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Nick Carter. Najsławniejszy detektyw Ameryki. Tom 2. Salon gry w Bowery


Czym Nick Carter zasłużył na tytuł najsławniejszego detektywa Ameryki? Prowadzący podwójne życie prywatny detektyw z niezrównanym zapałem tropi niebezpiecznych przestępców, aby oczyścić Amerykę z plugastwa i zbrodni, czym zaskarbia sobie wdzięczność społeczeństwa. Postać Nicka Cartera rzeczywiście osiągnęła wielką sławę, pojawiając się w filmach na całym świecie, radiu i komiksach.

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The Mysterious Rider

Zane Grey

Readers with a taste for classic Westerns will appreciate this storys spirited, well-drawn characters and its evocative descriptions of the frontiers natural beauty. Hell-Bent Wade arrives at a Colorado homestead where a young woman is being pressured into matrimony. The plot centers around this young woman, an orphan named Columbine, who is entrapped by her allegiances into considering marriage to the drunkard son of her adopted father. Columbine is torn between her feelings of duty and affection for the old man, who raised her as his own child, and her blossoming love for a young ranch hand, Wilson Moore. Columbines dilemma seems impossible to resolve until tragedy, fate, and the mysterious rider intervene.

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Jimgrim and Allahs Peace

Talbot Mundy

El Qudz so the Arabs call Jerusalem, somewhere elsewhere called Shalabi Cabir. This is a very beautiful city located on the hill. El Quds is translated as the City of Peace, and this is what it is for millions of people. Many religions, many races, many disguised politicians disguised as plans to save human souls from hell and fill the wallet of some people.

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History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt

Jacob Abbott

This is not just a story, but a biography of Cleopatra, an evil woman who studies the effect of poison on her prisoners, and the lover of the art of seduction.Wars and conflicts are highlighted, making an intriguing story. Cleopatra should be included in the list of the most sinister people in the world. Because of it, two nations could be destroyed. All these events are described in detail in the book.

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Blitzkrieg in the Past

David Wright OBrien

After a short, dumpy bald-headed guy in civvies installs an invention a time transfer device in a tank that proceeds into the Georgia wilderness on maneuvers, a lightning bolt send the tank and its three operators backward in time. Shortly afterward they notice a single three-toes dinosaur footprint and disturbingly they hear the bloodthirsty scream of a very strange bird. Blitzkrieg in the Past is a science fiction from American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright OBrien. He had more than fifty-seven stories published in pulp magazines like Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures, most of them written under the different pen names.

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Monsieur Lecoq

Émile Gaboriau

Deux cadavres dans la premiere page, troisieme dans la suivante... Sans doutes, ce sont les meurtres violentes: pistolet et poison sont les instruments. Monsieur Lecoq est vraiment le grand chef-duvre de son pere, Emile Gaboriau, qui est un peintre authentique de lépoque du Second Empire. Lauteur nous entraîne voyage dans le temps pour découvrir cet anctre des polars, un complot entre deux familles et une énigme passionnante qui simpose par lanalyse psychologique et la dimension historique.

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Król Ryszard III. Tragedia w 5 aktach

William Shakespeare

Kronika życia potępianego przez wielu króla angielskiego Ryszarda III, stanowiącego przez długie wieki ucieleśnienie wszelkiego zła. Szekspir podzielił ten pogląd, przypisując swemu bohaterowi liczne zbrodnie i przedstawiając go w najczarniejszych barwach. Uzasadniał w ten sposób jego obalenie i przejęcie władzy przez kolejną dynastię Tudorów, którzy władali Anglią w kolejnych wiekach.

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John Cornelius. His Life and Adventures

Hugh Walpole

This is a story about the life of a genius who has only dreams. But really make dreams a reality? After all, this is not a fantasy world. Walpole wrote mainly about a character whose life was never very real, and who could not find happiness, except in strange moments because of this abyss between him and the world. Walpoles romantic flights have a realistic break to temper them.

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Towarzysze Jehudy. Sprzysiężeni

Aleksander Dumas ojciec

Powieść historyczno-przygodowa opowiadająca historię szlachcica o pseudonimie Morgan, który przewodzi tajnemu stowarzyszeniu Towarzyszy Jehudy. Ich celem jest restauracja monarchii Burbonów we Francji i obalenie rządu Napoleona Bonapartego. Porucznik Roland Ludwig de Montrevela zostaje delegowany z misją rozpoznania i zniszczenia wrogiego Napoleonowi stowarzyszenia. W tle przewrót historyczny we Francji. Fantastyczny wątek miłosny Morgana i Amelii, siostry Rolanda.

