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Pamiętnik egotysty


Powieść autobiograficzna. Książka pełna przemyśleń autora i jego wewnętrznych dialogów. Stendhal na sobie dokonuje szczegółowej psychoanalizy. Stawia pytania, a odpowiedzi na nie zawierają ocenę nie tylko jego dotychczasowego życia, ale też sytuacji politycznej kraju.

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Affair in Araby

Talbot Mundy

Hulbert Footner (1879 1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. That is why the novel Jack Chanty is based on his canoe adventures in the great northwest. Also, Footner wrote several other adventure books set in the Canadian northwest after he had relocated to Maryland in 1913.

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The Stoneware Monkey

R. Austin Freeman

First, there are two seemingly unrelated events: the murder of a constable in pursuit of a diamond thief and the attempt to poison a potter by using arsenic. The connection lies in the presence of Dr. Oldfield, a Dr. Thorndykes former student, who happened to find the constable body and served as the consulting physician of the potter. Dr. Oldfield once again found a trace of murder: ashes of cremated human human body in the dustbin at the potters studio. The police tries to chase the supposedly real villain, but end up in vain. Facing with these puzzling events, Dr. Thorndyke has his own hypotheses. His inquiries results in the discovery of the real felon while the secret is concealed in the hideous figurine of a stoneware monkey. The Stoneware Monkey has everything that weve come to expect from a Thorndyke novel a highly complex and creative murder, a damsel in distress, telltale fingerprints, chemical analysis, brilliant theorizing by Thorndyke, faulty thinking by everyone else, and a dramatic surprise ending.

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The Dream

Herbert George Wells

The Dream by H.G Wells follows the character, Sarnac, who lives a whole other life as Harry Mortimer Smith. Sarnac is at the height of his career as a scientist by discovering new research. Sarnac goes with his friends including his girlfriend, Sunray to escape for the holidays. Little does Sarnac know that he would be dreaming a whole new life as a different person. His dream world is peculiar rules and what is socially acceptable than reality. The roles of each member in this society is more conservative, yet relaxed at other situations. However, he finds that his dreams and the reality he has lived have become so entangled that he is no longer able to distinguish between them. The Dream is a 1924 novel by H. G. Wells about a man from a Utopian future who dreams the entire life of an Englishman from the Victorian and Edwardian eras, Harry Mortimer Smith.

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The Greater Trumps

Charles Williams

Great trump cards a novel, brilliantly built on the basis of an ancient deck of tarot cards. This novel is filled with secrets, there are various signs, symbols, riddles. Everyone has different opinions about these secrets, no one can come to a common opinion. Witchcraft can still kill, and the supernatural must be defeated by the supernatural.

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Walka z szatanem

Stefan Żeromski

Trzeci tom trylogii Stefana Żeromskiego Walka z szatanem , obejmującej panoramę życia polskiego w okresie przedwojennym i w latach pierwszej wojny światowej. Ciąg dalszy walki z szatanem o sprawiedliwszy świat. Ryszard Nienaski i jego ukochana żona Xenia nie żyją. On zginął z rąk członków organizacji z pogranicza podziemia anarchistycznego i bandytyzmu. Ona umarła na tyfus. Ich majątek oraz obowiązek wykonania testamentu spada na ojca Xeni, aferzystę i oszusta. Musi on stoczyć walkę o zachowanie tego łupu z niebezpiecznym pretendentem do udziału w bogactwie, malarzem Śnicą. Niektóre części utworu utrzymane są w poetyce drapieżnego naturalizmu. Wyróżniają się także obrazy życia czy to wielkomiejskiego Paryża, czy prowincjonalnej galicyjskiej Posuchy oraz obrazy wojny, kreślone z pasją wyrażającą antywojenny protest pisarza.

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The Code of the West

Zane Grey

Georgianna Stockwell, a free-spirited young woman from the East, moves to the wilds of the Tonto Basin in Arizona and she creates a violent culture clash. She has been sent there by her parents and doctor for a change of scenery. It seems Georgianna had gotten herself lung problems due to all of her dancing and gadding about. Fortunately, her sister, Mary Stockwell is on the scene ready to take care of her younger sister and to show her how life should really be lived. But it seems Georgianna has realized something perhaps Mary has not. Men and women did not/do not stand on equal terms and this is something Zane Grey lets on that he was aware of as well by writing Georgiannas character. Cal Thurman is the love that is set aside as Georgiannas suitor. Mary and Enoch also come together in Code of the West, although without all of the bumps of Cal and Georgiannas relationship.

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Fred Fearnots Revenge

Hal Standish

Fred usually travels. Returning from the West, where Fred Firno rescued Terry Olcott from a group of pastoralists who were going to lynch him by mistake, he found letters from the manager of his small investments in Dedham Lake that gave him a bit of anxiety. The reader undoubtedly remembers that during a visit to the upper part of the state he discovered a beautiful lake, covering about three hundred acres.

