Електронні книги
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
- Особисті компетенції
- Комп'ютер в офісі
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
- Мультимедійне навчання
- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
- Податки
- Соціальна політика
- Порадники
- Презентації
- Лідерство
- Зв'язки з громадськістю
- Звіти, аналізи
- Секрет
- Соціальні засоби комунікації
- Продаж
- Стартап
- Ваша кар'єра
- Управління
- Управління проектами
- Людські ресурси (HR)
Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Електронна преса
- Architektura i wnętrza
- Безпека життєдіяльності
- Biznes i Ekonomia
- Будинок та сад
- Електронний бізнес
- Ekonomia i finanse
- Фінанси
- Особисті фінанси
- Бізнес
- Фотографія
- Інформатика
- Відділ кадрів та оплата праці
- Комп'ютери, Excel
- Бухгалтерія
- Культура та література
- Наукові та академічні
- Охорона навколишнього середовища
- Впливові
- Освіта
- Податки
- Подорожі
- Психологія
- Релігія
- Сільське господарство
- Ринок книг і преси
- Транспорт та спедиція
- Здоров'я та краса
- Офісні застосунки
- Бази даних
- Біоінформатика
- Бізнес ІТ
- Digital Lifestyle
- Електроніка
- Цифрова фотографія
- Комп'ютерна графіка
- Ігри
- Хакування
- Hardware
- IT w ekonomii
- Наукові пакети
- Шкільні підручники
- Основи комп'ютера
- Програмування
- Мобільне програмування
- Інтернет-сервери
- Комп'ютерні мережі
- Стартап
- Операційні системи
- Штучний інтелект
- Технологія для дітей
- Вебмайстерність
Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
- Антології
- Балада
- Біографії та автобіографії
- Для дорослих
- Драми
- Журнали, щоденники, листи
- Епос, епопея
- Нарис
- Наукова фантастика та фантастика
- Фельєтони
- Художня література
- Гумор, сатира
- Інше
- Класичний
- Кримінальний роман
- Нехудожня література
- Художня література
- Mity i legendy
- Лауреати Нобелівської премії
- Новели
- Побутовий роман
- Okultyzm i magia
- Оповідання
- Спогади
- Подорожі
- Оповідна поезія
- Поезія
- Політика
- Науково-популярна
- Роман
- Історичний роман
- Проза
- Пригодницька
- Журналістика
- Роман-репортаж
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Сенсація
- Трилер, жах
- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Шкільні підручники
Науково-популярна та академічна
- Археологія
- Bibliotekoznawstwo
- Кінознавство / Теорія кіно
- Філологія
- Польська філологія
- Філософія
- Finanse i bankowość
- Географія
- Економіка
- Торгівля. Світова економіка
- Історія та археологія
- Історія мистецтва і архітектури
- Культурологія
- Мовознавство
- літературні студії
- Логістика
- Математика
- Ліки
- Гуманітарні науки
- Педагогіка
- Навчальні засоби
- Науково-популярна
- Інше
- Психологія
- Соціологія
- Театральні студії
- Богослов’я
- Економічні теорії та науки
- Transport i spedycja
- Фізичне виховання
- Zarządzanie i marketing
Ігрові посібники
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
- Безпека життєдіяльності
- Історія
- Дорожній кодекс. Водійські права
- Юридичні науки
- Охорона здоров'я
- Загальне, компендіум
- Академічні підручники
- Інше
- Закон про будівництво і житло
- Цивільне право
- Фінансове право
- Господарське право
- Господарське та комерційне право
- Кримінальний закон
- Кримінальне право. Кримінальні злочини. Кримінологія
- Міжнародне право
- Міжнародне та іноземне право
- Закон про охорону здоров'я
- Закон про освіту
- Податкове право
- Трудове право та законодавство про соціальне забезпечення
- Громадське, конституційне та адміністративне право
- Кодекс про шлюб і сім'ю
- Аграрне право
- Соціальне право, трудове право
- Законодавство Євросоюзу
- Промисловість
- Сільське господарство та захист навколишнього середовища
- Словники та енциклопедії
- Державні закупівлі
- Управління
Путівники та подорожі
- Африка
- Альбоми
- Південна Америка
- Центральна та Північна Америка
- Австралія, Нова Зеландія, Океанія
- Австрія
- Азії
- Балкани
- Близький Схід
- Болгарія
- Китай
- Хорватія
- Чеська Республіка
