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Hands-On Transfer Learning with Python. Implement advanced deep learning and neural network models using TensorFlow and Keras

Dipanjan Sarkar, Raghav Bali, Tamoghna Ghosh

Transfer learning is a machine learning (ML) technique where knowledge gained during training a set of problems can be used to solve other similar problems. The purpose of this book is two-fold; firstly, we focus on detailed coverage of deep learning (DL) and transfer learning, comparing and contrasting the two with easy-to-follow concepts and examples. The second area of focus is real-world examples and research problems using TensorFlow, Keras, and the Python ecosystem with hands-on examples. The book starts with the key essential concepts of ML and DL, followed by depiction and coverage of important DL architectures such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep neural networks (DNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM), and capsule networks. Our focus then shifts to transfer learning concepts, such as model freezing, fine-tuning, pre-trained models including VGG, inception, ResNet, and how these systems perform better than DL models with practical examples. In the concluding chapters, we will focus on a multitude of real-world case studies and problems associated with areas such as computer vision, audio analysis and natural language processing (NLP).By the end of this book, you will be able to implement both DL and transfer learning principles in your own systems.

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Machine Learning with Swift. Artificial Intelligence for iOS

Alexander Sosnovshchenko, Oleksandr Baiev

Machine learning as a field promises to bring increased intelligence to the software by helping us learn and analyse information efficiently and discover certain patterns that humans cannot. This book will be your guide as you embark on an exciting journey in machine learning using the popular Swift language. We’ll start with machine learning basics in the first part of the book to develop a lasting intuition about fundamental machine learning concepts. We explore various supervised and unsupervised statistical learning techniques and how to implement them in Swift, while the third section walks you through deep learning techniques with the help of typical real-world cases. In the last section, we will dive into some hard core topics such as model compression, GPU acceleration and provide some recommendations to avoid common mistakes during machine learning application development. By the end of the book, you'll be able to develop intelligent applications written in Swift that can learn for themselves.

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Blender Quick Start Guide. 3D Modeling, Animation, and Render with Eevee in Blender 2.8

Allan Brito

Blender is open source 3D creation software. With a long history and an enthusiastic community of users, it is the ideal choice for almost any kind of work with 3D modeling or animation. However, for new users, its power and ?exibillity can sometimes be daunting, and that’s when you need this book!The book starts by showing you round the all-new Blender 2.8 user interface. You'll look at the most commonly-used options and tools, such as navigating in 3D and selecting objects. You will then use and manipulate one of the most important windows of the interface, the 3D View.You'll learn how to use essential tools for working with 3D modeling. To give your models the feel of real-world objects, you'll learn how to create materials and set up surfaces. You'll see how to use Physically-Based Rendering (PBR), which allows you to craft realistic surfaces such as wood, stone, and metal. You will also work with Eevee, a new real-time render engine in Blender. You will see how to add motion to objects, making use of Blender's impressive 3D animation features. Finally, you'll learn how to create scenes and organize them for rendering, and later add titles and effects using built-in Blender tools.By the end of the book, you will be able to use Blender 2.8 new UI, Create 3D Models with textures, Animations, and Render them in real-time using Eevee.

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Bug Bounty Hunting Essentials. Quick-paced guide to help white-hat hackers get through bug bounty programs

Carlos A. Lozano, Shahmeer Amir

Bug bounty programs are the deals offered by prominent companies where-in any white-hat hacker can find bugs in the applications and they will have a recognition for the same. The number of prominent organizations having this program has increased gradually leading to a lot of opportunity for Ethical Hackers.This book will initially start with introducing you to the concept of Bug Bounty hunting. Then we will dig deeper into concepts of vulnerabilities and analysis such as HTML injection, CRLF injection and so on. Towards the end of the book, we will get hands-on experience working with different tools used for bug hunting and various blogs and communities to be followed.This book will get you started with bug bounty hunting and its fundamentals.

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SAP Business Intelligence Quick Start Guide. Actionable business insights from the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform

Vinay Singh

The SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform is a powerful reporting and analysis tool. This book is the ideal introduction to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, introducing you to its data visualization, visual analytics, reporting, and dashboarding capabilities.The book starts with an overview of the BI platform and various data sources for reporting. Then, we move on to looking at data visualization, analysis, reporting, and analytics using BusinessObjects Business Intelligence tools. You will learn about the features associated with reporting, scheduling, and distribution and learn how to deploy the platform. Toward the end, you will learn about the strategies and factors that should be considered during deployment.By the end, you will be confident working with the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform to deliver better insights for more effective decision making.

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Building Hybrid Clouds with Azure Stack. Implementing on-premises Azure infrastructure

Markus Klein, Susan Roesner

Azure Stack is all about creating fewer gaps between on-premise and public cloud application deployment. Azure Stack is the logical progression of Microsoft Cloud Services to create a true hybrid cloud-ready application.This book provides an introduction to Azure Stack and the cloud-first approach. Starting with an introduction to the architecture of Azure Stack, the book will help you plan and deploy your Azure Stack. Next, you will learn about the network and storage options in Azure Stack and you'll create your own private cloud solution. Finally, you will understand how to integrate public cloud using the third-party resource provider. After reading the book, you will have a good understanding of the end-to-end process of designing, offering, and supporting cloud solutions for enterprises or service providers.

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Modern Scala Projects. Leverage the power of Scala for building data-driven and high performance projects

Ilango gurusamy

Scala is both a functional programming and object-oriented programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, readable, and type-safe way. Complete with step-by-step instructions, Modern Scala Projects will guide you in exploring Scala capabilities and learning best practices. Along the way, you'll build applications for professional contexts while understanding the core tasks and components.You’ll begin with a project for predicting the class of a flower by implementing a simple machine learning model. Next, you'll create a cancer diagnosis classification pipeline, followed by tackling projects delving into stock price prediction, spam filtering, fraud detection, and a recommendation engine. The focus will be on application of ML techniques that classify data and make predictions, with an emphasis on automating data workflows with the Spark ML pipeline API. The book also showcases the best of Scala’s functional libraries and other constructs to help you roll out your own scalable data processing frameworks.By the end of this Scala book, you’ll have a firm foundation in Scala programming and have built some interesting real-world projects to add to your portfolio.

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C# Data Structures and Algorithms. Explore the possibilities of C# for developing a variety of efficient applications

Marcin Jamro

Data structures allow organizing data efficiently. They are critical to various problems and their suitable implementation can provide a complete solution that acts like reusable code. In this book, you will learn how to use various data structures while developing in the C# language as well as how to implement some of the most common algorithms used with such data structures.At the beginning, you will get to know arrays, lists, dictionaries, and sets together with real-world examples of your application. Then, you will learn how to create and use stacks and queues. In the following part of the book, the more complex data structures will be introduced, namely trees and graphs, together with some algorithms for searching the shortest path in a graph. We will also discuss how to organize the code in a manageable, consistent, and extendable way. By the end of the book,you will learn how to build components that are easy to understand, debug, and use in different applications.