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Nada the Lily

H. Rider Haggard

Nada the Lily is a historical novel. It tells about the origins of Umslopogaas, the illegitimate son of the Zulu king in the 19th century. Parts of the story are inspired by the real historical events and fairy tales that Haggard heard during his time in South Africa. Haggard portrays the Zulus as real peoplepeople with hopes and dreams, as well as flaws.

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Athabasca Bill. A Tale of the Far West

Bessie Marchant

In Alberta, Canada, young Freds family awaits the return of their father who is looking for a site for a new home for them. But just as he return, bloodhounds seeking the thief who stole a box containing hundreds of dollars trace the scent to Freds father. Fred sets out to find Athabasca Bill who may have information that will prove that his father is innocent. Elizabeth Marchant (18621941) was a prolific English writer who wrote in the style of the Victorian adventure novel. She was born in Petham in Kent and preferred to be known as Bessie. In many of her novels the lead characters in her books were very often female, although she did write books with male heroes. Athabasca Bill: A Tale of the Far West is a must-read for anyone in need for a dose of entertaining, worthwhile writing.

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Dr. Night

Aidan de Brune

Originally published in 1926, Dr. Night is the first story from the Dr. Night trilogy by Aidan De Brune, (1874-1946). Aidan de Brune was a big name in Australian literature but is forgotten today. He was a prolific author who wrote in a variety of genres. This story is basically rather gaudy crime yarns, which steadily veers into fantasy by the end and features a very unlikely Asian villain who is as different from Fu Manchu as you can imagine: a small, colorless man of uncertain central Asian origin whose principal obsession is raising money by any means possible to recreate a long-dead central Asian kingdom of which his distant ancestors were kings. Most of the stories from the trilogy take place in and around Sydney, although the earliest known is set in Perth Western Australia and one of the novelettes in north Queenslan.

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Sonata Belzebuba, czyli Prawdziwe zdarzenie w Mordowarze. Sztuka w 3 aktach

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz

Dramat Sonata Belzebuba, czyli prawdziwe zdarzenie w Mordowarze stanowi Witkacowską wersję mitu faustowskiego. Autor szuka w nim odpowiedzi na pytania o rolę sztuki i artysty w skazanym na zagładę świecie. Podejmuje temat niezależności artysty i jego wywyższenia ponad społeczeństwo. Sztuka jawi się jako ostatnia szansa ocalenia ludzkiej indywidualności.

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On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

Charles Darwin

Everyone has opinions about evolution, but how many people have actually read Charles Darwin? If you havent done so yet, youre missing out on what is surely one of the greatest books ever written. Written for the general public of the 1850s, it is a rigorously documented but highly readable account of the scientific theory that now lies at the root of our present attitude to the universe. Darwins book contains a wealth of evidence that the diversity of life arose through a branching pattern of evolution and common descent. Challenging notions such as the fixity of species with the idea of natural selection, and setting forth the results of pioneering work on the ecology of animals and plants, it made a lasting contribution to philosophical and scientific thought. Such an important foundational book that changed the course of the world and laid foundation to many new branches of science.

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Sezonowa miłość

Gabriela Zapolska

Co się stanie, gdy znudzona życiem, nieco zblazowana żona urzędnika uda się dla kuracji do Zakopanego i spotka tam młodego, przystojnego aktora? Czy tak właśnie zaczyna się sezonowa miłość? Historia romansu na tle polskich Tatr dziś również zadziwia celnością obserwacji zachowań ludzkich i znajomością charakterów, które Zapolska mistrzowsko wykorzystuje w powieści.

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The Mayor on Horseback

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The young handsome Mayor of Mechester, Daniel Poynton is the owner of a very successful shoe manufacturer, the major employer in the city and the mayor will soon be a Lord Mayor. Never before interested in women, or even in social affairs, he is stricken by the beauty of The Lady Ursula Manningham and falls in love. As the novel develops, Poyntons factory is threatened by foreign manufacturers who want to establish a cooperative monopoly with him. At the same time, Poyntons relationship with Violet Grey, who is a competent secretary, continues to develop and becomes more important to his business and social life. Meanwhile his infatuation with Lady Ursula progresses to the point of asking her to marry... The book shows interesting color on the interaction between socialist workers unions and managements enlightened response to worker unrest.

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Sawtooth Ranch

B.M. Bower

B. M. Bower (a woman who actually lived in early 20th century Montana when this story was written) has a good sense of humor and touches on some of the big issues of the West such as water rights and land ownership and development. Her intrepid heroine starts out as a girl actor in the silly Westerns of early Hollywood and then switches to a remote ranch for the real cowgirl experience. Many of Bowers books were adapted for the big screen, and her characters and landscape descriptions have been indelibly stamped on the conventions of classic Western films. Whether youre a first-time reader or a long-time fan, Sawtooth Ranch will surely please fans of classic Westerns.

