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Madejowe łoże

Walery Przyborowski

Legenda o zbóju Madeju, od którego imienia powstało madejowe łoże tortur, w fabularyzowanej historii z XI wieku. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w okresie bezkrólewia, panującego po śmierci Mieszka II.


The Tomb of Tsin

Edgar Wallace

Inspector Tillizinni is back, this time involved in the quest to locate an ancient tomb of the Great Emperor the first Emperor of the Chinese, who died two centuries before the birth of Christ and its world-changing secret. The Society of Joyful Intention the most bloodthirsty organization the world has known. It concerns Tillizinni also, for Scotland Yard placed him on his mettle, set him a challenging task, which threatened at one time to bring ruin to the greatest detective in Europe. The story just moves from one scene to another with a very tenuous narrative thread keeping the reader turning the pages. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


The Phoenix on the Sword

Robert E. Howard

Over shadowy spires and gleaming towers lay the ghostly darkness and silence that runs before dawn. Into a dim alley, one of a veritable labyrinth of mysterious winding ways, four masked figures came hurriedly from a door which a dusky hand furtively opened. They spoke not but went swiftly into the gloom, cloaks wrapped closely about them; as silently as the ghosts of murdered men they disappeared in the darkness.


Olga Romanoff

George Griffiths

The daughter of the Romanoff is trying to get on the right path. She wants to restore what her parents destroyed during the Second World War. We manage to learn about the miracles of science and the arts. However, the world is still on the verge of disaster.


Scepter und Hammer

Karl May

Den Inhalt nachzuerzählen ist fast unmöglich, da sich eine verwirrende Fülle von Neben- und Randhandlungen sowie nach und nach entdeckten Vorgeschichten und Rückblenden auftut. Jedoch der Roman erzählt auf mehreren Handlungsebenenn die spannend-abenteuerliche Geschichte um Max Brandauer, den Sohn des königlichen Hofschmieds von Norland, und seinen Freund Arthur von Sternburg, den Gegenspieler des tollen Prinzen von Süderland, sowie auf einer anderen Zeitebene die Geschichte von Katombo, dem ehemaligen Geliebten der geheimnisvollen Zigeunerin Zarba, dessen Flucht vor dem intriganten und mächtigen Herzog von Raumburg ihn bis an die Ufer des Nils führt, wo er als Schwarzer Kapitän ein phantastisches Schicksal als Seeräuber erlebt. Scepter und Hammer ist ein Abenteueroman, der alle typischen Mittel der Kolportage wie familiäre Verstrickungen, Verschwörungen, Geheimbünde und das Motiv der Verfolgung rund um die Erde in einem spannungsreichen Bilderbogen zur Anwendung bringt.


The Glorious Pool

Thorne Smith

Perhaps the best example of Thorne Smiths acutely sharp social humor played out against a backdrop of the Prohibition. 60 year old Rex Pebble inadvertently discovers that the fountain of youth happens to be in his back yard swimming pool. A magical statue of a nymph by the name of Baggage, an ornamental pool decoration, has playfully endowed the Pebble swimming pool with the power to reverse the aging process. From there Rex, his wife and his mistress of twenty years, Spray Summers have one exciting, completely hysterical adventure after another. Wild hook-and-ladder rides, police chases, flowing cocktails and different levels of undress will keep the reader thoroughly entertained. Thorne Smith brings to life the possibility of the fountain of youth. The Glorious Pool, published in 1935 after Thorne Smiths death was completed by his wife, Celia.


Glinda of Oz

L. Frank Baum

As this last Oz story from L. Frank Baum opens, Dorothy Gale and Ozma have been dispatched by Glinda on a peacekeeping mission. Dorothy and Ozma discover that a war is brewing in a distant and unexplored part of Oz, between two mysterious races, the Flatheads and the Skeezers, both of whom have come under the power of cruel dictators. They have never heard of either of these people but they worry that people might be harmed in a war. The girls set out to try to prevent the fighting, not knowing what dangers await them. This begins a quick but grand adventure for the two friends, which will eventually involve all of her other friends, and quite an assortment of strange but wonderful beings they are; the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion, but also Tik Tok, Jack Pumpkinhead, and so many others. A rousing tale of suspense, magic, and adventure, Glinda of Oz is the fourteenth and final Oz book and its a grand conclusion to Baums chronicles of Americas favorite fairyland.


Uncle Bernac. A Memory of the Empire

Arthur Conan Doyle

This was one of several fictional historical works that Doyle wrote during the last five years of the 19th century, as he tried to find something to replace Sherlock Holmes. First published in 1897, this murder mystery relates the story of a young Frenchman, Louis, who, having grown up in England, returns to France at the false invitation of his Uncle Bernac. Louis quickly finds himself in personal danger as well as involved in a conspiracy against Napoleon. Were soon the realm of high adventure with mysterious meetings in desolate places, but once our hero finally met the Emperor, a vast chunk of the novel was given over to a most vivid portrait of the Napoleonic court with walk on appearances by Talleyrand, Josephine and many others.