- Данія
- Єгипет
- Естонія
- Європа
- Франція
- Гори
- Греція
- Іспанія
- Нідерланди
- Ісландія
- Литва
- Латвія
- Mapy, Plany miast, Atlasy
- Мініпутівники
- Німеччина
- Норвегія
- Активні подорожі
- Польща
- Португалія
- Інше
- Przewodniki po hotelach i restauracjach
- Росія
- Румунія
- Словаччина
- Словенія
- Швейцарія
- Швеція
- Світ
- Туреччина
- Україна
- Угорщина
- Велика Британія
- Італія
- Філософія життя
- Kompetencje psychospołeczne
- Міжособистісне спілкування
- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
- Академічна психологія
- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бізнес та економіка
- Біткойн
- Ділова жінка
- Коучинг
- Контроль
- Електронний бізнес
- Економіка
- Фінанси
- Фондова біржа та інвестиції
- Особисті компетенції
- Комунікація та переговори
- Малий бізнес
- Маркетинг
- Мотивація
- Нерухомість
- Переконання та НЛП
- Податки
- Порадники
- Презентації
- Лідерство
- Зв'язки з громадськістю
- Секрет
- Соціальні засоби комунікації
- Продаж
- Стартап
- Ваша кар'єра
- Управління
- Управління проектами
- Людські ресурси (HR)
Для дітей
Для молоді
Енциклопедії, словники
Іноземні мови
Культура та мистецтво
Шкільні читанки
- Антології
- Балада
- Біографії та автобіографії
- Для дорослих
- Драми
- Журнали, щоденники, листи
- Епос, епопея
- Нарис
- Наукова фантастика та фантастика
- Фельєтони
- Художня література
- Гумор, сатира
- Інше
- Класичний
- Кримінальний роман
- Нехудожня література
- Художня література
- Mity i legendy
- Лауреати Нобелівської премії
- Новели
- Побутовий роман
- Okultyzm i magia
- Оповідання
- Спогади
- Подорожі
- Поезія
- Політика
- Науково-популярна
- Роман
- Історичний роман
- Проза
- Пригодницька
- Журналістика
- Роман-репортаж
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Сенсація
- Трилер, жах
- Інтерв'ю та спогади
Природничі науки
Соціальні науки
Науково-популярна та академічна
Професійні та спеціальні порадники
Путівники та подорожі
- Філософія життя
- Міжособистісне спілкування
- Mindfulness
- Загальне
- Переконання та НЛП
- Академічна психологія
- Психологія душі та розуму
- Психологія праці
- Relacje i związki
- Батьківство та дитяча психологія
- Вирішення проблем
- Інтелектуальний розвиток
- Секрет
- Сексуальність
- Спокушання
- Зовнішній вигляд та імідж
- Філософія життя
Спорт, фітнес, дієти
Техніка і механіка
Бази даних
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Для дітей
Графіка / Відео / CAX
Microsoft Office
Інструменти розробки
Особистісний розвиток
Комп'ютерні мережі
Операційні системи
Тестування програмного забезпечення
Мобільні пристрої
Веброзробка, Web development
Cloud security is a pivotal aspect of modern IT infrastructure, essential for safeguarding critical data and services. This comprehensive book explores Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP), guiding you through adopting, deploying, and managing these solutions effectively. Written by Yuri Diogenes, Principal PM at Microsoft, who has been with Defender for Cloud (formerly Azure Security Center) since its inception, this book distills complex concepts into actionable knowledge making it an indispensable resource for Cloud Security professionals.The book begins with a solid foundation detailing the why and how of CNAPP, preparing you for deeper engagement with the subject. As you progress, it delves into practical applications, including using Microsoft Defender for Cloud to enhance your organization's security posture, handle multicloud environments, and integrate governance and continuous improvement practices into your operations.Further, you'll learn how to operationalize your CNAPP framework, emphasizing risk management & attack disruption, leveraging AI to enhance security measures, and integrating Defender for Cloud with Microsoft Security Exposure Management. By the end, you'll be ready to implement and optimize a CNAPP solution in your workplace, ensuring a robust defense against evolving threats.