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Robert Louis Stevenson

These are fables in many there is morality, others clearly contain moralizing. However, fables are not only literary interest. This is a beautiful, filigree prose. The author defined the fable genre very broadly as a combination of elements of a story about dreams with a moralizing allegory.

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Grażyna. Powieść litewska

Adam Mickiewicz

Powieść poetycka Adama Mickiewicza, której akcja rozgrywa się na Litwie w czasach średniowiecza. Bohaterska Grażyna, żona księcia Litwora, stara się nie dopuścić do zawarcia przymierza z Zakonem Krzyżackim i w przebraniu podejmuje walkę. Pełen tajemniczości utwór odznacza się doskonałością formalną, nawiązaniami do języka staropolskiego oraz wątków ludowych.

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Panienka z okienka. Starodawny romansik


Powieść słynnej improwizatorki romantycznej Jadwigi Łuszczewskiej, działającej pod pseudonimem Deotyma, zabiera nas do pięknie odmalowanego XVII-wiecznego Gdańska. W ruchliwym mieście portowym porucznik Marynarki Jego Królewskiej Mości w oknie jednej z kamienic dostrzega piękną pannę. Tak zaczyna się starodawny romansik, opisany pełnym ciepła językiem, oddającym ducha dawnych czasów.

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William Shakespeare

Tragedia Williama Shakespearea napisana około 1606 r. Należy do najczęściej wystawianych i adaptowanych sztuk szekspirowskich. Lord Makbet, wódz w armii króla Dunkana, spotyka trzy wiedźmy, które przepowiadają mu koronę. Ten się opiera, ale podjudzany przez chorobliwie ambitną żonę zabija swojego króla. Aby utrzymać się przy władzy brnie jednak w spiralę zbrodni... Makbet jest archetypiczną opowieścią o niebezpieczeństwach związanych z żądzą władzy i zdradą przyjaciół.

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Face Cards

Carolyn Wells

A house party at a country house in Connecticut, reputedly a house under a curse. The owner dies mysteriously, and one of the house party vanishes. The characters of the wealthy murdered man, his young wife and his daughter, as well as those of the servants and detectives are more than usually convincing and the story altogether adapted for effortless fireside reading. While the reader is prevented from divining the solution too easily, a proper number of clues are conscientiously given and the events, nicely dovetailed together. Face Cards, written by an American author and poet Carolyn Wells, is a locked-room mystery in which crime and a family curse are interwoven, with plenty of creepy supernatural events thrown in, relating to exotic masks.

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Demon ruchu

Stefan Grabiński

Demon ruchu to zbiór najlepszych trzynastu kolejowych nowel i opowiadań Stefana Grabińskiego, mistrza grozy, nazywanego polskim Edgarem Allanem Poe i H.P. Lovecraftem. Autor stworzył specyficzny rodzaj horroru, w którym grozę sieją opętane wagony, opuszczone stacje kolejowe, błędne pociągi, a katastrofy kolejowe zbierają swoje krwawe żniwo. Utwory Grabińskiego są nacechowane z jednej strony typową dla dwudziestolecia międzywojennego gloryfikacją techniki i nowoczesności, z drugiej zaś tchną grozą rzadko spotykaną i u współczesnych pisarzy. Autor wykorzystuje klasyczne schematy opętania, złych omenów, nawiedzeń czy wreszcie demonów i duchów, wrzuca je do nowej rzeczywistości i uzyskuje efekt znakomity i unikatowy.

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The Chronic Argonauts

Herbert George Wells

This story was the first work of fiction in which an explorer traverses time through the use of a man-made device a time machine rather than through magic, divine intervention, or a natural phenomenon such as sleep. HG Wellss The Chronic Argonauts, written seven years before his much more famous time travel work, The Time Machine. The mysterious Dr. Moses Nebogipfel arrives in a small Welsh town in 1887. The apprehensions of the simple rural folk eventually cause them to storm the inventors workshop in an effort to avenge perceived witchery. Nobody knows who he is or how he arrived, but his manner and his appearance soon make Dr. Nebogipfels name dreaded in the village. Nebogipfel escapes with one other person, the sympathetic Reverend Elijah Ulysses Cook, in what is later revealed to be a time machine. After having been missing for three weeks, Cook returns, aged many years older.

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The Lair of the White Worm

Bram Stoker

Partly based on the Lambton worm it is a horror story that features a giant white worm that can transform into a woman. Adam Salton, born and raised in Australia, is contacted by his granduncle in England, for the purpose of stablishing a relationship between these last two members of the family. Adam travels to Richard Saltons house in Mercia, and quickly finds himself in the center of some inexplicable occurrences. The new heir to the Caswall estate, Edgar Caswall appears to be making some sort of a mesmeric assault on a local girl. And, a local lady, Arabella March, seems to be running a game of her own, perhaps angling to become Mrs. Caswall. There is something strange about Lady March, something inexplicable and evil.

