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The Lone Star Ranger

Zane Grey

The Lone Star Ranger is a 1915 Western novel by American author Zane Grey. Set in Texas, the story revolves around the exploits of a band of Texas Rangers and Buck Duane, an outlaw on a quest for redemption. A captain of the Texas Rangers offers him a pardon and a rangers badge if he will infiltrate the gang of the shadowy figure known as Cheseldine who wields vast power in West Texas, and make it possible for the Rangers to break the gangs hold on the regions towns. Duane accepts, never guessing in his wildest nightmares that he would sniff out this Cheseldine, his hideouts, his lieutenants... and fall in love with his daughter! There is plenty of action and gunplay, but The Lone Star Ranger has an emotional and psychological depth that really elucidated the mentality of the lone wolf outlaw and driven Texas ranger.

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The Trail Horde

Charles Alden Seltzer

If you enjoy the works of Charles Alden Seltzer then we highly recommend The Trail Horde for your book collection. A classic story that is considered to be Seltzers best work with action and romance trailing at every turn. After losing a ranch, a lone man battles against the rustlers and cattle thievin sidewinders who had grabbed the spread. Plot twists and detailed explanations of characters thoughts and motivations. Charles Alden Seltzer was one of the most successful and prolific Western writers of his day. His books are now lauded for their authenticity, and were widely reprinted and translated during his lifetime, and for several decades after. A number of his novels were adapted for the screen beginning in the silent-film era.

Eлектронна книга

The Tidal Wave and Other Stories

Ethel M. Dell

If you enjoy the works of Ethel M. Dell then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection. Ethel Dell began to write stories while very young and many of them were published in popular magazines. Beneath her shy exterior, she had a passionate heart and most of her stories were stories of passion and love set in India and other British colonial possessions. The Tidal Wave and Other Stories collection includes the following short stories: The Tidal Wave, The Magic Circle, The Looker-On, The Second Fiddle, The Woman of His Dreams, The Return Game. The Tidal Wave is a very sweet love story with excitement and twists and turns, full of surprises and poignant moments. All the other stories are love stories and are very well written in the classic style of an old-fashioned inspirational love story and have surprises.

Eлектронна книга

The Man Who Was Nobody

Edgar Wallace

A slick young man buys a jewel with a cheque that bounces. Then two men are searching for James Tynewood, a young tearaway: one is a police inspector, while the other is his solicitor. But Tynewood has mysteriously disappeared... The Man Who Was Nobody is an enjoyable lightweight murder mystery thriller that manages to preserve at least some of the characteristic Edgar Wallace atmosphere. During the 1920s and 30s, it was said that one of every four books read in England was written by Wallace, who ultimately produced 173 books and 17 plays. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!

Eлектронна книга

Le Superbe Orénoque

Jules Verne

Lhistoire raconte le voyage dune jeune Jane voyageant avec son patron, le sergent Martial, au Venezuela sur lOrénoque, la recherche de son pere, le colonel de Kermore, disparu depuis quelques années. Pendant le voyage, deux jeunes Français rejoignent les héros. Ensemble, ils surmontent diverses difficultés et sattaquent aux bandits.

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The Tale of Triona

William J. Locke

Trion is Alexis Trion, a man with a mysterious past, a tormented hero, a man who writes his story, which instantly becomes a bestseller. It was at this moment that Olivia enters his life. Olivia is a rich, recently orphaned young woman who wants adventure to see the world, etc. to start her new life. There she reads Alexeys book and meets him in person.

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Don Kichot z La Manchy

Miguel Cervantes

Szlachcic Alonso Kechani, przybrawszy imię Don Kichota z La Manchy, wyrusza ze swym giermkiem w świat, bronić czci damy swego serca, Dulcynei z Toboso. Hoża wieśniaczka staje się w jego oczach najpiękniejsza z wszystkich niewiast na Ziemi, rycerze i poeci kochają bowiem nie istoty z krwi i kości, lecz te, które tworzy ich niezmordowana wyobraźnia. Poczciwy Sancho Pansa nie rozumie, co znaczy słowo ideał, ale doskonale pojmuje uczucie i pragnienia swego pana, wyjątkowo trafnie obdarzając go przydomkiem Rycerz Smętnego Oblicza. Don Kichot na swym koniu Rosynancie i Sancho Pansa na osiołku przemierzają świat, przeżywając serie groteskowych przygód, w których pomagają ludziom i bronią najsłabszych. Błędny rycerz i kierujący się zdrowym rozsądkiem giermek doskonale się rozumieją i wzajemnie uzupełniają, zawsze solidarni i nierozłączni w dążeniu do naprawiania świata. Przedłużająca się nieobecność rycerza niepokoi jego bliskich. Antonia, jego synowica, ochmistrzyni, wiejski pleban i specjalnie sprowadzony magister Samson Carrasco obmyślają, jak podstępem sprowadzić szlachcica do domu. Don Kichot z La Manchy to klasyka literatury europejskiej.

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Überfallkommando. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Bis vor kurzem hat ein Schmuggler Mark McGill mit seinem Partner Ronnie Perryman erfolgreich zusammengearbeitet. Doch dieser ist nun tot. Deshalb ist seine Schwester aus Frankreich gekommen. Sie will wissen wie ihr Bruder gestorben ist. Deshalb hat Mark sie an diesem Abend nach Ladys Stairs gebracht. Dort soll sein Untergebener Li Yoseph ihr erzählen, dass die Polizei ihn umgebracht hat. Mich kannst du nicht umbringen, Mark sagte der alte Li Yoseph leise. Ich werde wiederkommen. Zwei Schüsse folgten kurz aufeinander dann hörte Mark McGill, wie der Körper des Alten auf das Wasser klatschte. Ein Jahr später berichtet man Mark: Li Yoseph ist wieder in London aufgetaucht.