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Under Western Eyes

Joseph Conrad

This novel is considered to be one of Conrads major works and in subject matter is close to The Secret Agent. It is also full of conflict about the historical failures of revolutionary movements and ideals. Razumov is a career-motivated young man, unwillingly trapped in a political situation. As he travel to Geneva (from St. Petersburg), brings hope that he is going to go back to his normal life, while he is getting more involved in politic, by felling in love with the sister of his own victim...Never having experienced any kind of warmth or affection, Razumov reveals the truth to Natalie and suffers the consequences for his betrayal. Writing before the Russian revolution, Conrad tries to elucidate Russia for the western reader. As such, you get some revolutionaries and bureaucrats, and a protagonist caught in between.The strength of the book is what Conrads strength often is, his ability to see into the hearts and minds of characters. In this case he is aiming to see into the psychology of Russia as a country, and hits a few bulls eyes.


The Man in Ratcatcher

H.C. McNeile

The Man in Ratcatcher an exciting collection of short stories. The story about the veterans of the First World War. As well as the story of the redemption, about what little is written about in the history books. A lot of interesting story, but frightening as well.


Mary Ferrera spielt System

Edgar Wallace

Ein elegantes, bezauberndes und sehr attraktives Mädchen Mary Ferrera reist nach Monte Carlo. Sie taucht im Kasino auf und sie sich Miss Hicks nennt, denn sie ist spielsüchtig und möchte inkognito bleiben. Beim Spielen setzt sie immer den Höchstbetrag und sie gewinnt große Beträge. Sie scheint ein festes System zu haben...


Amerikanische Wald- und Strombilder. Band III

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen, die ihn zu einem der meistgelesenen und bekanntesten Autoren Deutschlands machten. Als Sohn eines gefeierten Tenors wurde ihm die Reiselust quasi in die Wiege gelegt. So war er in Amerika unter anderem als Holzfäller, Viehtreiber, Heizer und Koch auf einem Mississippidampfer, Lehrer und vor allem als (Großwild-) Jäger unterwegs. Er durchstreifte Nord- und Südamerika, die Inselwelt des Stillen Ozeans, Australien. In mehreren Kurzgeschichten erzählt Gerstäcker von seinen Aufenthalten in Amerika. Seit dem Krieg mit den Seminolen (1818) hatten sich die Stämme der nordamerikanischen Indianer ziemlich still und ruhig verhalten und die Regierung selbst vermied natürlich Jedes, was wieder zu Reibungen und Streitigkeiten Anlaß geben konnte. Nichts desto weniger und trotz tausend verschiedenen Freundschaftsversicherungen und geschlossenen Bündnissen, drängte sie die armen Kinder der Wildniß immer weiter und weiter von den Gräbern ihrer Väter zurück, und nahm ihnen sogar, wenn ein paar trunkene Häuptlinge vielleicht ihre Zustimmung gegeben, wieder Strecken hinweg, in deren fortwährendem Besitz sie frühere Präsidenten bestätigt hatten.


The Man Who Loved Lions

Ethel Lina White

The Wheel Spins will make you think well. The plot revolves around Iris Carr, which takes the train to the Balkans. She managed to make friends with Miss Froy. Carr falls asleep. After she wakes up, she no longer notices Miss Froy. She starts asking the train passengers about her. However, passengers deny that she ever existed at all.


Three Ghost Stories

Charles Dickens

As a gifted writer with a strong interest in supernatural phenomena, Charles Dickens produced a string of ghost stories with enduring charm. While the three ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge was Charles Dickens most famous apparitions, his interest in the supernatural did not end there. Three Ghost Stories includes three different stories that are true Gothic classics and were sensational for their time and continue to hold up well, thanks to Charles Dickens superb skills at storytelling. In The Haunted House, a new homeowner discovers he is sharing his bed with the skeleton of the houses former master. In The Trial for Murder, a revengeful ghost haunts a juror serving at his killers trial. In The Signal-Man, an apparition warns a man of impending disaster. If you like Dickens and tales of specters and the supernatural, youll love Three Ghost Stories.