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Tregarthens Wife. A Cornish Story

Fred M. White

Another fantastic story from Fred M. White. The island of Tregarthen is a long green succulent piece from the mainland, about eight miles long and five wide. It is protected from the east and north by granite walls, rising a thousand feet up and dark, and its music is the Atlantic thunder and the cry of countless sea birds. Where is it? What matters it? Not so many leagues from Tintagel, for they tell tales of King Arthur, and there is a deep apple orchard in the heart of the island where Lancelot slew the dragon whose teeth were flaming swords.

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Island Nights Entertainments

Robert Louis Stevenson

The famous novel by Robert Louis Stevenson tells about the exciting and dangerous adventures of young Jim and his older comrades who set off in search of a pirate treasure. Jim had to face such serious tests that an adult could not stand. But the courage, nobility, honesty and kindness of this wonderful boy helped him cope with all the difficulties!

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The Crimson Circle

Edgar Wallace

The mysterious Crimson Circle is a high-level protection society: pay them, or you die. Every wealthy man goes in fear of them if hes smart, and dies if he isnt. This is a criminal genius who recruits people in trouble, rescues them with help or cash, and puts them to work on robbery, blackmail and murder. At least one man is dead after refusing to pay L100,000. Will there be more bodies? The Circle has many minions, including the mysterious and beautiful Thalia Drummond, and many wealthy and high-powered potential victims. Derrick Yale and Inspector Parr track down the criminals in a race against time in this classic British detective thriller by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace.

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The Idiot

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Into a compellingly real portrait of nineteenth-century Russian society, Dostoevsky introduces his ideal hero, the saintly Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin. Returning to St. Petersburg from a Swiss sanatorium, the gentle and nave epileptic Myshkin, the last, poverty-stricken member of a once great family and regarded by many as an idiot, pays a visit to his distant relative General Yepanchin and proceeds to charm the General and his family. Here he sees a picture of Nastasya Fillipovna and falls in love with her. Things get complicated when he proposes her and she rejects him for a man of dubious character called Rogozhin. Myshkin finds love in Aglaya but all hell loose breaks when once again Nastasya decides that she is still in love with the Prince. Utterly infatuated, he soon finds himself caught up in a love triangle and drawn into a web of blackmail, betrayal, and finally, murder. In Prince Myshkin, the author portrays the purity of a truly beautiful soul and explores the perils that innocence and goodness face in a corrupt world. A tragicomic masterpiece.

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Poezje. Wybór

Tadeusz Gajcy

Tom zawiera wybór poezji Tadeusza Gajcego, polskiego poety czasu wojny i żołnierza Armii Krajowej. W wierszach, które powstawały przed drugą wojną światową, widoczne jest pragnienie filozoficznego zrozumienia świata, losu i życia człowieka. Przeważa ton refleksyjny, pesymistyczny i momentami buntowniczy, lecz pojawiają się także pozytywne akcenty. W poezji z czasu wojny Gajcy podejmuje problemy ponadczasowe: dojrzewania, poszukiwania wartości, budowania fundamentów dla dorosłego życia. To, co wyróżnia wojenną poezję Gajcego na tle innych poetów tamtego okresu, to przede wszystkim odmienny, niepowtarzalny styl pisania o brutalnej rzeczywistości. Okrucieństwa okupacji ukazuje poeta w postaci apokaliptycznych wizji, które nie odbierają nic z ich okropności, a za to nie nużą dosłownością opisu.

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An American Angler in Australia

Zane Grey

Australia recalls the images of the Great Barrier Reef, large white sharks, huge crocodiles and friendly people. Zane Gray was fishing and fishing everywhere, but he was often delighted with the Pacific Ocean, especially around Australia and New Zealand. Most of the fish caught by American fishermen in Australia are sharks (large white, tiger, even a few slopes!).

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Poezja polskiego oświecenia

Praca zbiorowa

Niekwestionowanym mistrzem polskiej poezji oświeceniowej był Ignacy Krasicki, w którego satyrach jak w krzywym zwierciadle odbijał się świat ludzi i obyczajów. Gorzkie prawdy ujmował on w lekkie, sarkastyczne formy, które potęgowały prześmiewczy wydźwięk i jeszcze bardziej skłaniały do refleksji. Obok Krasickiego na uwagę zasługuje także sentymentalna twórczość Franciszka Karpińskiego oraz skandalizujące utwory Tomasza Kajetana Węgierskiego.

