami. Rosjanka, Ewelina Nikolska jest w nim prawdziwie zakochana. Księżna Nelly Ozierowska wykorzystuje tylko jego pozycję i koneksje do ratowania rodzinnego majątku przed bankructwem. Jak zachowa się główny bohater? Czy doceni to co szlachetne i wartościowe, czy też okaże się bezdusznym, zainteresowanym jedynie własną karierą i materialnymi korzyściami, cynikiem wystawiającym i przyjmującym czeki bez pokrycia? Gigantyczne malwersacje finansowe, pozorowana śmierć, afera szpiegowska wszystkie te elementy składają się na dynamiczną i zaskakującą fabułę książki Czeki bez pokrycia.


Paula Monti ou lHôtel Lambert

Eugene Sue

Chapitres tres courts. Pourquoi courber ton front plus bas que de coutume? Quel mal avons-nous fait, pour ne plus nous cherir? Vois, la lampe palit, latre scintille et fume; Si tu ne parles pas, le feu qui se consume, Et la lampe, et nous deux, nous allons tous mourir


The Mesmerists Victim

Alexandre Dumas

Set in Paris during the French Revolution, The Mesmerists Victim tells the story of two star-crossed lovers whose romance blooms at an extremely inopportune moment in European history. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will they be swallowed up in the tumult of radical political and social change? The Mesmerists Victim is the second in Dumas fictional series on the French Revolution. The story continues the tale where Memoirs of a Physician left off. This is the second in Dumas series on the retelling of the French Revolution. Alexandre Dumas was a French writer whose works have been translated into nearly 100 languages. His historical novels include The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, The Corsican Brothers, and The Man in the Iron Mask.


Ród Rodrigandów (Tom 1). Ród Rodrigandów. Tajemnica Miksteków

Karol May

Wciągająca historia opisana przez mistrza młodzieżowej literatury przygodowej Karola Maya, należąca do sagi rodu Rodrigandów. Akcja ulokowana jest w Ameryce. Wyobraźnię rozpala ukryty w górskich jaskiniach skarb, wokół którego narastają intrygi, a bohaterowie rywalizują, stosując nie zawsze czyste metody. Jak potoczą się losy skarbu i komu będzie pisane zwycięstwo?


Baskervillen koira

Arthur Conan Doyle

Baskervillen koira on Doylen tunnetuimpia teoksia. Romaani perustuu löyhästi Dartmoorin myyttiin, joka kertoo hohtavasta koirasta. Suuri, pimeässä hohtava koira toimii myös romaanin lähtöajatuksena. Brittiläisessä kansanperinteessä on tarinoita mustasta kuoleman hurtasta, jonka tyyppisiä kertomuksia myös Doyle hyödynsi romaanin aineksia kootessaan.


O tron (kanwa serialu: Czarne chmury). Powieść historyczna z XVII wieku

Adam Krechowiecki

Powieść historyczna Adama Krechowieckiego O tron stała się kanwą dla pierwszego polskiego serialu spod znaku płaszcza i szpady, czyli Czarnych chmur w reżyserii Andrzeja Konica. Bohater powieści Krystian Ludwik Kalkstein pierwowzór serialowego pułkownika Krzysztofa Dowgirda podobnie jak większość ówczesnej szlachty pruskiej był zapalonym zwolennikiem zwierzchnictwa Rzeczypospolitej polskiej nad Prusami Książęcymi. Elektor brandenburski Fryderyk Wilhelm, zwany Wielkim Elektorem, dążył natomiast do obalenia stosunku lenniczego, w jakim pozostawał względem Polski, do osiągnięcia władzy królewskiej, do... tronu. Osią fabuły są dramatyczne epizody z walk o utrzymanie przy Polsce Prus Książęcych. W powieści nie zabraknie też scen ucieczek, pogoni, pojedynków oraz oczywiście miłość...


The Middle Temple Murder

Joseph Smith Fletcher

When an elderly mans body is found on the steps of chambers in the Midde Temple, one of the Inns of Court, it falls to newspaperman Frank Spargo and Detective-Sergeant Rathbury to solve the crime. There is no indication as to the idetity of the corpse, whose pockets are completely empty apart from a scrap of paper bearing the names and chambers address of an aspiring young barrister. Who is the victim? Why was he killed? Who is the murderer? These are the questions that Spargo and Rathbury must answer in The Middle Temple Murder. This extraordinary discovery draw them into a labyrinthine web of intrigue, murder and crime in high places. The Middle Temple Murder by Joseph Smith Fletcher was first published in 1919 and is a great example of the classical English detective story.


Le Collier de la reine

Alexandre Dumas pere

Le Collier de la Reine est un roman fascinant écrit par Alexandre Dumas. De nombreuses actions se déroulent ici: la reine tombe amoureuse, tricheur cardinal, la comtesse assigne des diamants et Cagliostro prédit lavenir. Le roman daventure contient de vrais événements historiques, ce qui le rend plus intéressant. Un vrai pazzle pour le lecteur.