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Frank Merriwell at Yale

Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwell is the perfect protagonist. He leads a healthy lifestyle, courageous and cheerful. Frank just radiates vital energy. Merriwell excelled at football, baseball, crew, and track at Yale while solving mysteries and righting wrongs. The book is written in a simple form, it is easy to read, thanks to all understandable slang.


The Blockade Runners

Jules Verne

The Civil War is tearing apart the North American United States. The Union Fleet blocked the Confederate seacoast, interrupting all sea trade, and European merchants suffer big losses from this. One of Glasgows trading houses is building a high-speed ship capable of breaking through the blockade and bringing unheard of profits. But on board the ship, not only those seeking benefits will set sail.


Voyage au centre de la Terre

Jules Verne

Le professeur de minéralogie trouve dans lancien manuscrit, acquis accidentellement par lui, contenant la composition du skald islandais du XIIIe siecle Snorri Sturluson Le cercle de la Terre, un manuscrit crypté. Son jeune neveu et assistant, Axel, laide lire un message crypté du passé, écrit par un alchimiste islandais du XVIe siecle, Arne Sacnussem. Il indique quil existe une opportunité pour Voyage au centre de la Terre travers le cratere du volcan islandais Snayfeedls.


Smith and the Pharaohs, and Other Tales

H. Rider Haggard

Rider Haggard, just like his main character in this story, is not indifferent to Ancient Egypt. The events of the four stories take place in Africa. Here several acts overlap: extraordinary courage and an epic clash of different cultures. The main theme remains unchanged: the theme of love, which lasts until death.


The Young Lion Hunter

Zane Grey

The Young Lion Hunter is a story of a young adventurer Ken Ward. Kenneth Ward and his younger brother, Hal, spend their holidays in the Utah Forest Preserve, where they accompany the second Ken and help him capture the mountain lions and the pum in the Grand Canyon. An engaging adventure novel dating from the Old Zachary of America.


The Hero of the People. A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyalty

Alexandre Dumas

An adventure is something that happens outside the course of ordinary life. We cant go on an adventure all the time, but an adventure story will take you right to that adventure. With no time to scout for a library, now these books are at our fingertips. The Hero of the People is the fifth book in the fictional series on the French Revolution by the famous French author Alexandre Dumas. Alexandre Dumas is known for penning many masterpieces of historical fiction, including The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers. The story takes place following the book Taking the Basile and is followed by The Royal Life Guard. The tale, set in the waning days of the French Revolution, tweaks Dumas classic formula by adding a little more romance to the equation. With action, adventure, intrigue, and blossoming love, this story truly has something for every reader.


Listy perskie


Wydana anonimowo powieść wybitnego myśliciela Monteskiusza. Składa się na nią 161 listów pisanych przez dwóch perskich podróżników przemierzających Europę, którzy w listach dzielą się swoimi wrażeniami i doświadczeniami z pobytu na Starym Kontynencie. Ich opisy trafnie podsumowują kondycję europejskiego społeczeństwa XVIII wieku, zadziwiająco podobną do współczesnej...


LÉtoile du sud

Jules Verne

Dans le roman LÉtoile du sud, le lecteur se familiarisera avec lhistoire fascinante des recherches et le destin de lun des plus gros diamants découverts dans les mines dAfrique du Sud et a suscité beaucoup denthousiasme pour son propriétaire, un ingénieur et inventeur français. Lhistoire dun petit garçon, ramassé dans la glace par un pcheur, chaque page devient de plus en plus intrigante et se transforme peu peu en un premier voyage autour du monde dans lArctique. Le livre est magnifique, il est impossible de ne pas tomber amoureux de ceux qui sont captivés par les livres de Vern et quel que soit leur âge, vous le lirez...