Swatty. A Story of Real Boys

Ellis Parker Butler

First published in 1920, Swatty: A Story of Real Boy is another breathtaking tale from American author Ellis Parker Butler (December 5, 1869 September 13, 1937). Butler, the author of more than 30 books and more than 2,000 stories and essays, is most famous for his short story Pigs is Pigs in which a bureaucratic stationmaster insists on levying the livestock rate for a shipment of two pet guinea pigs that soon start proliferating geometrically. His writing spanned more than forty years and his stories, poems and articles were published in more than 225 magazines. Swatty: A Story of Real Boy is a challenging read. A good over view of life, recommended highly!



Jules Verne

Un comédien errant est prt montrer tous ceux qui ont soif un spectacle sans égal dans le monde. Il tient parole tous les spectateurs écarquillent instantanément leurs yeux et ouvrent la bouche. Mais le marionnettiste va trop loin, avec un sourire déclarant un secret qui ne sera révélé personne. La curiosité de la foule se transforme en une frénésie...


Uroda życia

Stefan Żeromski

Powieść Uroda życia opisuje losy Piotra Rozłuckiego, syna Jana, powstańca, wspomnianego w utworze Echa leśne. Piotr Rozłucki jest oficerem armii rosyjskiej. Został wychowany przez stryja generała w duchu wierności wobec caratu i Rosji. Kiedy dowiaduje się o tragicznym losie swojego ojca powstańca, zabitego przez Rosjan, jego nastawienie się zmienia. Utwierdza się co do słuszności swego postępowania, gdy widzi mogiłę ojca. Postanawia wówczas powrócić do swoich polskich korzeni. Na przeszkodzie stoi jednak miłość do pięknej Rosjanki Tatiany. Piotr musi dokonać wyboru...


Tales of the West

Robert E. Howard

Five incredible stories of the wild west, from the supremely creative mind of Robert E. Howard: "Golden Hope Christmas, Riders of the Sunset, Boot-Hill Payoff, Vultures Sanctuary, The Vultures of Wahpeton. The serious, hardcore western stories in this collection fit the writing style of Howard like a glove. Like his horror stories, historical fiction, straight adventure like El Borak does. The stories collected here show a West stripped down to essentials, where internalized codes of personal honor, loyalty, and courage matter more than laws, progress, or civilization. These stories also follow Howards trend towards writing more western and historical stories and fewer sword and sorcery stories as time went on. Highly recommended for long-time fans and first-time readers alike!


The Dorrington Deed Box

Arthur Morrison

English writer Morrison chronicles the exploits of Horace Dorrington, a raconteur and scoundrel who hails from a very different social strata than the typical Victorian detective. Mr. Dorrington himself is a marvelous creation, charming and with no moral scruples whatsoever, clever, and entirely devoted to achieving as great a profit for himself as possible if this involves doing some honest detection, that is fine if it involved extorting the criminal instead of turning him over to the police, no problem, if it involves having the client murdered well, some things cant be helped. There are six short stories in this collection which begins with The Narrative of Mr. James Rigby. Definitely fun and recommended for readers who want to explore the darker side of Victorian detective stories.


Mizantrop. Komedia w 5 aktach


Komedia Moliera oparta zarówno na wątkach obyczajowych, jak i na cechach charakterologicznych bohaterów. Mizantropia głównego bohatera Alcesta rodzi się z postawy bezwzględnej szczerości wobec ludzi, bez liczenia się z ich uczuciami i zabiegania o ich względy. Alcest bez wahania głosi krytykę osób ze swojego otoczenia, co oczywiście rodzi stosowne reakcje. Czy Alcest wytrwa mimo wszystko w przekonaniu o słuszności swojej postawy?


Plus fort que Sherlock Holmes

Mark Twain

Ceci est un roman de Mark Twain, dans lequel Sherlock Holmes se trouve dans lOuest américain. Le personnage principal a été insulté, humilié et abandonné par son fiancé Jacob Fuller lors de la naissance de s? enfant. Lenfant était né et sappelait Archie Stillman. La mere a insisté pour que lenfant âgé de 16 ans se rende a la recherche de son pere et détruise son commerce. Ce nest rien de bon a finir et Sherlock Holmes devrait intervenir ici.


Om. The Secret of Ahbor Valley

Talbot Mundy

An expedition in the 1920s is looking for a lost tribe in India, sacred Lamu and jade, which has magical properties. Very interesting fairy-tale story, so rich in details, that comes a sense of presence in India a hundred years ago.


