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Roderick Hudson

Henry James

Roderick Hudson is the first novel by Henry James. Although Roderick was a poor man, but he had a great talent, about which he was not even aware. In the afternoon, he was an ordinary student, and after university he was an outstanding sculptor. One day, by a happy coincidence, he meets the wealthy connoisseur of Rowland Mullet, a man who recognizes his genius and becomes his mentor.


Le Prince de Jéricho

Maurice Leblanc

Jéricho est un forban mystérieux et controversé. La rumeur rapporte en mme temps de les actes les plus terribles et les attitudes les plus nobles. Nathalie Manolsen est une jeune et riche héritiere. Forville et le docteur Chapereau sont les amis de son défunt pere. Quelle est la connexion entre ces personnages? Pensé lorigine comme une aventure dArsene Lupin, ce roman policier est riche en intrigues.


The Hundred Days

Talbot Mundy

Probably the spies deliberately provided false information about the raid in this quarter to ensure the passage of large squads elsewhere. Or the tribes learned to hide from aviation, which is not very difficult among those breeds and gorges, or even in open terrain, where the high grass at a distance resembled the waves of the sea with wind currents. Another probability lies in the rear. Raids from this Northwest border were so frequent for a thousand years that the invasion was no less probable than the desert rain.


Театральный роман (Powieść teatralna). Записки покойника

Михаил Афанасиевич Булгаков, Michaił Afanasjewicz Bułhakow

201eТеатральный роман201d Булгакова 2013 книга необычная и по-своему особенная. Мотивом к созданию этого произведения послужила ссора Булгакова с главным режиссером московского театра Станиславским по поводу постановки пьесы «Кабала святош». Поэтому «Театральный роман» содержит далеко не добрые пародии как на Станиславского (в романе 2013 Иван Васильевич) и Немировича-Данченко (Аристарх Платонович), так и на многих других сотрудников театра («Независимый театр»). Прочитав 201eТеатральный роман201d вы узнаете, как проходят театральные репетиции, какие они бывают, обо всех комических, драматических и реальных историях, которые происходят в театральной жизни. Воссоздайте мысленную картину театральных закулис!


Bomba, the Jungle Boy in the Swamp of Death

Roy Rockwood

The ongoing adventures of the courageous Bomba the Jungle Boy! In Swamp of Death, Bomba wants to return to Gonibobos camp to reclaim the pages of Japazys notebook that were torn out there. Bomba and Gibo had barely escaped the cannibals but Bomba is determined to retrieve the torn pages. Swamp of Death is a fast-moving read, an exciting narrative of Bombas many heroic exploits. It moves and reads like a comic book. Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivid descriptions of Bombas rippling muscles and superior strength. With such amazing strength, it is no wonder that Bomba was willing to embark on a mission that would have been certain death for anyone else. The Bomba books always include cheerleader characters who rapturously voice their astonishment and amazement every time Bomba performs a feat of strength and courage.


The Surprising Experiences of Mr. Shuttlebury Cobb

R. Austin Freeman

Richard Austin Freeman, the doyen of the scientific division of detective writing is best known for his character Dr. John Thorndyke. A close and careful investigator and the outstanding medical authority in the field of detective fiction, R. Austin Freeman not only tested the wits of the reader but also inspired many modern detective forensic methods. Shuttlebury Cobb is a completely different sort of book. In it Freeman demonstrates his sense of humor and whimsy as he follows the strange and always comic adventures of the hero of the title who finds himself caught up by chance in the quest for a mysterious treasure. Charting a series of adventures set in many strange scenarios, Mr. Shuttlebury Cobb is led through the dark and twisted streets of London where he meets a highly gifted stranger, enters secret chambers, and finds a magic mirror. Cobb engages with a secret code and a castaway in a delightful collection designed to while away the hours.


Sen nocy letniej

William Shakespeare

W sztuce Sen nocy letniej mieszają się światy realny i wyobrażony, współistniejące na niemal równych prawach. Na ich tle w mistrzowskiej komedii splatają się historie trzech par kochanków. Źle ulokowana miłość, rozmaite perypetie i udział leśnych duszków podsycają emocje towarzyszące lekturze, zapewniając zarówno mnóstwo radości, jak i odrobinę refleksji nad istotą uczuć.


Tales of Mean Streets

Arthur Morrison

Tales of Mean Streets, published in 1894, is a collection of short stories describing the appalling conditions that many working people endured. These stories are a brilliant evocation of a narrow, close-knit community, that of the streets of Londons East End. Having lived and worked there, he author knew that East Enders were not a race apart, but ordinary men and women, scraping by perhaps, but neither criminals nor paupers. Here Arthur Morrison chronicles their adventures and misadventures, their wooings and their funerals, with sympathy, humor and a sense of both the tragedies and the comedies to be found in the mean streets. One of tales, Lizerunt, was condemned for depicting all too clearly the victimization and degradation of women.