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Juliusz Słowacki

Dramat opowiada o synu zdrajcy hetmana Szymona, Szczęsnym Kossakowskim, który zostaje wplątany w dworskie intrygi, będące częścią planów ojca i powstańców kościuszkowskich. Klasyka godna polecenia.

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Rouletabille w zakładach Kruppa

Gaston Leroux

Powieść kryminalno-sensacyjna opisujące kolejną z przygód sympatycznego reportera-detektywa Józefa Rouletabilla. Przed bohaterem kolejne zadania i kolejne zagadki. Tym razem musi dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby odkryć tajemnicę w zakładach Kruppa.

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Król Edyp


Król Edyp to jedna z niewielu zachowanych tragedii Sofoklesa. Została napisana ok. 427 r. p.n.e. Inspiracją do jej powstania był mit tebański, którego tematem są tragiczne dzieje rodu Labdakidów. Tytułowy bohater to człowiek, który chce żyć spokojnie i w zgodzie ze światem. Ciąży jednak nad nim klątwa, od której nie da się uwolnić. Kazirodztwo i ojcobójstwo są niewybaczalnymi przewinieniami. Piętno pozostaje także na dzieciach (rodzeństwie) Edypa. Tragedia przedstawia bezsilność wobec nieodgadnionych praw losu.

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Der schwarze Mustang

Karl May

Comanchen, unter der Führung des Häuptlings Tokvi-Kava Schwarzer Mustang -, befinden sich auf Kriegspfad gegen ein Eisenbahnercamp. Der Schwarze Mustang ist ein grausamer Feind der Weissen. Sein Ziel ist es, die Bauniederlassung der Eisenbahner in der Nacht zu überfallen und sich dabei die 60 Chinesenzöpfe zusätzlich zu den Skalps der weissen Eisenbahner zu holen. Old Shatterhand, gemeinsam mit Winnetou, sehen sich gezwungen hier einzugreifen. Doch es gibt einen Verräter im Camp. Zu allem Übel werden auch noch ihre legendären Waffen, Henrystutzen und Silberbüchse, gestohlen. Spannungsgeladenes und ereignisreiches Wild-West-Abenteuer von Karl May.

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Serce kobiety. Opowiadania

Jack London

Wzruszająca historia o miłości i poświęceniu. Pokazuje wrażliwość, siłę i złożoność przewrotnego, kobiecego charakteru. Uniwersalna opowieść o woli życia i determinacji przetrwania. Zapraszamy do lektury...

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Norines Revenge, and Sir Noels Heir

May Agnes Fleming

Mr. Richard Gilbert, a New York lawyer, entering five minutes before the start, found only one place unoccupied near the door. The old hard farmer held the upper half and moved grumpily to the window when Mr. Gilbert took his seat. The month was March, the morning was snowy and blowing, slushy and slushy, as usual in the Canadian March morning. Mr. Gilbert, inwardly congratulating himself on having gotten a seat by the stove, opened the damp Montreal True Witness and settled down comfortably to read.

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Illustrated Edition

Arthur Conan Doyle

Illustrated edition with original illustrations by Sidney Edward Paget, a famous British illustrator, best known for his illustrations that accompanied Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories in The Strand magazine. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. All of the stories are told in a first-person narrative from the point of view of Dr. John H. Watson, Holmes friend, assistant and sometime flatmate.

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Muszę wypocząć. Obrazek sceniczny

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Henryk Sienkiewicz to nie tylko autor niezapomnianych powieści i nowel, lecz także twórca sztuk scenicznych. Laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla był także świetnym dramaturgiem. Sztuka Muszę wypocząć ukazała się w noworocznym numerze Kuriera Codziennego w 1897 r. Zadedykowana została Bolesławowi Prusowi. Autor przedstawia w niej w zwartej i dowcipnej formie dzień sławnego literata, który postanowił w końcu się zrelaksować. Wiąże się to z tym, że przestał na kilka dni pisać, przygotowywać się do odczytów i nie dosypiać po nocach, by wywiązać się z rozmaitych zobowiązań wobec redakcji. Przestał również czytać listy od swych wielbicieli, którzy zwracają się doń z najdziwniejszymi sprawami: Czy pan łatwiej pracujesz po wołowinie, czy po baraninie lub po kotletach wieprzowych? Po jakim mięsie tworzysz pan łatwiej charaktery, a po jakim krajobrazy? .

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From the Earth to the Moon

Jules Verne

During the years of the American Civil War, the Cannon Club was founded in Baltimore, the participants of which were engaged in the invention and production of more and more powerful and modern artillery. However, when peacetime came, new guns ceased to be needed, and then chairman Impi Barbiken proposed an unprecedentedly large-scale and ambitious project to build such a gun that its shell could reach the moon itself.