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The Drum

A.E.W. Mason

Best known for The Four Feathers and the Hanaud detective novels, A.E.W. Mason wrote many novels. The Drum is an adventure novel by this British writer which was first published in 1937. This story is a rousing, Kipling-like adventure set in contemporary India, dealing with uprising and rebellion and a native prince caught between two worlds and forced into hiding. In it, murder and intrigue in a princely state on the Northwest Frontier of British India. A fairy drum no one must see beaten. A secret mission across the Hindu Kush and friendship between an Indian Prince and an English drummer-boy. All these are elements of The Drum which is one of two novels by A.E.W. Mason set in India. A pukka adventure in the days of the Raj.

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The Stray Lamb

Thorne Smith

In The Stray Lamb, author Thorne Smith draws inspiration from his most famous works, the beloved Topper series. It follows mild-mannered investment banker, cuckold, ordinary, faithful, and dipsomaniac T. Lawrence Lamb. He is given a new perspective on life through the eyes of many different animals as he assumes the shape of many including a stallion, goldfish, dog, lion and many others. Mr. Lamb gains wisdom, fresh insight, and a new much needed exuberance for life as he exchanges the mundane for the slightly insane. Thorne Smith again shows his mastery of the comic fantasy tale as Lamb lurches from one mishap to another, reeling from his wifes abandonment and the actions of his headstrong daughter and reveling in the new opportunities that his excursions into animal form provide.

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Die gefiederte Schlange

Edgar Wallace

Leicester Crewe bekommt als Erster eine Visitenkarte mit einer gefiederten Schlange und der Nachricht Damit sie es nicht vergessen! . Ella Creed schlendert langsam durch den nächtlichen Garten auf ihr Haus. Wenn Sie schreien, drehe ich Ihnen den Hals um! zischt eine Stimme. Ella fährt jäh zusammen. Sie taumelt zurück... Als sie wieder zu sich kommt, ist ihr wertvoller Schmuck verschwunden. Statt dessen findet sie eine Karte mit dem Bild einer gefiederten Schlange. Während Leicester Crewe eine Art Drohung dahinter vermutet, machen sich die anderen Empfänger einer solchen Karte keine großen Gedanken darüber. Das ändert sich jedoch, als kurze Zeit später ein Adressat dieser Visitenkarte auf offener Straße erschossen wird.

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Old Surehand (Tom I-III). Old Surehand. Tom I-III

Karol May

Dwaj przyjaciele Old Shatterhand i Winnetou stają w obronie osady Bloody Foxa, zaatakowanej przez Komanczów. Gdy zmierzają na ratunek, poznają tajemniczego myśliwego Old Surehanda. Okazuje się, że jemu także mogą pomóc w rozwikłaniu rodzinnej tajemnicy. Sprawa nie jest prosta, muszą zmierzyć się z niebezpiecznymi Indianami i jeszcze groźniejszymi niedźwiedziami grizzly.

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The Vanishing American

Zane Grey

Here is the great romance of the American Indian, revealing in the swift march of its events the tragedy and the glory of a whole race, and the true essence of the West, as only Zane Grey can express it. It tells the story of the love between Nophaie, a young Native American (or American Indian) man and his love for and with a woman by the name of Marian Warner. Also Indian warrior Nophaie strives to maintain ancient and honorable customs among his people in the face of abuse and exploitation by whites in the early 20th century. The Vanishing American is about Nophaies struggle to find a place in society. On a larger scale it is about all Native Americans and their future in America.

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Fangs of Gold

Robert E. Howard

Harrison is a brawny police detective who patrols the unquiet slums and dives of River Street, in an unnamed port city where the sun never shines. But REHs stories were far-removed from the mean streets of Hammetts and Raymond Chandlers stories in Black Mask. Like Skull-Face they owe more to Sax Rohmer and to REHs own contemporary horror stories.

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Orangen und Datteln

Karl May

Orangen und Datteln vereinigt in sich einige der Reiseerzählungen Karl Mays. Dies ist ein Sammelband mit Kurzerzählungen des berühmten Autors. Enthalten sind: Die Gum, Christus oder Muhammed, Der Krumir, Eine Ghasuah, Nr es Semâ Himmelslicht, Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit, Mater dolorosa, Der Verfluchte. Orangen und Datteln zählt zu dem Frühwerk Karl Mays und wurde vor den eigentlichen Orienterzählungen veröffentlicht.

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Lord Lister. Tajemniczy nieznajomy. Tom 14. Agencja matrymonialna


Bohaterem serii jest intrygująca postać o dwóch twarzach: wiktoriański gentelman Lord Edward Lister oraz słynny złodziej Raffles w jednej osobie. Jak w ogóle do tego doszło i co może wyniknąć z takiego niezwykłego połączenia? Jak bohater wykorzystuje niezwykłe zdolności medyczne i chemiczne, aby występować pod obiema postaciami? Komu udało się go rozszyfrować i jak wykorzystano tę wiedzę?

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Thunder Moon

George Owen Baxter

The "Thunder Moon" series by the very prolific author Frederick Faust (published under his favorite pseudonym Max Brand) is a series of pulp fiction Western and adventure novels. In order, the works appear in four volumes as "The Legend of Thunder Moon", "Red Wind and Thunder Moon", "Thunder Moon and the Sky People", and "Farewell, Thunder Moon". Thunder Moon was the adopted son of a great warrior, unaware that he was born the son of a white man. And though he grew bigger and stronger than the other Indian boys, he was not accepted until the day a water snake bit him and began an adventure that would make him a legend among Indians and white man alike! It is the first novel in the series that came out in the year 1970.