A Virginia Scout

Hugh Pendexter

Hugh Pendexter was an American author who also wrote under the pseudonyms H. P. and Faunce Rochester. The main character is hiding from a man who does not give him peace of mind. He came to one of the many wildlife homes. He had utilised this unique Shelter more than once when breaking his journey at the junction of the Monongahela and the Cheat.


The Shadow Out of Time

H.P. Lovecraft

A novel told in first person by a human abducted mind,describing the world of the ancient alien strange civilization,a world of amazing colossal partial underground costructions that persisted buried for eons. The Shadow Out of Time is the story of Professor of Economics Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee who faints one day in the middle of a lecture and regains consciousness five years later only to find that heor some entity inhabiting his bodyhas been pursuing eccentric researches in the obscure libraries and remote places of the world. The Nathaniel of those five years acted strange, knew foreign and dead languages, travelled to weirdest places, researched the strangest things and talked to various cult leaders. Eventually his journey ends in the outback of Australia, amid cavernous ruins and terrifying revelations.


The Framing of Inspector Denvers

Aidan de Brune

Cain, Sydneys most daring thief, has defeated Inspector Denvers; but can he defeat the only man to escape from Sing-Sings death row? The Framing of Inspector Denvers is a story packed with great adventure and the author Aidan de Brune keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did, and it highlights de Brunes unmatched skill in setting a pulse-pounding pace. Aidan de Brune was a big name in Australian literature but is forgotten today. He was a prolific author who wrote in a variety of genres. His writing would inevitably have found a home in pulp books and magazines if Australia had any such thing in the 20s and 30s.


The Virgin of the Sun

H. Rider Haggard

Haggard explores love, friendship, and women during an adventure across the Atlantic and South America. In The Virgin of the Sun, the author also explores the Inca myth associated with the rise of one of Americas greatest pre-Columbian leaders, Pachacuti. After several small adventures and misfortunes, our hero, Hubert, meets and befriends a strange man from a strange land. This story is filled with murder, intrigue, adventure and betrayal. It will definitely be remembered by readers for a long time.


Sonety krymskie. Sonety odeskie

Adam Mickiewicz

Zbiór zawierający dwa największe i najpopularniejsze cykle sonetów autorstwa Adama Mickiewicza Sonety krymskie oraz Sonety odeskie. Cykl Sonety krymskie składa się z 18 utworów pisanych w latach 18251826. Stanowią one opis podróży poety na Półwysep Krymski latem i jesienią 1825 r. Utwory te, oparte na sonetach w stylu włoskim i nawiązujące do poematu opisowego, zapoczątkowały sonetomanię wśród pisarzy okresu romantyzmu i Młodej Polski, którzy naśladowali Mickiewicza i nawiązywali do jego dzieła. Cykl 22 utworów określanych zwykle mianem Sonetów odeskich powstał prawdopodobnie w Odessie i Moskwie, także w latach 18251826. Sonety te są zróżnicowane pod względem treści. W pierwszych dziesięciu wierszach podmiot liryczny opisuje miłość idealną, w następnych zaś odważnie wypowiada się na temat miłości i erotyzmu.


The Face in the Night

Edgar Wallace

The Face in the Night was written in the year 1924 by Edgar Wallace. Leaving her chicken farm and moving to London to seek her sister, Audrey Bedford is caught passing the Queen of Finlands stolen necklace, and allows herself to be sent to prison for a year rather than implicate her guilty sibling. Once released, she takes a position as scribe to the mysterious Mr. Malpas, who lurks in his electrically-automated apartment and only allows himself to be seen from across a darkened room. When Malpas neighbor, the Australian Mr. Marshalt is murdered in the lair, Audrey is enmeshed in a tangle of lost diamonds, a long-burning feud, the fate of her father, and the affections of Captain Dick Shannon, Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard.



Maria Rodziewiczówna

Niezwykła opowieść o walce o zachowanie polskości i wiary w zaborze rosyjskim. Dwaj bracia Barcikowscy stają wobec opresyjnego systemu. Wacław zostaje wysłany przez matkę i babkę na nauki do gimnazjum w Petersburgu. Po zakończeniu edukacji pnie się po szczeblach urzędniczej kariery, z piękną jak madonna z ikony Rosjanką u boku. Tymczasem drugi z braci, Filip nie tak zdolny, może też i nie tak bardzo kochany zostaje na gospodarstwie. Ale to on nie skala nazwiska, nie zaprzepaści wiary. Osiągnie prawdziwe szczęście, spokój duszy, miłość dzieci i żony oraz szacunek sąsiadów. I w ostatecznym rozrachunku, to on będzie zwycięzcą.


The Marne. A Tale of the War

Edith Wharton

American writer Edith Wharton is known for her novels of manners set in old New York; yet much of her adult life was spent in France. She lived in Paris throughout World War I and was heavily involved in refugee work. She was a hugely successful writer and the first woman ever to win the Pulitzer Prize for her novel The Age of Innocence. In this 1918 novella, we are introduced to the story of 15-year-old Troy Belknap who is from a wealthy family in New York but yearns to serve in the area of France along the Marne River where critical World War I battles took place, known as The Marne. Wharton takes the reader on a dizzying journey down the line between Troys rose-colored, heroic ambitions, the grim realities of the war, and the often hollow and ugly attitudes of Americans at home.


A Chicago Princess

Robert Barr

The Chicago Princess is a historical novel with a romantic line, written by Robert Barr. Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs in 1892. A novel The Chicago Princess first published in 1904. After working several years in foreign affairs, and after winning and then losing a fortune, Rupert Tremorne is stranded in Nagasaki, at the end of his wits and in some debt. His only chance is to take the post as private secretary to the Millionaire Mr. Hemster, and to sail on with him on his yacht. Sailing around Asia is big adventure for anyone, but it is a special one for Tremorne, because besides Mr. Hemster and his staff, there are the beautiful Miss Gertrude Hemster and her companion Hilda Stretton on board. And suddenly, Tremorne has his hands full with those two ladies.


The Broken Trail

Harold Bindloss

Construction master Cassidy was popular with the people around him. Although he was a strict employer, everyone was pleased with his work. He did a lot of difficult railway work in western Canada. But how will his character affect his reputation and performance?



Jacob Abbott

The story mainly concerns the invasion of Xerxes in Greece and the burning of Athens, which was the main event in his career. The author emphasized how the war destroyed the population and productivity of the lands through which Xerxes had led his army, and also how it affected the prosperity of his own Median country. Most of the book is devoted to the campaign on the war. A brief history that contains many events.


Moon-Face and Other Stories

Jack London

An amazing story about human hatred, an obsession with revenge. The action takes place in a circus, a young man, a fearless lion tamer, sticking his head in the jaws of the lions laid eyes on the wife of the juggler and sword-swallower. The heroes of the stories of London are simple, courageous people, ready to fight difficulties, boldly looking into the eyes of danger. All of them are united by a thirst for action, a desire to take an active part in current events.


The Canon in Residence

Victor L. Whitechurch

The Reverend John Smith is an ordinary cleric who learns during his vacation that he was promoted to canon at the residence of Frattenbury Cathedral. During his stay at the hotel he meets an Englishman who tells him that the clergy is too divorced from reality. This is an interesting mystery involving a clergyman who defends his faith and moral values in solving a crime.


Edith Percival. A Novel

May Agnes Fleming

The day was very hot. The crew lay in groups, idly, near the deck. The captain a stately man of about forty or so stepped up and down a quarter of the deck now letting his eyes wander around his people or give them some order. His companion was young, three to four years younger than him, with a frank beautiful face and laughing brown eyes. His look of careless ease was very different from the proud stock of his companion, but some secret connection of sympathy bound the two together.


Ethan Frome

Edith Wharton

In the early years of the 20th century, life on a farm in Massachusetts is not easy. The New England winters are hard; snow and ice cover the fields for months, and the nights are long and cold. For a poor farmer like Ethan Frome, life has few bright moments. He works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. But when Zeenas young and beautiful cousin Mattie Silver enters their household as a hired girl, Ethan finds himself obsessed with her and with the possibilities for happiness she comes to represent. Edith Whartons Ethan Frome is a classic of American Literature, with compelling characters trapped in circumstances from which they seem unable to escape.


Tik-Tok of Oz

L. Frank Baum

Lyman Frank Baum penned fourteen novels in his famous Oz chronology. For the second time a little girl from the United States comes to Oz. The story begins in a faraway corner of Oz, in the small country of Oogaboo. There, Queen Ann Soforth musters an unlikely army and sets off to conquer the rest of Oz. Meanwhile, a girl Betsy Bobbin from Oklahoma and her companion, Hank the mule, are shipwrecked in the Nonestic Ocean. The two drift to shore in the Rose Kingdom, a magical land of talking roses, on a fragment of wreckage. There they meet the Shaggy Man, who is on a quest to rescue his brother from the clutches of the evil Nome King. Betsy, Hank, and the Rose Princess join the Shaggy Man on his journey, and before long they meet up with Polychrome, the Rainbows Daughter; Tik-Tok; and Queen Ann with her army. Join Tik-Tok and friends on an exciting, imaginative journey through the thrilling world of Oz, complete with hairbreadth escapes, wild puns, and mystifying magic. An enduring favorite!