PowerShell Automation and Scripting for Cybersecurity. Hacking and defense for red and blue teamers
Miriam C. Wiesner, Tanya Janca
Take your cybersecurity skills to the next level with this comprehensive PowerShell security guide! Whether you're on the red or blue team, you'll gain a deep understanding of PowerShell's security capabilities and how to apply them.With years of hands-on experience, the author brings real-world use cases to demonstrate PowerShell’s critical role in offensive and defensive security.After covering PowerShell basics and scripting fundamentals, you'll explore PowerShell Remoting and remote management technologies. You'll learn to configure and analyze Windows event logs, identifying crucial logs and IDs for effective monitoring. The book delves into PowerShell's interaction with system components, Active Directory, and Azure AD, including stealth execution methods. You’ll uncover authentication protocols, enumeration, credential theft, and exploitation, providing strategies to mitigate these risks. A dedicated red and blue team cookbook offers practical security tasks. Finally, you'll delve into mitigations such as Just Enough Administration, AMSI, application control, and code signing, emphasizing configuration, risks, exploitation, bypasses, and best practices.By the end of this book, you’ll confidently apply PowerShell for cybersecurity, from detection to defense, staying ahead of cyber threats.
This book will cover the very basic but essential techniques you need to model an organic and functional object for 3D printing using Blender. Starting with pen and paper and then moving on to the computer, you will create your first project in Blender, add basic geometric shapes, and use techniques such as extruding and subdividing to transform these shapes into complex meshes. You will learn how modifiers can automatically refine the shape further and combine multiple shapes into a single 3D printable model. By the end of the book, you will have gained enough practical hands-on experience to be able to create a 3D printable object of your choice, which in this case is a 3D print-ready octopus pencil holder.
Moodle Trust, Silvina P. Hillar, Silvina Paola Hillar
Connecting the ideas of students is one of the most difficult tasks to carry out in the teaching process. Performing these types of tasks through Moodle will help you overcome complex situations while you teach. If you are looking for a guide that will show you how to improve your skills in using Moodle, as well as enhance your way of teaching in virtual classrooms, your search ends right here.This cookbook provides a practical, step-by-step guide to building a complete reading comprehension, writing, and composition course in Moodle 1.9 starting with simple activities and ending with complex ones. It covers many features and techniques in order to allow you to organize your ideas to improve writing using Moodle as a virtual learning platform.This book begins with simple activities in order to enhance students' writing, such as connecting activities developed in different ways either using Moodle or free and open source software available in the Web 2.0. Then, it moves into matching images and different pieces of writing; it shows how to import different pictures to the Moodle course in different ways. It caters for a great variety of images that will brighten the creativity of students.Then reading comprehension is explored from the characters' point of view; students should explore the reading in such a way to become part of it and write as if they were part of the story.Twitter and Facebook social networks are embedded in the Moodle course in order to invent stories, create group works, and create social on fashion interaction hand in hand with the virtual classroom. There are step-by-step activities involving these websites and inserting Ishikawa's management technique in order to enhance group writing.Once you have reached this point of the book there are other writing techniques explored such as mathematical association to writing, cube technique, discussion clock, mind mapping, and tree diagrams among others. A step-by-step guide is provided for creating these techniques, uploading them into the Moodle course, and creating the writing activity.The book covers writing sentences, poems, songs, descriptions, compositions, essays, articles, cartoons, ads, and creating and describing superheroes.
Java is one of the preferred languages among developers, used in everything right from smartphones, and game consoles to even supercomputers, and its new features simply add to the richness of the language. This book on Java programming begins by helping you learn how to install the Java Development Kit. You will then focus on understanding object-oriented programming (OOP), with exclusive insights into concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which will help you when programming for real-world apps. Next, you’ll cover fundamental programming structures of Java such as data structures and algorithms that will serve as the building blocks for your apps. You will also delve into core programming topics that will assist you with error handling, debugging, and testing your apps. As you progress, you’ll move on to advanced topics such as Java libraries, database management, and network programming, which will hone your skills in building professional-grade apps.Further on, you’ll understand how to create a graphic user interface using JavaFX and learn to build scalable apps by taking advantage of reactive and functional programming.By the end of this book, you’ll not only be well versed with Java 10, 11, and 12, but also gain a perspective into the future of this language and software development in general.
