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Winnetou. Band IIV

Karl May

Jeder im Wilden Westen kennt seinen Namen: Winnetou, der Häuptling der Apatschen, ist berühmt für seinen Mut. Old Shatterhand will mit ihm Freundschaft schließen. Anfangs aufgrund der Umstände Feinde werden sie nach einigen Querelen Blutsbrüder und Freunde. Winnetou aber misstraut den Bleichgesichtern bis Old Shatterhand ihm das Leben rettet. Winnetou bildet das junge Greenhorn zum Superwestmann aus, im Ausgleich dazu vermittelt Old Shatterhand seinem indianischen Bruder die ersten christlichen Ideale. Zwischen Silberbüchse und Henrystutzen, Marterpfahl und Friedenspfeife entfaltet Karl May vier Winnetou-Bände hindurch ein gewaltiges Wildwest-Panorama. Es steckt voller Abenteuer, übler Schurken und liebenswerter Gefährten von Sam Hawkens bis Nscho-tschi.


The Cooks Wedding and Other Stories

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Many stories from this collection about animals and children. This is perhaps the cutest collection, with unusual animals and kittens. This story you can live and feel through the eyes of a child. The choice of the main character leaves a lot of question in the future, but we ourselves can guess the reason for this choice.


W osiem dni dokoła świata. Powieść z niedalekiej przyszłości

Stefan Barszczewski

Powieść o tematyce podróżniczo-przygodowej i fantastycznonaukowej. Rozwój żeglugi parowej i kolei żelaznych pozwolił bohaterom powieści Juliusza Vernea objechać świat wokoło w ciągu 80 dni. Rozwój lotnictwa i radiotelegrafii pozwoliły stworzyć zuchwały plan podróży dokoła świata w ciągu dni... ośmiu.


Ma confession

Léon Tolsto

Ma confession lhistoire de Léon Tolstoi a propos de la recherche de la foi. Il parle de son athéisme juvénile, qui la amené a 50 ans de déception face a la vie et aux idées de suicide. Il y a beaucoup de réflexions sur la recherche du sens de la vie, sur les contradictions de la science et de la religion, sur la recherche de soi. Il a vu la vérité dans la foi des travailleurs des paysans.



Edgar Wallace

This collection of episodes in the Commissioner Sanders series continues Wallaces subtly humorous look at colonial Africa. In Bones, Wallace spins an engaging yarn about the adventures of an intrepid lieutenant as he travels through Africa on a series of life-or-death missions. When Commissioner Sanders goes on leave, the trusty Lieutenant Hamilton takes over administration of the African territories. However, yet again, the trouble-prone Francis Augustus Tibbetts, known as Bones, while meaning to assist, only manages to spread his own unique style of innocent and endearing mischief. A richly detailed document of the colonial period, Bones is sure to spark the imagination of action-adventure fans.


Tajemnica torpedy

Sven Elvestad

Tajemnica torpedy Svena Elvestada to znakomita dawka kryminalnych emocji. Niezależny detektyw Asbjrn Krag otrzymuje pozornie niezobowiązujące zaproszenie od starego przyjaciela. Rusza do willi za miastem, aby przekonać się, że spokój przyjaciela zakłócają dziwne wydarzenia w sąsiedztwie. Co kryje się za tajemniczym krzykiem w domu starego dziwaka, paraliżującym okolicę?


The Way of the Spirit

H. Rider Haggard

This is another Haggard novel in which the characters lived their lives in anticipation of love after death. A history of pain, supernatural and love that survives death. In the book, the reader meets a young man named Rupert Ullershaw. When we first meet him, he is in a difficult situation, he enters into a love affair with the wife of his elder cousin, Lord Deven. However, this is not the love that he wanted to find and he goes in search of that one.


Katherine Christine

Hugh Walpole

Nicholas Harris, his father, and Rosamund Harris, his mother, looked at him with love and pride. Nicholas, a huge man, was 1603 fifty-nine years old this year, and his wife thirty-seven. They were in their own house in Westminster, and everything was fine with them. Robert, their only child, was three years old. He was wide and well-built, but not tall, his strong legs lay firmly on the ground, his round head sat well on his thick neck, his eyes were steady and piercing. He was still a child, but already had self-confidence and independence. Now he was a serious child: he only laughed when his father was at hand.


Genghis Khan

Jacob Abbott

The most amazing thing about this story is that we can feel the life story of Genghis Khan. Starting from being the son of a minor chieftain in Mongolia to becoming the ruler of arguably the largest empire in history. His name itself caused so much terror in the minds of the countries he invaded, that most of them just gave him the keys to their kingdoms hoping that he wont kill them all.The book Genghis Khan will tell you the story of the great ruler.