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The Thing on the Doorstep

H.P. Lovecraft

The Thing on the Doorstep is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe of horror fiction. Daniel Upton, the storys narrator, begins by telling that he has killed his best friend, Edward Derby, and that he hopes his account will prove that he is not a murderer. He begins by describing Derbys life and career. Daniel Uptons relationship with his friend Edward Derby is abruptly changed after Edward becomes romantically involved with Asenath Waite. Asenaths father Ephraim dabbled in forbidden sorcery, and it looked like Asenath was following in her dads footsteps, performing mysterious occult experiments that caused Derby to become more and more unhinged... As Edwards behavior becomes more erratic and events unexplainable, Daniel investigates. There are two more prominent themes in The Thing on the Doorstep: mind-switching and gender.

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Sick Heart River

John Buchan

Sick Heart River is the fifth book in the Edward Leithen series. This is Buchans last novel, about a man who is dying, and it must reflect Buchans own efforts to come to terms with his looming demise."Sick Heart River finds Leithen now in his late fifties facing a terminal diagnosis of turberculosis. Leithen has enjoyed a dazzling career as eminent barrister, member of Parliament, Cabinet minister, and attorney-general but with only months left to live, he leaves it all behind and takes up a whole new mission into the bleak arctic wilds of Canada. The friend of a friend, Francis Galliard, has gone missing in the North, and Leithen volunteers to find him and send him back, and so to die well, far away from the irking sympathy of his friends or the coddled atmosphere of the sick-room. But the North has some surprises in store for Leithen.

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The Exploits of Elaine

Arthur B. Reeve

Detective Kennedy and his sidekick Walter Jameson are called in by a District Attorney to look into the murder of an actress in the middle of shooting a movie called The Black Terror. What follows is figuring out the puzzling trail of a calculating killer. Kennedy performs detailed tests in his laboratory and he eventually finds what caused the death of the film star, but he must still go through lots of adventures until he finds the murderer as well. The book is highly entertaining for those who are already familiar with Reeves novels. If you liked this one, maybe you will want to read other Craig Kennedy stories there are more than 80 of them and they are all as exciting and well-written as The Film Mystery.

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The Borough Treasurer

Joseph Smith Fletcher

The Borough Treasurer (1921) by J.S. Fletcher is a tale of blackmail, murder and a secret quarry. He has quite a large cast of interesting characters in this one, and manages to bring them all to life with great detail. This novel tales place in an obscure small town by the Yorkshire moors an ideal spot for two ex-cons to start life over. Messrs. Mallalieu and Cotherstone were outsiders who had built a prosperous business in Highmarket and even been elected as Mayor and Treasurer of the borough. But when an ex-detective moves to town, 30 years of respectability is suddenly threatened by revelations from the past. How far will two upstanding citizens go to keep their past a secret?

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Under the Lilacs

Louisa May Alcott

Under the Lilacs, published in 1878, is another lovely morality tale by Louisa May Alcott that centers around two young girls who are having a tea party with their dolls when they stumble upon a young boy and his dog who have run away from the circus. Ben and his trained dog, Sancho, run away from the circus and soon find a warm welcome in a kind community where spirited games are played. Theatricals and imaginative pageantry are all part of the fun. This book by Louisa May Alcott will delight readers young and old and remind them that kindness wins the day. The author clearly was fascinated by the moral, physical, and emotional lives and upbringing of boys and girls as they make the transition from youth to young adulthood. A fine example of classic childrens literature.

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Starr of the Desert

B.M. Bower

In the aftermath of their fathers death, two orphans set out for the wild desert lands of New Mexico with a plan to eke out a living on a goat ranch. Helen May and her brother Vic should moved to this desert after their father arranges to buy property there, to save Helen May from the TB which is threatening her health. Soon after arriving at their destination, the pair strikes up an acquaintance with a mysterious fellow who goes by the name of Starr. Is he a true friend, or does he have a nefarious plan in mind? Read Starr, of the Desert to find out. A New Mexico ranch story of mystery and adventure.

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The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Little Gentleman from Okehampstead is a collection of connected stories about Mendel Honeywood, a diminutive insurance agent who skips out on his family and his hometown of Okehampstead, Massachusetts, and arrives in England, without a cent, to enter into a life of crime. He meets up with James Van Clarence Smith, disinherited scion of the wealthy American millionaires, and Lady Felicia Lakenham, upper-class, with a very small income. These three engage in somewhat shady adventures in the art world, politics, and international finance, as they seek to make their fortunes. Its all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. If you havent discovered the joys of Oppenheims mysteries there is a good place to start.