
Lefty Locke Pitcher-Manager

Burt L. Standish

Burt L. Standish wrote another excellent sports history. Lefty is a pitcher in the baseball team. The dream of every coach. His dedication in the game hit every fan in the stands. However, things are not so simple, baseball is not just a sports game. Each opponent wants to knock out the best player from game.


Consuelo. Tome 13

George Sand

George Sand le pseudonyme de lécrivain français Aurora Dupin-Dyudevan. Dans ses nombreuses uvres, les idées de libération de la personnalité se combinent une recréation psychologique de talent de personnages idéalement sublimes, de conflits damour complexes. Le roman Consuelo est une histoire fascinante de la vie dun jeune chanteur qui doit surmonter des épreuves difficiles en donnant son art aux gens. Il sagit dun livre sur le destin dun véritable artiste, sur le lourd fardeau du talent accordé par le destin, sur le choix difficile et parfois mme tragique entre la gloire et le bonheur personnel.


The Gold King Turns His Back

Max Brand

No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. And nowhere was Brands talent more evident than in this classic short novel. In The Gold King turns his back, young Miriam Standard returns to her fathers ranch determined to learn the business, but she discovers she has a lot to learn when she makes the statement that she will marry any man who can bring in Gold King, the wild mustang. The Gold King Turns His Back presents a ripsnorter of a father-daughter feud that concludes with a proper twist. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!


Le Mariage de Loti

Pierre Loti

Loti, lauteur sappelle Julien Viaud. Il est passionné par lIndonésie depuis que son grand frere, marin y est allé. Lui mme, est devenu marin dans le but de revivre lexpérience de son défunt frere. Cest dailleurs l bas quil se fait nommé Loti.


The Tower of the Elephant

Robert E. Howard

Torches flared murkily on the revels in the Maul, where the thieves of the east held carnival by night. In the Maul they could carouse and roar as they liked, for honest people shunned the quarters, and watchmen, well paid with stained coins, did not interfere with their sport. Along the crooked, unpaved streets with their heaps of refuse and sloppy puddles, drunken roisterers staggered, roaring. Steel glinted in the shadows where wolf preyed on wolf, and from the darkness rose the shrill laughter of women, and the sounds of scufflings and strugglings.


The Camford Visitation

Herbert George Wells

Wellss treatise on education is set in the region of Camford (Cambridge/Oxford), and tells of a visitor who proves that education can save the world from destruction. The story centres around a Utopian ventriloquist who subjects human life and in particular its treatment by the University of Camford to sympathetic but quite unsparing scrutiny. At its core, it was a warning to the educational world of imminent war and of its lack of action, as well as an exploration of the place of education in society. Contents include: Mr Trumbers Experience, In the Cramb Meadows, Mr Preeders Pigeon-holes, The Communist Party is Annoyed in its Turn, Congregation Day, and The Healing Touch in History. In this short tale of 75 pages Wells summarises many of his current preoccupations in the form of a parable which is noteworthy for its careful building up of atmosphere and its lively and biting characterisations.


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 1). Leśna Różyczka. Zamek Rodriganda

Karol May

Zamek Rodriganda to pierwszy tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Grupa ciekawych świata bohaterów podróżuje po różnych krajach i kontynentach. Mierzą się przy tym z nowymi wyzwaniami, stawiają czoła niebezpieczeństwom, odkrywają tajemnice i podejmują walkę z różnej maści opryszkami, stając w obronie dobra i sprawiedliwości.


Król zamczyska. Powieść

Seweryn Goszczyński

Powieść gotycka, która opisuje dzieje historyczne. Nawiązuje do walk wrześniowych z 1831 roku, jakie toczyły się pod Warszawą. Główny bohater odkrywa ruiny zamku i poznaje intrygującą postać, niejakiego Machnickiego, który opowiada historię zamczyska. Ukryty sens, otwarte zakończenie, szczegółowe opisy to wielkie atrybuty tej powieści. Przebija z niej typowa dla epoki romantyzmu miłość do ojczyzny, pełna nostalgii i wzruszeń.