Puszcza jodłowa

Stefan Żeromski

Głównym bohaterem utworu Puszcza jodłowa jest narrator, a zarazem port parole samego autora. Narrator snuje wspomnienia dotyczące dzieciństwa. Wychowywał się na Kielecczyźnie. Wspomina góry, po których chodził za młodu: Łysicę, Klonową, Kamień. Wspomina młodość jako życie niewinne, czyste w swej prostocie. Aż dochodzi do wniosku, że on sprzed lat to nie ten sam człowiek co dzisiaj. Dawne czasy i natura, która wspomina, jawią mu się niczym baśń.


Courier to Marrakesh

Valentine Williams

Perhaps Valentine Williams finest mystery thriller. Set in WW2, folk singer and guitarist Andrea Hallam gets caught up in a Nazi spy ring while travelling alone in Morocco. Kidnapped by Nazis who believe she holds a dossier on Hitler, the tale travels from entertaining wartime banter to sinister suspense and back again. She is swept into a plot to destroy or blackmail Hitler with some secret documents. But that enterprising villain Clubfoot (Dr. Grundt), wants to retrieve these documents. An exciting and emotional book from beginning to end. Courier to Marrakesh is the last entry in the seven book series about the evil Dr. Adolph Grundt. There are 7 books in the Clubfoot series of secret agent action novels, featuring Dr Grundt, an agent of the German government as the baddie.


Glen of the High North

H.A. Cody

The author again focuses on two topics: wealth and love. However, you can find love when chasing money? Our hero could. But he made great sacrifices. And is it even possible to call it love when the original purpose was to find money?



James Joyce

Probably one of the most complicated books ever written, the story parallels Homers The Odyssey, and touches on every theme that exists, as well as explores every literary style that exists. At times, it has extremely lude and graphic sexual content and very foul language. Taking Homers Odyssey as a structural framework, Joyce builds on it a complex narrative of Dublin characters on one day Thursday 16 June 1904. Each chapter features a different prose-style to match its theme or subject. One chapter is even written in a manner which traces the history of English prose, from the Renaissance to modern advertising jargon.This includes the famous final chapter which is an unpunctuated eighty page soliloquy of Molly Bloom as she lies in bed at night, thinking over her life and the events of the previous day. Ulysses is a cornerstone of modern English Literature written by an Irishman in Trieste, Zurich, and Paris.


The Circular Study

Anna Katharine Green

Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935), known as the Mother of the Detective Novel, is one of the first American writers of detective fiction. She was recognized for realism and well plotted story of her mystery stories. A tale of two families, betrayal, revenge, and murder, The Circular Story, written in 1902, is still an absorbing and notable work. We highly recommend this book to fans of classic detective fiction!


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 4). Leśna Różyczka. Piraci i książęta

Karol May

Piraci i książęta to czwarty tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Grupa ciekawych świata bohaterów podróżuje po różnych krajach i kontynentach. Mierzą się przy tym z nowymi wyzwaniami, stawiają czoła niebezpieczeństwom, odkrywają tajemnice i podejmują walkę z różnej maści opryszkami, stając w obronie dobra i sprawiedliwości.


Im fernen Westen

Karl May

Eine Erzählung ist eine frühe Abenteuergeschichte Karl Mays. Mutige Helden des alten Westens und ihre finsteren Gegenspieler, abenteuerliche Verfolgungen und Kämpfe, List und Gegenlist, nicht zu vergessen eine gute Portion Humor und das alles eingebettet in das großartige Panorama der Prärien und Felsengebirge.


Twenty Years After

Alexandre Dumas

Anyone old enough to have friends they havent seen for many years knows how difficult it can be to get everyone together again. And when you do, its never quite the same. Thats the theme of Twenty Years After (1845), Alexandre Dumass sequel to The Three Musketeers that is a supreme creation of suspense and heroic adventure. This story follows events in France during La Fronde, during the childhood reign of Louis XIV, and in England near the end of the English Civil War, leading up to the victory of Oliver Cromwell and the execution of King Charles I. Here the much beloved DArtaganan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis reunite to fight the forces of evil. In the original novel they defeated Milady, a formidable foe; now they need to face her vengeful son Mordaunt, as well as countering the machinations of the sinister Cardinal Mazarin. Translated into many languages and adapted for cinema and television, The Musketeer novels have helped to make Dumas arguably the most successful exporter of French culture to the wider world.


