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The Man Who Was Nobody

Edgar Wallace

A slick young man buys a jewel with a cheque that bounces. Then two men are searching for James Tynewood, a young tearaway: one is a police inspector, while the other is his solicitor. But Tynewood has mysteriously disappeared... The Man Who Was Nobody is an enjoyable lightweight murder mystery thriller that manages to preserve at least some of the characteristic Edgar Wallace atmosphere. During the 1920s and 30s, it was said that one of every four books read in England was written by Wallace, who ultimately produced 173 books and 17 plays. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


Le Superbe Orénoque

Jules Verne

Lhistoire raconte le voyage dune jeune Jane voyageant avec son patron, le sergent Martial, au Venezuela sur lOrénoque, la recherche de son pere, le colonel de Kermore, disparu depuis quelques années. Pendant le voyage, deux jeunes Français rejoignent les héros. Ensemble, ils surmontent diverses difficultés et sattaquent aux bandits.


The Tale of Triona

William J. Locke

Trion is Alexis Trion, a man with a mysterious past, a tormented hero, a man who writes his story, which instantly becomes a bestseller. It was at this moment that Olivia enters his life. Olivia is a rich, recently orphaned young woman who wants adventure to see the world, etc. to start her new life. There she reads Alexeys book and meets him in person.


Don Kichot z La Manchy

Miguel Cervantes

Szlachcic Alonso Kechani, przybrawszy imię Don Kichota z La Manchy, wyrusza ze swym giermkiem w świat, bronić czci damy swego serca, Dulcynei z Toboso. Hoża wieśniaczka staje się w jego oczach najpiękniejsza z wszystkich niewiast na Ziemi, rycerze i poeci kochają bowiem nie istoty z krwi i kości, lecz te, które tworzy ich niezmordowana wyobraźnia. Poczciwy Sancho Pansa nie rozumie, co znaczy słowo ideał, ale doskonale pojmuje uczucie i pragnienia swego pana, wyjątkowo trafnie obdarzając go przydomkiem Rycerz Smętnego Oblicza. Don Kichot na swym koniu Rosynancie i Sancho Pansa na osiołku przemierzają świat, przeżywając serie groteskowych przygód, w których pomagają ludziom i bronią najsłabszych. Błędny rycerz i kierujący się zdrowym rozsądkiem giermek doskonale się rozumieją i wzajemnie uzupełniają, zawsze solidarni i nierozłączni w dążeniu do naprawiania świata. Przedłużająca się nieobecność rycerza niepokoi jego bliskich. Antonia, jego synowica, ochmistrzyni, wiejski pleban i specjalnie sprowadzony magister Samson Carrasco obmyślają, jak podstępem sprowadzić szlachcica do domu. Don Kichot z La Manchy to klasyka literatury europejskiej.


Überfallkommando. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Bis vor kurzem hat ein Schmuggler Mark McGill mit seinem Partner Ronnie Perryman erfolgreich zusammengearbeitet. Doch dieser ist nun tot. Deshalb ist seine Schwester aus Frankreich gekommen. Sie will wissen wie ihr Bruder gestorben ist. Deshalb hat Mark sie an diesem Abend nach Ladys Stairs gebracht. Dort soll sein Untergebener Li Yoseph ihr erzählen, dass die Polizei ihn umgebracht hat. Mich kannst du nicht umbringen, Mark sagte der alte Li Yoseph leise. Ich werde wiederkommen. Zwei Schüsse folgten kurz aufeinander dann hörte Mark McGill, wie der Körper des Alten auf das Wasser klatschte. Ein Jahr später berichtet man Mark: Li Yoseph ist wieder in London aufgetaucht.



Max Brand

Frederick Schiller Faust penned his finest when he wrote his literary famous Westerns utilizing the pen name Max Brand. Donnegan Gunmans Reckoning has a thoughtful storyline which is enough to hold your interest throughout the book. Solitary, mysterious figure Donnegan is on the run from his past. The last thing he has time for is love. But like all matters of the heart, sometimes emotions bloom when they are least convenient as they do the first time Donnegan encounters the kind, free-spirited Lou Macon. Do they have a shot at a happy life somewhere or are Donnegans misdeeds bound to catch up with them?


Stolen Souls

William Le Queux

Wrapped in furs until only my nose and eyes were visible, I was walking along the Nevski Prospekt in St. Petersburg one winters evening, and almost involuntarily turned into the Dominique, that fashionable restaurant which, garish in its blaze of electricity, is situated in the most frequented part of the long, broad thoroughfare. It was the dining-hour, and the place, heated by high, grotesquely-ornamented stoves, was filled with officers, ladies, and cigarette smoke, while the savoury smell of national dishes mingled judiciously with those of foreign lands.


The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem

Alfred J. Church

The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem is a history that covers the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Roman Empire, the culmination of centuries of conflict in the region between the Romans and Jewish inhabitants. Recounts the events leading up to the opening of the war with the Romans, Josephuss brave defense of Jotapata, its final capture and his escape from death, and finally the siege of Jerusalem, the burning of the temple, and the razing of the city. Alfred J. Church, a well-respected historian, covers it concisely but comprehensively in this book.