The Star Rover

Jack London

Sentenced to execution a prisoner of solitary confinement travels in time, according to his past incarnations on Earth. From the primeval world to the nearest history. And we participate with him in certain events, experience ups and downs, love earthly and unearthly love, enjoy and experience humiliation, approaching the One Man whom the author tried to introduce to us.


Father Sergius

Leo Tolstoy

The story Father Sergius is one of Tolstoys most deeply personal works. This is a story about leaving. This is her main topic, and all the more curious, that its meaning did not develop immediately, with the accumulation of some own spiritual experience, which he was in no hurry to put on paper, and even more so to publish.


The Human Drift

Jack London

Human Drift is a collection of essays and short sketches by Jack London, including a number of plays and his introduction to Richard Henry Danas Two Years Before the Mast. The title essay Human Drift explores the spread of humanity on continents throughout history, as well as the predicted results and the possible end of this drift. John Griffith London, known as Jack London, was an American journalist, public figure and writer.


Martin Paz

Jules Verne

Lima, au Pérou, lentrepreneur juif Samuel a promis dépouser sa fille Sarah avec un riche métis Andrea Serta. Cependant, Sarah est amoureuse de Indian Paz. Apres une bagarre au couteau dans la maison de Samuel, au cours de laquelle Serta a été blessé, Martin Paz saute dans la riviere turbulente. Tout le monde décide quil est mort, mais il est sauvé par lEspagnol Marquis Don Vegal.


The Third Round

H.C. McNeile

Professor Goodman gets tragically in avaraet and dies. So many thought, except for Captain Hugh Bulldog Drummond. He suspects that something is wrong. It turns out, his latest discovery a miraculous new formula for manufacturing flawless diamonds at negligible cost. His suspicions are even more awakened when he notices a member of the Metropolitan Diamond Syndicate during the investigation. Subsequently, the detective unravels an ominous conspiracy and begins the race for the real killer.


Swords of Shahrazar

Robert E. Howard

Kirby ODonnell is a Howard hero less familiar to most readers. Howard only wrote three stories about ODonnells exploits, of which only two actually saw print during his lifetime -- The Treasures of Tartary and Swords of Shahrazar -- neither in Weird Tales.


The Undying Fire. A Contemporary Novel

Herbert George Wells

Dedicated to all schoolmasters and schoolmistresses and every teacher in the world, this re-interpretation of the Book of Job is one of the authors finest discussion novels. Written in 1918, this is the story of Job Huss, the headmaster of a progressive school. It is saturated with the ideas of educational reform and of the teaching of world history as the basis for a common civilization and is one of his most ambitious dialogue narratives. Essentially it is a modernized parody of the book of Job, a prose poem which Wells greatly admired, though not particularly religious, as can be seen from his logical Science Fiction writing. In The Undying Fire, Wells give us an updated Book of Job, focusing on the tribulations of an actual descendant of the biblical Job. The various characters from the Biblical narrative are all there, in updated form.



H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard combines romance and travel in his story. This is a story about how Allan Quatermain met his first wife, Marie. Two dangerous criminals are trying to kill the main character and take away his wife. This story captures the reader from the first pages, because first we see the greatest battle. However, in the end, readers will witness the emotional ending of this story.


Дым (Dym)

Иван Сергеевич Тургенев, Iwan Siergiejewicz Turgieniew

«Все великое земное разлетается, как дым... Но добрые дела не разлетаются дымом, они долговечнее самой сияющей красоты...» В романе русского классика Ивана Тургенева «Дым» раскрывается тема трагедии русского интеллигента, честного, умного, одаренного, но вечно мятущегося, не способного ни жить в мире с собой, ни отдаться любви, ни быть полезным обществу.


The Terrible Twins

Edgar Jepson

The twins are living in relatively straightened circumstances, as their father has died, and get up to all kinds of mischief, while being governed by their own set of values. The children, however, have little dread of poverty, for when ever they desire a luxury, such as a bicycle, or a fur stole for their mothers Christmas present, they devise some means to raise the necessary funds, and they stop at nothing from inducing a rich great-aunt to endow a home for cats to poaching for pheasants, and no matter what they do they always come out victorious, even when it comes to making or marring marriages. The Terrible Twins is written in a bright and amusing style and the author has indeed drawn upon a vivid imagination to think of all the scrapes and escapades in which the terrible twins are involved.