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Le Vicomte de Bragelonne

Alexandre Dumas pere

Le Vicomte de Bragelonne est le dernier volume de la trilogie des trois mousquetaires. Véritablement cest un des meilleurs, le plus vibrants et le plus émouvants romans de Dumas. L atmosphere est plus sombre que dans le premier volume de la série. Les amis ne sont pas dans le mme camp, els mettent des bâtons dans les roues lun lautre. Mais, aucun des personnages nest vraiment bon, aucun nest totalement mauvais. Chacun lutte pour ses ambitions, et essaie de placer ses pions avec ses qualités et ses défauts.


The Human Chase

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The six stories in Part I of this book trace the early career of Peter Benskin. He is a public school graduate with a small private income who joins the police force in London. After an early success he transfers to Scotland Yard where he becomes a detective. He is successful in solving several difficult cases but is hampered at times by his ethical feelings towards criminals who have been coerced or forced to commit crimes. He allows the innocent to escape, while he pursues the truly guilty. Part II of the book, which also consists of six stories, chronicles Benskins pursuit of and ultimate victory over a self-conceited master-criminal known only by the sobriquet Matthew.


The Secret Places of the Heart

Herbert George Wells

H.G. Wells is best remembered as a central figure in the development of the science fiction genre. However, much of his literary output was more conventional in nature, and he published a number of novels dealing with interpersonal relationships and social themes. H.G. Wells was so charmed by Margaret Sanger that he based The Secret Places of the Heart on his time with her. The novel is a thinly-veiled autobiography that depicts an English gentleman, Sir Richard Hardy, who is attempting to sort out his marital problems while he travels the English countryside in the company of a psychiatrist and much brilliant discussion ranging over the past and future topics of world-wide significance. The Secret Places of the Heart was, in many ways, a love letter from Wells to Sanger... Many critics regard The Secret Places of the Heart as a heavily autobiographical account of one of Wells failed love affairs.


Na jedną kartę. Dramat w pięciu aktach

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Henryk Sienkiewicz to nie tylko autor niezapomnianych powieści i nowel, lecz także twórca sztuk scenicznych. Laureat literackiej Nagrody Nobla był także świetnym dramaturgiem. Na jedną kartę to sztuka społeczno-obyczajowa. Jej premiera odbyła się we Lwowie 14 marca 1879 r. W dwa lata później dramat wystawiono w warszawskim Teatrze Rozmaitości. Bohaterem dramatu Na jedną kartę jest człowiek z nizin społecznych, doktor Józwowicz, wychowanek i lekarz księcia Starogrodzkiego, a zarazem działacz polityczny ugrupowania demokratycznego. Prowadzi on grę polityczną i wyborczą jako kandydat na posła demokratów. Jednocześnie stara się zdobyć rękę córki księcia Starogrodzkiego, Stelli. Na drodze do szczęści stoi jednak narzeczony Stelli, Jerzy Pretwic. Józwowicz postanawia usunąć z drogi rywala. Knuje intrygę, którą doprowadza do pojedynku narzeczonego Stelli z Karolem hrabią Drahomirem...


The Tragedy of King Lear

William Shakespeare

Finally, I met with one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare. In this work, important and interesting topics are touched: the hypocrisy of people in pursuit of wealth and power, blinding deceitful speeches and disregard for the true virtues of the soul, cruelty and hot temper, deceived hopes and disappointment in loved ones. As for the king himself, Lear appears to be a rather absurd, selfish and domineering old man, who is too used to universal worship and has lost touch with reality.


The Charing Cross Mystery

J.S. Fletcher

Heatherwick lawyer from London returns home at night. At the subway station, he becomes a witness to the death of a guy. The lawyer decides to become a detective and understand this cause of death himself. The end will surprise everyone with its surprise.


Vingt mille lieues sous les mers

Jules Verne

Un objet inhabituel a commencé apparaître pour les marins, dépassant la baleine par sa vitesse et sa taille. Les journaux, et ensuite les scientifiques, se sont intéressés un objet inconnu qui, apres de longues discussions, était considéré comme un animal inconnu de la science, soi-disant un narval géant. Lintért académique a été remplacé par un purement pratique, quand la suite de collisions avec un objet plusieurs navires ont eu des trous.


My Lady Bountiful

Fred M. White

Fred M. White wrote a story about a real feminine and beautiful lady. For example, his story begins so: when a tall figure in black velvet and diamonds and lace appeared at the head of the staircase. Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram was tall and dark, and, although she was almost seventy years old, there was no gray hair on her smooth head. Her features were beautiful and arrogant, as befits Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram of Caradoc; her eyes were restless and changeable. She pledged her income to the last penny. My Lady Bountiful, as she was generally called.