Mastering GitLab 12. Implement DevOps culture and repository management solutions
GitLab is an open source repository management and version control toolkit with functions for enterprises and personal software projects. It offers configurability options, extensions, and APIs that make it an ideal tool for enterprises to manage the software development life cycle.This book begins by explaining GitLab options and the components of the GitLab architecture. You will learn how to install and set up GitLab on-premises and in the cloud, along with understanding how to migrate code bases from different systems, such as GitHub, Concurrent Versions System, Team Foundation Version Control, and Subversion. Later chapters will help you implement DevOps culture by introducing the workflow management tools in GitLab and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). In addition to this, the book will guide you through installing GitLab on a range of cloud platforms, monitoring with Prometheus, and deploying an environment with GitLab. You'll also focus on the GitLab CI component to assist you with creating development pipelines and jobs, along with helping you set up GitLab runners for your own project. Finally, you will be able to choose a high availability setup that fits your needs and helps you monitor and act on results obtained after testing.By the end of this book, you will have gained the expertise you need to use GitLab features effectively, and be able to integrate all phases in the development process.
The artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities in Power BI enable organizations to quickly and easily gain more intelligent insights from unstructured and structured data.This book will teach you how to make use of the many AI features available today in Power BI to quickly and easily enrich your data and gain better insights into patterns that can be found in your data.You’ll begin by understanding the benefits of AI and how it can be used in Power BI. Next, you’ll focus on exploring and preparing your data for building AI projects and then progress to using prominent AI features already available in Power BI, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and Q&A. Later chapters will show you how to apply text analytics and computer vision within Power BI reports. This will help you create your own Q&A functionality in Power BI, which allows you to ask FAQs from another knowledge base and then integrate it with PowerApps. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll be able to create and deploy AutoML models trained in Azure ML and consume them in Power Query Editor. After your models have been trained, you’ll work through principles such as privacy, fairness, and transparency to use AI responsibly.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned when and how to enrich your data with AI using the out-of-the-box AI capabilities in Power BI.
Greg Gifford, Jason Hanshaw, Guilda Hilaire
Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) allows you to use multiple channels and tools to create a 1:1 marketing experience for your customers and subscribers. Through automation and helper tasks, you can greatly increase your productivity while also reducing the level of effort required in terms of volume and frequency.Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud starts by discussing what automation is generally and then progresses to what automation is in SFMC. After that, you’ll focus on how to perform automation inside of SFMC all the way to fully running processes and capabilities from an external service. Later chapters explore the benefits and capabilities of automation and having an automation mindset both within and outside of SFMC. Equipped with this knowledge and example code, you'll be prepared to maximize your SFMC efficiency.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll have the skills you need to build automation both inside and outside of SFMC, along with the knowledge for using the platform optimally.
Ton Roosendaal, Enrico Valenza
Cycles is Blender's new, powerful rendering engine. Using practical examples, this book will show you how to create a vast array of realistic and stunning materials and texture effects using the Cycles rendering engine.Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook is a practical journey into the new and exciting Cycles rendering engine for Blender. In this book you will learn how to create a vast array of materials and textures in Cycles, including glass, ice, snow, rock, metal and water. If you want to take your 3D models to the next level, but don't know how, then this cookbook is for you!In this practical cookbook, you will learn how to create stunning materials and textures to really bring your 3D models to life! Diving deep into Cycles you will learn Cycle's node-based material system, how to set-up a 3D scene for rendering, how to create a natural and man-made materials as well as the correct organization and re-use of Cycles materials to save you time and effort.To ensure that your creations look stunning you will learn how illumination works in Cycles, improve the quality of the final render and to avoid the presence of noise and fireflies. Each chapter of Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook builds on the complexity of the last so that by the end of this book you will know how to create an impressive library of realistic-looking materials and textures.
Joomla! is a fantastic way to create a dynamic CMS. Now you want to go to the next step and interact with your users. Forms are the way you ask questions and get replies. ChronoForms is the extension that lets you do that and this book tells you how.From building your first form to creating rich form based applications we will cover the features that ChronoForms offers you in a clear hands-on way. Drawing on three years daily experience using ChronoForms and supporting users there is valuable help for new users and experienced developers alike.We will take you through form development step by step: from creating your first form using ChronoForms’ built-in drag-and-drop tool; validating user input; emailing the results; saving data in the database, showing the form in your Joomla! site and much more.Each chapter addresses a topic like ‘validation’ or ‘email’ and the recipes in the chapter each address a different user question from the beginners’ question ‘How do I set up an email?’ through to more advanced questions like using some PHP to create a custom email Subject line.Over eight chapters and eighty recipes we cover all of the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ that new users and developers have about using ChronoForms. The recipe structure allows you to pick and choose just the solution that you need.
Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems today. It uses the most popular programming language, Java, as one of the primary languages for building apps of all types. Unlike most other Android books, this book doesn’t assume that you have any prior knowledge of Java programming, instead helps you get started with building Android games as a beginner.This new, improved, and updated third edition of Learning Java by Building Android Games helps you to build Android games from scratch. Once you've got to grips with the fundamentals, the difficulty level increases steadily as you explore key Java topics, such as variables, loops, methods, object-oriented programming (OOP), and design patterns while working with up-to-date code and supporting examples. At each stage, you'll be able to test your understanding by implementing the concepts that you’ve learned to develop a game. Toward the end, you’ll build games such as Sub Hunter, Retro Pong, Bullet Hell, Classic Snake, and Scrolling Shooter.By the end of this Java book, you'll not only have a solid understanding of Java and Android basics but will also have developed five cool games for the Android platform.
Time series data is everywhere, available at a high frequency and volume. It is complex and can contain noise, irregularities, and multiple patterns, making it crucial to be well-versed with the techniques covered in this book for data preparation, analysis, and forecasting.This book covers practical techniques for working with time series data, starting with ingesting time series data from various sources and formats, whether in private cloud storage, relational databases, non-relational databases, or specialized time series databases such as InfluxDB. Next, you’ll learn strategies for handling missing data, dealing with time zones and custom business days, and detecting anomalies using intuitive statistical methods, followed by more advanced unsupervised ML models. The book will also explore forecasting using classical statistical models such as Holt-Winters, SARIMA, and VAR. The recipes will present practical techniques for handling non-stationary data, using power transforms, ACF and PACF plots, and decomposing time series data with multiple seasonal patterns. Later, you’ll work with ML and DL models using TensorFlow and PyTorch.Finally, you’ll learn how to evaluate, compare, optimize models, and more using the recipes covered in the book.
Yuki Hattori, Isabel Drost-Fromm
Git and GitHub are absolutely crucial for DevOps, playing a multifaceted role in streamlining the software development lifecycle and enabling smoother collaboration between development and operations teams.DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub enables you to harness the power of Git and GitHub to streamline workflows, drive collaboration, and fuel innovation. Authored by an expert from GitHub, the book starts by guiding you through Git fundamentals and delving into DevOps and the developer experience. As you progress, you’ll understand how to leverage GitHub's collaboration and automation features, and even use GitHub Copilot for enhanced productivity. You'll also learn how to bridge the DevOps gap, maintain code quality, and implement robust security measures. Additionally, hands-on exercises will equip you to elevate your developer experience, foster teamwork, and drive innovation at the speed of DevOps.By the end of this DevOps book, you’ll have mastered the Git fundamentals, conquered collaboration challenges, and unleashed the power of GitHub as you transform your DevOps workflows.
Professional CSS3. Harness the power of CSS3 to design stunning, modern websites
CSS is the preferred technology to design modern web pages. Although CSS is often perceived as a simple language, applying modern styles to web pages with CSS and maintaining the code for larger websites can be quite tricky.We will take you right from understanding CSS to designing high-quality web pages in CSS3. We'll quickly take you through CSS3's features, and show you how to resolve common issues so you can build your basic framework. Finally, you will learn about code architecture and CSS methodologies used in scalable apps and you'll explore the various new features of CSS3, such as FlexBox, to help you create the most modern layout methodologies. By the end of the book, you will be a master at creating pure CSS web pages and will know sophisticated web design techniques, giving you an edge over other web designers.
Flutter is a UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices from a single code base. With Flutter, you can write your code once and run it anywhere using a single code base to target multiple platforms. This book is a comprehensive, project-based guide for new and emerging Flutter developers that will help empower you to build bulletproof applications.Once you start reading book, you’ll quickly realize what sets Flutter apart from its competition and establish some of the fundamentals of the toolkit. As you work on various project applications, you’ll understand just how easy Flutter is to use for building stunning UIs. This book covers navigation strategies, state management, advanced animation handling, and the two main UI design styles: Material and Cupertino. It’ll help you extend your knowledge with good code practices, UI testing strategies, and CI setup to constantly keep your repository’s quality at the highest level possible.By the end of this book, you'll feel confident in your ability to transfer the lessons from the example projects and build your own Flutter applications for any platform you wish.
Go is an open source programming language designed by Google for handling large-scale projects efficiently. The Go ecosystem comprises some really powerful deep learning tools such as DQN and CUDA. With this book, you'll be able to use these tools to train and deploy scalable deep learning models from scratch. This deep learning book begins by introducing you to a variety of tools and libraries available in Go. It then takes you through building neural networks, including activation functions and the learning algorithms that make neural networks tick. In addition to this, you'll learn how to build advanced architectures such as autoencoders, restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and more. You'll also understand how you can scale model deployments on the AWS cloud infrastructure for training and inference. By the end of this book, you'll have mastered the art of building, training, and deploying deep learning models in Go to solve real-world problems.
Oracle Essbase is a Multi-Dimensional Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) server, providing a rich environment for effectively developing custom analytic and enterprise performance management applications. Oracle Essbase enables business users to quickly model complex business scenarios.This practical cookbook shows you the advanced development techniques when building Essbase Applications and how to take these applications further.Packed with over 90 task-based and immediately reusable recipes, this book starts by showing you how to use a relational data model to build and load an Essbase cube and how to create a data source, prepare the mini schema, and work with the data elements in Essbase Studio. The book then dives into topics such as building the BSO cube, building the ASO cube, using EAS for development, creating Calculation Scripts and using MaxL to automate processes.
Microsoft Lists is an extremely flexible and powerful platform for creating custom data models. Hands-On Microsoft Lists is an easy-to-read guide for those who want to get started with Lists, as well as those who are already familiar with the basic concepts and want to create custom and flexible Lists that are easily available through a web interface.This comprehensive introduction to Lists will show you how to get up to speed in no time with the help of practical guidance and examples. Complete with hands-on tutorials and projects, you’ll understand how to use and implement Microsoft Lists effectively. You’ll start by covering all the basic concepts that will help you to build your Microsoft Lists and get the most out of the platform. As you progress, you’ll explore how to customize Microsoft Lists layouts and forms. Later chapters will guide you through integrating Microsoft Lists with the Power Platform. Throughout the book, you’ll work with practical scenarios that you can use daily to improve the collaboration in your organization.By the end of this Microsoft book, you’ll have learned how to create custom data models to improve the way your data is put together, managed, and consumed in your workplace.
Mastering Drupal 8. An advanced guide to building and maintaining Drupal websites
Drupal is an open source content management system trusted by governments and organizations around the globe to run their websites. It brings with it extensive content authoring tools, reliable performance, and a proven track record of security. The community of more than 1,000,000 developers, designers, editors, and others have developed and maintained a wealth of modules, themes, and other add-ons to help you build a dynamic web experience.Drupal 8 is the latest release of the Drupal built on the Symfony2 framework. This is the largest change to the Drupal project in its history. The entire API of Drupal has been rebuilt using Symfony and everything from the administrative UI to themes to custom module development has been affected.This book will cover everything you need to plan and build a complete website using Drupal 8. It will provide a clear and concise walkthrough of the more than 200 new features and improvements introduced in Drupal core. In this book, you will learn advanced site building techniques, create and modify themes using Twig, create custom modules using the new Drupal API, explore the new REST and Multilingual functionality, import, and export Configuration, and learn how to migrate from earlier versions of Drupal.
Chandra Mohan Dhanasekaran, Manjunath H. Gowda
This HashiCorp Terraform Associate (003) exam guide simplifies technical content relating to the exam and helps you learn using real-world examples. The book is aligned with the latest exam objectives, which enables you to streamline your learning experience instead of referring to multiple sources for preparation. Moreover, the book is designed to serve as a one-stop solution for readers with varied levels of experience in Terraform.You'll learn how to efficiently provision and manage cloud and on-premises infrastructure using Terraform. As you progress, you’ll focus on essential commands, state management techniques, and best practices. Later chapters will show you how to harness the power of Terraform modules for code reusability and scalability. You’ll also gain insights into advanced topics such as debugging, troubleshooting, and leveraging Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise for collaborative infrastructure management. This book provides you with lifetime access to supplementary practice resources such as mock exams, flashcards, and exam tips from experts.By the end of this book, you’ll have the knowledge and skills you need to confidently tackle the Terraform Associate certification exam and excel in your career.