Owen Clancys Happy Trail

Burt L. Standish

Such a heartbreaking story will appeal to everyone.It was just a tow-headed, cross-eyed youth who tried to find his father in Los Angeles. On Saturday evening, there was a festival for the Chinese, where a dragon twisted and twisted, under which there were a hundred people. Perhaps his father is there...


Muza z zaścianka

Honoriusz Balzak

Powieść Muza z zaścianka Honoriusza Balzaka należy do Scen z życia prowincji cyklu Komedia Ludzka. Akcja powieści rozgrywa się w prowincjonalnym Sancerre. Dawny spekulant, Jean de la Baudraye, poślubia ambitną i utalentowaną Dinę Piédefer. Małżeństwo to służy mu do zdobycia prestiżu i wpływów. Piękna i uzdolniona literacko kobieta jest bowiem niekwestionowaną królową tamtejszych salonów. Źle się jednak czuje na konserwatywnej prowincji. Pewnego dnia nawiązuje romans z przebywającym w Sancerre przejazdem paryskim dziennikarzem Stefanem Lousteau. Ten jednak szybko nudzi się tym romansem. Porzucona Dina podejmuje ryzykowną decyzję o samotnej ucieczce do stolicy. Pragnie kontynuować romans ze Stefanem, a zarazem zyskać literacką sławę...


Nowele amerykańskie

Henryk Sienkiewicz

W lutym 1876 r. Henryk Sienkiewicz wraz z aktorką Heleną Modrzejewską i grupą znajomych wybrał się w podróż do USA. W owym czasie nie było to czymś powszednim. W Ameryce zatrzymał się dłużej w Kalifornii. Pod wpływem podróży do Stanów Zjednoczonych napisał Nowele amerykańskie kilka ważnych dla swej twórczości nowel i opowiadań: Komedia z pomyłek, Przez stepy, Orso, W krainie złota, Za chlebem, Latarnik, Wspomnienie z Maripozy i Sachem.


Na fali

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Józef Reni, młody student prawa i utalentowany skrzypek poszukuje niedrogiej stancji, w której mógłby zamieszkać. Kolega proponuje mu lokum u profesorowej, matki pięknej Józefiny, zwanej Pepi. Wrażliwy chłopak stopniowo ulega jej urokowi, wierząc, że uczucie jest odwzajemnione. Pewnego dnia Józef musi wyjechać w poszukiwaniu brata. Pozostawia Pepi na jakiś czas. Po powrocie już nic nie wygląda tak samo. Młody mężczyzna uświadamia sobie, że był tylko zabawką w uroczych rączkach. Decyduje się związać z inną dziewczyną, stanowiącą przeciwieństwo trzpiotowatej Pepi. Jednak serca nie da się oszukać... Na fali to niezwykła opowieść o zniszczonych ideałach.


The Milan Grill Room

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Milan Grill Room is a series of ten connected short stories featuring the character of Louis, a crippled veteran of World War I and maître dhôtel, who solves crimes from his table in the Grill Room of the hotel and who is able to provide invaluable assistance to the British police and Secret Service. Tracking spies, catching traitors, uncovering plots, often in the company of Major Charles Lyson of the Secret Service, Louis is never ruffled, and always resourceful. These ten connected episodes, centering around the activities of the good Louis are replete with adventure, intrigue and romance. Also these short story collection by Mr. Oppenheim including: The Calais Gun, The Third Key, The Kidnapping of Mr. Peter Jardine and so on.


The Four Million

O. Henry

This anthology contains 25 tales of old New York city at the dawn of the 20th century. A collection of O. Henrys short stories bearing his trademark irony, comic misunderstandings, and surprise endings. They also capture his use of coincidence or chance to create humor in the story. O. Henry wrote about ordinary people in everyday circumstances. The true hero of The Four Million is the city of New York, with its energy, compassion and kaleidoscope of human emotions. O. Henry focuses his curious microscope on the diverse lives of various residents of this metropolis. A few protagonists claim idle-rich status, but most represent the middle class or poverty-stricken milieus. He is quoted as once saying, There are stories in everything. Ive got some of my best yarns from park benches, lampposts and newspaper stands.


The Ranchers Revenge

Max Brand

The story of young, hardworking rancher John Saxon who suffers abuse from the mean-spirited Bob Witherell. With a great show of self-discipline and character, Saxon gains skill as a gunsman, and takes down Witherell in a duel ... but Witherell is not ordinary bully, he is also the brother of the notorious outlaw, The Solitaire, of national repute and a "list of dead men ... long and crowded with important names. One of many recommended Westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 - May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand.