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W pałacu carów

Aleksander Dumas (ojciec)

“W pałacu carów” to powieść Aleksandra Dumasa (ojca), francuskiego pisarza i dramaturga, autor “Hrabiego Monte Christo” i “Trzech muszkieterów”.   Jest to jedyna powieść w dorobku autora "Trzech muszkieterów", której fabuła w całości została osadzona w Rosji. Bohaterem utworu jest Francuz szukający pracy w stolicy rosyjskiego imperium. Razem z nim poznajemy codzienne życie oraz stosunki panujące w carskiej Rosji, a konkretnie do rządów okrutnego cara Pawła, syna Katarzyny Wielkiej.  


Król naftowy

Karol May

„Król naftowy” to powieść przygodowa o tematyce Dzikiego Zachodu autorstwa Karola Maya. Osadnicy wplątują się w kłopoty związane z walką pomiędzy dwoma szczepami indiańskimi. Ich sytuacja wydaje się dramatyczna, jednak pojawienie się Winnetou i Old Shatterhand, daje nadzieję na przetrwanie.


The Cave Girl

Edgar Rice Burroughs

“The Cave Girl“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars.   Blueblooded mama's boy Waldo Emerson Smith-Jones is swept overboard during a South Seas voyage for his lifelong ill health. He finds himself on a jungle island. His bookish education has not prepared him to cope with these surroundings, and he is a coward. He is terrified when he encounters primitive, violent men, ape-like throwbacks in mankind's evolutionary history. He runs from them, but when he reaches a dead end, he successfully makes a stand, astonishing himself.  


The Abysmal Brute

Jack London

“The Abysmal Brute” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Abysmal Brute is a novel by American writer Jack London. It is a short novel, and could be regarded as a novelette. In the story, a man who was brought up in a log cabin, and who is a newcomer to society, finds success as a boxer and recognizes corrupt practices in professional boxing.


You Never Can Tell

George Bernard Shaw

“You Never Can Tell” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   The play is set in a seaside town and tells the story of Mrs. Clandon and her three children, Dolly, Phillip, and Gloria, who have just returned to England after an eighteen-year stay in Madeira. The children have no idea who their father is and, through a comedy of errors, end up inviting him to a family lunch. It was published as a part of Plays Pleasant, which also included Arms and the Man, Candida, and The Man of Destiny. Shaw titled the volume Plays Pleasant in order to contrast it with his first book of plays, Plays Unpleasant.  


Kurier carski

Juliusz Verne

“Kurier carski” to powieść Juliusza Verne’a,  uznanego za jednego z pionierów gatunku science fiction.   “Kurier carski” to powieść przygodowa osadzona w realiach dziewiętnastowiecznej Rosji carskiej. Opowiada o przygodach niezwykle odważnego, inteligentnego i silnego kuriera carskiego, który musi przebyć całą Rosję, aby ostrzec brata cara przed zemstą buntownika Michała Ogarewa.  


The Girl from Hollywood

Edgar Rice Burroughs

“The Girl from Hollywood“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars.   The story alternates between the all-American Pennington family on their remote California ranch and a young Hollywood actress. The Penningtons have a beautiful estate, and affectionate relationships with their children, Custer and Eva. Custer has had an "understanding" with neighbor and childhood friend Grace Evans for a long time, but she finally confides that she wants to try being an actress before she agrees to settle down on the ranch.  



Maria Konopnicka

„Poezje TOM VIII” to zbiór wierszy Marii Konopnickiej, poetki i nowelistki okresu realizmu. Jest ona uznawana za jedną z najwybitniejszych polskich pisarek. "Poezje TOM VIII" to zbiór prawie 70 utworów autorstwa Marii Konopnickiej. W skład tego zbioru wchodzą takie wiersze jak „Litwie”; „Po bitwie”; „Trzeci Maj”; „Hymn nowej Polski”.