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Sky Rider

B.M. Bower

First published in 1918, Johnny Jewel is a the story of a cowboy-cum-aviator in Americas Old West. Johnny learns of a damaged plane abandoned in the desert on the Mexican side of the border, and comes up with a plan to put it to work. His affairs are being monitored by Mary V, the ranch owners spunky daughter, who is slowly taking interest in Johnny. But in the meantime, a gang of rustlers are taking advantage of his passion for flying in order to distract him from his job of keeping an eye over the ranchs horses. This charming and exciting tale of Western ranch life is highly recommended for lovers of Western fiction, and it is not to be missed by those who have read and enjoyed other works by this author.

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Lord Lister. Tajemniczy nieznajomy. Tom 14. Agencja matrymonialna


Bohaterem serii jest intrygująca postać o dwóch twarzach: wiktoriański gentelman Lord Edward Lister oraz słynny złodziej Raffles w jednej osobie. Jak w ogóle do tego doszło i co może wyniknąć z takiego niezwykłego połączenia? Jak bohater wykorzystuje niezwykłe zdolności medyczne i chemiczne, aby występować pod obiema postaciami? Komu udało się go rozszyfrować i jak wykorzystano tę wiedzę?

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Thunder Moon

George Owen Baxter

The "Thunder Moon" series by the very prolific author Frederick Faust (published under his favorite pseudonym Max Brand) is a series of pulp fiction Western and adventure novels. In order, the works appear in four volumes as "The Legend of Thunder Moon", "Red Wind and Thunder Moon", "Thunder Moon and the Sky People", and "Farewell, Thunder Moon". Thunder Moon was the adopted son of a great warrior, unaware that he was born the son of a white man. And though he grew bigger and stronger than the other Indian boys, he was not accepted until the day a water snake bit him and began an adventure that would make him a legend among Indians and white man alike! It is the first novel in the series that came out in the year 1970.

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Jan Bielecki. Powieść narodowa polska oparta na podaniu historycznym

Juliusz Słowacki

Jedna z pierwszych powieści poetyckich Juliusza Słowackiego. Problematyka utworu dotyka zdrady narodowej. Tytułowy Jan Bielecki jest sprawcą konfliktu, wielce tragicznego w skutkach. Klasyka godna polecenia.

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The Price of Silence

Fred M. White

Sir Wilton Oakes was a man of about five and forty years of age, although he looked younger, he didnt feel like it. He had all the attributes of his ancient race the face of a hawk, a short upper lip, and the easy manner of one who was born to be the commander of people. He recently took over the beautiful Elizabethan house that was his legacy. And now the old baronet was dead, and the man sitting at the library table reigned in his stead.

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Max Brand

It is the continuing saga of Max Brands finest heroine, Jack Jacqueline Boone. Jack is blessed and cursed by the cross of Meilan when she meets Dix Van Dyck. Dix Van Dyck, is being persecuted by an evil sheriff, named Onate. Dix, perhaps too fond of action and excitement, had stayed out of trouble on the strength of his boyish charm and the verdict of suicide passed on those who drew their guns on him. Strangely enough, it is Jackie Boone and a beautiful Yaqui Indian girl named Dolores, who has an evil side that come to Van Dykes aid repeatedly in a novel bursting with larger-than-life action.

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Записки на манжетах (Notatki na mankietach)

Михаил Афанасиевич Булгаков, Michaił Afanasjewicz Bułhakow

«Записки на манжетах» 2013 частично автобиографическая повесть Михаила Булгакова. Основным мотивом «Записок на манжетах» стала проблема отношений автора с властью. В повести достаточно подробно описана жизнь Булгакова на Кавказе и первые месяцы его пребывания в Москве.В этой книге объединены лучшие рассказы М.А.Булгакова, среди которых «Красная корона», «Китайская история», «Спиритический сеанс» и другие, а также знаменитый автобиографический цикл «Записки на манжетах». Именно в этих произведениях впервые появляются темы и сюжетные линии, которые писатель будет развивать далее в своих романах и пьесах. «Записки на манжетах» местами перекликаются с «Запискам сумасшедшего» Гоголя, а действительность как грань между реальностью и фантазией станет излюбленным художественным стилем Булгакова.

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Leśna Różyczka (Tom 7). Leśna Różyczka. Czarny Gerard

Karol May

Czarny Gerard to siódmy tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Grupa ciekawych świata bohaterów podróżuje po różnych krajach i kontynentach. Mierzą się przy tym z nowymi wyzwaniami, stawiają czoła niebezpieczeństwom, odkrywają tajemnice i podejmują walkę z różnej maści opryszkami, stając w obronie dobra i sprawiedliwości.