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Leśna Różyczka (Tom 7). Leśna Różyczka. Czarny Gerard

Karol May

Czarny Gerard to siódmy tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Grupa ciekawych świata bohaterów podróżuje po różnych krajach i kontynentach. Mierzą się przy tym z nowymi wyzwaniami, stawiają czoła niebezpieczeństwom, odkrywają tajemnice i podejmują walkę z różnej maści opryszkami, stając w obronie dobra i sprawiedliwości.

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Michael, Brother of Jerry

Jack London

Craving for travel, curiosity and a great desire to find his brother made the Irish Terrier Michael to get on board the ship. Friendship with a man helped Michael to survive in a sea voyage, and unusual quick wits made the terrier a welcome prey for sensational hunters. But at any twist of fate, Michael believed that sooner or later he and his brother would be together again.

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Sir Quixote of the Moors

John Buchan

In the mid-sixteenth century, Jean de Rohaine, a middle-aged French nobleman, journeys to Scotland in search of adventure and a new beginning. In Scotland he meets up with his old friend, Quentin Kennedy, who informs him of a great battle to be waged. Having witnessed Royalist troops butchering suspected Covenanters, he follows the example of godly refugees and escapes to the safety of the hills around Eskdalemuir and the head of Ettrick Water. Whilst staying at the Manse of Lindean, he falls in love but honour forbids he should win a woman he has pledged to protect for another. It is a unique novel of a haunting Scottish lifestyle that differs from Buchans later works, such as The Thirty-Nine Steps. The love story here is also central in a way that it is not to later works by Buchan, so that aspect of the narrative will prove interesting to readers who might be curious about how Buchan examines gender and sexuality in his fiction.

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Niedobitowski z granicznego bastionu

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Niedobitowski z granicznego bastionu to zbiór opowiadań Marii Rodziewiczówny, zawierający utwory pełne cierpkiej goryczy i ostrej ironii, jakiej nie powstydziłby się niejeden publicysta polityczny. Książka opisuje sytuację, w jakiej znaleźli się Polacy na Kresach (a dokładnie na Polesiu) po odzyskaniu przez Polskę w 1918 r. upragnionej i tyle lat wyczekiwanej niepodległości. Autorka ukazuje rozczarowanie wolnością i nieprzyjaznym wobec ludzi prawem obowiązującym w II Rzeczpospolitej. Kresowi ziemianie zamiast cieszyć się powszechnym szacunkiem słyszą zewsząd uwagi: Chcieliście Polski no to ją macie. Niedobitowski to nazwisko znaczące i symboliczne. Nosi je kilku bohaterów opowiadań zebranych w tym tomie, a opowiadania te zbliżone techniką pisarską do współczesnego reportażu są po prostu niczym z życia wzięte.

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The Dumb Gods Speak

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This mystery that takes place in 1947 in Nice about conflicting political goals between an American and a Chinese. Shortly thereafter, the granting of independence to the Philippine Islands by the United States, Japan attempts to seize them by force. When the Japanese attempt to invade the newly freed islands, their entire fleet is destroyed by a single battleship of the United States Navy using a weapon that concentrates and amplifies electric currents in the earths atmosphere. Much of the story concerns the current state of government of China and Russia, both of which are seen as lawless tyrannies. It is more than slightly ironic that the goal of the heroes is to use advanced technologies to restore the monarchy to these two countries, much in keeping with Oppenheims traditionalism.

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The Face in the Abyss

A. Merritt

A simply amazingly creative novel by one of the best of the pulp-era authors, originally published 1931. While searching for lost Inca treasure in South America, American mining engineer, Nicholas Graydon stumbles across a lost civilization. A culture both more barbarous than our own and more civilized; more advanced and yet in some ways primitive. Is it a strange and highly advanced technology, or magic, that is responsible for the wonders of this land? Naturally our engineer meets a beautiful young woman Suarra, and they fall in love. But his arrival triggers an epic battle between the Snake Mother and her arch-rival, Nimir. The Face in the Abyss is a brilliant tale filled with weird imagination, marvelous writing, horror, beauty, and it may well be called the most visual book ever written for the world of fantasy.

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Silas Marner. The Weaver of Raveloe

George Eliot

Although the shortest of George Eliots novels Silas Marner is a cherished masterwork and a moving story of redemption by the one of the Victorian eras most accomplished novelists. Published in 1861, the author charts the life of the cataleptic, miserly weaver Silas Marner. Arriving in insular Raveloe after a wrongful expulsion from his Calvinist community in the north, Silas is a foreign and outcast figure, left alone to accumulate a useless fortune through his loom in the dawn of the new industrial age. His unhappy life is rendered unrecognizable when his fortune is stolen and he adopts a child Eppie. Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe is a tender and affecting tale of sin and repentance set in a vanished rural world and holds the readers attention until the last page as Eppies bonds of affection for Silas are put to the test.